Birthright: Book 2: Know Thy Enemy

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Birthright: Book 2: Know Thy Enemy Page 5

by Bella Colt

  This is a delicate situation; very few people know that Amara is a half-breed. I don’t believe she’s shifted yet, and this could become a real bad problem. I grab my bag, placing it in my lap as I sit on the floor to think until she wakes up.


  A young dirty face instantly comes to my mind when I close my eyes, and I’m reminded of a memory that makes my skin crawl. It was back when I was seventeen and with the East pack learning from their doctors and observing their way of medical care. Unlike universal health care, where everyone has to go by the same rules and guidelines, each pack just tends to adopt the best version of the practices that fit their needs.

  It was the week I was assigned to work intake in their emergency department. Consistently so slow, they were unconcerned, leaving a trainee all alone. At the same time, the doctor and his Nurse assistant took an extra-long “lunch.” I remember I was playing minesweeper on the front desk computer when they brought her in.

  Two newly phased pups that were at the very beginning of their training in becoming perimeter sentries carried her limp, dirty body by both arms. That’s where their senior officers had found her. They were doing the half-hour walkabout when they heard her cries for help and went to investigate.

  I overheard the trainees talking as they carried her unconscious into a room. They were saying she was found with a bear trap still attached to her left leg, and she was attempting to crawl through the foliage looking for help. I also heard them say something about finding a rogue, and they can’t wait until the Alpha hears and gives sentencing. I remember thinking good riddance at the time, there’s no place for any of those animals to be out there running around and propagating a lousy name for the rest of us.

  An hour went by. Then two. Halfway into the third, the trainees were done waiting for the doctor to return and demanded I assess her to find out if she needed to be admitted or not. After a bit of arguing, I reluctantly agreed to it. Looking down at the clipboard, the trainee gave me the standard admissions paperwork. The first thing I notice is the name:

  HALOTTA FAGINA, age: 69 Sex: Y.

  Chuckling to myself as I get up from behind the desk and approach the door. Upon opening it, the smell of body odor and fresh-cut grass is what assaults my senses as I breach the entryway. Green eyes that are too bright for her sunken in face pull my gaze, and I was oddly transfixed for a moment as I take in her whole scowling look. Her eyebrows furrowed together, and her dry, cracked lips were pulled tight. Quickly reminding myself, I was there to do her intake; I start by asking her the standard questions. What’s her real name, age, what pack she’s from, where are her family, and how did she end up in a bear trap...but her expression never changed from her dead-on blank stare.

  I stared back at her uncomfortably for what felt like eons before I couldn’t take it anymore and turned around to leave. I remember thinking there’s no point wasting time if she won’t speak when her soft voice whispering, ‘Please, I need your help!’ stopped me in my tracks. It was like there was cement holding me in place until I made the conscious decision to turn back around.She was looking down at her hands this time, refusing to make eye contact as I waited for her to continue.

  “Is there a way I can prevent pregnancy?” She asks as she raised her head and her tear-filled eyes. I wanted to ask why but the haunted expression on her face stopped me as I had to consider what to I help her? I’m not even fully trained yet, and my experience in the reproductive system is only book work. My thoughts were interrupted when Dr. Perkins abruptly opened the door and took over the intake process.

  Still, there was no real patient information for me to give him. He quickly dismissed me back to the front desk when his nurse entered the room, and I remember staring at Jane as I slowly walked out, trying to will her to look at me so that I could give her a sign.


  The female standing by the bed moves to the foot of it to lay down, breaking my focus on the memory and reminding me that I’m not here alone.

  “Do you know who she is?” I ask her, referring to Amara.

  “Not when I was first thrown into this room with her, but now I do. She is the Princess of werewolves. My packs savior, and your packs Alpha female.” She’s watching Amara as she speaks, and I watch as her expression changes from admiration to concern.I look at her confused, Princess of werewolves? That’s news to me.

  “You’re not packing?” I ask, eyeing her suspiciously.

  “No, our packs are in an alliance now thanks to her. My name is Raina, friends call me Rain.” She introduces herself with a small wave and half tilted smile. “I was here to deliver our monthly progress reports to your Betas just inside the gates when we heard the Alpha call. So naturally, I went with, and that was where I met him!” She says her tone changing to a sneer on the word him as she nods towards the door. “But I don’t want to talk about it anymore!” She states before she lies down and closes her eyes, trying to end the conversation.

  “Raina, wait! Why don’t I know about the alliance between our packs? I mean, Amara has been back for a few months now... don’t you think her being a Princess would’ve been announced as well as the alliance?” I question, sensing there is more going on here or there’s something I’m not seeing. She pops one eye open to effectively glare at me.

  “I don’t honestly know. I’m not privy to your packs hierarchy and what they decide to share with you. I work closely for her Grandmother, though, and I believe Amara doesn’t want the title so that could have something to do with it, but I’m only guessing. At home, who she is, is widely known in my pack. So, she has very little say in her title or role with them.” Raina offers me as an explanation.

  She’s given me a lot to think about as I sit on the ground, trying to find a way to get us out of here...

