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His Mission (HIS SERIES Book 1)

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  The violence and murder could now be put behind him and he could live his life the way he wants, not how Amil commands him to.

  "Is it over? Are we free?" I ask both Tobias and Jake, causing them to think hard for a few moments. Jake eventually breaks the silence, his head nodding at me.

  "It's over," he whispers, his voice full of relief.

  "We're all free."

  Chapter Sixty Eight - Moving on.

  "Who's this T?" I yell over the music, grinning at him. He waltz over to me, his arm swung over a pretty brunette. He glances down at her, smiling before his eyes meet mine.

  "Emily this is Jane, Jane meet Emily."

  I grin at him and Jane before holding my arms out, signalling Jane for a hug. She immediately embraces me, squeezing me gently.

  "Hey! It is so nice to finally meet you. Tobias speaks really highly of you and Jake," she says, her eyes sparkling as she glances up at Tobias. He grins back at her, leaning down to plant a gentle kiss on the side of her head.

  "Really? He never told me that! It's lovely to meet you too!" I said loudly, leaning closer so she could hear me.

  "So are you two a thing now?" I ask Tobias, waggling my eyebrows at him. He rolls his eyes at me, pulling her closer towards him —

  "Yeah, kind of," he replies sheepishly and I squeal, pulling him into a tight hug.

  "I'm so happy for you!" I say, squeezing his cheeks. He bats me off playfully and rolls his eyes again before thanking me. I feel warm hand slide around my waist and I smile, sinking deeper into the body I belong with. His warmth immediately spreads through my body and I fit against him perfectly.

  "Hey baby," I smile up at him and he smirks back at me, his eyes twinkling.

  "Have you met Jane?" I ask, nodded towards her and he nods, giving her a warm smile.

  "Welcome to the family Jane."

  She giggles in response before looking up at Tobias, her eyes full of adoration for him. I lean closer to her before whispering loudly.

  "Word of advice, run whilst you can."

  She nods at me before chuckling loudly. I stand back grinning and Tobias groans, shoving my shoulder a little.

  "Don't scare her off Em!" He warns me and I stick my tongue out at him causing him to chuckle before he disappears back into the crowd with Jane.

  "She seems nice." I tell Jake. He mumbles an agreement, his mind elsewhere.

  "You look really good night," Jake murmurs in my ear, his face nuzzling into my neck. I bite back a smile and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer into me.

  "So do you." I respond, giving him a smile. He grins at me, his hands resting above my waist.

  "Do you want to go upstairs?"

  I giggle, slapping his chest. He's been suggesting that a lot lately.

  "The party has just started Jake," I smile fondly, shaking my head at his eagerness. I lift my drink to my lips, taking a sip. I immediately scrunch my face up in disgust.

  "What's wrong?" Jake murmurs, his eyes full of concern. I hold my drink out towards him —

  "Whatever is in this is seriously making me feel ill." I groan, handing him the cup. He lifts it to his nose before sniffing it warily. His eyes widen slightly and he let out a low chuckle.

  "Sorry Muffin, Ivory goes a little overboard with the amount of alcohol she puts in these things."

  I roll my eyes knowing it would have something to do with Ivory. She's definitely calmed down when it comes to her partying ways ever since she got with Ben but she still had it in her to throw a wicked party when she wants to.

  "Where is she?" I ask Jake and he shrugs, his eyes wondering over the crowd —

  "By the Christmas tree with that boyfriend of hers," he mumbles grumpily and I give him a stern look, my eyebrows raised.

  "Ben's a cool guy, he won't hurt her."

  I reassured him over Ben for about the millionth time tonight.

  "He better not or else he'll have to answer to me," he replies, puffing out his chest in a caveman style. I roll my eyes at how protective he is over the females in his life.

  "Come on, let's dance!" I say, dragging him towards the dance floor underneath the twinkling lights that were set up in the living room. It's a few days before Christmas and Michelle and Myra have given us permission to throw one party whilst they leave town.

  I've officially moved back in with Jake but twice a week I visit Pops religiously. He'd often pay a visit to Jake's too which is lovely.

  "I can't wait for Christmas Day!" I squeal into Jake's ear letting him in on my thoughts. He chuckles quietly placing a soft kiss on my ear.

