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His Mission (HIS SERIES Book 1)

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"Three fifty please."

  I nod and reach for the coins inside my pocket, handing them over. The lunch lady smiles at me, pushing my plate of steaming hot pasta and garlic bread towards me.

  "Enjoy your lunch sweetheart."

  "Thank you," I smile, taking it from her and walking towards the table in the far corner. Trish is already seated with a few other girls and several boys. She's chatting away loudly, occasionally pausing to laugh or giggle.

  Her eyes land on me and she grins widely, patting the seat next to her. I sit down, grimacing as a jolt of pain flares up my side. It takes a few seconds of inhaling and exhaling deeply to get the pain to subdue. Trish fishes around for something in her bag, noticing the discomfort in my face.

  "Here take these. It works wonders for period pain. Like seriously, your uterus will forever thank me."

  She placed two tables in my palm and I nod weakly at her, going along with it. I can't tell her that it's not period pains, I don't even have periods anymore due to the beatings.

  My periods are irregular, sometimes on for weeks, off for months. It's hard to establish whether I'm bleeding from a period or from the abuse.

  "Thanks Trish," I mumble quietly, pushing my pasta around on the plate. I suddenly don't have much of an appetite left for food.

  "Carbs are your best friend on a period Emily. Why are you neglected that plate of carby goodness?" Trish asks me, making light of the situation. I can see the worry flash through her eyes and I plaster a faux smile on my face.

  "I'm just not very hungry, that's all."

  Trish nods, leaning over to give me a quick hug. As I return her embrace, my eyes locked with a intense stare from the opposite side of the room. I immediately feel my heart stop for a second as he tilts his head, studying me. The blue of his eyes burns through mine and I can't tear my eyes off him. His expression remains emotionless and I watch, wide-eyed as he stands from his table. He takes several strides towards us, his steps smooth.

  Trish follows my gaze and she frowns as her eyes land on Jake Melvin. Everyone around the table silences, the conversation coming to an abrupt stop. Jake doesn't seem bothered by the reaction, his face remaining expressionless as he walks right towards me. I can feel my heart thumping wildly against my chest, threatening to burst through. The entire time, Jake stares directly at me, searching my eyes for answers.

  "Can I talk to you?"

  I simply stare back at him, my mouth slightly parted. His scent immediately wraps itself around me, causing my thoughts to turn hazy and blurred.


  "It's important." He shoots back instantly, ignoring the burning stares he's getting from everyone around the table. I swallow the lump in my throat and nod, pushing myself up. Pain shoots through my side from the sudden movement and I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to not let the pain show in my face.

  "Emily?" Trish asks me uncertainly, glancing warily between me and Jake. I gave her a re-assuring look.

  "It's okay Trish, I'll be right back. Mrs Wilkins wants me and Jake to set up the science class for the next group of students." I explain, hating that I'm lying to her. I can't tell her the real reason. Trish silently searches my face for a few moments before nodding.

  I wave at her as I leave the canteen, heading for the doors with Jake following me behind. I can sense his presence, it's causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up pin straight.

  "You could have come up with a better excuse than that Wentworth."

  "I'm not exactly a professional at lying to my friends at such quick notice." I hit back, annoyed at him. I push through the doors, heading towards the school corridors that are deserted during lunch hour. Jake silently follows me behind, his hands stuffed inside his jacket pockets. Once I'm satisfied we aren't going to be seen, I spin around, forgetting that I was badly beaten this morning.

  My hand immediately presses against my stomach in an attempt to decrease the pain. Jake's eyes darken and he takes a step forward towards me. His hand reaches out, landing on my waist where he holds me cautiously.

  "What's wrong?" He questions, his voice a low rumble. I grit my teeth, blinking back tears. Even through the pain, my body flares up in heat from his touch. I silently curse myself for reacting to his simple action. I look up at him, masking over the pain in my eyes.

  "Girl stuff," I shrug off, leaning against the wall casually. I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from crying out in pain. Jake searches my face silently and I know

  instantly he doesn't believe me. He shakes his head, dark hair falling over into his eyes. I focus on the wall behind him so that I wouldn't stare.

