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Birthright: Book 2: Know Thy Enemy

Page 6

by Bella Colt

  “I know that pregnant werewolves shouldn’t shift; it’s awful for the pup and mom; that’s why it’s not recommended to get pregnant until after the first time. Even then, only after they can control it. Like wolves, we know the risk and don’t change our mates in that way, but humans don’t know any better. I've never known of one instance where this has happened before, but there was a story I heard when I was still in my medical training with another pack.” He looks up to where I’m leaning against the wall, and his eyes are glassy. He’s focusing on the wall as he blinks rapidly while he begins to recount his memory. “There was a girl I met once that, very reluctantly, told me a story about her friend that had yet to shift but had become with child. She was in her second month of pregnancy when it happened...she said her friend was fine one second and the next she had started to physically change before her eyes. From what she implied, medical attention wasn’t a necessity where they live, so neither she nor her offspring had a chance, and both died very quickly. She didn’t go into many details, but from the look on her eyes, I could tell it was traumatizing, and I’m sure her friend suffered greatly before passing.”

  “Anyway, that was a long time ago and was never confirmed. All cases that I’m aware of have been she-wolves that have been shifted for some time and had full control over it. The most they experience is an accompanying migraine for the duration while they are fighting their wolf's urge to shift. Eventually, their wolf soul begins to realize it’s doing more harm than good and corrects its behavior for the duration of the pregnancy. I think she’s going through that but worse cause it’s her first shift, as well as whatever her other half could be doing to her. I have no idea if her parts are working together or against each other at this point, throw in pregnancy, and it’s literally anyone’s guess!” Sighing heavily, he continues. “Cassius cannot know though; I think he’s off his rocker...but in a sane way if that makes sense? Which I feel like is more dangerous.”

  “That’s obvious about Cassius, but what can we do to help her?” I ask him while looking at her sleeping; she now has an IV of fluids slowly dripping into her arm. I held the bag up for ten minutes before the doctor could make a makeshift holder with a wall hook and plastic hangar. A little bit of color has returned to her cheeks, and the random violent jerking has stopped for now.

  “Keep her sedated for a week like I said, I wasn’t lying to him when I said she could die from the pain.” He says solemnly as he looks her over.

  Chapter 18


  Staring at the map, I memorize every house and decide to start closest to the B quadrant and work my way around. I’m turning to leave the study when the phone on my desk rings.

  ‘RING!’ I jog quickly over to the desk and rip the receiver off the base


  “Hello, may I speak with Amara or Declan, please?” A feminine voice comes over the phone.

  “This is Declan, who’s this?” I growl out.

  “It’s me, Linda dear, how are you and Amara doing?”

  “We’re doing good.” I cough out, lying through my teeth.

  “How are you?” I ask her in return.

  “I’m good, haven’t been better actually. However, I’m calling because I haven’t heard anything from Raina Pearce. She’s an assistant that I sent to deliver the quarterlies. She checks in every day on assignment and hasn’t checked in since she emailed confirmation that she made it to your den?”

  “Really? That’s odd; I’ll look into it and get back to you as soon as I can. I don’t want to be rude, but I was actually on my way out the door when you called.” I say hoping she’s not offended as Wolf and I have a terrible itch to get out and do something to find Amara...and also look into the possibility of a missing person.

  “It’s alright, I understand, busy being Alpha and all! Tell my granddaughter to call me when she gets a chance, please! I expect to hear from you or Raina again soon!” She dictates over the receiver.

  “Of course, and it shouldn’t take too long to track down your assistant.” I mollify her before hanging up the phone and walking out of the study.

  Chapter 19


  “Are you sure you have everything under control, I can stay and brief at the meeting before leaving?” I ask my Beta, Andrew.

  “Nah, things will be fine here. I can handle it, just go already.” He says, looking me dead in the eye for a quick second before lowering them in respect and submission.

  “I’m sure you can! Otherwise, I wouldn’t be leaving you in charge!” I say as I tap him on his shoulder and shake his hand before quickly retreating. I watch as Janet, his playful young wife, comes up from behind him and pinches his butt. I listen to him growling at her as he turns around, she squeals as she hightails it out of my office. Andrew’s face is beet red, and he is breathing hard from trying to ignore the chase she just presented.

  “You have thirty minutes before the meeting...” I say, looking at my watch and then at him. Instantly he understands my meaning and takes off in the direction Janet went. I think she was counting on me to remind him that the meeting is soon and how he should be preparing. Smiling to myself, she thought wrong. Even if there were only ten minutes left until the meeting, that’s ten minutes that Andrew can be with his mate. Tons can be accomplished in ten minutes if you’re determined.

  A lot of my pack initially assumed that because I have no mate that I’m bitter and hate the idea of real couples. It took like two years before they realized that I still believe in mates and love. I know for a fact that they can be a beautiful thing, now it’s only the pups that still hold that misconception. I’m not sure what I did to change their minds.

  ‘RING’...’ RING’

  Grabbing the phone off my desk, I answer, “Hello?”

  “Hello, may I speak with Alpha Mason, please?” The somewhat familiar female voice asks.

