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Homeland Defense

Page 11

by Leo Nix

  Nulla nodded for Simon to tell his story. “Me and my mates were doing some target practice near Arkaroola village, inside a big stone building just over that hill so the noise wouldn't carry too far. When we came out we were fired at. There was no warning just a single shot that only just missed us. When we looked to see where the shot came from we saw two men fighting. One of them, this bloke here,” Simon nudged Greg's body with the toe of his boot, “stabbed the man he was fighting then he stood up and fired at us again. We skirmished forward like Nulla showed us, and he ran away. Looks like he came here.”

  Bongo asked about the other man who had stopped Greg from shooting them. Simon described him and both Bongo and Roo stared at each other.

  “Laurie? That's bad, really bad. Laurie was a gentleman,” said Bongo his face showing his pain. “The bloke who saved you was our friend. He's got a wife and kids, poor things. I'd better mention it to Riley, they were mates from way back.”

  While they were swapping stories Luke was watching through his binoculars. He started freaking out when he saw Nulla and Simon put their hands in the air and walk to the top of the hill. When he saw that he didn't know what to do. His first thought was to prepare to assault the hilltop and rescue his friends, but when he checked a moment later he noticed them all shaking hands and sitting together like old mates.

  'This is outright bloody confusing,' he thought to himself. 'Righto, my orders were to wait here unless attacked. But that's not an attack so I have to just stay here I guess.'

  Luke scooped some of the dirt off the fire and blew on the ashes, it roared back into life. He put the billy on to make a cup of tea to calm his nerves.

  Nulla looked carefully at the two wounded men in front of him. “I think you'd better tell us a bit about what we should do next. My mob are on our way to Birdsville. I just spoke to your fellows and they're expecting us. But they didn't tell me they had some of you here in the wilderness. In your current condition I guess you might want a lift back home?”

  “We'll meet with Riley tonight and discuss what to do, Nulla. But I have a feeling our stay here is over. The Flinders Ranges are out of contention as our new home. The whole damn place is riddled with Revelationists and I'd give a million dollars to be back at Birdsville right now,” said Bongo. “But I'd sure like if one of you would help me get back down to the bottom of this hill. We can build up our fire and make some lunch and a billy of tea. It took me all morning to climb this darn hill and I really don't want to bum-hop down on these sharp stones and spinifex spines.”

  “Yep, no worries. If you don't mind I'm sending Simon to collect the weapons we dropped back there. He can then go back and tell everyone we've made contact with the Sundown's Birdsville commandos. That'll certainly cheer everybody up I can tell you. I'll stay here tonight and meet this Riley friend of yours and we'll work out a plan.” Nulla saw the three men nod then spoke to Simon. “Mate, grab my AK for me then take Luke back to the vehicles. Tell everyone to prepare to leave first thing tomorrow. I'll stay here and come back for you in the morning.”

  “Yes, boss,” said Simon. He retrieved Nulla's weapon then headed back to Luke and the group at the caravan park to deliver the great news - they'd met up with the Birdsville commando and were soon to be on their way to freedom and safety.

  That night Riley sat with the three men and they came up with a simple plan: they would pack up and head out at first light for Birdsville. Riley knew there was no future for he and his family hiding in the mountains like this. It was just a matter of time before the Wilson's found and executed them. They were now responsible for the deaths of all four of Jack Wilson's henchmen. All were related to the Wilson clan and there was no way old man Kelvin Wilson, the clan patriarch, would let that go unpunished.

  “Nulla, you've come at the right time. I'll be spending the night with my wife and kids up in the cave, then come down here at dawn. I'll then get my truck and meet everyone on the track at the bottom of the hill. I just hope the Wilson's haven't found it already and aren't waiting for me,” said Riley.

  “Why don't I go with you to collect your truck? I've got arms and legs,” he smiled at Roo and Bongo, “and can provide support if anything goes wrong.”

  Riley looked at him and grinned. “Thanks Nulla, yes, that would be good. I don't think they have anyone here otherwise Greg and Joey wouldn't be alone. I've hidden the truck pretty well… but these bastards, well, you just never know.”

