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His Mission (HIS SERIES Book 1)

Page 15


  "She has quite the voice on her, doesn't she?" Jake says, amusement and disbelief lining his voice.

  "Yeah, that's my mum." I respond quietly. Moments of silence fall on us and I close my eyes, Jake's warm hand still in mine.

  "Why didn't she stop Trevor?" He asks after a while, his tone dropping to almost a hushed whisper. I sigh and run a hand over my face, totally exhausted from the day.

  I ask myself the same question over and over again, lying wide awake at night. I have a vague idea why Mum let Trevor do what he did. It's always been there in the back of my mind and I try to push it away but it just keeps eating away at me.

  "I think she blames me for my Dad's death and it's her way of punishing me." I whisper, feeling physically sick from the thought.

  I didn't know it was possible to feel pain in your heart but right now it felt like a glass bottle was stabbing through it continuously. The glass ripping away at me, tearing me apart. I miss him so much.

  Jake silently pulls me me towards him and wraps an arm around my shoulder. I'm grateful for his support and lean against him, resting my head into the crook of his neck. He smells good.

  "Do you really think that?" Jake asks quietly, his voice a murmur. I nod my head silently, feeling my eyes fill up with emotional tears. The door suddenly opens, ending the conversation between Jake and I.

  Tobias and Ivory walk in, chatting quietly between themselves. I sniffle quickly, wiping away the tears before they can see the pain in my eyes.

  "Another party?" I ask Ivory, noticing at her black skin tight dress. Her wild hair is curled around her shoulders and she's wearing sky high black heels. She looks amazing. Ivory nods, grinning widely at me.

  "It's downtown, just a few friends that me and Tobias know."

  I nod silently, shuffling away from Jake as I notice how close we're sitting next to each other. I don't feel comfortable under Tobias' dark stare.

  "Anyone would think you two are dating."

  Speaking of Tobias. . .

  My head shoots up and I'm instantly sucked into his emotionless cold eyes. He's staring intensely at Jake's arm around my shoulders, his eyebrow raised high.

  "So what if we are?"Jake says quietly, his voice low and threatening. I glance at Jake and frown deeply, utterly confused.

  We're dating?

  Since when?

  Gee thanks Jake, it's so nice of you to tell me.

  Jake avoids my burning gaze and I feel my heart speed up, thumping against my chest hard. Jake simply stares at Tobias coldly, blue eyes never blinking.

  "Oh my god, you're dating!?" Ivory squeals, breaking the tension and silence in the room. I don't respond and glance at Jake again, unsure of what to say. Of course I want to date him . . . He's beautiful, caring and has the ability to make my heart stop with a simple flash of his smile. Until now he seemed unsure about making us official.

  Is he saying this just to make Tobias jealous?

  "You don't do relationships, right Jake?" Tobias adds lightly however there's a mocking tone to his words. His lips are curled up in a snarl and his eyes travel over me before glancing at Jake.

  "Tobias, stop it." Ivory frowns, turning towards him. Tobias chuckles at her words and I stiffen in Jake's arms.

  "Get out Tobias, now." Jake warns him, his jaw clenched tight. I stand up off the sofa to leave the room because I don't want to be on the end of Tobias' firing line.

  "Emily, wait." Jake pleads, tugging at my wrist. I turn towards Tobias, a confused expression written across my features. He simply smirks back at me smugly.

  "What's your problem?" I ask him quietly, my eyes narrowing at him. Okay it is official, I severely dislike him.

  "Don't get too comfortable here Emily. Once he sleeps with you, you'll be ancient history."

  My heart immediately stops and I pause, frozen in place as I register his words.

  "What did you just say?" I whisper in shock, not sure I'd heard him right. Tobias rolls his eyes at me, amused by the entire situation.

  "Why do you think he hasn't asked you to be his girlfriend? Because he doesn't have any intentions to. Jake Melvin isn't the dating type." Tobias said bluntly, sounding bored. I frown further, tugging my wrist out of Jake's grasp.

