Birthright: Book 2: Know Thy Enemy

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Birthright: Book 2: Know Thy Enemy Page 4

by Bella Colt

  “Hang on; I’ll be there in a second!” I hear him yell through the door as I’m left outside to wait.

  Alone with my thoughts, I try to feel Amara, but complete exhaustion hits me every time I try. Wondering why she hasn’t contacted me again; she must not be able to. Otherwise, she would’ve, I made sure she wouldn’t forget that we have a connection after last time.

  Chapter 11


  Fuck! Can my luck seriously get any worse? I’m home less than two minutes when I hear someone pounding on my door. Looking out the peephole, I can make out Declan’s face, and he looks pissed.

  “Hang on; I’ll be there in a second!” I yell through the door as I quickly run to my room, stripping off my shoes, jacket, and shirt along the way.I run into my in-suite bathroom to turn on the faucet and wet my hair thoroughly; grabbing a towel on my way out to my closet, I rub my hair, giving me that just showered look. I grab a new t-shirt and slide it on as I walk to the door and open it. An arm pushing past me is all I can make out as Declan walks uninvited into my living room. Immediately he shakes his head and turns to face me. He looks confused like he’s not sure why he is here.

  “I need your advice!” He says, looking me straight in the eyes, his expression changing from confusion to regret before settling on grief.

  “Seriously? What could you need advice on, your mate not putting out?” I ask, feigning ignorance to his real plight. My chuckling is abruptly stopped when I feel his freight train of a fist connect with my face hard, knocking me off balance. Mid-fall to the ground, my vision blurs, and there is only white as I’m planted on my ass. I listen to Declan growling as he paces by the door.

  “Shit, man, I was just kidding!” I offer, trying to seem genuine.

  “Don’t! I don’t joke about my mate! I really need your help.” He says through gritted teeth as I eye him up and down suspiciously now that my vision is returning.

  “Why me, why not someone you trust?” I’m actually curious to hear why and he’s looking at me as if he’s thinking.

  “Because Bentley trusted you, and someone took Amara. . . AGAIN! I think it was someone in the pack! I’m desperate for help and need your advice, what would you do to single out a traitor?” Declan finally responds to me quietly.

  “Amara is gone again? Are you joking, how in the hell did that happen?” I ask him, making sure I act surprised at this information as I pause and gasp at the right times for effect.

  I watch as Declan drops his head towards the floor with guilt. I didn’t expect to be helping him out ever, let alone to catch myself kidnapping his mate... how can I use this for my advantage though? How should I respond...I need to think quickly if I’m to seem like I’m actually helping.

  “If it were me and my mate were missing, possibly being tortured or only God knows what else being done to her, I’d go crazy.” Waiting for a moment to let my previous words sink in before I continue.

  “But since it’s not me and it’s you, I would suggest setting up a team of surveillance officers to watch the pack closely and follow any suspicious leads. It would be simple since no one can leave, who do you have that you trust to do it?”

  “You, my dad, John, and myself. We’re the only males who know what’s really going on.” Declan answers while he is thinking.

  “We can divide the community up between the four of us. Each being responsible for our own quarter.” I offer him a suggestion, knowing he really doesn’t have any other option.

  “Yea, I think you’re right. This could work and gives us the best at gaining a lead!” He says, hope lighting up his eyes. “I’m going to talk to my Dad and John. You’ll meet with us in the morning, and we’ll divide the community.” He says, using his Alpha tone.

  “Sure, I’ll be there!” I tell him like I have a choice as I follow behind him as he walks towards the still-open door. After walking through the threshold, he turns around and faces me looking me dead in the eyes.

  “Thanks.” He coughs out before turning and leaving.

  I watch him as he slowly walks down the stairs to go to talk to his Dad and John. Finally, closing the door, I turn around to walk the few feet away and drop down on my old, beaten up couch.