  “This is Alpha Mason, who am I speaking with?”

  “It’s Amelinda, dear, how are you?”

  “I’m good, but I was actually on my way out, is there anything I can help you with?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry I caught you at a bad time. It seems to be a theme today when I call, but I was hoping you could do me a favor and go check on Declan and Amara for me. I called and spoke to him earlier, but he sounded off. I feel like something may be wrong.”

  Shit! Thinking quick, I spit out.

  “Actually, I just talked to him, and they invited me over to visit their pack for a few days. Amara feels like she needs to thank me or something ridiculous. So, checking in on them won’t be a problem.” I lie to her, knowing there’s already one. Thankfully it’s possible over the phone since she can’t see my face. Otherwise, I would’ve been completely screwed.

  “Really?” She asks, surprised.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I confirm.

  “Okay, well, then can you do me another favor while you’re there and help Declan locate my missing assistant?”

  “Missing assistant?” I ask her confused, Declan didn’t mention another missing person.

  “I sent my new assistant to deliver the quarterlies, and she didn’t check in when she was supposed to last night. Honestly, I’m sure it’s a case of rumspringa or something like that being in a new den and under a new ruler and all, but I would really like to be sure.”

  “Sure, that shouldn’t be a problem. What’s her name?” I ask a little impatiently, ready to get out the door.

  “Raina Pearce, she has black hair and is about five and a half feet tall.”

  “Okay, Linda, is there anything else that I can help you with?”

  “No, but Mason, thank you so much, and I really hope to be hearing from you soon.” She states.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I answer before hanging up the phone. Hesitating for only a second before I walk out of my sizeable dark office. It’s still decorated per the previous Alphas specifications, minus his “trophies.” Similar to how human hunters have their trophy rooms for ani
mals they have killed, my last Alpha had his on display here. The exception for him, though, was that they weren’t animals... they were pack members that had lost in challenges against him. Shaking the memories of the past that threaten to surface, I continue through the dimly lit hallway and quickly out my front door.

  I walk past a few of my pack members on the street as I make my way towards the gates. Nodding to the guards as I walk through the gates and begin phasing once I’m on the other side. I start trotting slowly reflecting on how easily I left, not one person stopped me to say hi or have a pleasurable conversation. Honestly, before visiting Adair’s den and seeing how he interacted with his pack, I thought this to be completely normal. My original pack leader was truly heartless, especially when I compare him to every pack leader I have met since becoming an Alpha. After spending time there with them, I’m finding myself wanting more of a pack bond like they have. Adair confessed to me, after the numerous interruptions, that he and Audrey actually have to sneak out if they really want to be alone.

  Picking up my pace to a run, I feel the breeze blow through my red fur as I start to relax and remember the fact that I’ll always be alone running through the forest. A rare one that didn’t lose his mind when he lost his fated mate, but the second she rejected me, I felt something inside me break.

  I knew the whole time she was using me to get Adair, but my Wolf and I felt like we had to try. What if we could just make her happy... she could love us. When I found out what she really wanted to do to Audrey, I was physically sick. Once it was over, and she was really gone, it hurt, but I knew that it needed to be done! She was heartless, and had she shown me any form of love, I would’ve been hers and ended up just like that. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to experience love or be loved by someone.

  Slowing down to a padded walk, I admire the beauty and serenity of nature at its purest. Completely untouched by man, left alone to do as it should and always has done. Completely able to take care of itself. Sniffing trees as I walk past, I can smell the various game that lives in this area of the forest.

  Sniffing the air again, I can smell that there is a large animal near, and since I skipped breakfast trying to get things done in a rush, my stomach loudly protests. I know I should seek the easier smaller game, but that will be multiple hunts, and I most likely wouldn’t achieve my desired fullness.

  ‘Hunt’ Wolf demands. Knowing better than to waste more time trying to argue with him, I start closing in on the scent... It’s an older elk, still in good health. After tracking for several yards, I come upon a huge brown elk with seven-point antlers coming out of his head. Standing a little under five feet at the shoulders, it looks to weigh around six hundred and fifty pounds. Salivating, I lick my snout as I crouch down on all four paws, dropping my belly as low to the ground as possible without making noise. Five feet and closing in when the elk moves his head to the left a fraction, catching my scent on the wind before he starts running away. Immediately I spring up into a run and give chase.

  Within a few moments, I catch up to his hind legs and miss my first attempt when the smart bastard jumped at the last second. Watching his movements close, I try to time my attack as we continue to chase. Blood gushes into my mouth as I latch my fangs on to his back leg and bite down until I feel the bone crunch underneath, digging my hind legs into the dirt as I try to bring us to a halt. His fear is surrounding me while he panics as I take him to the ground. Releasing his leg as he continues kicking and thrashing his unbroken limbs in an attempt to fight back. I dig my claws into his flesh, effectively pinning him to the ground as I reposition myself over his neck. Sinking my teeth in deep and locking on until the elk is completely quiet and still before releasing his neck. I go to where the tender areas of meat and start eating, the backstrap of elk being my favorite.