  Nulla looked at the sky, it was an hour before dark. “Want to go and get it now? Before full dark? It'll give us a head start in the morning,” he suggested.

  The four looked at each other and agreed, “Yep, let's do it. An extra hour in the morning will mean I get to spend a bit more time in bed with the missus.”

  While Roo and Bongo set up their prospectors hut for one extra visitor and prepared dinner from the food Riley brought down for them, Nulla and Riley rode the horses to where the truck was hidden. Riley left Black Dog with Roo and the other two dogs, Red and Blue, ran along beside them on the track.

  The group arrived at the vehicles just on dark, Riley sent the dogs ahead to seek out any scent of visitors. It was then a long, circuitous route back to the base of the lookout hill where they parked their vehicle, ready for the morrow.

  While the three ate their meal, Riley headed back to his family for the night.

  “What about those bodies up there, did you want to bury them in the morning?” asked Nulla.

  Bongo looked at Roo, then at Nulla. “Nah,” he said trying to talk between mouthfuls of Katie's delicious stew, “let the dingo's eat them. They and their cousins were the most evil men I've known, and I've known a few. I just hope the poor dingos don't choke on their filthy hides.”

  Chapter 9 - Blondie's Secret

  When the two Bushmasters and the ASLAV arrived back at Birdsville they were all treated as hero's. Tricia and Lorraine met the wounded at the front door and Gail took delivery of Pedro's medicines. Bill, Wiram and Cambra left straight away to start work on the Cessna repairs. Once in the shed they began what they had been waiting to do: fix that damn aeroplane.

  Pedro came good for a while but had slipped back into a light coma and everyone was worried. There was now a small gathering in Pedro's room. Gail had to 'shoo' everyone out while she and Tricia prepared him for his injections.

  Fat Boy wasn't impressed. “Me and Blondie and the boys wanted to wish Pedro good luck. Why can't we go in?” he asked, his voice subdued for once. He was still recovering from his binge with Iceman Ed, and wasn't in the best of moods either.

  “Fat Boy, bringing the dead back to life isn't easy. Please, just let us do our job,” said Lorraine, quietly as she stepped in to collect more bandages for the wounded in the 'hospital wing'.

  Her eyes were gentle as she said, “Pedro's really sick right now, Fat Boy. These medicines you brought back should help a lot, but we need just a half hour to sort them out. Once he's had his meds then we'll let you in.” She'd come a long way with her bedside manners from the time when Cambra had words with her in the Marree hotel, just a few months ago – it seemed a lifetime.

  Tricia was standing behind her and together they ushered everyone back into the corridor, she sent them to get some lunch.

  “Sundown, can't you make them let me stay? That's my little brother in there,” said Fat Boy sounding like a little boy himself.

  “Ah, Fat Boy, one day these nurses may need to save your butt and then they'll do the same thing, what's best for you not you're friends,” said Sundown, putting his hand on Fat Boys shoulder and directing him to the dining room. “Even though we love Pedro, we need to give him every chance to recover. If that means we go and eat some lunch, then so be it. Besides, in our hospital room, Tricia, Gail and Lorraine outrank me.”

  The nurses and the two army medics were busy that afternoon. They didn't lose anyone and only four stayed in the hospital wing over-night. The others were allowed to recover as out-patients.

The two soldiers killed were prepared for burial while the riggers went for a walk with Sundown and the major to select the grave sites. The commando, only last week, had buried the two Birdsville oldies on a slight rise above the flood line, and this was where they headed now.

  “Sundown,” said Major Thompson, “our boys fought like true warriors and I'm proud of them. Now I know how you feel about your commando. I'd like to thank you for letting us participate in this action. I have decided to leave Bushmaster One One Bravo and One One Charlie behind with your commando.”

  At that Sundown stopped walking, Assassin and Beamy stopped too. All three turned to look at the major. “Major Thompson, that's welcome news. We sure could use the additional fire power,” said Sundown, nodding his head as he thought of the possibilities.

  “Sundown,” said Assassin, “that means we can keep an eye on the north and south routes into Birdsville. It's going to take some of the workload off our shoulders too.” Turning to the major he extended his hand. “Major Thompson, thank you and welcome to Sundown's Commando. I think we have a better chance at kicking the terrorist's arses all the way out of here with the joint Alice Springs and Sundown's Commando.”

