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His Mission (HIS SERIES Book 1)

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How dare he?

  How dare he come to me when I'm in a coma of all times and confess his feelings when I'm his cousins girlfriend.

  I feel the anger rise in my body and I shove Jake harder, not that it made any difference.

  "Hey what's wrong?" Jake asks, rolling off me himself considering I couldn't even move him an inch. He's definitely been a caveman in a previous life.

  "I have something I need to do." I mumble, gritting my teeth together. You're so beautiful.

  My jaw tenses and I feel my body start to shake due to how angry I am.'Tobias crossed a line, a major line. I run a hand through my hair and head for the door, barely hearing Jake's protests from behind me.

  All I know is that I'm absolutely livid.

  And Tobias will be on the receiving end of it.

  Chapter Forty Seven - Lies.

  I slam the door open and barely flinch as it slams into the wall opposite. Tobias jumps from his bed in alarm but I don't notice the lack of his clothing as I storm up to him, fists clenched in anger. His hand shoots up to rub at his eyes and he appears sleepy, disorientated.

  "Emily, what are you doing?" He frowns at me, his eyes widening as he notices the anger burning in my eyes.

  "How dare you!" I hiss, stomping towards him. I don't stop until I'm stood in front of him, our faces almost touching.

  "How dare you Tobias?!" I yell, shoving him back into the wall. He stumbles a little before standing back on his feet. He towers over me now that he's wide awake but he doesn't intimidate me, not anymore.

  "What have I done now?" He asks me, eyebrows raised as he looks down at me. I clench my jaw at his words that are only making me angrier.

  "You know exactly what you've done!" I tell him, my hands flying out. He reaches out and grabs hold of both of my wrists, pushing me away from him.

  "Shouldn't I be the one mad at you? You threw me out of your room Emily!" He protest whilst I try to wriggle free from his hold. His grip is too strong and no matter how hard I try, I couldn't loosen his hold on my wrists.

  "I heard you, you idiot! I heard you!"

  Tobias freezes on the spot, his face emotionless as he registers my words. I watch as his face becomes pale, the blood draining.

  "You weren't supposed to hear that," he whispers, looking directly in my eyes. I let out a frustrated yell and wrestle against him, trying to free myself once again.

  "Well I did! What do you want to happen Tobias? For me to cheat on Jake like Violet did?" I say angrily. Tobias hangs his head in what I hope is shame.

  "No, I meant it when I said that was a mistake," he says quietly. I shake my head, unable to make sense of the entire situation. How could he betray Jake like this again?

  "So why? Why did you tell me I was beautiful? Why did you tell me you couldn't stop thinking about me? I'm your cousins girlfriend, I love him!"

  I shut my eyes and breathe deeply, forcing myself to calm down. I can hear Tobias breathing in front of me, his chest rising and falling steadily.

  "Because it's true, I do think you're beautiful."

  My eyes snap open and I look up at him, shaking my head in frustration.

  "You can't do this! You can't ruin Jake and I! You're going to destroy him Tobias, you've already destroyed a piece of him! I won't stand back and allow you to ruin him completely." I say, my jaw clenched tightly. I can feel the sadness and anger build up inside me, bubbling away like a volcano ready to erupt.

  "Does Jake know?" Tobias asks his voice wavering slightly when mentioning Jake's name.

  "No." I snap back bluntly, tugging free of my wrists. I hold them to my chest closely and take a step back from Tobias. I see the hurt immediately flash over his face and he holds his hand out towards me before rethinking and letting it drop back to his side.

  "Jake can never know."

  Tobias nods grimly, his eyes trained on the floor, he resembles a told off toddler.

  "I can never know what?"

  I freeze, my heart dropping to the pit of my stomach.

  "I can never know what Emily?" Jake repeats, his tone becoming more demanding as he stands in the doorway, his stare fixed on me. I open my mouth to respond but I can't do it, I can't hurt him. I don't want to see his face crumple in pain, I can't be the reason for breaking him.

  "Can somebody please speak?" He asks loudly at Tobias and I, making me jump. I remain silent and keep my eyes trained on the floor. I can't tell him, it will break us apart. I can hear Jake's breathing speed up from across the room and in a flash, he's by my side.