  "What do you want to talk to me about?" I ask him, a blush creeping up my cheeks. I can feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach with nerves. Is this when Jake confronts me over yesterday?

  "I want to apologise."

  My head snaps back so I'm looking directly at him, at his eyes. I swear, my mouth actually drops open in shock a little.

  "You want to apologise to me?" I ask, the shock evident in my voice. He doesn't reply but instead nods at me.

  "Since when does Big Bad Jake apologise?"

  Jake chuckles quietly, the corner of his lips twitching up. Huh, he's cute when he smiles.

  "Big Bad Jake? Please tell me that's not what people call me. That would seriously ruin my street cred."

  "Not people, just me." I smile, fiddling with my hands. Jake glances at me from under his thick dark lashes, blue eyes searching mine. I feel my stomach somersault, my heart beginning to pick up pace. I drop my gaze to the floor and clear my throat, angry at myself for reacting to him the way I do. I can't help it, the boy is beautiful despite being annoying as hell.

  "I want to apologise for yesterday. I wasn't watching where I was going."

  I blink in surprise, glancing up at him. He sighs in defeat before continuing —

  "And I'm sorry for blowing smoke in your face, that was rude."

  A small smile stretches across my lips and I'm grateful. My hand is permanently clutching my stomach where the pain is throbbing.

  I need to sit down, soon.

  "Don't worry about it," I reply quietly, remembering how Jake noticed the fear in my eyes yesterday. Why is he acting so apologetic?

  Since when does Jake care about what other people think of him?

  "Jake, seriously. It's cool," I repeat, giving him another smile. If we don't end the conversation soon, I'm scared I'll end up passing out from the pain.

  "Well not the smoke thing because that's simply disgusting. Do you know second hand smoke is just as dangerous as smoking? It's very bad for. . . "

  I drift off as I notice him watching me, an amused expression across his face. Humour flashes through his eyes and he smirks, his eyes dropping to the floor. I look at the floor sheepishly but realise I've made a bad move.

  Dizziness immediately hit me, my legs buckling underneath my weight. If I don't sit down soon, I will definitely pass out. Jake takes a step forward, his scent invading me completely. I'm pressed as far up into the wall as I can go, using it to support my weight.

  "Are you sure you're okay?"

  His face is beginning to blur through my vision, his voice becoming a short buzzing sound. I nod my head weakly, scared that if I open my mouth to reply, I'll cry instead.

  Black spots appear in front of me and I feel

  myself stumble on my feet unsteadily, my body screaming out in agony. His hands are immediately around me, holding me up whilst I recover from my state of darkness. I whimper

  quietly, shaking my head so that he'd leave me alone, I barely know him. His head dips low until his lips met my ears.

  "I think you're forgetting who I am," he murmurs down my ear, his hands holding my body firmly in place.

  "You can't lie to me Emily, I'm surrounded in a world of pain. Don't think I'm not able to sense it when it's all I feel around you."

  I don't reply and focus on clearing my vision instead.

  Chapter Five - 80, wr
inkled and surrounded by 60 different cats.

  Mum knocks on my bedroom door for the millionth time and I groan, rolling over in my sleep.

  "Emily, you've got half an hour to be up and ready!" She yells through the crack in the door. I hear her footsteps grow fainter as she walks back down the stairs.

  "Screw you." I mutter, flipping a finger at the door. I know she can't see me but I earn a sense of satisfaction from it.

  Does Mum seriously want to walk around and act like the perfect family all day?

  I haven't seen any of Mum's or Dad's family since he died. It's almost as if Mum wanted to isolate herself after his death. Once Trevor came along, he made sure we never spoke to our relatives again. I remember having endless days where I felt insanely lonely, nothing but my teddy bears and barbie dolls to keep me company. Considering it's been six years since I've seen my family, I'm feeling a little nervous.

  I glance at the outfit I bought yesterday that's hung up on my wardrobe door. Yes, I know . . . I'm pretty last minute.