  The major's face lit up. To be accepted by these rugged fighting men was what he longed for. The major finally found the heroes he was looking for in Sundown and his commando.

  “Well boys, if I hadn't gone on that patrol with Cambra and Halo, and witnessed their bravery against the Ravens Claws myself, I wouldn't have bothered coming back here today.” Turning back to Sundown he said, “Sundown, your commando is what Australia needs right now and I aim to make sure the government recognise that. I'm hoping to leave for the Alice in a few days time. That should give my boys a bit of a break and time to recover. We took a bit of a pasting against those terrorists yesterday.” He paused for a moment to wipe at his moist eyes.

  “My boys took it to them too, I can assure you. They walked into the enemy fire like, like…” He closed his eyes as his head swam in heroic images. “Like the ANZACs at ANZAC Cove. My goodness they were a sight to inspire the hearts of every Australian.” He stopped and pulled out a handkerchief and wiped at his watering eyes once more, then he blew his nose loudly.

  “Major, we heard how well your troops fought. They gave covering fire for Cambra and Halo, it got them out of a sticky situation. Cambra said your boys didn't flinch, even when the Raven's Claw second wave arrived and began cutting them down,” said Assassin, even he had a tear in his eye watching the emotions criss-crossing the major's face.

  Sundown put his arm around the majors shoulders. “You're now blooded to us and we to you. Our community proudly accepts Alice Springs Command as our brothers-in-arms.”

  They held the funeral that afternoon, all attended including the wounded.

  Before dinner that night, Sundown and Major Thompson called a meeting to debrief everyone. Only the front line warriors were invited to attend. Once the debrief was over everyone went in to the main lounge for dinner and drinks. Stories were told, the beer flowed and the guitars came out.

  As the dinner plates were cleared away Lulu and Danni entered, carefully carrying something of what appeared to be very valuable, in their hands. The girls called for everyone to be quiet. Halo then stood up and accepted the first flag from Lulu, inviting Major Thompson and Sundown, to come to the front of the room. Everyone was quiet.

  “Sundown. Our fighting girls have stitched the 'Mount Isa' battle honours onto our flag and we ask that you accept it on behalf or our commando.” He held the flag out for all to see. In big letters it read 'Mt Isa'. Below were written: 'The Mines', 'Marree' and 'Birdsville'.

  Halo then carefully accepted the next valuable object from Danni, he stepped across to address Major Thompson.

  “Major Thompson,” he began, “a few days ago we set out together as separate commands. Together we contacted the enemy and fought a vicious battle. Our casualties were high and sadly two of our Alice Springs Commando brothers died protecting Cambra, Blondie, Fat Boy and myself. We bear witness to the bravery of your troops as they stood tall against overwhelming odds. Not a one shirked their duty, despite the incredible volume of enemy fire. We saw acts of heroism above and beyond what is expected of front line troops in any war and any army. We are proud and honoured to be called your friends and comrades. Please accept this Alice Springs Command flag, as a small gift of appreciation for your sacrifices.”

  The major pulled out his now well-used handkerchief and blew his nose, he then proudly accepted the flag.

  Halo then saluted the major and called to the assembled joint commando: “Please, be upstanding.” Everyone respectfully stood at their tables, some at attention and some quite awkwardly because of their injuries.

  “Attention!” barked Halo, and everyone slid their feet together. In a loud voice he announced, “May God bless us here today, because he has certainly stopped blessing the Revelationists! Now drink up!” He paused, a confused look spread across his face when everyone remained standing. His eye's flashed bright as he remembered. Bellowing like a parade ground sergeant he called, “Dismissed!”

  There were some chuckles from the hardened men and women as they settled down to their drinking and bonding. Wiram couldn't stop smiling as he walked over and put his arm around Halo's shoulders.

  “You dopey prick, Halo, military protocol will never be the same from now on. But by hell you sure made me shed a tear.” He gave Halo a 'noogy' putting him in a headlock, bending his head down and rubbing his knuckles into his scared scalp.