  "You know that isn't true Tobias!" Jake yells, lunging for Tobias but he's too quick for him. Both of them are the exact same weight but Tobias has the advantage of height. He dodges out of Jake's way and skilfully spins around, landing a quick punch to Jake's jaw. My eyes widen as Jake falls backwards from the force, landing on the floor.

  Tobias simply smirks, dark eyes shining brightly with amusement. He turns to face me, intending to stab my heart once again with his words.

  "Ask him about Violet, that's the reason he doesn't date."

  "Violet?" I question, my voice quiet and timid. The name really doesn't ring a bell and I turn toward Jake, a questioning look on my face.

  "Stop it Tobias! You sick bastard." Jake hisses, his eyes burning dark as he springs to his feet. Tobias keeps his eyes locked onto mine and I don't dare breathe.

  "Why do I have reason to lie?"

  And with that he turns and walks straight out of the room. I hear the front door slam and Ivory runs to Jake's side. He gingerly touches his jaw and hisses from the pain. His breaths are shaky and his fists are still clenched tightly as he struggles to remain calm.

  "I hate him! I hate him for what he's done to me." Jake yells out, telling Ivory. She mumbles a response under her voice, too quiet for me to hear. I simply stare at him intensely, my face contorted in pain as Tobias' words ring round and round my head.

  "Emily, he's lying. I can explain!"

  I force myself to breathe deeply . . . give him a chance Emily.

  "Is he lying? Who is Violet?" I ask him, my voice wavering. The silence in the room begins to increase until it became almost suffocating. I stare intently at Jake, never blinking. My eyes are covered in a glossy sheen as he remains silent, his face twisted and contorted with difficulty.

  "Jake." I plead with him, my voice desperate.

  I don't want it to be true.

  He opens his mouth to reply and I see pain flash through his features before he masks it over. I know this is it, the conversation is over. I shake my head at him and leave the room, walking out of the house. Tears prick my eyes as I think of everything that has happened these past few weeks.

  My life is a complete mess. I don't have control over anything. Everything good slips away from my fingertips before I have a chance to keep hold of it forever. After spending years living in fear and unable to love or trust, I want it to end so I can be happy.

  I don't stop walk until my chest and legs burn from the pain and I glance around, finding myself in the cemetery. I breathe in deeply, letting oxygen into my lungs and make my way along the route I have memorised.

  I stop when I get to his grave and fall onto my knees, wiping the tears away. I don't want him to know I've been crying. I silently push away the branches and leaves, feeling guilty for abandoning him, Once I'm done, my fingers stroke over the carving - loving father. I let out a small sob, unable to control the pain anymore. It's taking over my chest, becoming unbearable.

  If he was here, he'd tell me what to do. He always had a reasonable solution to everything. When he was alive, my life was full of love and happiness. It's crazy how one accident has the ability to change your entire life, rip away your happiness in seconds.

  I sniffle, wiping away the tears on my cheeks. The wind whips around me harshly but I'm numb to the cold, numb to everything. Loneliness is a feeling I've

  grown accustomed to but right now, it's hitting me harder than ever before.

  "I just want you back Dad." I whisper, pulling my knees into my chest.


  It's been hours.

  Darkness surrounds me and everything is eerily quiet. I lay weak next to my fathers grave and feel comforted, almost as if his presence is around me. I feel my phone vibrate again and I pull it
out of my back pockets, squinting at the brightness of the screen. Jake has messaged and rang me multiple times.

  I quickly scan over his text, each one becoming more frantic.

  Emily, please tell me where you are.

  I turn my phone off.

  I don't want to talk to anyone. Right now all I want is to be left alone.


  Jake's POV-

  I tug hard at my hair, staring down at my phone as I wait for her reply. I check everywhere I can think of but she's nowhere to be found. My fists clench as I remember how Tobias made her feel. Overtime my feelings for her are becoming indescribable and I don't know what to tell her.

  The truth is I'm scared.

  I don't have the best experience when it comes to girlfriends.

  I remember Violet, the pain she and Tobias bought my way. I vowed to myself I'd never get close to a girl again, never let her into my heart but slowly Emily is breaking that vow. The pain in her eyes flashes through my mind at Tobias' words and I yell out in frustration at the sky.

