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His Mission (HIS SERIES Book 1)

Page 26


  "Are you okay?" She asks me and I nod quickly, my gaze landing on the floor.

  I'm not okay, I'm definitely not okay but I can't let her know that, I need to be strong for her.

  She holds her hand out to me and I walk towards it, taking it in mine. Her skin is so soft and her hand is tiny compared to mine. I smile down at it and she also looks at our hands intertwined with each other.

  "I missed you," I whisper, my voice barely loud enough to be heard.

  "Is it weird that I missed you? I don't know how long I was asleep for but I missed you." She responds, stroking her thumb against my skin. I take a seat next to her and know the time has come to explain everything that happened.

  "You were in a coma for roughly three weeks Emily," I start. Her eyes widen a little at this but she remains quiet, allowing me to continue.

  "When Jones shot you, I didn't know what to do. I was so scared, I've never felt fear like that before."

  I shut my eyes, trying hard to compose myself. My voice is trembling and I hate having to admit how scared I am, I hate showing fear. I feel Emily lift my hand to her lips and she places a gentle kiss on it, reassuring me. I take a deep breath before carrying on —

  "After he shot you, Jones shot himself. He's dead." I say, swallowing the lump in my throat as I remember him hitting the floor with a loud thud. I look up at Emily and I'm surprised to see her taking it so well. Her face remains emotionless and I can't figure out how she's feeling. I take her silence as my cue to continue —

  "You've been here for the past three weeks, I haven't left your side, I swear. I've slept here every single night with you, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault, I should be lying in that bed, not you. I'm so sorry." I finally break down, my voice falling to pieces.

  The tears I've held back for the past three weeks spill down my cheeks. I feel like the guilt is eating me up inside out, chipping away at me piece by piece.

  "Jake. . . Jake, look at me!" Emily says firmly. I lift my head and she takes both of my hands in hers, brown eyes flickering between both of mine.

  "It's not your fault. You didn't pull the trigger, I don't blame you at all. I can't believe he's dead. . . Jones is dead." She says quietly, registering her words.

  She releases one of my hands and I feel her hand cup my chin, forcing me to look up at her. Her other hand gently wipes the tears away from my cheeks and I nestle further into her touch, so grateful to feel her warm skin on mine once again. It's amazing how despite being in her condition, she's the one comforting me. I didn't realise how much I needed to hear her next few words —

  "I don't blame you, I never will so please

  don't blame yourself."

  "Thank you." I whisper, the tight hold on my chest finally being released. I felt like I couldn't breathe for a long time, too guilty to function properly. Moments of silence pass between us and I glance up to see Emily hesitate before she speaks again.

  "Did my mum come to visit me?"

  I debate whether telling her but decide to be completely truthful knowing she would eventually find out anyway . . . the truth has a way of worming it's way out of the woodwork.

  "She visited once last night... She didn't stay long." I respond choosing my words carefully. I decide to leave out the fact her mother is now a drug addict knowing no good could possibly come from Emily knowing.

  Emily nods slowly, absorbing the information. I see the hurt flash across her face and I sit next to her the bed, pulling her into my arms. She cuddles into me close and I gently move one of the wires she's attached to out the way.

  "When can I leave and go home?" She asks me quietly and I kiss the top of her head, feeling her hair tickle my chin.

  "Soon. The doctor needs to run some tests and the police need to speak to you. Just tell them the truth but leave out the part where I become superman and save your pretty little ass."

  I feel her body shake as she chuckles at my words and the smile that lights up my face is the first genuine one since I can remember. My heart warms and I kiss her head repeatedly —

  "God, I've missed you." I add squeezing her gently in my arms. She murmurs in agreement and cuddles into me closer, pulling the covers over both of us. I felt content, holding her in my arms. Her breathing becomes heavier and I watch as her chest falls and rises steadily, signalling she's in a deep sleep.

  It isn't long before my own eyes became heavy with sleep and I finally gave in to the urge to sleep for a decade. Three weeks of exhaustion finally hits me and that night was the first night I haven't had the nightmare that haunted my dreams.