  "Neither can I. My first Christmas with my Muffin," he whispers down my ear and I bite my lip, holding back a smile.

  "Have you got me a present?"

  "Of course, would you like it tonight?" He teases, his hands tightening around my waist gently. I nod enthusiastically my eyes turning darker as I take in the cheeky sparkle in his blue eyes.

  "Look up Muffin," he grins, pointing towards the ceiling. I follow his hand and laugh heartily as my eyes land on a piece of mistletoe hanging from the ceiling directly above us.

  "Who put that there?" I giggle and Jake shrugs before dipping me down, his hand resting behind my back. I squeal loudly and look at him with pure love and adoration in my eyes.

  Jake Melvin is mine, all mine.

  "Who cares?" He smirks before his lips crash against mine hungrily. I sigh contently as he pulls me back up in one swift movement, grinning at me like a Cheshire Cat.

  "I love you," he murmurs, resting his forehead against mine. I suck in a sharp breath, loving how those words sound coming from his lips. Hearing him tell me he loves me would never get old, it would always send shivers running through my body. I peck his lips before replying — "I love you."

  Chapter Sixty Nine - Christmas Eve karma.

  The time is 6am on Christmas Eve.

  I am way too excited. I've been tossing and turning for hours knowing that Christmas is only a day away. I adored Christmas when I was younger, my father made it so special. We would wake at the crack of dawn, open presents and he'd make little breakfast pies with our initials on them just for Christmas morning. I remember my little heart squeezing tightly with excitement when the cookies had disappeared off the plate and Santa left a little 'thank you' note behind for me.

  The presents underneath the tree weren't always piled high but that didn't matter to me. Seeing the joy on my parents face all day was all I ever wanted.

  A loving happy family.

  I smile fondly at the memories, tracing my hands over the window ledge. I decided to leave Jake in bed so he could sleep for a few more hours whilst I came downstairs. The house is quiet, still. A cold frost hangs in the air and I'm wrapped up tightly in one of Jake's hoody's, red Christmas leggings and boots. I walk over to the fireplace in the centre of the living room that's decorated over the top with garland and Christmas ornaments. It springs to life once I turn it on and I sit in front of it, my hands hovering over it in an attempt to heat up.

  The sun hasn't fully risen outside yet and there's almost a magical presence in the air. Soon enough the heat spreads through my body causing my goosebumps to disappear. I re-adjust myself so I'm sat cross legged on the rug and reach for a blanket to wrap around my shoulders for extra warmth. Glancing around the beautifully decorated room, my heart warms from how much my life has changed compared to last Christmas.

  I remember it so vividly. . . I don't think I could ever forget. Mum attempted to cook a traditional Christmas dinner but the night before Trevor lost a massive contract so to say the least, he was angry. I remember saying a witty remark to Mum and that was it, he flew off the handle. I flinch as I remember how he'd punched me in the face repeatedly until I saw stars, knowing that I was on school holidays so no-one would see me. I spent my entire Christmas in my room locked up and only went downstairs when Mum announced the dinner was ready.

  The Turkey was dry, the potatoes were underdone and my vegetables
were raw. I fiddled around with my food, pushing it aside and keeping my head down the whole time. I was ashamed of the black eye I was sporting. My beaten eye barely opened due to Trevor and his anger issues.

  "Eat your fucking food," Trevor warned me, giving me a hard kick underneath the table. I remember glaring at him with as much hate as I possibly could before forcing the food down only to be sick later on. It was definitely my worst Christmas ever and that night, I cried for hours silently wishing for my father to come back. It was the only present I wanted for Christmas.

  A year on and I have another loving family who treat me like their own. Ivory and Tobias are like a brother and sister to me and Myra and Michelle treat me like their daughter. The relationship between Jake and I strengthened day by day. We're both slowly working through our issues and the nightmares we're both plagued with. We're each other's lifelines, relying on each other every single day.

  Pops is back in my life and everyone who ever caused me pain was out of my life. It's funny how much can change in such a short space of time. My life has been flipped completely upside down and now I wouldn't trade it for anything. Such a simple thing in life that so many people take for granted. Safety.

