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Homeland Defense

Page 8

by Leo Nix

  “Private Brinley, if you don't mind!” shouted Blondie. “For fuck-sake fire your weapon!” She stomped on the accelerator knocking two of the terrorists to the ground, she then heard the satisfying sound of Brinley's AK firing in her ears.

  Cambra cried out, “It's Blondie and she's got someone in the front seat with her! Hassam, tell the major to get his ass here now! Halo, grab your weapon and come with me!”

  The two commandos leaped to their feet and raced to the edge of the bush, only ten metres from the blockade. They opened fire with their own AK's. Most of Sundown's Commando now used the AK47 once their M16 ammunition had run out. They were just as proficient with the terrorist's assault rifle as they were with any other.

  “I'll take out the machine gunner, Cambra, you focus on that bunch over there!” said Halo excitedly. He was still that same Xbox gamer at heart, and every action was like a video game to him.

  Blondie planted her foot down on the accelerator, she lost control and slammed heavily into the stockade sandbags. The car hit with such force that the raised platform and the machine gunner toppled to one side.

  “Out! Get out! Everyone out of the car!” she screamed. Blondie opened her door and reached in to grab at Fat Boy. He was wide awake now and crawled to join her at the side of the car as bullets now blasted glass and debris over them.

  Private Brinley continued to fire through his window. He was trapped between the sandbags and his car seat.

  “Brinley, get out!” cried Blondie, firing her pistol, not noticing the incoming fire from Halo and Cambra.

  “I can't, my legs are stuck!” Just as Brinley turned to face Blondie he was hit in the cheek by a bullet and his head flicked to the side. “Leave me, madam Tajna Služba! I'll go to blessed paradise protecting you! Just leave me and run!” he called back over his shoulder as another bullet struck him in the stomach, then another just below the collar bone.

  “I'm with you,” he moaned as he tried to slip a fresh magazine into his rifle, but his hands failed to perform the simple task they'd done a thousand times before.

  “Fat Boy, stay next to me. I'm going to make a break for it. Hold this bag, it's got the medicines and the aircraft parts. Don't drop it!” she yelled above the noise. She put her head inside the open car door while she slapped a fresh magazine into her pistol. She yelled at Brinley, “We're going to run across to the bushes, cover us!”

  Brinley heard her voice as though it came from the end of a long tunnel. His attention was now a laser-point of awareness as he fought the pain and creeping numbness from his injuries and loss of blood.

  “Go now my beautiful… Tajna Služba… my love… I'm with you.” It was so soft Blondie never heard a word.

  As she turned to her brother a burst of automatic fire hit the young man in the chest flinging him across the front seat. His head lay where Blondie's lap had been only seconds earlier. His eyes were open but there was no breath of life in his lungs. Brinley had kept his promise, he was with her.

  Grabbing Fat Boy's arm in her free hand, Blondie leaped forward just as Halo and Cambra stepped out of the bushes firing their assault rifles, forcing the enemy back under cover. Blondie now saw them and cried out with joy as she changed course to join her Sundown Commando friends. Halo pointed behind him, directing her towards the corporal. Slipping in another magazine he continued to fire giving the two time to escape.

  The ASLAV and Bushmaster skidded to a halt as Halo and Cambra also pulled back to the bushes. They were now under heavy fire, the terrorist bullets causing leaves and dirt to spray all around the two Commandos.

  From out of the two armoured vehicles leaped a squad of Alice Springs Command soldiers busting for a fight. They'd been waiting for this very moment. After a year of running from conflict they were desperate to prove they were as good as, if not better, than their enemy.

  Two men raced to set up the FN Mag machine gun while the others opened up with their Steyrs, skirmishing forward to engage with their enemy. They swapped bullet for bullet with the Ravens Claw terrorists, some of the soldiers fell to the ground. The fire slackened for a few seconds when the machine gun came to life and pounded the enemy stockade.

  The 25 mm cannon opened fire a second later, directing it's cannon to deliberately decimate the stockade while the 7.65 mm machine guns from both armoured vehicles knocked the remaining enemy to the ground.

