Birthright: Book 2: Know Thy Enemy

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Birthright: Book 2: Know Thy Enemy Page 3

by Bella Colt

  “I think you may have some cracked ribs, but I honestly can’t be sure,” I say, wishing I could do more for her.

  “Do you know what happened to you? Why we’re here, wherever here is?” I ask her.

  “No, I don’t know why. But as for where we are, we’re in a house on the outskirts of your pack’s town.” She answers, opening her eyes, staring blankly at the door.

  “What do you mean, my pack’s town?” I ask her, confused.

  “This isn’t my pack; I’m from your grandmother’s pack.” She sighs before continuing, “I was sent here on an errand to deliver the quarterly reports to your Betas inside the gate when I heard the Alpha’s call. Naturally, being allied with your pack, I went to the meeting. Where your Alpha was extremely upset, he ordered everyone to wait outside while he met with his family and Beta. I talked to a few of your pack members, but they didn’t know what was going on. I was making my way through the crowd when ‘he’ bumped into me.” She explains in a lifeless tone until she got to the word ‘he,’ the hurt and anger written clearly on her face.

  “I’m still home?” I ask her incredulously.

  She looks at me and nods her head slightly. I don’t know why, but being within reach of the pack is extremely comforting to me. Filing that to think about later as I continue the discussion with her. “That doesn’t tell me how you ended up here?” I ask, still lost.

  “I recognized the signs immediately, and he, of course, knew who I was to him.” She says, taking deep breaths as the tears start falling freely now.

  “He is my mate, and he rejected me like I’m nothing. He didn’t even give me a chance!” She sobs out loudly.

  Sitting back on the edge of the bed, I grab her hand and hold it offering her what comfort I can as she lets herself go. When she calms down enough to make a coherent sentence, I ask her one word.

  “Cassius?” Even though I already know the answer.

  “Yeah...he said he already has a girlfriend that he’s choosing over me. I was way too pissed and jealous to not follow him, so that’s what I did. I was checking out the house when I noticed a concrete window. I was going to leave when he came out and saw me!” She sniffs as she recounts what happened.

  I watch her as she continues speaking to me but is blankly staring at the wall, I feel horrible for her. What kind of cruel bitch is fate to mate this girl with Cassius?

  “Look, you need to rest now! You’ll heal much faster if you sleep!” Not bothering to move her head, she closes her eyes. I lightly move to sit against the wall at the foot of the bed by her feet, feeling slightly nauseous again as my eyes get heavy and close.

  Chapter 7


  Fuck! Things can’t get any worse! I can’t believe she followed me, what an idiot! Now I have two prisoners instead of one, and both have seen my face. This changes everything... I had every intention of just getting rid of Amara outright. I was toying with the idea of selling her to someone as a pet. I would get top dollar for her on the black market, especially since she is the only one of her kind. Taking a deep breath, I try to calm myself, so I can think. I need a plan B. “Ugh,” I yell with frustration as I kick the trash can over.

  Out spills the entire contents, which consist of a paper cup and plate. Looking around the kitchen at the granite countertops that are bare, free from dishes or food. There are no electrical appliances, no microwave or toaster, not even a clock. There is a stove, but that won’t be needed. All the supplies I have are army grade; the food is dehydrated, pre-portioned, and packaged. I’m using candles where possible so that electricity usage won’t be noticeable to those who pay the bills. They always have the electricity turned on in this house just in case somebody needs to move in quickly. So, a little spike in usage should not warrant any attention.

  Walking to the fridge and swinging it open, I grab a bottle of cold water and chug it, draining it in a few gulps. The cold-water lands heavy and uncomfortable in my gut as I sit down in one of the two chairs at the circular wooden kitchen table. What should I do with Raina, my mate? Like my life wasn’t complicated enough before! I wish I was with my real pack still, but nobody there was willing to take care of me... so I had to come live with my “Aunt Audrey.”