  I glance at the window that's covered in frost and squint, noticing something fall from the sky. I gasp and stand to my feet, running over to the window. My suspicions are correct, it's snowing.

  I squeal quietly, jumping on my feet before running up the stairs to Jake's room. He's stood on the top of the stairs, rubbing sleep from his eyes. I charge straight into him, sending us both flying backwards on the soft carpet.

  "Good morning to you too," Jake groans, chuckling sleepily as I fall on top of him.

  "Sorry," I whisper, giving him an apologetic smile. He smiles warmly at me, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. "What's the rush Muffin?"

  "Guess what?!" I tell him, almost bursting with the excitement.

  "You've realised I'm amazing at sex so now you want to stay locked up with me forever and let me do as I please?" He responds, a cheeky sparkle in his blue eyes. I stare at him, my mouth open before slapping his chest.

  "No, idiot!" I laugh.

  "Damn," he replies, pouting his lips childishly.

  "It's snowing!" I squeal, bouncing back up to my feet and helping Jake up. "It is?" Jake responds, his voice husky with sleep. I nod, my head bouncing up and down —

  "Yeah, it is! We can build a snowman and have a snowball fight and maybe make an igloo." I say hurriedly. Jake's eyebrow raises but he smiles at my enthusiastic reaction to the weather.

  "I prefer my suggestion," he replies, wrapping a hand around my waist and pulling me towards him. His chest is bare and he wears red pyjama bottoms that hang loosely on his hips. I pout at him this time, my mouth turning down into a sad frown.

  "But its snowing Jake! Let's go outside!" I mutter unhappily against his chest.

  "Muffin you're not five. . . Although you are absolutely adorable," he teases, pinching my cheeks. I huff and frown playfully at him in response.

  "Hey! No mood swings on Christmas Eve," he says sternly, raising his brow at me. I stick out my tongue at him and he chuckles before lunging forward, wrapping his mouth around my tongue.

  "Ew!" I whisper-yell at him, careful not to wake the others. He smirks at me before wrapping his arm around my legs and flinging me over his shoulder. His bare back quickly becomes my only view and I squeal, slapping him multiple times.

  "Put me down!" I whisper at him, the blood beginning to rush to my head and make me lightheaded.

  "Jake! Where are we going?" I protest. He chuckles quietly under his breath, his body vibrating underneath me.

  "Duh, isn't it obvious? To my room so we can have sex."

  I giggle loudly, placing my hand over my mouth to muffle the sound.

  "You're impossible Jake Melvin." I tell him, shaking my head. He slowly lowers me onto his bed and I bounce down onto the warm sheets.

  "Shut up Muffin," he responds playfully, pulling the hoody off over my head. He walks over to his door, locking it before walking back over to me. His eyes shine brightly and I mirror his expression, both of us completely content with life.

  I glance at the swirls of blue in his eyes, eyes that I've fallen completely in love with.

  "Merry Christmas Eve Jake."


  "What should we get Ivory?" I ask Jake, wondering around the shop. I glance at all the little Christmas presents the shop has displayed yet none of them seem right for her.

  "A box of condoms so she doesn't get pregnant?" He suggests, swinging the shopping bags in his hand. I turn to face him, raising my brow at him and he shrugs giving me a show stopping smile that I can't help but return.

  "Let it go Jake," I grin at him leaning up to peck his lips lightly.

  "Never." He grumbles before kissing me again, longer this time. I sigh against him, my hand automatically finding its way in his. He holds onto me tightly, giving my hand a little squeeze before we go back to browsing for Christmas presents.

  "Why is it always so busy here on Christmas Eve?" Jake mumbles as crowds of people struggled to past us.

  "It's a day before Christmas, what do you expect?" I ask him, grunting as someone barges into my shoulder sending me flying backwards. Jake's hand instantly tightens around mine and stops me from flying into a stack of toys inches away. He protectively pulls me towards him, growling at the person who'd now disappeared into the crowd.

  "Idiot. Are you okay Muffin?" He asks me, looking down at me worryingly. I nod, dusting myself off before giving him a reassuring smile.

