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His Mission (HIS SERIES Book 1)

Page 20


  I turn the door handle slowly, careful not to make any noise. Tt seemed way too early to wake anyone up. The corridor outside of Jake's bedroom door is dark, only a little sunlight streaming in through the small window at the end. I shut the door behind me and step onto the soft carpet, my feet sinking into it. Everything is quiet and the house feels colder than usual. I begin to make my way downstairs making sure to walk lightly so I don't cause the floors to creak. I've became an expert at acting invisible living with Trevor and Mum for so many years.

  I tiptoe down the stairs, past a snoring dog and open the living room door causing it to creak slowly. It's dark inside, the curtains drawn to block out the outside world. The shadows of the furniture clung to the floors and walls, giving the room a slight eerie feel. I step inside an shut the door behind me. There's a shadowy figure on the far couch dressed in dark clothes. I stand closer, holding my breath careful not to wake him.

  Is it Jake or Tobias?

  He stirs in his sleep and turns over, opening one eye slowly. I stand back, feeling out of place now knowing it was Tobias. His face appears tired, drawn in and there's fresh cut next to the side of his eye.

  "You're awake," he mutters, his voice laced with sleep.

  I nod slowly, swallowing the lump in my throat.

  "Your eye, what happened?" I ask, pointing at his face before letting my arm drop back down to my side. He sits up straight and groans before touching the cut with his right hand. The cut was covered with a line of dark blood that had dried up, staining his skin.

  He chuckles quietly, noticing me staring before speaking again —

  "Your boyfriend is making it a habit to hit me in the face... It doesn't phase me though, cuts and bruises are how I pull all the girls," he replies bitterly, making a joke from the situation.

  He grabs a pillow from the couch before chucking it behind his head. His shirt rides up from the action, revealing his toned muscular stomach. I avert my gaze and look at his face instead —

  "Jake hit you, why?" I ask, confused. I wait for Tobias to elaborate, shuffling awkwardly in front of him. He raises his eyebrow at my actions and sighs heavily, causing a few strands of his hair to blow backwards.

  "You can sit down Emily, I don't bite."

  I swallow again and nod, realising how much of an idiot I must look stood in front of him, shuffling awkwardly. I take a seat in the big armchair opposite him. immediately relaxing back onto the soft cushions.

  "He thought I had done something to you," Tobias finally says and I snap my head towards him, creasing my eyebrows in confusion.

  "Like what?" I frown instantly.

  Tobias sighs again, seeming annoyed at having to explain himself further.

  "You were having a panic attack and Jake came in, to save the day as usual. He saw you on the floor blacked out and thought I had done something to you. Before I know it, he throws a fist to the side of my face," he says bitterly, grinding his teeth together. His jaw clenches tightly and I see the anger flash through his eyes even though the room is barely lit.

  "I was trying to help you." He adds. I immediately feel guilty —

  How could Jake hit him without knowing the facts?

  I passed out from my panic attack, not because Tobias hurt me.

  "Tobias, I'm sorry. I'll explain what happened when I see him."

  I'm angry at Jake for hitting Tobias, I know Tobias could be difficult but Jake never should have jumped to conclusions without knowing the truth first.

  "Don't apologise for him. Beside, I can handle myself."

  I sigh, feeling like I have to make things right with Tobias. I stand up and walk over to the door before pulling it open and making my way to the kitchen. I grab everything I need and make my way back to the living room, shutting the door behind me. Tobias is still laid in the same position, his hands now behind his head causing his shirt to ride further up. I walk towards him and place everything down onto the table next to him.

  "Budge up," I mumble, looking down at him. He raises his eyebrow at my words but silently nods, shifting into a sitting position. I know Tobias and I have never really seen eye to eye but he had tried to help me yesterday and I know he had a caring side to him just like Ivory had said. I wanted to repay the favour, make things right between us so it wouldn't always be so awkward.