  She’s not even my real aunt, also though she never talks about it. She grew up with my mother and were best friends, more like sisters. At least that is what my mom always said before she died. No one knows this except for Audrey, Adair, and me. So, when my mom and her boyfriend were killed in a house fire when I was seven, my pack sent me to live here... with him, my perfect “cousin.” Most wolves would’ve been thrilled to be so close to the Alpha family, but I absolutely hated it. I wanted to be anywhere else but here and had no choice, no options. My mom never said anything about who my father was, to me, or anyone else that I know of, and they said I had to be with family. What in the hell do they know?

  Things here were even worse before his brother Bentley died. I was eleven, and he was thirteen when we decided to go exploring in the forest until we got lost. It was just the two of us because Declan being nine, was still a Momma’s boy. We had been walking around all day long, just hanging out in the woods. Enjoying the sunlight and light breeze while exploring. Occasionally coming across a bug that would interest enough for us to stop and inspect it before getting bored and squishing it. The sun setting over the trees was our sign that it was time to head home, but we kept walking for forty-five minutes in the wrong direction because we didn’t want to admit that we were lost. Neither of us was even close to being able to shift. Otherwise, this wouldn’t have been a problem. Wolves never get lost; they have a great sense of direction and always know where home is.

  We had made our way to a clearing where we could see the river that boasted a misty white waterfall only a couple of hundred feet upstream. It was completely hidden from the outside world by the vast number of tall trees.

  “Did you know this waterfall was here?” Bentley had asked me. I remember his eyes were popping out of his head, and his mouth was hanging wide open.

  “Yea, I was out exploring last week and stumbled on it!” I told him while smiling from ear to ear.

  “So, you know the way home from here then?” He asked, and I gave him a challenging look instead of answering him.

  “Let’s race to the waterfall!” I yelled toward him as I started running immediately, giving me a couple feet head start and the advantage.

  “It’s okay with me, pup, that you have to cheat to win!” I heard Bentley yell out from behind me.

  “Whatever!” I yelled back angrily; he never got mad and gave me the reaction I wanted. Instead, he somehow turned it around and infuriated me more. Mostly though like this time, it was his words that were pissing me off. He was always calling me and everybody that was younger than him pup; I was only two years younger than him. Just because he was the future Alpha, he had this mightier than thou attitude. Aunt Audrey was always bragging to her friends about how great he was and telling me I should try to be more like him! It was so annoying!

  “I win!” I gloated as I arrived at the waterfall first before I turned around and smiled.

  “Sure, you win!” Bentley agreed with me readily. I remember glaring at him in an effort to be intimidating while looking him up and down.

  “What pup, you got something to say?” He asked me while he puffed his chest out. Thinking for a second, I looked around and had an epiphany!

  “Yea... you want a rematch?” I questioned and nodded my head up in the direction of the waterfall.

  “What exactly do you have in mind, pup?” He asked as he looked at me, confused.

  “The first one to the top of the waterfall wins!”

  It started simply enough, although after looking at the surface, there were barely any crevices or holes for a good grip, and most of the surfaces of rock were covered in moss.

  ‘Stop, this is not safe! Rescind the challenge!’ Wolf spoke up and demanded.

  ‘No way,
I can win this one fair and square. So just shut up!’ I argued back and was greeted by sweet silence. Bentley was already finding place holders in the wall and had begun climbing as I was still assessing where would be the best point to start.

  ‘Aha!’ I found a ledge to pull myself up and start my ascent towards the top of the waterfall. I was halfway up, sweating and out of breath when I heard the sound of rocks giving way above me. Shaking off the debris, I looked up and to my right and saw Bentley. He was almost to the top of the waterfall, hanging onto a hand hole with one hand.

  “Bentley, you ok?” I yelled up to him.

  “Yea, just hanging around!” He chuckled and joked confidently. “You think you could help...I can’t find another hand hole?” He said as he continued searching the surface of the wall, with no hesitation, I start moving.