  "What's going on? Why are you in here?" Jake asks a series of question, his voice rising with each one. I don't answer and instead hang my head low, hiding behind my hair.

  "Jake." Tobias speaks up behind me and I tense up, freezing on the spot. Is Tobias going to tell him?

  "I don't recall asking you the question!" Jake snaps back at him, his tone threatening. He's warning Tobias off, already becoming defensive. Jake turns back towards me, his tone desperate. I can already sense the fear behind his voice.

  "Emily, answer me. I can never know what?"

  How can I break his heart? Break him?

  Our relationship from this point on will be full of insecurities. I shake my head sadly, still unable to look into his eyes. I turn towards Tobias, my face emotionless. I can't be responsible for burning their relationship to the ground completely.

  "You need to tell him." I say before walking out of his room, shutting the door behind me. I close my eyes and sink down to the floor next to Tobias' door, waiting for the fighting to start. My heart is thumping against my chest and I feel like it's about to burst straight through. Will Jake and I ever be the same?

  Moments pass and nothing happens.

  No screaming and no fighting.

  I press my ear against the crack in the door, listening out for their voices. All I can hear is the faint buzz of their conversation. They aren't yelling or raising their voice. What the hell is Tobias telling him?

  I sit anxiously, my leg shaking up and down as I wait for Jake to leave Tobias' room.

  "This isn't right." I mumble, standing back onto my feet. The door swings open and Jake walks out, his gaze landing on me.

  "You were planning a surprise party for me?" Jake asks uneasily and I look at Tobias who's stood behind Jake. Tobias signals for me to nod so I nod automatically, looking back at Jake. An uneasy feeling sits in the pit of my stomach and I swallow the lump in my throat, knowing we're both lying for him.

  "That doesn't explain why you ran off." Jake questions me and I glance back at Tobias, unsure on what to say. I've never been very good at lying and this time is no different.

  "Yeah, uhm. . . sorry about that. I kind of freaked out." I mumble quietly. Jake narrows his eyes at me and Tobias suspiciously, his gaze flickering between the both of us.

  "It's not my birthday so why a party?"

  "It was a party for Emily really, to celebrate her getting out of the hospital. Ivory and I were planning it for you two and Emily walked in, hearing us." Tobias lies effortlessly and I have to stop myself from gawking at how easy lying came to him.

  "You've had it hard lately so we wanted a night to just cut loose," Tobias shrugs and I smile tightly at Jake who looks like he's slowly believing the lies.

  "So when is it?" Jake asks and I open my mouth to let him know it's been cancelled.

  No point in carrying on with a lie right?

  "Tonight." Tobias replies quickly and I widen my eyes at him, glaring. He avoides my burning stare, acting like I've suddenly grown invisible.

  "I'm just going to get the booze now, any special requests?" He asks and Jake turns towards him shrugging.

  "Whatever," he responds before grabbing my hand and leaning over to place a gentle kiss on my temple. I close my eyes and inhale deeply, hating myself for lying to him.

  "Tonight's kind of short notice but I suppose having some fun won't hurt. Mum and Aunty Myra are out too, nice thinking Muffin." Jake grins at me and I smile back at
him tightly, feeling my stomach twist further in knots.

  "Great, I'll go pick up some supplies." Tobias mumbles, disappearing behind his bedroom door to get dressed. My throat runs dry and I can't look Jake directly in the eyes.

  How can I when we both lied to him so effortlessly?

  "I'll ring around to see who can make it."

  Jake nods at me, dropping my hand to let me walk back to my room. I close my eyes and inhale deeply, rubbing at my temples as I go.


  Within a few hours we had around fifty friends coming over. . . And that isn't including the plus ones. I groan at myself in the mirror, tugging at my pyjamas. "I didn't even want this party," I mumble unhappily, a permanent scowl on my face.

  "It is pretty random, isn't it?" Ivory replies, bouncing on her heels as she searches through her closet. Music plays quietly in the background and I simply watch her as she chooses an outfit.

  "We definitely need a good party to forget about everything though," she adds and I nod grimly, my hands tracing over the white plaster on my stomach.

