His Mission (HIS SERIES Book 1)

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His Mission (HIS SERIES Book 1) Page 11


  I splutter in shock and my mouth falls open as I stare wide eyed at Jake. He shrugs casually in response, his lips twitching upwards into a smirk. I watch him leave, his shoulders and back vibrating as he chuckles.

  "You need Jesus!" I yell after him, reaching for the milk to heat another glassful. His laughter fills the air causing me to bite back my own smile.

  A soft knock on my bedroom door causes me to jump up out of bed, my sleepy state slowly disappearing. My watch reads midnight and I frown, thinking everyone must be sleeping by now. I pull open the door and find Jake leaning against my door frame, fully dressed. He's wearing a plain white shirt underneath his black bomber jacket, finished off with black jeans. I can't help but bite down on my lower lip . . . How does he manage to look so good at midnight?

  Right now, I resemble a potato. A potato in pyjama's.

  "Erm, hi?" I smile, my heart fluttering inside my chest. His blue eyes are sparkling and a small smile plays on his lips. He lifts a finger to his lips, shushing me before entering my room. I take a step back and swallow, watching as he quietly shuts my bedroom door over before spinning around. As he turns, his intoxicating scent hits me and I physically swoon.

  "Jake, it's midnight. Are you crazy?" I whisper.

  "Not crazy, I want to take you somewhere." Jake replies, leaning back against my door with his hands stuffed inside his pockets. My eyebrows shoot up in surprise and I bite down on my lower lip. "Where are we going?"

  "It's a surprise Muffin, get dressed." Jake instructs me, pushing his hand through the strands of his soft dark hair.

  "You're taking me somewhere at midnight?" I ask him however I turn and head for my wardrobe, already choosing an outfit.

  "Would you like me to leave you to sleep instead?"

  I pick out a plain crop top and my grey jogging bottoms along with my converse before turning to respond.

  "Not really, I don't get much sleep."

  Jake pauses for a moment, studying me silently. "Neither do I," he murmurs softly before clearing his throat. I walk over with my clothes and hide behind the wardrobe door as I change.

  "Turn around," I instruct him firmly.

  "You're hidden behind the wardrobe door Emily, I can't see you at all," Jake chuckles. I roll my eyes —

  "Just turn around, please?"

  I hear him sigh before he shuffles and when I peek around the wardrobe door, he's facing the wall. I can't help but giggle at the sight of him.

  "You look like a toddler who's been put into time out."

  "Just hurry up and get dressed Muffin," Jake chuckles. I smile behind the door and quickly change, tossing my pyjamas onto the bed. When I step out, Jake turns around and holds his hand out towards me. Butterflies fill my stomach and I walk towards him, slipping my hand into his. The warmth of his touch causes a shiver to run up my spine and I blush, glancing down at the floor.

  "Are you ready?" Jake asks quietly, his beautiful eyes shining in the dimly lit room. I nod my head, excitement filling me. Jake smiles in return and opens my bedroom door slowly, pulling me out with him. We both tip-toe across the landing before going downstairs. Jake heads for the front door immediately, clutching his car keys in his hand. I don't question his actions and instead follow him silently. My heart is hammering against my chest and I can feel the adrenaline running through my blood from the excitement.

  We both step outside into the silent night, darkness engulfing us. I shiver slightly from the cold, goosebumps covering my arms and the back of my neck.

  "Are you cold?" Jake asks quietly, directing me to his car. I shake my head, sliding into the passenger seat. He reluctantly slips his hand out of mine. I immediately miss the feeling of his skin but watch as he walks around the front of the car, sliding into the drivers seat. His car smells like a mixture of him and leather. He turns the key in the engine and it roars to life before settling back down into a soft purr.

  I pull the seat belt over my body and secure it, noticing my hands are trembling. Silently Jake reaches over into the back before emerging with a red tartan blanket. He drapes it over me —

  "Try and warm up, it's a long drive," he murmurs. I nod silently, tucking the blanket in around me tighter. I watch him as he confidently pulls out of the driveway before setting off down the road, heading for the other side of town. Curiosity manages to get the better of me.