  Corporal Hassam now had the opportunity he was waiting for and dragged Blondie and Fat Boy into the ASLAV. He then turned, yelling for Cambra and Halo to jump into the Bushmaster.

  Around the corner now sped four trucks loaded with more terrorists, the Mount Isa Claws. the elite military arm of the Raven's Claw Battalion. These terrorists trained with similar intensity as the Deaths Heads and had a fierce reputation for their fighting prowess.

  On the night before the Apocalypse the Raven's Claw Revelationists held a 'Crusade' in the Mount Isa township. They kindly invited everyone of importance to attend their convention. They put on entertainment and there was a palatial evening banquet. The meal was deliberately poisoned, half the population were wiped out in one fell swoop.

  The elite Claws then marched in to secure the entire township of Mount Isa, capturing the police in their own station and blowing up some of the mines and buildings. Over the next few days they systematically massacred thousands of workers and their families. These Claws were ruthless.

  “Major, incoming vehicles, four. Firing now,” informed the gunner. He pulled the trigger on his 25 mm cannon and destroyed the first truck but the other three made it through the hail of fire to dump their crusaders in a series of trenches overlooking the stockade. Their automatic fire stopped the Alice Springs assault in it's tracks, more soldiers fell.

  Only one person saw the grenade flying through the air to fall beside the machine gun crew - Corporal Hassam. In that split second he knew his mates would be killed if he didn't do something. Instinctively he sprinted across the ground and kicked it like a football. Just as he dropped to the ground it exploded spraying metal shards over the machine gun crew and himself.

  “Captain, this is serious! Even the machine gun won't cut it against their trenches. Look, they've dropped smoke on the ASLAV, clever bastards!” cried the Bushmaster driver watching through his view finder.

  Halo heard the staccato of rifle fire on the armoured sides of the Bushmaster and instinctively ducked down. When the grenade exploded he realised his new-found friends were in big trouble.

  “Fuck this!” he yelled and reached over and grabbed Cambra by the shirt. “Cambra, our mates need us, come on!”

  Together they leaped back outside and opened fire on the enemy in their trenches. They tried to hold back the overwhelming tide of incoming fire.

  By now the Alice Springs Command assault had stalled, both the Raven's Claws and elite Claws began to stand up and direct their RPG's at the armoured vehicles. Before the driver had managed to back out from the smoke cloud two RPG's exploded under the ASLAV. It savagely rocked the armoured vehicle. But it also blew some of the smoke away allowing the 25 mm turret gunner to see the Claws, standing in their trenches, firing at his ASLAV.

  “Parsons, would you care to direct your fire on those terrorists firing their RPG's. It looks like they're gaining the upper hand against our troopers,” said Major Thompson, as calmly as he could. “And don't let up until they're all frigging dead! If you don't mind.”

  “Firing!” replied the gunner. He could now see their own soldiers flat on the ground. Some were still firing but there were many casualties among them. The gunner saw his best mate lying on the ground with blood pooling beside him.

  “Take that, you pricks!” he cried as he watched his cannon shells completely obliterate a section of trench. Then he walked the rounds into the next trench. He continued firing until the Claw platoon ceased to exist.

  The major called over his radio, “This is Sunray Actual, One One Alpha, move up and secure this stockade. Collect our wounded, Sunray A
ctual will provide cover.” His face was a sheen of sweat, he knew his troop had taken heavy casualties and it hurt.

  Both vehicles now moved forward while the machine gunners continued to rake the enemy position. Any movement received special attention. The major inquired of his gunner if he could see any movement towards town.

  “No movement, sir, all clear. I think we've done what we needed to do,” he replied, but his face was tight and his voice caught a little as he strained to control his emotions.

  Captain Lewis cut in on the radio, “I'll see to the wounded, Sunray. My men are loading your ASLAV now.” There was sound behind him and the major saw several walking wounded being brought inside. He watched as their medic busily staunched the blood from one of the soldiers wounds.

  Incredibly there were only two killed outright, but of the ten who hit the ground only one remained unwounded. Halo and Cambra raced over to the corporal they shared their watch with. Corporal Hassam was covered in blood and looked dead, but then he grunted and moved. They watched as his hand reached for the weapon he'd lost at the moment the grenade detonated.