  "I didn't mean what happened isn't important Em." Ivory quickly adds, sounding apologetic. I shake my head, stopping her.

  "I understand, don't worry," I respond, giving her a warm smile. Maybe a party surrounded by laughter and friends is exactly what Jake needs.

  "What are you wearing?" Ivory asks, holding a pretty lace shirt against her body. I shrug and throw myself backwards on her bed, looking up at the ceiling.

  "I have no idea," I respond. I close my eyes and sigh contently, burrowing myself into the blankets. If I could just lie here for five minutes, I could probably drift off. . .

  "Emily, wake up!" Ivory laughs, throwing a simple casual red dress my way. I groan as it falls over my face, practically suffocating my oxygen supply.

  I pick it up and examine it.

  "This will do," I sigh, pushing myself up off the bed and away from the warm cuddly blankets that are screaming my name. There's no time for blankets, the party is due to begin very soon. Just the thought of it is exhausting but I can't expose the lie now.

  I'm already in too deep.

  Chapter Forty Eight - Party time.

  I'm ready in just under half an hour. The before and after transformation is pretty impressive, even I have to say so myself. I've changed out of my pink pyjamas and I'm now wearing a red dress with a scoop neck and long sleeves.

  My legs are bare and I take a moment to gaze at them. They aren't covered in bruises or cuts for the first time in years however if you look closely, you could still see the scars. I wear nude heels on my feet and decide I'm happy with my entire outfit choice.

  My hair is pulled down from my usual messy and is now curled to perfection, framing my face prettily. I wear a dark smokey eye with a nude lip and when I glance at myself in the mirror, I have to do a double take. I barely recognise the girl staring back.

  The last few weeks consisted of me makeup free, messy hair and lying around in jogging bottoms. So this is definitely a change. Ivory grins widely at me from behind —

  "You look hot."

  "Thanks, it's a little much for a house party though, right?"

  Ivory shakes her head. "No, we told everyone to dress up. No casual outfits tonight."

  The door opens and Trish walks in, her blonde curls bouncing on her shoulders. She's wearing a bright pink sparkly dress with sky high heels, just her usual attire. She squeals when she lays eyes on me, pulling me into a tight hug.

  "You look amazing Em!" She says before giving Ivory a hug. I smile back at her, examining her once again.

  How did I manage to have two beautiful best friends?

  "You look great too. Girl, you're body is smoking." I compliment her and Trish beams back at me, winking. She lifts her finger and places it on her hip before making a sizzling noise. All three of us burst out laughing, taking one another's hand as we make our way downstairs.

  The music blares through the room loudly and I grimace, walking over to the speakers to tone it down a little. Within minutes the living room and hallway are packed with people I recognise and some I don't. I haven't seen Jake yet and keep peering over crowds of people to try and spot him.

  I sigh, not catching a glimpse of him and walk back up to Ivory and Trish who are talking to another girl from college. I join them, handing Ivory a drink I'd picked up for her.

  "Thanks babe," Ivory grins knocking the drink back easily.

  "Go easy, we have all night for that." I chuckle, shaking my head at her. I take a sip of own drink and looked around distractedly. The place is packed full of people and there's still no sign of Jake or even Tobias for that matter. I shrug it off and instead let myself be dragged by Trish towards the circle of people dancing. Ivory follows us giggling and throwing her arms around everywhere. She's the heart and soul of every party and knows it as she thrashes her arms around to the music, swaying her hips.

  "Dance Em!" Trish demands, bouncing up and down as the beat blare: from the speakers. I hold my drink tightly before finally letting loose, my hips swaying to the music. I close my eyes and lose myself into the drowning sound of people laughing, chatting and dancing.

  Within seconds I'm beaming from ear to ear as a sense of freedom washed over my body. I'm actually having fun and it feels amazing. Any painful memories are pushed right to the back of my mind and I focus on having a good time with my girlfriends.

  The song ends and I groan loudly, Trish and Ivory are equally as disappointed. We wonder over to the table in the far corner that's covered with party food.

  "Food!" Ivory yells loudly, charging towards the table with her hands outstretched. I burst out laughing, shaking my head at her tipsy state.