  No gunshot, no screams, no blood.

  Just the warm body nestled against mine peacefully.

  Chapter Forty One- Boredom.

  Jake's POV -

  I balance the two cups of coffee in my hand and push the door open slowly with my other one. A small smile plays on my lips as I notice she's still fast asleep, eyelids fluttering a little. I'd woken up before her and decided to pop to the hospital cafe to start our day off right. I place the cups on the bedside table and yawn, stretching my arms over my head.

  Her eyes open gradually as she wakes from her sleep and I realise I'll never get tired of seeing those beautiful brown eyes look at me. I bend down and peck her lips —

  "Good morning Muffin."

  She yawns and stretches upwards and I hand her the cup of coffee which she takes eagerly. Her hair is sticking up in five different directions and I smile at the adorable scene.

  "Coffee and kisses? You're officially my favourite person now Jake."

  I grin, giving her a cheeky wink before sitting down on the seat next to her bed.

  "I've always been your favourite person." I tell her, reaching inside my pocket and pull out her breakfast.

  "Here you go, a muffin for my muffin. . . Get it?" I chuckle and she gasps, her eyes widening at the Nutella muffin in my hands. She leans forward, taking it from me before ripping open the packaging and taking a massive bite. Nutella smears all over her mouth and she releases a dramatic moan —

  "It's been so long since I've had Nutella! Thank you!" She says excitedly, taking another huge bite. I sit back and laugh at her, unable to keep the smile off my face. It's so nice to see her full of life again.

  "You weren't kidding when you told me I could eat Nutella every day if I woke up," Emily adds, casually taking a sip from her coffee. My eyes widen immediately and I put my cup down.

  "You heard me?" I ask her, the shock evident in my voice. She nods, shrugging her shoulders as if it's no big deal.

  "Of course I did."

  I shake my head slowly in disbelief, running a hand through my hair —

  "Wow, that's insane. I literally thought you couldn't hear anything Emily."

  She frowns and puts her muffin down onto the hospital bed. Her face appears confused and she appear to be thinking hard before she finally

  responds — "No, I remember everything..."

  Her words drift off and she seems lost in her own thoughts before she smiles, turning to look at me.

  "So are you going to take me on that date?" She asks me. I chuckle, remembering how I'd promised to take her on a proper date. I keep my promises so I nod, leaning forward to kiss her cheek. She immediately wraps her arms around my neck, placing a soft kiss underneath the skin on my ear. Her lips linger for a few seconds and I close my eyes, enjoying the moment whilst it lasts.

  The room door opens and I jump backwards, groaning in frustration at being disturbed. Emily giggles quietly and I turn to see her doctor stood by the door, eyebrow raised at me.

  "I pay for a private room and get no bloody privacy," I mumble unhappily, throwing myself back into the chair.

  "This is a hospital Mr Melvin, do I need to remind you of that?" Dr Green says, pulling a machine through the door. I roll my eyes and sigh dramatically.

  "Yes doctor, whatever you say doctor." I say lightly, turning to wiggle my eyebrows at Emily. It causes her to laugh, the joyous sound filling the small r
oom which is music to my ears. I won't ever get tired of hearing her voice or laughter surround me.

  "Well, I'm glad to see you're feeling better Emily," Dr Green says, taking a step forward. Emily nods and shifts on the bed, pulling her sleeve up. It's become routine for her to get her blood pressure checked. He nods approvingly at her and straps the machine around her thin arms.

  "You've lost quite a concerning amount of weight," the doctor adds, pressing a few buttons on the machine. The wrap on her arms began tightening and Emily nods, agreeing with the doctor.

  "I haven't been eating properly."

  "We're going to change that as soon as we get home, okay?" I tell her and she nods, giving me a reassuring look. I must have the look of worry sprawled across my face as I watch the doctor do numerous tests. Emily leans forward with her spare hand and takes hold of mine. The small action keeps me sane and reminds me to be patient.

  "Is everything okay?" Emily asks the doctor quietly.