  “Hey, Raina, are you mated?” I ask an epiphany hitting me; if she’s mated, then she can ask for help from her pack depending on the strength of her bond. As I wait for her answer again, I am briefly reminded of a dirty sunken face from the past.

  “NO!” She says bitterly without opening her eyes.

  Damn! Well, that’s a bust! Amara, jerking fitfully, catches my attention and makes Raina pull upright to a sitting position instantly. We both watch her as from one second to the next, she stops moving altogether, taking a deep breath as her limbs lock straight out, and she starts convulsing.

  “I need my supplies!” I yell as loud as I can, and instantly, I’m up turning her on her side as Raina runs to the door and starts kicking and screaming as loud as she can for Cassius.

  Chapter 15


  I’m in the middle of discussing strategy for dividing the community into four quadrants with my father and John when a pain down to my very bones staggers me.

  “The community is just too large to divide into four quadrants without having more people involved!” My father argues with me while John nods his head in an agreement.

  “What do you suggest then?” I asked, throwing my hands up in the air in resignation as I sit down in my chair in an attempt to ease the pain.

  “Maybe divide it into five quadrants and bring in a trusted friend who has helped us get her back before...” He looks at me expectantly.

  “Mason?” I ask, even though I know it has to be him to who he is referring to. He nods, and I sigh, thinking for only a second before knowing it’s a good idea and that I should call him.

  “Okay, I’ll call and ask him to come. Until things are worked out with him, though, we divide into four quadrants and start looking in the morning. I want to start with the empty houses first, if they’re still here...that’s the most likely spot where someone would try and hold her.” I can’t stomach the thought that they were actually able to leave with her before the lockdown.

  Picking up a red marker, I walk to the map I had put up on a corkboard and divide it into four semi-even quadrants. One will be a bit bigger until Mason arrives, assuming that he says yes and will he
lp. Labeling each of the quadrants from A-D, I randomly start writing names under them. I give myself A the largest quadrant, my dad B, John C, and Cassius D.

  “Are you really sure you want Cassius to help?” My Beta John asks, looking at me confused, actually speaking up for the first time since we’ve started planning.

  “Yea...I know why you have that look. Saying that Cassius and I do NOT get along is a huge understatement...but I believe my brother would’ve trusted him, so I’m going to do the same. I’ll do anything to get her back.” I explain.

  “I think I get it.” He says as understanding lights his brow, and he bows his head in acknowledgment.

  “I’ll brief Cassius first thing in the morning, so you two can start right away at first light,” I add, looking at both of them.

  “Yes, sir.” They both say in unison.

  Turning back around, I focus on the board, specifically my section. The large red A somehow mocking me.

  “Before we leave, is there anything that you need, Declan?” My dad asks, taking me out of my own tortured thoughts to turn around and look at him.

  “Amara is what I need,” I answer him before I turn my back to him and continue staring at the board. I’m focusing on the map memorizing the borders of each area when a pins and needles sensation begins radiating over my entire body. My skin is becoming tight and uncomfortable as my muscles start pulsating and contracting. John and my dad are at my side, instantly asking me if I’m okay. I open my mouth to answer them, but the pain and pressure have quickly centered in the middle of my spine, and I can’t bear it anymore as I fall to my knees on the ground.

  “Amara!” I yell out through gritted teeth as my muscles lock up in agony, my limbs contorting oddly as I can’t stop myself from falling face-first into the ground. When just as quickly as the onset, everything stops as my body goes limp from the pain as it explodes inward and dissipates. I’m taking deep heaving breaths as I lay there on the ground. My dad and John are kneeling one on each side, grabbing my arms as they help me up and set me in a nearby chair.

  “I’ve never experienced that level of pain. Like an internal pain, it felt like my organs and muscles were pulling and pushing apart at the same time.” I’m explaining to them when it hits me like a freight truck hitting a wall. “Shit, her first shift! She must be shifting, and I’m not there! I don’t remember it being so painful!” I say, trying to stand up as I continue freaking out.

  “Calm down!” John says as he pushes me back down into the chair.Wolf and I are growling and still debating to offer a challenge to him when he interrupts us.“This is who Amara is going to need to get her back... stay focused!” He says pointedly.

  “Leave!” I order them both as I place my head down into my hands, finally sighing when I hear the doors close behind them.

  After twenty minutes of arguing with Wolf on why John is a worthy beta and deserves to live, I decide I need to get off my ass and make that phone call. Not too steadily, I stand up and slowly walk to sit on the edge of my desk and pick up the phone, hitting the speed dial number four. Apparently, he has been number four since my parents met him way back. I listen to the shrill rings twice before it’s picked up.

  “What?” A deep voice demands gruffly over the phone.

  “Mason?” I ask.

  “Ahem...Speaking, who is this?” He answers as he clears his throat.

  “Declan, Adair’s son...I’m sorry to bother you, but I really need your help again.” I begin pleading

  “Shit! When do you need me?” He asks, without even a second of hesitation.

  “Seriously, you didn’t even ask what I need you for?” I ask, stunned. How can this man who owes me nothing, in fact, whom I already owe more than I can ever repay, be so willing to give his aid to me, again?