  It's been hours.

  My phone rings and I quickly pull it out of my jacket, frowning at the name on the screen.

  "Hello?" I answer.

  "She's at the cemetery."

  Amil's smooth voice answers me.

  How does he know that?

  "Are you following her?" I ask him, a deep frown on my face. He shouldn't have done that without asking me first.

  "Of course I am Jake. Do you think I wouldn't follow her after you bought her to me?"

  "You should have asked me!" I respond back harshly. Amil pauses on the other end before breathing in harshly.

  "I am making sure she doesn't go running to the police! You should be thanking me."

  His voice became more threatening and I remember my place within the gang. Amil is leader which means I have to respect him, no matter what. If I dislike something Amil does, I have to keep my mouth shut. Those are the rules.

  I take a deep breath, thinking about my next words carefully.

  "She doesn't trust the police." " I say quietly, making my way in the direction of the cemetery.

  "You know I'm more careful than that. I can't simply take your word for it. She will be followed until I feel necessary." Amil says firmly before hanging up on me.

  I sigh and put my phone back into my pocket. I want to help Emily and get Trevor myself however I know Amil would never allow it. The gang made a vow to never get into any trouble unless it's one of Amil's orders. It's his way of keeping us all in line and avoided unnecessary trouble with rival gang members.

  I think back to our conversation regarding Emily and her safety. Amil remained silent the entire time before slowly nodding, letting me know he'll help. I didn't need his help, I needed his approval. I wanted to kill Trevor for what he'd done to Emily but I also have a duty to the gang and I can't give that up for a girl.

  Even if that girl is Emily.

  So why is my heart protesting?


  Emily's POV -

  The wind whips sharply around me and the trees sway with their branches. It's completely dark but darkness feels comforting tonight.


  My head snaps up and I see Jake's silhouette stood a few feet away from me. I swallow the lump in my throat and stand up, walking away from him quickly.

  "Emily, wait!" Jake yells, running after me.

  He's faster than me and it didn't take long for his grip to circle around my arm and for him to pull me back into him. I struggle against him and clench my teeth tightly.

  "Let go of me, I want to be alone." I tell him, my voice thick with emotion. Jake releases his grip and takes a step back. When I turn around, his eyes are apologetic and desperate as they search mine.

  "Please let me explain."

  "I already gave you the chance Jake! What makes you think you can mess with my feelings?"

  His winces at my words.

  "I'm a jerk, I know. I don't deserve another chance to explain. I don't mean to hurt you Emily, I've never wanted to hurt you!" Jake responds, his voice desperate. I remain silent, the cold wind whipping harshly around us. Despite the icy temperature, I don't feel anything.

  "God, you're freezing, take my jacket."

  I shake my head and clench my fists tightly, remembering Tobias' hurtful words.

  "Are you using me? Trying to take advantage? Will you sleep with me and drop me straight afterwards?" I ask him, feeling my eyes fill with fresh tears.

  "I'm not using you."

  "But Tobias said — "

  "I don't care what Tobias said, he's wrong!" Jake yells out in frustration, his beautiful features twisted.

  "Please take my jacket, I can see you shaking."

  I shake my head in protest, my eyes drifting over to my fathers grave. I want to stay beside him, ask him for advice. I knew he can't answer me but I'm desperate. My chest fills with pain once again and I stumble, reaching out to hold onto something.

  "Emily, what's wrong? Talk to me."

  I don't want him close to me but when his skin makes contact with mine, I can't seem to let go. I hold onto him tightly, the pounding in my head increasing until it becomes unbearable.

  That's when I really feel the cold hit me. It invades every muscle of my body like an ice blast, shocking me into a frozen state. I open my mouth to breathe in sharply but my lungs tighten making it impossible.

  "We need to get you out of the cold," Jake breathes into my neck but I don't register his words. I feel my legs weaken underneath me and I fall into him, broken. I don't have the strength to fight anymore and as I fall to the floor, I question whether I ever had any strength at all.

  Chapter Twenty Three - The mothers return.