  “Halo, he's alive!” the two reached down and carefully sat him up.

  “I've got him, boys,” said the Bushmaster medic. “Corporal, can you see me?” Hassam nodded. “Good, you can hear and you can see. We're going to get you inside and patched up.” He nodded to the two commandos and together the three carried their comrade into the crowded Bushmaster.

  There was blood and shattered bone, there were sobs of pain and cries of anguish. One of the dead men was brother to the captain, who now squatted to cradle his head in his lap. He turned to Cambra, looking on.

  “Poor bastard, only joined up because of me. I told him I'd look after him, looks like I didn't do too well.” He leaned into his brother's chest, his body became racked in sobs.

  Halo heard the ASLAV open fire again and he looked up to the driver. “What's happening, Noddy?”

  “More vehicles incoming, trucks with troops, they probably have Javelins,” replied the driver calmly.

  Just then the call came through from the major, “Sunray Actual, OK boys, let's get these medicines and parts back to where they belong. One One Alpha, you lead, let's move out at speed, if you will.” The driver released his brakes and accelerated causing some of the wounded to groan in pain.

  The major handed the radio mic to his crew chief, Sergeant Tobi, and crawled across to his visitors.

  “Thanks Major, and just in time. I thought we were going to die back there,” panted Blondie, gulping water from the bottle a soldier handed to her. “I've got the medicines and parts in this bag here, but you'd better check to see they're not damaged.”

  The major took the bag she held out to him. He found a seat and went through the bag's contents.

  “These medicine's are old. I wonder if they'll work if they're out of date. Do you know, Blondie?” he looked at her and asked.

  “I have no idea, major,” she replied. Blondie didn't really care right then, they'd done what they said they would do. The exhausted Tajna Služba, lay back against her big brother and snuggled her head into his chest, her eyes closed. Fat Boy leaned into his sister and did the same. Within seconds they were both sound asleep.

  At speeds exceeding the enemy trucks the armoured vehicles easily outdistanced their chasers. The major, once he knew of the captain's loss, decided not to stay and engage the enemy behind. He wanted to give his wounded the best chance of survival he could. The best way to do that was to get back to Birdsville where the nurses were already preparing their first-aid room to receive them.

  They arrived at the ambush site three hundred kilometres out of Birdsville and pulled into the bush clearing. The medics exited their armoured vehicles and gathered the wounded around the camp fires. The One One Bravo medics had already prepared stretchers and bush beds for their wounded mates. Those in need of more extensive medical attention now received it. Despite the ferocity of the fire-fight most of the men had only minor injuries.

  The Alice Springs Command Armoured Corps, Third Australian Army, were now well and truly blooded. They had finally shown the enemy they could stand up and fight like men.

  Major Thompson personally directed the troops to prepare their ambush in case the terrorists were still following. Their radio operator reported that the chatter from the Mount Isa Claws dropped out some hours ago, suggesting they had gone home. They were most likely licking their wounds at the ruined stockade.

  As soon as Cambra exited the Bushmaster, Lulu and Danni raced across to leap into his arms. They were crying and wouldn't let him go until Sergeant Ahmet asked if they wanted a hotel room. Lulu turned to him and giggled, she didn't say what she normally would in such circumstances. Instead the girls took Cambra to the camp fire and made sure he was given the best food their own hands had already prepared for the returning heroes.

  Halo walked Corporal Hassam over to the camp fire to allow the medics to do a more thorough assessment of his wounds. Once the blood was cleaned from his face he didn't look too badly injured, 'just a few scratches' he said.

  As he passed Blondie the corporal called out, “Blondie, who was that young man we saw riding shot gun in your car? He was covering you all that time. He was a good soldier. I'd be proud to have someone like him at my back.”

  Blondie looked at him blankly. “Who?” she asked. “Oh him. Just one of the terrorists, an enemy.” She reached out and took a sandwich as a plate was passed around. “Thanks,” she said to the soldier and started eating. Private Brinley's brave sacrifice already forgotten.

  The corporal looked over at Fat Boy now tucking into his meal as well.

  “OK, yeah, sure, enjoy your meal,” he said, then went with Halo to sit and stare into the fire.