  "Can you give me a clue on where we're going?"

  Jake shakes his head, turning to grin at me.

  "I knew you'd ask me that. Patience Muffin."

  "I'm not a patient person," I protest, glancing out the window as houses and parked cars whiz past us. The world is dark outside, dimly lit by street lamps every now and then.

  "Tough, deal with it," Jake shoots back teasingly, keeping his eyes on the road.

  "You're impossible sometimes, you know that?" I reply, my lips tugging upwards into a smile. Jake chuckles quietly, turning to head onto the motorway.

  "Tell me about yourself Emily," Jake says, turning to give me a warm look. So different than the first time we met. I'm slightly taken aback by his question, unsure on how to answer.

  "What do you want to know?" I ask him, pulling my knees into my chest. My body is beginning to warm up and I sink into the seat, getting comfortable.

  "Everything," he says softly. I feel them again, butterflies. My throat dries out and silence settles upon us as I turn to look at him. He's focused on the road despite the traffic being non-existent at this time.

  "My favourite colour is white and blush pink. I love waking up early before the rest of the world because the silence is comforting. I have a guilty pleasure of watching child cartoons when no-one else is around. My favourite food is extra cheese pizza, I'm not mad about putting some pineapple on there too."

  "I agree with the pineapple on pizza." Jake smiles before motioning for me to continue.

  "I love to help people. People who are struggling or vulnerable. I'm big on family despite not knowing mine very well. I always wished I had an older brother when I was younger. . ." I drift off, resting my chin on my knees.


  "To protect me," I smile, turning my head to watch him drive. Jake Melvin is utterly beautiful . . . I'll never get tired of sitting and watching him. The way he moves, the way his jaw tenses when he's thinking or concentrating hard. Jake slowly nods, never taking his eyes off the road. It makes me feel safe knowing he's being careful.

  "When did you stop?"

  "When did I stop what?" I said quietly, my voice a low murmur.

  "When did you stop wishing you had an older brother?" Jake repeats. I pause for a moment, thinking hard about his question.

  "When Trevor started beating me. Before that I thought if I had an older brother, he'd stop Trevor from hitting my Mum. Once Trevor started to beat me up, I realised something. I realised no-one in this world could save me. My own mother couldn't save me and she shares my blood. Having a brother wouldn't make a difference if my own Mum can't save me from a monster. So I simply stopped wishing for an older brother, I didn't see the point."

  "Do you still think that no-one can save you?" Jake asks softly, his hands gripping tightly onto the steering wheel. I smile at his question because I like the answer.

  "No, I changed my mind."


  "When I met you," I murmur, closing my eyes. After that a silence falls upon us but it's a good silence. The movements of the car drift me off into a deep sleep and it's the first time in months, I feel well rested. The car eventually comes to a stop and I blink, my eyes adjusting as I begin to stir awake.

  "Did you sleep well?" Jake asks me, killing the engine and glancing down at me. I nod, feeling a blush travel from my neck up to my cheeks. "Yes, thank you." I murmur, sitting up straight.

  "Are we here?" I ask him and he nods, opening up his car door. He disappears into the darkness outside for a few seconds before my car door opened.

  "Come on, hop out Muffin."

  I undo my seat belt
and wrap the blanket around my shoulders, taking Jake's hand as he helps me out the car. As soon I was stood up straight, I glanced around, frowning. We were surrounded by trees, in the woods. It was dark out here, no lights to guide us.

  "Are we in the woods?" I ask him quietly, keeping a tight hold of his hand. I shiver slightly and Jake immediately wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side.

  "Yeah, I want to show you something. Don't be scared, I'm here." He whispers, his body pressed against mine. I shiver again from the tone of his voice, not from the cold.

  "Come with me."

  I nod and we both begin walking, leaves crunching underneath our feet. It feels like we're disturbing nature at night. Minutes pass whilst we weave through trees and bushes but I don't feel scared anymore, not with Jake by my side.

  "This is my favourite place," Jake says quietly, breaking the silence between us. We slowly walk forward where the floor disappears and rocks surround us instead. I frown as I glance around and Jake takes a step forward, hopping onto the first rock. I mirror his action and his hand tightens in mine, squeezing it slightly.