  Well, that was... different. He must really be desperate to come and ask me for help. However, it really is unfortunate for him while being the most fortunate situation for me. I just need to make sure that I get the right quadrant of town somehow. Now, to get back to my captives that “need” medical attention, I have no desire to help them, but they serve no purpose to me dead.

  My original plan of taking Amara to the underground market to sell her as a slave is impossible with this lockdown. Not to mention there is the added pain in the ass of Raina... but since she’s not pack it doesn’t seem like she’ll go noticed missing. That makes dealing with her potentially easier. Maybe I can convince Declan that Amara died somehow and sell the both of them as a set when everything chills out... then I’m struck with it! I know exactly what to do when the time comes!

  Marveling at the ingeniousness of my brain, I pick up the phone to make an “urgent” call.

  Ring!... Ring!...

  “Hello, this is Dr. Adams, how can I help you?” I listen as the doctor groggily answers the phone like he was sleeping.

  “Sorry if I woke you up doctor, I need you to come over to my place as soon as possible. I fell on my foot wrong and think I broke it... I’m pretty sure it needs to be reset.” Explaining to him hurriedly, making sure I added a whine to my voice as if I’m in pain and trying to mask it. I hear him cough through the earpiece to clear his throat.

  “Alright, I’ll be there soon.” He says, then goes to hang up on me. He must have realized he didn’t ask who or where I am because I hear him knock something over in his effort to grab his phone…must be an outdated corded one.

  “I’m sorry, are you still there?” He stammers out quickly.

  “Yea, I’m here, Doc, it’s me, Cassius, and I’m at home. You know the loft above the garage?” I ask him.

  “Yes, yes, of course, I’ll be there as soon as I can. You can ice it, but make sure to keep it elevated until I get there.” He orders before slamming down the receiver, hitting the mark this time.

  Okay... now to prepare for the doctor’s arrival. Walking into my room, I retrieve a shoebox that’s underneath my Queen size bed. Pulling the box out and peeling the top off, I grab my Taser gun and set it to its highest setting. This should knock him out long enough for me to move him to the other location. Walking back into my living room, I decide to wait for him behind the door. That way, I can surprise him.

  Twenty minutes later, I listen as he walks up the stairs before he lightly knocks twice, then opens the door to let himself in. Doctors’ habits. As soon as he starts closing the door, I grab his arm, forcing it into his back. I bring the Taser to his neck while holding the button for a few extra seconds to be sure before releasing his arm. I watch as his body jerks as he falls to the ground, laying there, drooling and twitching for a few moments before he goes completely still.

  Chapter 12


  I must have fallen back asleep while sitting against the bed because a loud thud from the outside of the door startles me awake. Quickly getting up off the floor, I move to stand by the open-door frame that leads into the bathroom. I hear the sound of a key making contact in the lock before the handle turns, and the door is opened, revealing Cassius. He sticks in his head and looks around the room before gawking creepily at Amara and me.

  “Stay where you are, or you’ll regret it!” He says, looking directly at me before turning around to pick something up from the floor.

  I quickly realize it’s not something, but someone! "Oh my God, who’s that? You human klepto!” I yell outraged as he drags the person by their arms into the middle of the room before dropping him limply on the floor.

  “You said she needs a doctor... so here one is! Yell for me or something when he wakes up.” He say
s as I watch him quickly back up to the door while never taking his eyes off me. With an eyebrow raised, I just nod once in response before he closes the door, and the sound of the lock engaging is deafeningly loud in this silent room.

  Sighing heavily, I slowly walk towards the body on the floor. Looking over the young man, with a thin dark brown hair and beard, that seems to be just growing in, on a strong jaw and round wired glasses that are skewed across his face. I notice that just below his left ear on his exposed neck is two dark red marks that look like burns, but other than that, he appears physically okay.

  Cassius said that this guy is a doctor, but he looks kind of young; I really hope that he can help Amara because she doesn’t look too good. For roughly the last hour, I’ve been watching her sleep fitfully. She started sweating a lot, so I tried to wake up the doctor, but he’s out for the count.