  “On my way!” I replied to him without any thought. As quickly as I could, I made my way up towards him.

  “Hang on, I’m almost there,” I told him as I reached the bottom of his hanging feet.

  Once I was able to get next to him, I started searching the wall next to me in case I need to move over after I help him. I reach my hand over and find a deep handhold; curious, I climb up a bit more and see that’s a full-blown ledge. Big enough for a few people to stand or sit on, it looks like it wraps around, but I would have to check that out later. Finding a hand hole closer to Bentley, I maneuvered myself and grabbed it. I was a foot away from him when I told him to grab my hand!

  He looked me in the eyes, and I immediately saw the fear there. His face was pale white and beaded with sweat, and his breathing was coming out in shallow gasps.

  “Take my hand, Bentley!” I yell again, getting frustrated. He swung his free hand over to me just to barely fall short. I watched as he scooted his other hand that’s barely hanging on to the ledge above us as much as he could. When his arm swung up this time, we made contact, and I caught his hand. Holding on as tight as I could as I started to pull him towards me.

  “Hold on, I’m slipping!” He yells at me as his other hand lost the grip on the hand hole. His full weight was jarring and pulling down on my one arm as I awkwardly tried to keep my hold on both Bentley and the ledge. Struggling, he grabbed my wrist in a vise grip with his free hand...I was actually able to feel bone-crushing pain through the numbness of my dead arm. My instant reaction was to release my grip on the ledge and bring my hand over to his and pry it off. Before I even realized what I was doing, we were both falling until we hit a cold wall of concrete.

  I was found the next morning washed up along the river, unconscious but alive. The entire pack searched the stream and the woods for months, but we were never able to recover Bentley’s body. It wasn’t until the first anniversary when Aunt Audrey finally held an actual service for him.

  Life here was definitely different after that, but some things never changed. Just because I’m associated with them, I’m expected to act and be better than most. Not that I don’t play that act well enough, Aunt Audrey adores me and believes all the crap out of my mouth. Obviously, aside from her, though, my charms don’t work because Raina didn’t buy that I rejected her. The stupid girl followed me here, and now I have to decide what it’s going to cost her.

  Chapter 8


  I watch as my son walks back in from relaying his orders to the pack, then sits on the couch and stares at the ground.

  “Is there anything I can do for you, honey?” I ask him. Wishing that there is, but I know what his answer is going to be.

  Without looking up, he shakes his head no. Sighing, I walk over and sit next to him on the couch

  “Ducky...” I say softly because I know he doesn’t particularly like that nickname. “I know that you’re hurting, but sulking won’t help. Remember what you were always told when you were younger?” I ask him and wait. I see when recognition hits because he immediately looks up at me like he was punched in the face.

  “Are you serious?” He growls as he stands up and moves to pace behind the couch.

  “Of course, aren’t I always?” I answer him seriously. I hear him taking deep, calming breaths as he continues pacing before he suddenly stops.

  “I know what to do!” He exclaims before running out the door, letting it slam closed behind him.

  Chapter 9


  ‘Bang’ ‘Bang’ ‘Bang,’ I hear coming from the room where the girls are being held down the hall. Walking down that way, I listen as the banging continues.

  “Stop that! What do you want?” I yell as I stop in front of the door.

  “We need a doctor in here!” I hear Raina’s shaky voice announced. She’s not who I expected to be hearing from the other side of the door.

  “What do you mean, why?” I demand through the door as I hear feet shuffling away from it, and then I smell it. The foul odor of puke assaults my nose, followed by a heaving sound from inside the room.

  “I don’t know! She’s throwing up and looks really pale. She keeps losing consciousness, she needs a doctor NOW!” Raina commands through the door.

  I can picture her face scrunched up in anger at me, and I can’t help but smile at her feistiness. ‘Why now?’ I ask myself as I decide how to respond... I don’t and can’t trust her even if she is my mate. A mate that I don’t want, I remind myself.