  "I don't want to fall," I murmur, wobbling unsteadily.

  "You won't fall, I've got you."

  I smile in the dark at his response and we continue to walk along several rocks until before I know it, it's all I can see surrounding me.

  "Almost here," Jake whispers, his voice causing goosebumps to travel down my neck. I peer around in curiosity. A large hole in one of the rocky walls lays ahead of us.

  "Are we going inside a cave?" I ask him. Jake nods his head, turning around to flash me a quick smile.

  "Not just a cave, you'll see."

  As soon as we enter, it's like nothing I could ever imagine. The cave entrance leads to a clearing where the ground is even and the rocks disappear. The walls are covered with intricate art, some of it glorified graffiti. I continue to study them in awe, stunned by its beauty.

  "It's beautiful," I whisper, reaching out to trace over the pictures spray painted all over the walls. Carvings of initials and names are littered between the art and I read every one, a small smile on my lips. Behind me I feel Jake's presence, his body pressed against mine lightly.

  "It gets better, tilt your head upwards," he breathes down my ear. I wrap the blanket around my shoulders and turn around, facing Jake. His face is lit up with a smile and when I I tilt my head back and look up, I realise why.

  The cave has an open ceiling where the sky is dark and lit up with the most beautiful stars. I let out a small gasp, unable to tear my eyes away from the beauty of the sky.

  "Amazing, right? I love to sit here when the sky is clear," Jake murmurs, dropping down onto the floor and lying on his back. I slowly nod and lie next to him, our heads almost touching. Moments of silence pass between us and I turn briefly, my heart thumping against my chest.

  Jake is looking up at the sky, looking deep in thought. His arm suddenly reaches out, pulling me against him gently. I breathe in sharply, resting my head on his shoulder. It feels so natural being close to him. His body radiates heat and I feel myself relax against him, goosebumps travelling up and down my arms.

  "Why do you come here?" I ask him softly, liking that I'm discovering who the real Jake Melvin is.

  "When I'm angry at the world or myself I come here to remind myself that no matter what, life goes on. The sky and the drawings calm me down. I can sit here for hours just staring up at how beautiful it looks at night."

  I listen carefully to him before reaching for his hand, locking my fingers into his.

  "Thank you for showing me your favourite place," I whisper, both of us unable to tear our eyes off the beautifully lit sky. It feels special, almost as if the darkness knew he was going to bring me here tonight.

  "You're welcome, it's just as beautiful as you." Jake murmurs, his voice low and sleepy. His words cause my heart to leap into my throat and I blink in surprise, butterflies exploding in my stomach.

  "Thank you Jake.”

  Chapter Seventeen - Facing Danger.

  "Good morning," Jake smiles, walking over to me whilst holding a tray one handed. The smell of pancakes floats through the air and my stomach grumbles loudly.

  "Morning, what time is it?" I smile back, running a hand through my hair. We didn't get home until late last night, the sun was beginning to rise just as I was drifting off.

  "It's two in the afternoon," Jake chuckles, sitting down onto the empty side of my bed.

  "Seriously? Wow," I respond, happiness filling my stomach as I think back to last night. The beauty of the night and Jake. I grin at him and sit up, propping myself up on the pillows behind me. A dull pain flares up my side and I close my eyes, breathing through it. I wish it would hurry up and heal.

  "Are you still in pain?" Jake asks me, a worried expression plastered across his face. I shake my head, shrugging it off.

  "No, don't worry about it." I smile before looking down at the stack of pancakes he'd made. They’re drizzled with syrup and my mouth waters, noticing he's popped a side of Nutella with them too.

  "What did I do to deserve this?" I ask him scraping my hair back and securing it with a hair tie.

  "I enjoy making pancakes and I kind of want to impress you," Jake responds casually before stabbing the top pancake with his fork and popping the whole thing in his mouth. I raise my brow at him amusingly and watch as he chews through the entire thing.

  "Well, I'm impressed." I smile, reaching for my own fork. Jake fist pumps the air in victory, earning a giggle from me.