  I sit down next to him, noticing how his bare arm nestles against my leg. I clear my throat before reaching over for the warm cloth. I dip it into the little cup of water and squeeze out the remaining liquid in silence. The only sound is Tobias' breathing next to me. I reach towards his eye and start wiping away the blood carefully, making sure I didn't make eye contact with him. . . Something about that didn't feel right. The blood comes off easily thank goodness and the cut didn't look so bad anymore.

  "It's not that bad," I say quietly, breaking the silence between us. Tobias remains quiet, barely moving a muscle.

  "Told you I'm tough, I'm built like bricks." His voice is quiet and hoarse. I smile a little at his words, knowing he wants to keep his pride intact.

  "There, you're all done." I smile down at him before turning and placing the cloth back onto the table. I stand up but before I can, Tobias places his hand on my thigh and my eyes snap to it immediately. I silently look back at Tobias and notice his eyes have lightened considerably.

  "Thanks Em" he whispers quietly before moving his hand. I nod silently, noticing how my skin didn't tingle or my breathing didn't catch the same way it did when Jake touches me. I clear my throat and stand up, taking the things with me. In a strange way, things between me and Tobias feel patched up, just like I'd done with his cut.

  Chapter Twenty Nine- Little girl.

  Tobias and I sit together silently for a few hours, binge watching a series on TV about a murder house. Occasionally one of us will make a slight comment when things get a little gruesome or exciting. There's a bowl of popcorn nestled between us on the couch and the sun is beginning to rise outside causing it to create a soft glow inside the room.

  It's early hours in the morning and the birds begin to sing their song. I yawn and stretch my arms over my head, shifting in position to get comfortable.

  "How are you still tired? I've never met someone who can sleep for so long." Tobias comments, his gaze never leaving the TV screen.

  The main character had been stabbed with a piece of glass and blood was cascading down the walls. Clearly Tobias is enjoying it too much to look away . . .

  "I haven't slept well for years, living with someone like Trevor can do that to you so I'm making the most of it whilst I can." I half joke. I take another handful of popcorn and watch Tobias still before turning towards me. His brown eyes flash with sympathy and I immediately curse myself for bringing up the topic of Trevor.

  "I haven't been the most welcoming since you got here. Just because I have issues with Jake doesn't mean it should effect the friendship between you and I." Tobias says quietly. My eyebrows raise in surprise from his sudden honesty and I open my mouth to respond but he cuts me off —

  "I'm sorry Emily. It won't happen again."

  I choke on the piece of popcorn in my mouth and quickly cough it back up.

  "Who are you and what have you done with the real Tobias?" I gasp, bringing light to the situation. His shoulders immediately relax and a small smile flickers across his face. A silent peace offering settles between us and I'm grateful for that.

  I realise Tobias doesn't have to be my enemy, I'd quite like it if we were to become friends.

  Who knows . . . Maybe it'll rub off on the two cousins and get them to sort their differences.

  "What happened between you and Jake? He never told me." I asked, eager to know what had caused them to dislike each other so much. Tobias sighed deeply, his face turning serious. His eyes held guilt in them and he turned towards me sheepishly -

  "I did something unforgivable, I betrayed him and took something from him that he cared deeply about. Me and him were so close before it happened and I r
uined it," he said sadly, turning back towards the TV.

  I waited for him to elaborate but he never did so I took that as my cue to drop the subject. It wasn't my business to do so and I didn't want to appear pushy.

  The door of the living room opened slowly and Jakes head popped round. His eyes looked sleepy and his hair was sticking up in different directions. He wore black jogging bottoms that hung loosely on his hips. His white shirt clung to his arms showing off his strength and I couldn't help myself from gawking.

  Even in the morning, this boy managed to look good.

  "Morning," I smile at him, patting the seat next to me. He gave me a small smile in response, warily glancing between me and Tobias. Jealousy flashes through his eyes and I frown —

  "What's going on here?" He asks me, his voice low and husky from sleep.