  I gorge myself on the elk until my belly is achingly full. I ate way too much, not wanting to be wasteful; I have to let this food digest before I can move again without throwing up. I curl against a tree trunk in a brush, my eyes feeling heavy, so I close them for just a minute...

  Chapter 20


  Leaving my apartment after another shower, I feel confident that I’ll be able to pull this off. I start off walking towards my quadrant to search when something shiny on the ground catches my attention. Continuing to walk with my eyes glued to the floor, I walk right into something, or someone I notice as we grunt an “oh” in unison.

  “Cassius, is that you?”

  “The one and only!” I snort back, looking at John.

  “What are you doing still in town?” He asks in an accusing tone.

  “I was searching! Am I not allowed to stop to shower and eat?” I spit out, glaring at him. “Why are you doing in town and not searching for your area?” I question him.

  “I’m going to the gates to make sure the guards know to let Alpha Mason in when he gets here.” He says as he pushes past me hitting my shoulder with his on his way

  “Mason? Why is he coming, I thought Declan said no one can come in or go out!”

  “He did, but he’s making an exception for Mason, he figures he’ll be able to help search the grounds.” He says as he continues to walk the opposite way of me, not looking back.

  “Good idea, we could definitely use the extra help!” I say through gritted teeth, thankful he didn’t spring that on me when I was looking at him. Even now, I’m struggling to conceal the shock and anger.

  Shit! Seriously! I thought that I had accounted for everything and was finally back in control! This is karma or fate working against me... What should I do? Declan could end up splitting my territory, and I can’t run that risk. I need to draw attention away from my area or the compound, but how...

  Chapter 21

  Dr. Adams

  “How long have you two been here?” I ask Rain again to get her attention; she’s beginning to looking a little pale in color.

  “Like I said before, I got here like six hours before you. So, it’s been like two days... at least I think anyway. I’ve kind of lost track of time dozing in and out. Amara’s been here longer, although I don’t know exactly how much longer.” She answers, not looking at me but at Amara instead.

  “She’ll be fine, I promise!” I reassure her and quickly amend.

  “As long as she stays sedated.” She just nods her head up and down as she chews her thumbnail and continues to watch Amara. I watch her until her eyelids slowly close again as she falls asleep. Sighing, I look to Amara, who looks like she is comfortably sleeping, the IV in her arm being the only sign of the truth.

  We need to get out of here, but Amara shouldn’t even be moved for another six days... I’m sure Cassius intends to kill me when I’m not needed anymore. However, I have no intention of going out without a fight; he caught me off guard in his apartment. I was in doctor mode rushing in to help who I thought was an injured patient; I’m really going to have to reconsider making house calls after this.

  A loud ‘Bang’ and the door vibrating from the hit interrupts my thoughts as Raina instantly jerks up to a sitting position, immediately staring at the door.

  Chapter 22


  “Back away from the door!” I shout every ounce of my annoyance into that one sentence.

  Waiting only a moment before I turn the key and enter the room. Quickly shutting and locking the door behind me, I stand with my back against it viewing my captives. The good doctor is standing against the wall, watching me closely. Amara still lying unmoved in the same spot as last time on the bed, unconscious with an IV in one arm. Raina, standing in front of her bed, blocking her defensively, staring at me with hatred. Staring back into her eyes, I realize I feel nothing for her, no pull, no desire. What an odd thing considering I just thought I was jealous the other day. It’s like there’s a switch that has been flipped to the off position, I smile with relief effectively making her cringe. Must be creeping her out, deciding to keep the smile plastered on my face while p
ointing at her I command “Come here!”

  “What?” She states, obviously confused. I glare at her and growl, stepping forward towards her pulling open the roll of duct tape in my hands. Finally, noticing it, she is unable to hide her shock and fear as her face pales, and her eyes fill with unshed tears.

  “Wh-what are you doing?” She asks as she sidesteps away from me.

  Sensing movement, I turn my head just in time to meet with a fist. Caught completely off guard, I lose my balance and fall to my back on the ground. Before I can get my bearings, the doctor is grappling to get on top of me. Reacting without thinking, I throw my knee up into his stomach knocking the air out of him. Shifting my weight to throw him off me, I roll over and stand up. I pull my Smith & Wesson single-action .45 compact semi-automatic pistol from behind my back and aim it at the good doctor, who’s still coughing on the ground, fighting to catch his breath.

  “STOP!” I hear Raina scream, making me smile as I cock the pistol.

  “You need him to keep Amara alive. She is who all this is about, right? If he dies, she dies!” She pleads.

  “Pick the duct tape up off the floor over there and come here! Put your hands together in front of you, and don’t even think about doing anything stupid. If you make me shoot the doctor, I’m going to be really pissed off cause like you said he’s needed to keep her alive.” I yell at her in frustration and watch as she obeys. Completely over this and them at this point...

  I knew I should have moved them as soon as I had to bring the doctor here. I knew with his arrival there would be more of a chance that they will team up and fight me to escape if I left them alone too long, and sure as shit. They actually have balls and did!


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