  "Hey Ivory, who's your friend?"

  I turn to see who the voice belongs to and instantly recognised him. The same dark hair that was once holding a gun at Jones.


  "Hey Brett. . . These are my friends, Emily and Trisha." Ivory giggles, stuffing a cheese stick into her mouth. I smile at him as I realise he probably doesn't recognise me. The last time he'd seen me, I was bleeding out on an abandoned house floor with a bullet lodged into my stomach.

  "Hi Brett," I smile at him warmly. He's clutching a can of beer and walks closer to me, his eyes wondering over my body.

  "Hello Emily," he whistles quietly and I roll my eyes at the flirty tone to his voice. My heart does a little somersault as I notice Jake, Tobias and another one of Jake's friends heading our way.

  Jake looks amazing and I close my gawking mouth, realising how unattractive I must look drooling over him. He's wearing a black shirt that matches his hair perfectly, it's sculpted tightly against his body showing off his defined shoulders. A black leather jacket completes his look and I have to admit, he looks hot. Numerous girls eyes are fixed on to the boys as they walk over to us, the aura around them screaming authority.

  They own the place and they definitely know it.

  My eyes meet Jake's and he looks away instantly causing me to frown. Instead he walks up to Ivory, grabbing a pastry bite before popping it into his mouth.

  "Having fun?" He asks her, nudging her shoulder a little. She grins back before attempting to elbow him.

  "God, you're built like bricks." Ivory says, rolling her eyes playfully. I turn back towards Brett, confused that Jake didn't even acknowledged me at all. My heart sunk a little as a fear creeped inside my head.

  Did Jake already know of the lie?

  Is that why he's ignoring me?

  "Enjoying the party Brett?" I ask him tightly and he nods, taking a large gulp from his can. He puts his arm around my shoulders, pulling me tighter to him before turning to Tobias and Jake.

  "Hey lads! Meet Emily." He drawls out, his eyes drinking me in once again. I feel Jake's head snap towards us and his eyebrows scrunch up in confusion as he searches my own.

  "Emily?" Jake says uneasily and I bite back a laugh as it finally dawns on me . . . He didn't recognise me at first gl

  "Hey Jake, it's nice to meet you." I respond back at him sarcastically, an amused expression on my face. His mouth falls open in shock and I feel his eyes burn with desire as they drift down my body before landing back on my face. I feel Tobias' burning gaze from next to him and I glance at him quickly to see that he is also stood there in shock.

  "Dude, get your filthy hands off my girl."

  Brett's head turn towards me confused and his eyes widen as it suddenly dawns on him who I am.

  "Holy shit, this is Emily?" He asks quickly, tearing his arm away from my shoulders. Jake nods at him, eyebrows raised.

  "It's erm, g-good to see you looking so well." Brett says nervously and I smile at him, feeling amused.

  "Thanks Brett."

  He nods at me before turning around and quickly heading off as Jake's eyes burned daggers through the back of his head. Once he disappears into the crowd, Jake's attention lands back on me. He whistles quietly, his arms circling around my waist before he pulls me tightly against his body. I smile as I feel his face nuzzle into my hair, his teeth grazing my ear. I inhale his scent feeling my brain turn slightly mushy from having him so close to me.

  "You look absolutely beautiful," he breathes out pulling backwards and resting his head against mine.

  "Thank you," I breathe out, a giddy feeling rising in my chest. I notice Tobias standing a few feet away from us —

  "It's a good party Tobias." I turn towards him, feeling Jake's hands wrap around my waist from behind me. He's standing so close, I can feel his intoxicating scent mix with mine and I have to focus hard to stop myself getting distracted.

  "Thanks," he mutters quietly and I notice his gaze land on my hips where Jake's hands are settled. I shuffle uncomfortably and hear Jake clear his throat from behind me, causing Tobias' eyes to snap back up to meet my face.

  His cheeks redden a little before he turns and continued his conversation with someone I don't recognise.

  "All eyes are on you Muffin." Jake whispers in my ear from behind, his words sending goosebumps trailing from my neck down to my whole body. I turn and lace my arms around his neck before replying —


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