  "Im watching a movie with Tobias." I respond, confused as to what he's implying. I sigh and push myself off the sofa, grabbing the bowl of popcorn with me as I do so.

  "Tobias was keeping me company, I woke up a few hours ago," I explain, walking towards the door. I brush past Jake and head for the kitchen.

  "Why didn't you wake me?" Jake replies, trailing after me. He pulls back one of the dining chairs and sits himself down. I place the bowl of popcorn onto the side and turn to face him.

  "You weren't there when I woke up and it was early."

  Jake ran a hand over his face, his eyes not quite meeting mine as he replied.

  "I thought I'd take the spare room. I knew it was going to be a restless night and I didn't want to wake you."

  I nod slowly, knowing me and Jake have lots to talk about. The police visit, DC Jones and the incident with Tobias. I sigh and tale a seat next to Jake.

  "We need to talk Jake."

  After a lengthy talk with Jake, he agreed not to lash out without knowing the truth again. The boys still didn't see eye to eye however Jake promised me he would act civil towards Tobias.

  I pull on my high waisted jeans along with a white off the shoulder top. Next I decide to tackle my hair and instead of putting it up into a messy bun as I usually do, I let it flow down my back. After applying a little makeup, I feel content with my appearance.

  My phone beeps, letting me know I've received a text. I decided to ignore it as I'm already running a little behind. I grab my belongings and head downstairs, ready for college.

  Jake is waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs, just as he does every morning. He's wearing a white shirt, dark blue jeans and trainers. I laugh out loud, realising we're both matching.

  A complete mistake but it's kind of cute.

  I smile at him and stand on my tiptoes, planting a soft kiss on his cheek.

  "Ready to go?" I ask him, my heart warming a little as he slides his arm around my waist, pulling me in closer.

  "Ready when you are Muffin," he murmurs in my ear, causing goosebumps to erupt over my bare skin. I bite the corner of my lip to stop the smile from spreading right across my face. The boy made me happy, really happy. He opens the front door and gestures for me to walk ahead of him.

  "You're such a gentleman at heart," I tell him over my shoulder, grinning as I walk out. He smirks back at me in response, blue eyes shining —

  "Tell anyone and I'll kill you."


  "Emily, your phone is buzzing." Trish hisses at me whilst maintaining eye contact with Mrs Wilkins as she lectured us on our math exam results. Apparently we all did below her expectations and she wasn't happy.

  "It's fine, it's on silent." I whisper back at Trish whilst doodling in the corner of my book. Trish pokes me in the ribs, signalling for me to check my phone and I sigh, pulling it out of my jean pocket. The screen flashes with five different text messages and I scroll through them, reading each one.

  How's my little girl been doing?

  Answer me when I ask you a question, little girl.

  Did your mother never teach you not to ignore someone? It's very rude Emily.

  Maybe I should teach you? Would you like that?

  We'll be together soon Emily then we'll have all the time in the world.

  My grip tightens on the phone as I read each message, the next one creepier than the last. I swallow the lump in my throat and ignore the chills running through my body.

  DC Jones terrifying face flashes through my mind and I'd bet a million pounds it was him sending me these texts. I haven't heard from him in a while causing me to think he had crawled back underneath his rock somewhere. Oh, how wrong I was.

  I turn my phone off and shove it into my pockets before focusing on class. I didn't noticed my hands shaking and Trish looks at me worryingly. I can feel her gaze burning into the side of my face. I look over to find Jake doing the exact same. He's leaning back into his chair, looking as bored as every other student in the classroom.

  Mrs Wilkins monotone voice could put vampires to sleep during the night. His eyes fill with worry and concern as he notices the distress on my face.

  "Whats wrong?" he mouths over to me silently. I shake my head, not wanting to get into it right now. No matter how hard I try, the daunting thought of DC Jones getting me 'alone' with him is all I can think about.

  Who is he and what does he want with me?

  Is he one of Trevor's allies in the police force?

  How does he know my father?