  “I’m coming in to look at her, I don’t believe you. I know this could be an act to jump me so one of you can go for help, but I must warn you that it won’t work. If this is a ruse, you will regret it!” I yell through the door, making my intentions clear by keeping my voice cold and emotionless. A soft scoff is all I hear as I turn the key in the lock and enter the room, quickly closing the door behind me and locking it from the inside.

  Standing in front of the door and blocking it, I look around the room. I see Raina leaning over Amara in a protective stance, blocking her body with her own. I can make out some bruises on her from our earlier encounter, and notice her breaths are ragged and choppy like she’s struggling to breathe. Shifting my gaze from her to Amara, I can tell she is actually in need of a doctor; her skin is pale white, and I can see beads of sweat on her forehead like she’s hot. Still, her body is shivering like she’s freezing.

  “It looks like the flu to me!” I state entirely unconcerned.

  Raina’s mouth drops open, and her face shows nothing but disgust and outrage. Perfect, she doesn’t need to like me, I have no room for her in my life. I feel a little twitch of pain in my chest but pay it no attention as I tell her that I won’t be calling a doctor and leave the room after unlocking the door and re-locking it from the outside. I listen as Raina kicks the wall and screams through the door about what a bastard I am and how I’ll pay for it before I walk away.

  Damn! They both look like they need a doctor! What in the hell should I do? I can’t exactly have the pack doctor over and then send him on his way.

  “Fuck!” I yell as I kick the trash can that’s still turned over on the floor from my earlier abuse. I’m going to have to take another hostage; I don’t see another way around it. I spray myself in the scent-masking cologne before pocketing it and leave the house. I make sure it’s locked up tight before making my way to my loft above the garage in town.

  Chapter 10


  Of course, my mom is right. She’s always right! When will I learn? I laugh to myself as I make my way to Cassius’s house. My mom would always tell me growing up that if you don’t know what to do, ask yourself, ‘What would Bentley have done in this situation?’ I know it sounds like my mom favored him, but that’s not the case. I think her saying that was her way of making sure we never forgot him. My mom has always made each of us feel special in our own way. For Bentley, it was praise, he loved hearing that he had done an excellent job. For me, it’s her food, my mom is the best cook in the world and spoils me with her amazing creations. For Brianna, it is shopping; she and mom will go out shopping for the day and, no joke, they need to
have the back of a truck to bring it all back to the house. They always have the biggest smiles when they come home from a daily shopping excursion.

  Good times, I think to myself. Bentley would have gone to Cassius and asked him for his help, that’s why I’m heading there now. For some reason, Cassius was Bentley’s best friend, ever since Cassius came to live here. They connected weirdly, like good and evil. Apart they got chaotic, but when they were together, it was a complete balance, until they started talking. They were always arguing and competing against each other, they were hard to be around most of the time.

  That’s why I wasn’t with them the day Bentley died, nobody knows what really happened that day. Cassius never talked about it; in fact, he didn’t speak at all for a few months after. When he did start chatting again, no one asked him about it because they feared he would go catatonic again. Sighing in regret, I walk down the path leading into town.

  Looking around, I walk past a few turned over vending machines in front of the local mini grocer. The town is still a mess because the pups were summoned to the meeting like every other wolf within the range of the call. Hearing the crunch of tin cans and glass under my feet has me cringing as I walk towards the garage. It reminds me of the distraction that caused me to lose her AGAIN! I’m such an idiot, if I wasn’t so keen on keeping her from everybody else and to myself, she wouldn’t have been alone, and this wouldn’t have happened.

  ‘Yes, you are an idiot! This is all your fault!’ Wolf growls at me! Instead of being quiet like the last time, he has been cursing me and telling me off every chance he gets. Mainly harping on what a big piece of shit I am, I argued back that if I am, then what is he, and he’s shut up since then. Fuming, I stalk up the stairs on the side of the garage. They lead to the apartment above, and when I arrive, I pound on the door furiously.


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