  "Would you like to go back and get the rest of your stuff today?" Jake asks me gently, placing his fork down. I shake my head, disagreeing.

  "I'm not going back there Jake," I mumble quietly. I know I'm safe here. Each day it became a little easier for me to relax but I'm nowhere near strong enough to face Mum or Trevor. I look up at Jake, extremely thankful to have someone who cares about me enough to help me.

  I climb out of bed and walk up to him, settling myself between his legs. My hands circles around his neck and Jake remains still, watching me intently with a questionable look on his face.

  "Thank you, it means so much to me."

  "All I did was make you some pancakes and I've ate most of them." Jake chuckles, his fingers drawing circles on my back. I giggle before moving back to look at him.

  "No silly. I mean for helping me. . . I had fun last night too." I mumble, fiddling with my hands.

  "So basically I'm like your Prince Charming?" Jake smirks, tilting my chin up so I'm looking into his eyes. His lips began twitching and I smack his chest lightly for teasing me.

  "Sort of but without the charm," I admit, my own lips twitching into a small smile. Jake's eyes light up and he chuckles quietly, his chest rumbling against mine.

  "I'm so full of charm, you just don't want to admit it."

  He suddenly takes hold of both of my hands, clutching them tightly as his expression turned serious.

  "You don't have to be scared, I'll be with you."

  I bit down on my bottom lip, feeling an uneasy feeling settle inside my stomach. I shake my head, finalising my decision.

  "I don't need anything, I promise."

  Jake sighs, running a hand over his face and up through his hair and I know something else is troubling him.

  "What's wrong?"

  "The police will get involved if your Mum tells them you've left home. You know that, right?"

  I nod slowly, my throat drying up with nerves.

  "If I tell the police everything Trevor has done, I'll be allowed to stay here with you. . . I looked it up." I mutter, feeling anxiety build up inside me. I don't want to drag the past up but if it keeps me away from Trevor, I'd do anything.

  "Trevor said he'd kill me if I ever told anyone his secret," I whisper, my voice shaking. Jake sighs and pulls me closer to him, his arms wrapping around my top half.

  "You've got me now Emily, you don't have to be scared anymore. I won't let anythin
g bad happen to you."

  His strong arms tighten around my small frame and it feels like he's protecting me from the danger everywhere I turn. Being inside his arms I feel safe.

  "I don't deserve you," I mumble into his shirt. He shakes his head before replying —

  "You're right . . . you deserve the world."


  I sniffle before signalling for the tissue box. Ivory grabs a tissue, wiping her own eyes before passing it to me.

  "It's just so sad, you know?" I sniffle, watching Rose pleading for Jack to wake up. He's clearly dead, his whole body turning blue and icicles forming on the strands of his hair.

  "What a waste of a beautiful human," Ivory mumbles, blowing into her tissue. She turns towards me —

  "I can't believe you've never watched the Titanic before Emily, it gets me every time."

  We're both laying on the couch in our pyjama's, staring up at the TV where the movie is almost coming to an end. The door creaks open, revealing Jake and Tobias watching us with an amused expression.

  "Really girls?" Tobias asks, shaking his head and chuckling at us both. He lunges forward and snatches the remote from Ivory's hand, causing her to shriek loudly.

  "Tobias! No! It's almost the end!"

  She runs at him, knocking over a vase of flowers on the coffee table. I sniffle again and wipe my eyes, looking up to find Jake standing over me holding back a laugh.

  "Really Emily?" He grins down at me, his hands inside his jacket pockets.

  "Shut up Melvin," I mumble at him, reaching for another spoonful of Nutella. I have to drown my sorrows in something. Before I have the chance to devour it, Jake plucks it out of my hands in one swift move.

  "Get up and do something beside eat Nutella and cry over chick flicks. Ivory is rubbing off on you."

  I shake my head protesting and lunge for the nutella spoon again. Jake is quicker than me and suddenly I'm flung in the air with Jake's back as my only view. My mouth hangs open in shock and I shut it quickly.

  "Jake, put me down!" I yell at him, slapping his back. He ignores my screams of protest and instead carries me effortlessly out of the living room, heading up the stairs.


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