  McFly called out, “Halo, since when does a civilian give parade ground orders in a hotel bar room?”

  “Don't worry about him, Halo, we're damn proud of you and the girls. I wish I'd thought of doing that,” called Shadow, offering to put McFly in a headlock to give him a noogy too.

  Sundown was impressed, actually, he was quite overwhelmed. He nodded to Halo acknowledging his service to them all. Handing the major a beer he asked him what he would do with the flag.

  “I'm not sure. It isn't official until its approved, in triplicate, by our commanding officer, but I'd like to have it here on the wall beside yours, if I may. And can I ask the girls to make a separate one for my ASLAV?” He stood at just below Sundown's height and looked like a little boy for just that second.

  Sundown grinned. “You bloody-well can,” he said and called out to the teenage girls, “Danni, can you and Lulu come over here for a moment, please?”

  “Yes, boss?” asked Danni as the two skipped across like school girls, their faces beaming.

  “First of all, from myself and the commando, thank you for a wonderfully prepared and presented surprise. Secondly, Major Thompson has a request of you.” He looked to the major, who leaned forward so they could hear him in the din of the lounge room.

  “Danni and Lulu, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. That is the most wonderful thing I have ever set eyes on. I would like to have our flag up on the wall there next to yours. And if you don't mind, would you be so kind as to make me a smaller one that I can pin up inside my ASLAV?” He blinked as more tears flowed.

  “Sure major, we can get that done tomorrow for you. Can we say that it was fun and a pleasure to be with your One One Bravo fellers on patrol, they were real gentlemen. What your troop did was very brave. You saved our Cambra and we won't ever forget that. We're real sorry for your losses, and poor Captain Lewis, losing his brother was horrible. We wish we could do something for him,” said Danni, who was no longer the shy little teenager the commando rescued nearly a year ago.

  “Thanks girls and I'm sorry for the captain too. His brother was a hero and gave his life for all of us here. But now is not the time for tears, this is his wake and we celebrate his life, not his death. Come on, share a drink with me girls,” offered the major brightening and feeling a little frisky as he grabbed their arms in his and walked towards the bar.

  “Major, we're only a tiny bit under age, but if Pinkie says we can
have one of Andy's shandies then we'll drink you under the darn table!” laughed Lulu.

  Soon, after they'd had a few drinks, Bill, Cambra and Wiram headed off with Beamy in tow to work on the plane. They looked in on Pedro on their way out and noticed he was still asleep. Gail told them they had better work fast because he didn't appear to be responding to the medication.

  Sundown wanted to talk with Blondie and Fat Boy about the Mt Isa terrorists, but they kept putting it off. Neither were in the mood to talk or mix with the others. He put it down to the stress of their ordeal, but he wasn't going to give in.

  “Fat Boy, for Pete's sake, what happened. I haven't had a chance to debrief either of you and now is as good a time as any. Neither of you are interested in partying and I've got work to do, so come into my office and we'll get this over and done with.” He walked off towards his office and the two obligingly, though reluctantly, followed.

  “Sundown, there's not much to say, really. We got in, made contact with the bikie gang, Fat Boy kept them occupied while I found the chemist and Iggy for the aeroplane parts. It was quick, easy and then we hit the road block and it nearly fell apart on us. If it wasn't for the army boys we'd not be here.” Blondie flicked the hair out of her eyes and stared at Sundown.

  “Blondie, I know something's fishy when I smell fish. My demon is restless and he recognises a fellow demon in you.” Sundown finally said what he'd wanted to say since he first laid eyes on Blondie and Fat Boy. “I want to know who you really are, and we aren't leaving here until you tell me.”

  They sat quietly sipping their beers for a good minute when Fat Boy looked up at his sister then back again. She nodded so he began to talk.

  “Sundown, first of all we aren't husband and wife, Blondie's my little sister. We've been playing the game of lies for so long it's hard to stop.” He spoke softly and slowly, his vibrancy lost, for the time being at least.

  He looked again at Blondie, she was calm and in control as always. “I got smashed off my face at the strip club with my old mates in the gang while Blondie did all the work. We've got this down pat you know, I keep the opposition busy while my sister gets on with the job.” He stopped as Blondie took over.


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