  "Everything seems to be going well. You'll gradually build back your strength as the days go on. We'll keep you on a small dose of morphine for the pain and we'll have to assess you today to determine whether you can move independently. In the meantime, you need to get plenty of rest and no sudden movements." The doctor advises, giving me a stern look.

  I hold my hands up at his last words, knowing exactly what his advice is aimed at. Once the doctor leaves, I turn to face Emily who's watching me intently.

  "Did you hear that? No sudden movements Muffin."

  She smirks at me, a sparkle in her brown eyes. I raise my brows in surprise as her sudden eagerness but hell . . . who am I to complain?

  "What the doctor doesn't know won't kill him."

  "That's my girl." I grin at her, leaning forward to place a kiss on her forehead.

  "It's been two days and I'm already sick of this bed. I feel gross, I haven't washed my hair in what feels like

  forever!" Emily sighs dramatically, throwing herself backwards onto the bed.

  I bite the inside of my cheek, holding back a laugh before propping myself up onto the bed next to her. I holds my arms out and she immediately sinks into my body, sighing in relief.

  "I'm just glad you're okay," I whisper, resting my chin on top of her head. She sighs and snuggles deeper into my chest, grabbing one of my hands in hers. She begins tracing the lines on the inside of my palm with her fingers and I watch her, both of us sitting in silence.

  "I love you," she whispers quietly, breaking the silence between us. My heart warms at her words.

  "I love you Muffin, so much."


  Emily's POV -

  I twiddle my thumbs and actually laugh out loud as I realise what I'm doing. This is how I know I've reached the ultimate peak of boredom. I sigh and attempt to brush my hair back with my fingers, grimacing at how dirty the strands feel.

  I grab my phone from my bedside table, turning it on. My eyes widen as it springs to life and I realise I have over fifty messages. I scroll through them, pausing on one from my mother —

  I'm so sorry Emily.

  I re-read the text over and over again until the four words begin to blur on the screen. Jake's words play through my mind and I shake my head, feeling hurt.

  How could she only visit me in the hospital once?

  I'm her daughter, her only daughter.

  What is she apologising for?

  Me being kidnapped?

  Or for Trevor beating me?

  Being shot by Jones?

  Never telling me he was my real father?

  The way she treated, spoke or threatened me with Trevor?

  The list is endless.

  I shut my eyes, my chest overwhelmed with pain. It hurts to have my only alive treat me like I'm non existent. My relationship with her has completely burned down, the flames too thick and strong to ever be put out.

  Maybe in the future, we could work on building it back up but right now, things are too raw, cut too deep. I need time to allow the wounds to heal, metaphorically and physically.

  My body is a complete mess, proof of the turmoil I've been through. My scars show I'm a fighter and instead of being ashamed of them, I want to learn to embrace them. The scars are part of me and I have to come to terms with that.

  I spent years covering the horrible lines that run up and down my skin but now is the time to finally be at peace with my scars. I trace over my wrists, remembering how the ropes had cut deep into them a mere four weeks ago.

  When Jake told me Jones was dead, I remember feeling empty. I didn't register the fact he was really gone but once it hit me, a huge weight lifted from my shoulders. Even with him behind bars, I wouldn't have felt safe.

  I turn my phone off and throw it to the end of the bed, watching it bounce before finally landing softly.

  The door open and I glance up, expecting to find Jake standing there. My eyes meet with two police officers,I've never seen either of them before.

  "Hello Emily," the female officer smiles at me and I smile back, sitting up a little straighter.

  "Can we come in?" The male officer asks and I nod, knowing what's about to happen. It's time I told them everything I've been through with Jones.

  The officers step into the room and close the door over before pulling a chair up next to the bed.

  "You understand why we're here, don't you?" The female asks me and I nod, remaining quiet. She nods approvingly before taking her notebook and pen out from her pocket.

  "I'm April and this is Oliver, don't be intimidated. It's just a uniform." April smiles warmly at me and I nod for the third time.

  "I've seen a lot of the police officer's lately, good and bad." I finally manage to speak, my voice low and trembling. I close my eyes briefly and wish Jake was here to help me through this.