  Jake's POV-

  I place her down gently on the bed, the mattress dipping as her sleeping form takes shape. I carried her the whole way home, questioning how I'd ever let it get this far. I sigh and reach for a blanket at the foot of my bed before draping it over her. Her eyes are closed peacefully, mouth parted. I run a hand over my face as I watch her for a few moments —

  I need to tell her the truth before it's too late.

  My reputation and past mistakes would soon catch up to me and ruin what we both have if I don't tell her the truth. I know I'm hurting her, confusing her further and causing her pain she doesn't deserve. I don't understand why I find it so difficult to simply voice my feelings for her.

  Ask me to hurt someone? Easy peasy.

  Raid a business and steal everything? Done as quick as a flash.

  Tell Emily Wentworth I'm falling for her? Almost virtually impossible.

  "What the hell is wrong with me?" I mutter, taking a seat at the end of the bed. I'm careful not to move too fast so I don't wake her, she needs rest. I pull my phone out of my pocket, scrolling down to find Ivory's contact. My fingers tap against the screen as I write out a text message —

  Is everything okay at the party?

  I send it and drop my phone to the bed before lying backwards. I run a hand through my hair, feeling my body grow heavy and my eyes flutter shut. It's been a long damn night. I glance to my right, my eyes landing on Emily who hasn't moved an inch since I placed her on the bed. The urge to lie next to her, wrap my arms around her and pull her close to me causes my arms to twitch but I decide against it. Moments pass and I feel myself drift off into a sleep, my body beginning to relax . . .

  The sound of the front door banging downstairs pulls me out of my sleepy state and I bolt out of bed, on high alert. My eyes widen and I freeze on the spot, wondering whether I'd made up the noise entirely. I hear a shuffle, noises drifting up the stairs.

  Ivory and Tobias are out.

  So who the hell is that?

  I quietly walk over to my wardrobe, prying the door open and reaching for the metal baseball bat I keep inside. My hands wrap around the handle and I pull it out, heart rate increasing inside my chest. I'm fully awake at this point, straining to hear any other nois
es to indicate who the hell is inside the house.

  I begin to make my way out of the bedroom, creeping against the wooden floorboards. As I tip toe down the stairs, I hear faint whispers coming from the kitchen. The door is ajar slightly and I tighten my grip on the bat, ready to break bones if I have to. When I push open the kitchen door, I raise the bat above my head, my eyes wide.

  "Jake! Are you crazy?!"

  Two high pitched screams fill the silence and I drop the bat to the floor, the metal clanging against it loudly. It bounces a few times before rolling to the side. A low groan escapes my mouth as my eyes land on my mother and Aunt. I instantly drop my murderer act and wince, giving them both an apologetic look. Mum is clutching her heart and Auntie Myra is staring at me in shock, her mouth wide open.

  "Shit. I am so sorry."

  I make my way towards Mum, my arms outstretched as I prepare to embrace her. She releases the breath she's holding, looking like she's seconds away from calling the police on her own son. Eventually she smiles, wrapping her arms around me. Her scent floats through the air and I realise I've missed it.

  "What are you doing back here Mum? You're not supposed to be back for another two weeks."

  She pulls back and I notice the dark circles under her eyes. "We finished up early so decided to head home." Mum explains, giving me a small smile. I nod my head and turn towards Auntie Myra.

  "Where is my welcome home hug?" She scolds me and I chuckle, leaning forward to embrace her. She squeezes my shoulders, almost choking me in her deathly hold.

  "Despite almost scaring me to death, I missed you Jake." She tells me, her voice sounding drained of energy. I smile and pull back —

  "I missed you too. Sorry about that, I don't want to set your ticker off." I joke with her, pointing at her chest. She rolls her eyes, slapping my arm lightly. Auntie Myra is a loving woman who shares the exact same features as my mother. Usually they both get mistaken as twins despite Myra being three years older than Mum. Both of them appear exhausted, no doubt from the plane ride home.

  I turn the kettle on and take out three mugs from the cabinet, setting them down onto the counter. I'm glad to have Mum and Myra home but I also know I need to tell them about Emily. I sigh, placing a teabag inside each much. I didn't want to tell them like this, not when things between Emily and I are . . . Complicated.


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