  Walking to the bathroom, I look around the two bare cabinets and find nothing. Looking down at the hem of my shirt, deciding to make do with what I got and rip away a good two inches off the bottom. Running the tap in the sink until the water is as cold as it gets, I soak my makeshift rag. Turning the water off, I ring the cloth out a little, so it’s not dripping everywhere and walk back into the room to sit at the edge of the bed. I gently place the rag on Amara’s forehead, and unexpectedly, Amara is upright instantly and wincing... From pain or shock?

  “Are you alright?” I ask her seriously concerned as I move the rag away; her face is paling more with every passing second.

  “I feel...” It is all she manages to get out before she starts to dry heave. Not really knowing what to do for her, I begin to rub my hand up and down her back, trying to comfort her until it passes. Ten minutes go by before she’s able to stop gagging and take a breath.

  “Who’s that?” She manages to ask in between breaths, referring to the new body on the floor.

  “He’s the doctor that Cassius brought in... I don’t think he volunteered, though, by the looks of him.” I explain, glad she’s coherent and able to make complete sentences. She still looks really pale and weak. “Better?” I ask.

  “A little... he looks kind of familiar.” She says as she lies back down.

  Before I can ask where she thinks she knows him from, her eyes are closed, and she’s sleeping again. Deciding sleep is the only option until one of them wakes up, I crawl onto the foot of the bed and lay down.

  Chapter 13


  I’m in the living room finally about to pass out on a cot when loud banging and yelling come from down the hall, startling me out of it. Instantly agitated, I take my sweet time getting up. Fuck me, I’m tired! This was not supposed to be this complicated, I think, as I push myself up off the cot and make my way towards the hall. Stopping in the kitchen to grab the doctor's medical bag and a few bottles of water along the way. Having to take him and Raina captive was a shock, but thankfully I’m good at adapting. I know the doctor is incredibly smart, he has already earned a name for himself among the other packs that he’s apprenticed with. I may not have been prepared to take him captive, but that doesn’t mean I’m stupid.

  I went through his medical bag and took out everything but a few essential items. I left him a stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, and necessary meds like acetaminophen and antacids. I also left him that hammer thing that doctors like to hit you with, using the excuse of checking your reflexes. Removing all syringes, a set of scalpels and tools in a black leather case, and anything else I feel can be used as a potential weapon against me. If he ends up needing one of those items, I’ll consider whether it’s possible or not to let him have it. Reaching the bedroom door, I stop and kick it hard once with my foot.

  “Back away from the door!” I instruct and wait to hear feet shuffling before inserting the key to unlock it.

  Looking around the room, I see that the doctor is wide awake and standing in front of Raina defensively as if to protect her while Amara is still lying unconscious on the bed. I don’t know why but seeing him defensive of her... from me makes me see red, and there’s an intense heat in my gut that makes me want to rip his throat out.

  “What?” I growl angrily, staring right at the doctor. Picturing how easily I could kill him right now but Raina pushes him to the side and steps forward, obscuring my view.

  “Seriously, you told me to tell you when he woke up! Well, he’s awake, and by the way, I’m not your secretary, bud!” She yells at me as she waves her arms dramatically, her face going a tomato red.

  My wolf is nudging the back of my skull incessantly, wanting out and giving me a migraine. This woman confuses me like no one else before, so I just nod at her before looking over her and turning my attention back to the doctor.

  “Dr. Adams, I’m sorry that I had to do this to you, but as you can see, she’s apparently in need of medical attention!” I say, pointing towards Amara paled and unconscious on the bed, making his eyes shift towards her briefly.

  “What have you done to her?” He questions as he glares at me accusingly before walking over to her and grabs her wrist to take her pulse.

  “Nothing yet!” I answer, snarling at him, his superior tone grating on my last nerve.