  I have too many questions that sadly I know I won't get the answers to until I'm face to face with the man himself. So I pull out my phone and do the only thing I can think of.

  I text him back . . . asking for a time and place.

  Stupid, I know.

  I need answers to the endless amount of questions I have and this is the only way to get them.

  Chapter Thirty - Mistake no 2.

  4pm. The Arm's Pub. Leave Jake at home or else I won't tell you anything.

  I read the text repeatedly, my eyes straining from not blinking. The words begin to blur on the screen and I sigh, leaning back against the wall. The time reads 3:58 and I'm stood outside The Arm's Pub, already regretting my decision.

  "It's not too late to turn back." I mutter under my breath, closing my eyes for a brief moment. How else can I get the answers I so badly crave? This is my life and my identity that Jones is playing with. I need the answers and he's the only person that is willing to give them to me.

  I agreed to meet him at a public place however it came with one condition. . . he chose the location. Gangs of hooded figures litter the street corners, looking dangerous and intimidating. Town folk tend to avoid this area like the plague.

  Loud drunken shouts can be heard coming from behind the glass doors, aggressive and booze filled. The windows that once were clean and now a murky brown, streaked with inch thick dirt. Broken glass is scattered across the floor and I grimace, stepping around it.

  My hand wraps around my phone tightly and the other clutches the handle of the small knife inside my jacket pocket. It's for my protection but the thought of possibly having to use it scares the living crap out of me.

  I'm not a violent person but the situation I find myself in requires me to be brave and firm. I don't feel brave or firm. Cold harsh winds whip around me and even though it's late afternoon, darkness fills the sky. The street lamps light up, illuminating objects with a creepy shadow.

  I shiver at the icy breeze that surrounds me and I wrap my black leather jacket around me tighter, hands trembling. I stand in front of the door, building up the courage to push it open and take the first step inside.

  You can do this Emily, you only have to speak to him for a few minutes, get the answers you need and leave.

  I silently wish Jake was by my side but I also didn't want to risk his safety. Jones specifically asked for me to leave Jake at home and I hate lying to him about where I'm going. I told him I'd be shopping with Trish and that could take up to a few hours. With Trish it usually does. The idea of Trish buying everything that came into her sight sounds more appealing than meeting with Jones. I inh
ale sharply before wrapping my hand around the dirty handle and stepping inside.

  The first thing that hits me is the repugnant scent filling the air. The entire place reeks of stale beer, smoke and sweat. My stomach that'a already in knots starts doing frickin' gymnastics inside my body.

  The pub is busy with crowds of men, clutching glass beers in their hand. A football match is playing on the large screen in the corner and a group of middle aged men are screaming profanities at it, drinks spilling over the side of the glass with their annoyance. No-one notices me at first but as I take a few more steps inside, the noise level quietens and heads turn in my direction. I drop my gaze to the floor, nerves building up quickly as I head for a booth at the back.

  Disgusting comments and sniggers are thrown my way as I make a beeline for the table, legs shaking underneath my weight. The crowds and their intense stare terrify me but I try to ignore their scrutinising gaze. I take a seat, breathing a sigh of relief.

  I'm guessing not many teenage girl's walk into this pub. . .

  My hair falls around my shoulders and I gladly hid behind it, now realising the mistake of sitting where I was. I can't see the door meaning I can't keep an eye out for DC Jones.

  "God, I'm an idiot," I mumble at myself, standing back up and walking around to the opposite side of the table. I'm just about settling down when a dark figure slides in opposite me, sitting in the spot I was in mere seconds ago.

  "How are you darling? How about you and I have a drink?" He slurs, leering at my chest and signalling at the bar.

  Numerous eyes are watching us and I shake my head, my eyes scanning over him. He clutches at a bottle of cider and looked as pissed as a parrot. His face is covered in week old facial hair and I grimace at the sight of his stain covered clothes that are stale and sweaty. I force a small smile onto my face, responding to his question.


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