  "Next year we buy everything online," he says bluntly, wrapping an arm around my shoulder to keep me next to him. I smile at his words —

  "Does that mean you want to spend next Christmas with me too?" I ask, my eyes shining with happiness. He looks down at me, a warm smile spreading across his own face —

  "No. . . I want to spend every Christmas with you," he mumbles, placing a gentle kiss on my nose.

  "You're mine Muffin."

  I cuddle into his chest, unable to keep the smile off my face as we walk along to the next shop. An hour later, we leave the shop with the perfect gift for Ivory. It's a beautiful silver chain necklace with her initial as the pendant on the end. It shined brightly in the shop and I knew instantly she would love it. It came gift wrapped in a dainty little black box tied with an ivory coloured ribbon.

  It's practically made for her.

  "Want to get some food?" I ask Jake and he nods quickly, holding his stomach.

  "Thought you'd never ask, I'm wasting away here," he jokes and I giggle at him, pulling him along to the food court. I knock shoulders with someone and turn to apologise when my eyes meet familiar large brown ones. It's like looking in the mirror, only at an older version of myself.

  "Mum." I say surprisingly, taking a step back away from her. She smiles tightly at me, her eyes flashing with recognition. My eyes travel down to her hands where she's clutching onto someone's tightly, Trevor.

  I glance at him, my eyes burning with hatred from the sight of his face. I feel Jake stiffen beside me and he pulls me gently behind him, creating a barrier between Trevor and I.

  I study Trevor carefully, noticing how he seems to flinch every time Jake moves. That's when it finally dawns of me — he's petrified.

  His eyes are large and he tries to mask over his fear yet I still notice the tugs he makes on Mum's hand, forcing her to walk away. I glance up at Jake who's smirking at Trevor, a humorous glint in his eye. Trevor clears his throat and his eyes fall to the floor uncomfortably. The man who'd abused me for years now cowards away from my boyfriend, so petrified he can't even maintain eye contact. The whole situation is ironic and I look back at Mum, my own little smirk plastered on my face from seeing Trevor so scared.

  "Merry Christmas Mum. . . Trevor" I say bluntly, no emotion in my words. I give her a false smile before looking at Trevor, disgust written all over my face. Jake wraps his arm around
my shoulders, pulling me towards him.

  "Choke on a turkey bone and do us all a favour eh Trevor!" He says loudly, slapping his hand on Trevor's shoulder in what looked like a friendly manner. Trevor immediately flinches, his whole body jerking from Jake's touch. He glances at my mum with wide eyes, dragging her away from us. We watch as both of them practically ran away, tripping over their own feet. I choke with laughter watching them go and Jake soon joins in, his head falling backwards as he laughs loudly.

  "Priceless," he chuckles wiping tears away from his eyes.

  He's right, moments like that are indeed priceless.

  I guess things really do have a way of working out.

  Chapter Seventy - Baby, it’s cold outside.

  "What are you doing?" I frown at Ivory as she grabs me, pulling me into the bathroom before shutting the door. Her eyes are wide with panic and covered in a glossy sheen.

  "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask concerned, my heart thumping wildly in my chest. She looks so shaken up, tears brimming her eyes.

  "Ivory?" I ask again, sitting her down on the ledge of the bath. She inhales deeply before finally letting out a loud sob, her body shaking as she does so.

  "I think. . . I think I'm pregnant!" she chokes out looking me in the eyes. Her eyes are red raw and she looks so vulnerable, like a little child. I feel my stomach drop and tighten in several knots as I take in the information. My eyebrows scrunch together in confusion —

  "Why do you think that?" I ask, kneeling down between her legs to look up at her. She's sobbing, hiding behind her hair. I squeeze her knee gently to re-assure her but on the inside, I'm panicking as much as her.

  She's eighteen years old, no way is she ready for a baby.

  "Have you and Ben been using protection?" I ask, nibbling nervously on my bottom lip. She nods vigorously before sniffling and wiping tears away from her eyes —

  "I'm on the pill Em! But I'm late, like really late," she explains, fear growing in her voice. She reaches over to her jacket that's hung up and pulls out a box of pregnancy tests. My eyes widened as I realise this is actually happening. Ivory could actually be pregnant.


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