  It's a light pink dainty dress that ends just above my knees. It's a gorgeous lace collar that made me feel pretty and feminine when I tried it on. I'm wearing nude tights underneath to hide my scars and white pumps that I'd found in the back of my wardrobe. Comfy but cute.

  Mum using Trevor as a threat against me is still fresh in my mind and I couldn't look her in the eyes anymore. I plan on ignoring her and Trevor the whole way there and back. It wasn't as if we had anything interested to say to each other anyway. How sad is that?

  After showering, changing and completing my hair and makeup, I'm finally ready.

  "Twenty three minutes, not bad." I grin, feeling proud of myself. How many other girls can say they got ready in that time?

  My stomach still flares up in pain and I'mon constant painkillers to dull the pain out but I manage to make myself look presentable. I grab my phone off my bed and tuck it into the small shoulder bag I'm taking with me. Exhaling slowly I open my bedroom door and walk downstairs.

  Let's get this over with.


  The wedding ceremony was incredibly boring.

  After being greeted by a hundred and one cousins and aunties I never knew I had, I was officially pooped out. My eyes became heavy, fluttering shut. I was exhausted and my body craved sleep.

  A sharp jab in my ribs woke me up suddenly and I hissed in pain, clutching it tightly. I spun my head around, glaring at the culprit - Trevor. He was frowning at me, eyes burning holes through mine. I sighed and sat up straighter, willing for the ceremony to be over soon.

  On the plus side, Auntie Mandy looked gorgeous. She was wearing a stunning white floor length dress, her smile lighting up the room. When she had seen me, her eyes filled with tears and she hugged me tightly. I grinned as she repeating over and over again how much I had grown. The woman practically cut off my circulation for a few minutes but I didn't mind.

  It's nice feeling like you belong, even if it is only for a day.

  After the vows and photographs, everyone began to head towards the party room to celebrate in style. AKA - Get so drunk, you forget your own name.

  I walked slowly behind everyone, dragging my feet as I went. All I want is to sleep, is that so much to ask?

  "Emily? Is that you?"

  I spin around at the mention of my name and my eyes connect with my favorite human ever, Grandpa.

  I gasp and run towards him, my eyes filling up quickly with tears. He opens his arms out for an embrace and I fall into him, knocking him backwards slightly. He chuckles quietly, returning my hug. I rest my head against his shoulders, memories flooding back to me. My emotions suddenly explode and I begin bawling my eyes out, staining his immaculately crisp white shirt.

  I haven't seen him in years.

  Every school holidays I'd spend a few days with him and Grandma and we'd spend endless hours by the lake. I listened carefully whilst my Grandad fished and told me all about his adventurous childhood stories. He was older now and a lot smaller than I remembered him. He woody scent remained the exact same and I inhaled it, a smile stretching across my face. Grandad stood back and looked at me, his eyes glistening with unshed, happy tears.

  "You've grown up so much Elly," he smiles, sadness filling his eyes.

  I grin at his nickname for me which sounds like music to my ears after not hearing it for so long. I wipe away my own tears, feeling a little embarrassed for the way I reacted. I've always thought about him over the years but didn't know how to get in contact. Mum always refused if I ever asked for her help.

  "I've missed you Pops," I murmur, hugging him harder. He holds onto me and strokes my hair before re-assuring me that everything is going to be okay. He repeats it over and over again —

  "I'll make sure of it Elly."

  I don't know how he plans to make it okay but I hold onto his words tightly. . . He's my only hope right now.


  I flinch as I pull my dress over my head, getting undressed. I scan my body, eyes landing on my stomach where huge ugly bruises stare back at me. I feel hideous. They don't seem to be healing which concerns me that something is definitely wrong. I sigh in defeat, knowing I can't go to the hospital to get them treated.

  What could I possibly say?

  Years of abuse wouldn't go un-noticed by professionals and I know Trevor would kill me if I searched for help. I shake my head, ridding myself of the thoughts.

  After the wedding, I made sure to put my number into Grandad's phone so we could stay in contact. I feel slightly better knowing I have one person to rely on. I've just gotten him back so I'm ready to let him go anytime soon.