  “I need my bag!” He demands as he snaps his fingers in the air twice for emphasis. Beyond annoyed, I toss his small medical bag on the floor next to him.

  “I took anything that can be used against me out of it. Diagnose her and then tell me if you need something I took. You’ll have to tell me what it looks like, what it does, and what exactly you’ll use it for. Then after doing my own research to make sure you’re not lying, I’ll decide if you can have it!” I explain to him as calmly as I can while watching him for any reaction. Raina hasn’t moved an inch since she spoke a few minutes ago, I would’ve felt it.

  He just nods his head and then starts looking through his bag, pulling out the blood pressure cuff and stethoscope.

  Deciding I’m no longer needed here, I briefly glance at Raina as she walks over and kneels next to the doctor. I hear her asking him if she can help in any way as I walk back towards the door. I know there is no chance of them plotting to escape with the way they’re both leaning over Amara, the same looks are mirrored on each of their faces. They’re worried about her.

  Still, though, I can’t shake this burning jealous feeling I get when seeing her so close to the pretty boy doctor. He may just have an untimely accident when he’s not needed anymore. Taking a deep breath, I turn around and leave, locking the door quickly behind me.

  After waiting for about two hours, I realize they haven’t called me yet for any more supplies. I mean what in the hell can he be treating her with, I took away all of his real medications and syringes. I don’t know why this is bugging the shit out of me...I don’t want a mate! Not right now and especially not her!

  Chapter 14

  Dr. Adams

  I recognize who she is in an instant; this must have been why the Alpha ordered the lockdown without an explanation. His mate is missing, and he rightfully suspects someone in the pack, and here I am somehow involved again. Poor unlucky bastard, to be separated from his mate not once but twice must have him on the very edge of his sanity. I still feel guilty about the last time when she was abducted coming to the office outside of the pack for blood work.

  Looking upon how pale she is, I know right away she’s going to need an IV drip of fluids to help rehydrate her. Searching the contents of my medical bag, I see that most of the essential items are missing. My syringes, vaccines, pain killers, and all my surgical tools are gone.

  “Damn!” I curse out loud with frustration. Looking through it again, I see that I at least have the basics to assess her as I start to pull out a few items; a tongue depressor, penlight, otoscope, and a clean rag.

  “Will you wet this with cold water?” I ask, handing the clean rag to the woman standing next to me. Silently she takes it, returning a quick moment later with it cold and wet. Removing the makeshift one that had dried, I gently wipe th
e sweat away from her face before placing it on her forehead. “Can you tell me what she’s been like, and for how long?” I ask the woman.

  “Umm, I’ve been here like six hours. . . I think. Since I’ve been here though, she’s mostly been sleeping or getting sick when she’s awake. Also, she’s occasionally having some kind of fits when she sleeps, her body jerks and she cries out like she’s in pain sometimes.” She answers with her eyes off to the side like she’s going through it in her mind making sure she hasn’t forgotten anything.

  “Will you be able to help her with what you have?” She questions as she looks down towards the ground staring at my bleak medical bag.

  “Maybe... I can’t really say for sure yet.” Is all I can admit before grabbing my penlight and one at a time checking her pupils for responsiveness and dilation, before proceeding to check her ears, nose, and throat. Other than some slight redness and irritation in her throat, which coincides with throwing up, all checks out.

  “Well, this isn’t a common cold or flu!” I state aloud as I mull over possible causes in my head, speaking more to myself than the woman.

  Continuing my exam to the physical, I start palpating on her stomach, making my way to her pelvic bone. As soon as I push into the lower left quadrant, I’m able to feel a small hard knot and have a suspicion of what could be going on.

  “When was the last time she was awake?” I question.

  “About three hours ago, I think, why?” She asks me in return.

  “I need to speak to her before I do anything more and can confirm my suspicions. If I’m right, she really does need her rest, so we’ll let her sleep while she’s able to,” I state factually.


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