  Chapter 7 - Cain and Abel

  Greg almost dropped his rifle as the incoming fire splintered the rock beside him. He crouched down then fled back to his car.

  'That's not Riley or his mates, just some tourists, probably. I'd better head back to the farm house and search that gully where we found the bodies. I should be able to find their tracks easily enough,' he thought to himself.

  On reaching his car he pulled the top off his whiskey bottle and finished half in one go. Not that he was stressed, not at all, he was feeling quite aroused after knifing Laurie. He relived the fight, the man-on-man brawl. Greg felt pumped recalling how he managed to pull his knife and stab the coward in the back. He could still feel Laurie's life slipping away.

  Greg remained on a high, and as he drove back to the gully he started to sing.

  It was heading towards dark when he pulled up at Riley's burnt-out farm house. Parked in the yard was his cousin, Joey, and his dual cab, so he tooted his horn at him and smiled. Joey still had his jaw wrapped in a bandage and walked over as Greg turned his ignition off.

  “What took you so damn long, cuz? I needed you yesterday you lazy bastard!” yelled Greg into his cousin's bandaged face.

  “D'yer geg 'm?” mumbled Joey through his broken jaw. It sounded horrible but Greg didn't care, he was still on a high, and drunk.

  “No, I didn't get them. I killed Laurie, though. Coward turned on me. Just as I was going to grab some cute girls up at Arkaroola. We had a great fight too, it was a beauty. He's a tough fighter that Laurie, but I managed to pull my knife and stabbed him, clean in through the back, right into his heart. I felt him die right on top of me. Man, that was so good. Here, grab a slug of this.” He handed Joey his bottle of whiskey.

  Joey, drank a little through the side of his mouth and chuckled deep in his throat. “Asad hd kow ow,” he said and laughed.

  Greg looked at him in bewilderment. He nodded as if he understood, then told him they were going to spend the night there and follow up in the morning.

  “Tomorrow, Joey, we'll go hunting Riley and his mates. Uncle Jack told me we could have Katie to ourselves and then bring her back for him.” Greg smiled to himself as he imagined what it would be like to mo
unt her.

  “Jack said as long as we don't damage the merchandise, we could take her. What do you reckon?” He slapped Joey on the back completely ignoring his mumbled reply. Together they took their swags and made camp ready for the morrow.

  The next morning Greg was in a foul mood. He felt crook in the stomach, and his head was sore from failing to drink enough water and hydrate. Joey started to mumble through his broken jaw.

  “Don't fuckin' talk to me, Joey!” he yelled, “I can't understand a word you say! So shut up and just follow my orders!”

  Their breakfast now finished the two drove silently into the gully. Greg showed his cousin the tracks, the fight scene and where the bodies were buried.

  “Right, we separate and start trackin'. They've taken the two Rovers and there's horse tracks plus Riley's truck tracks. It should be easy enough. If we lose the tracks we'll get out and walk. Is your rifle loaded?” Joey nodded. “Have you got enough ammo for a fight?” Joey nodded again. “OK, jump in the car, we'll follow as far as we can then you climb on the bull-bar and point the way. We should be right until we get into the rocky ground.”

  They did a quick tour of the battlefield then drove forward. Within fifteen minutes the ground became too rocky and Greg was forced to stop the car.

  “Joey, grab your gear, we're walking. If you see anything call me. No, come and get me, I can't stand the sound of yer gruntin' shit.”

  Greg was in no mood to be around, Joey had seen this before. Whenever Greg drank he became a real psycho. When they went out partying there were times Brad or Ferrie had to knock him out to stop him spoiling their drinking and whoring. Of the four cousins, Greg was the worst. Joey remembered Brad saying many a time that Greg couldn't handle his grog, it was so true.

  It was now a few hours after dawn and Roo was on the hill overlooking the Arkaroola wilderness. He knew the Wilson's would come looking for them and he also knew he might not see them coming. The wilderness was a jumble of gullys and scrub, a hell-hole for walking or riding. It was dry, dusty and once you found yourself in the scrub you couldn't see beyond twenty metres. The only way to find your way was by map or by standing on a hill, like he was doing now.


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