  “Does it really matter? You’re a friend who’s asking for help, now again I’ll ask when do you need me?” He reiterates his previous question.

  “As soon as possible, here at The Den,” I answer with desperation clearly evident in my voice.

  “I can be there by tomorrow night; I have some things I need to get in order here before I can leave.” Mason offers.

  “See you then and Mason, thank you!” I say before I hang up the receiver.

  Chapter 16


  “We need medical supplies! Hello! Are you fucking there?” I hear being yelled through the door over and over again.

  I can barely make out what they’re saying through all the banging and kicking being done. I grab the medical bag that I threw all doctor’s shit I kept from him in and make my way down the hall. Kicking the door hard when I reach it, I can clearly hear Raina squeal from the other side. Good!

  “You know the routine by now, back away from the door!” I bark out, listening for the sound of her feet shuffling away. Turning the key, I open and enter the door, closing and quickly locking it behind me. Dr. Adams is looking at Amara’s eyes with a small pen flashlight thing, and Raina is standing in the entryway to the bathroom.

  “Come get what you need, but show me what it is and tell me what it does. Doctor, you know that I’ll know if you’re lying!” I warn him, and he nods, knowing any matured wolf worth his salt can tell when someone else is lying. The good doctor is obviously not an experienced liar. For the next twenty minutes, he goes over what each item is he’s grabbing and what he intends to use it for. I allow him to have some syringes and pain meds as well but a limited supply. “So, what do you think is wrong with her?” I ask the doctor.

  “I’m not sure, but I think it has to do with her first shift and...” He says, nodding towards Raina.

  “I know she’s a half-breed if that’s what you’re pussyfooting around about?” Raina chimes in, causing the doctor to look at her with an arched brow making the hairs on my neck stand up.“I don’t know what she is, though, if that’s what you’re thinking.” She adds from where’s she still standing like she could read his mind.

  “Yea, that was what I was avoiding disclosing.” He answers her.

  “I think it’s affecting her ability to shift; she’s going to have to be put under for a week or so just to be sure. Otherwise, I believe the amount of pain that she’s experiencing alone could kill her.” He continues talking, but his eyes keep shifting around like he isn’t telling me everything.

  “Okay. I won’t be here in the morning. Do you have enough supplies to make it until tomorrow night?” I ask him, and he nods yes while looking over his supplies again without looking at me.I keep my eyes on him and Rain as I back my way to the door like I do every time, and after unlocking and opening the door, I step out backwards. Once on the other side, I lock it and walk back to my cot to lie down and think about how fucked up everything has gotten. This was supposed to be easy!

  A week! A whole fucking week, she will have to be knocked out! I can’t do anything with them until then. How am I going to keep them here that long and stay hidden! Damn, I really need to get the right chunk of the land tomorrow. Praying to whatever God will listen as I pass out into a dreamless sleep.

  I wake up around five, so I can go back to my apartment to clean up and change. I was so anxious that I left without checking on them, making a mental reminder to feed them when I return. I make sure to spray myself with the cologne as I leave the house, making sure to put it in my jeans pocket for later.

  Once in my apartment, I quickly pick up the mess of a knocked over movie rack and head to the shower. After showering and eating, it’s already six forty-five, and I decide to head to the packhouse to meet with Declan, Adair, and John. Stopping to rummage in the pocket of my dirty jeans, I grab the cologne and head out.

  Fifteen minutes later, I’m standing in front of the double doors that lead into what’s now Declan’s study. Taking a deep breath, I knock hard twice and hear ‘enter’ from the other side before opening the doors. Walking in, I see Declan sitting at his desk unshaved and not showered. He looks like shit, and I smile to myself internally.

>   “So, where’s everybody else?” I ask him looking around the study.

  “Out searching their quadrants already, I hope.” He answers, and I have to try very hard to mask my anger.

  “You already divided the pack up into quadrants?” I ask nonchalantly.

  “Yea, last night. Here...” He says, walking over to an enlarged map of the community pinned onto a corkboard.

  “You have the D quadrant.” He points it out on the corkboard.

  Looking at the map, it only takes half a second to realize it, and for the second time in minutes, I struggle to keep my real emotions under wraps. Thank you, whatever God was listening, I have the quadrant that includes the house.

  “Got it!” I say, scanning the map paying close attention to the boundary lines. The house is just outside the border of John’s quadrant, and Declan has the other bordering quadrant.

  “Search the empty houses first, making your way inwards towards the vacated ones and report back immediately if you find anything!” He says, staring at the map.

  “Yes, sir!” Feeling like I did an excellent job of hiding the sarcasm, I turn around to leave and go about making some appearances to make sure suspicion stays off me.

  Chapter 17


  “I believe I know what part of the problem could be. Amara is with child.” Dr. Adams admits out of nowhere.

  “What do you mean she’s pregnant?” I ask, staring at the doctor entirely out of my element. I know nothing about pregnancy.

  “She is, and I’m worried about her. This pregnancy mixed with her other half fighting off her shift while her body is trying to do so will kill her or worse. At least that’s what I was led to believe. . .” He says as he rakes his hands through his hair leaving most of it standing straight up.


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