  I made Grandad promise me he wouldn't let Mum or Trevor know we exchanged numbers but he was already one step ahead of me, his eyes filling with sadness as he nodded silently. I think a part of him knew I lived in destruction and pain constantly.

  I change into some fresh pyjamas and sit down on my bedroom floor before pulling out various different sheets of homework that need doing this weekend.

  I don't mind homework, it keeps me occupied whilst I spend the weekend locked in my room. Trevor doesn't let me leave the house and I don't have the courage to sneak out. I've never been out with my friends to experience things every teenager should. Sadness fills me as I think of teenage memories I'm missing out on that my friends aren't.

  Parties, boys, hanging out with friends.

  All superficial however I want to experience it, desperately. I grab my phone and scroll through my contacts, landing on Trish. I ring her and wait patiently for her to answer.

  "Hello?" She giggles on the other end, sounding breathless.

  "Trish? Are you okay?" I ask her, concerned at her difficulty to breathe. She giggles louder and I faintly hear a male voice in the background, instructing her to hang up. I gasp, slapping my knee —

  "Trisha Louise Lockwood, do you have a boy with you?!"

  She erupts into giggles and I roll my eyes before ending the call. No way am I listening to my best friend making out with someone through a phone. My nose scrunches up in disgust before I sigh sadly from the lack of my love life.

  I may be sixteen now but before I know it, I'll be eighty surrounded by sixty different cats. . .

  Chapter Six - The bad boy doesn’t believe me.

  I'm completely drenched with rain, head to toe.

  My hair is soaking wet and clings to my forehead unattractively as I run under some shelter. I squint my eyes and look around to take advantage of someone with an umbrella. No luck. I sigh and mentally prepare myself to make a sprint for the college doors.

  Three. . . Two. . . One.

  I run as fast as I psychically can, internally crying as my converse slaps against the wet floor. Pain immediately flares up my side from the simple movement and I wince as I make it to the doors. The pain is much more frequent now and I don't know whether my body can handle this beating. I close my eyes, leaning against the wall for a moment as I struggle to brave the pain.
  Moments pass and I inhale deeply before entering. I ignore the amused look from my classmates and head straight for the bathroom.

  I let out a groan as I come face to face with my appearance, my hair is a frizzy mess and mascara runs down my cheeks. As for my clothes. . . They stick to me uncomfortably, the material heavy with rain.

  The door is pushed open and Ivory walks in, one of my classmates. She takes one look at me and burst into fits of laughter. I scowl and pout at her, signalling for her to pass me some paper towels.

  "Do you need some help Emily?" She giggles, handing me a wad of paper towels. I raise my brows —

  "Is it that obvious?" I respond, humour lining my voice. Ivory laughs again, her auburn hair flying around her face. Her laugh is infectious and soon enough, I'm laughing alongside her. My body begins to shiver from the cold rain and Ivory smiles at me, shaking her head.

  "Wait here, I'll be back in a minute."

  I watch her leave and take the opportunity to dry my hair under the hand dryer. It's the closest thing I have to a real hairdryer but did little to tame my mass of hair. I groan again, running my fingers through it as I attempt to make it look more presentable. The door is pushed open again and Ivory re-appears, holding a pile of clothes. She throws them in my direction, giving me a sympathetic look.

  "These are the only dry clothes I could find."

  "Thank you, you're a lifesaver." I smile at her gratefully, heading into an empty stall to change.

  "You're welcome Em, see you in class!" She yells over the cubicle door and I hear her leave, allowing me to get changed in peace.

  I hold up the clothes, frowning as I realise they belong to a guy. The hoody is ten times too big and when I pull it on, a familiar scent of cologne mixed with the slightest hint of smoke wraps around me. Jake's smug face immediately flashes through my mind. I groan quietly.

  Of course the clothes belong to Jake Melvin.

  I step out of my jeans, grimacing as they stick to my legs and pull over Jake's shorts. It's a good job I shaved recently.

  I tie the waistband tighter because the minute I let go, they fall round my ankles comically. I look down at myself and let out a deep breath.


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