  I feel a hand on my knee and open my eyes to find April looking at me with sadness in her eyes. I breathe in sharply, forcing myself to remain strong.

  "So what do you need to know?" I ask, clearing my throat. Despite sounding confident and strong, I feel the complete opposite.

  Chapter Forty Two - Don’t mention it.

  "What have you got there?" I ask Jake, inspecting his bags as he walks through the door. He exhales deeply and drops the bags onto the bed, a smile spreading across his face. I watch as he dramatically wiped an invisible line of sweat off his forehead before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

  "I'll show you in a minute. Are you okay?" He asks noticing my worried expression. He takes a seat next to me, his smile fading away.

  "The police just left," I mumble, fiddling with my hands. Jake sits up straighter at my words and his eyebrows shoot up —

  "They did? Did you - "

  I nod, cutting him off.

  "Yes I told them exactly what you said and I left out the part about you and the other two bringing guns with you." I swallow the lump in my throat as I vision the way Jake aimed his gun straight at Jones. He looked so at ease holding the gun as if he'd done it many times before and it just reminded me of how little I know about his gang.

  "Thank you," he replies quietly, sensing my unease with the conversation. He stands up quickly and grabs one of the bags on the bed, pulling it closer to him. I know instantly this is his way of changing the topic so we won't have to discuss it.

  "I . . . picked you up a few things." Jake smiles, pulling out a bottle of shampoo and conditioner. He drops them onto the bed before pulling out pyjamas and fluffy socks.

  "I know how much you love your pyjamas."

  I smile, realising he'd brought me everything I need to make my stay more comfortable.

  "Last but not least . . . " Jake says slowly, dropping a massive jar of Nutella in my lap. I squeal in delight and throw myself at Jake, my smile wider than ever.

  "Thank you! You thought of everything." I say gratefully, wrapping my arms around his neck. He pulls me in closer, arms enveloping me into a massive bear hug.

  "Anything to make you feel better." He murmurs
down my ear before pulling back. I smile at him, searching his ocean blue eyes and wondering how I ever got so lucky.

  "You're so sweet, completely opposite to the moody Jake I first laid eyes on." I tell him. Jake rolls his eyes at me playfully —

  "I'm not moody and don't call me sweet."

  "You're sweet," I repeat, pecking his lips. He huffs and crosses his arms childishly before lunging for me. I squeal and backed away, falling onto my back. He's on-top of me in seconds, his hands holding my wrists loosely over my head.

  "Say that again. . . I dare you." he whispers loudly, his eyes trained straight onto mine. I bite back a smile, butterflies fluttering away inside my stomach.

  "You, Jake Melvin, are sweet."

  Before he has a chance to reply, the door opens and the doctor walks in once again interrupting us. Jake and I both freeze, realising how the position we're in looks from the outside. I close my eyes and let out a low groan —

  "It's not how it looks Dr Green."

  He sighs heavily, shaking his head disapprovingly.

  "Get off her please Mr Melvin." His voice is stern and demanding. Jake rolls his eyes but does as he says and I immediately miss his warmth.

  "Emily's health be a joke to you but she really must rest."

  A switch flips inside Jake's mind and he tenses, his shoulders squared defensively. He turns to look at the doctor, blue eyes narrowed like thin slits of


  "You think this is a joke to me? That my girlfriend got shot? I've been here with her every single day, this is no joke." He says bluntly, his words icy and cold. I lean forward and reach for his hand, knowing the doctor had tread on a sensitive subject.

  The doctor appears taken aback at Jake's words and instantly looks apologetic —

  "That's not what I meant Mr Melvin, I just — "

  Jake cut him off, shaking his head.

  "I don't care what you meant, you still said it. Emily means the world to me so don't you dare accuse me of taking this as a joke. We were just having fun. . . You should try it sometime."

  With that, he turns and leaves the room, slamming the door as he goes. I squeeze my eyes shut in frustration, knowing he's hurt by the doctors words. How much has all this effect him? I'd never even stopped to ask. I shake my head at my own stupidity and turn towards the doctor —


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