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Desired by the Bear Book 3

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by V. Vaughn

  Desired by the Bear Book III

  V. Vaughn

  Sugarloaf Press

  Copyright © 2016 by V. Vaughn

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover by Ravven

  Editing by Jodi Henley and Red Adept Publishing

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31


  About the Author


  The Eradicators’ abduction of Kelsey, long lost daughter of the Ouellette second-in-command, is a diversion tactic that has Jean Luc and his team wondering what the hunters have planned. When Tally calls up an evil from the past, she discovers a coven of black magic witches are working with the hunters, and they pose a much greater danger to the clan than she’d realized. The tiny witch must risk her life for the clan and the future of all werebear in the Northeast Kingdom, and she needs the hope of a life with Marcel and the strength of her fellow witches and Izzy to defeat them. But is it enough, or will the hunters finally gain the upper hand in their quest to eliminate werebear once and for all?

  Chapter 1


  I lift the foul-smelling potion to my lips and gulp it down. A shudder racks my body with double the force it should, and I know it’s because I’m about to use black magic. I’m standing in Bella’s kitchen with four of the strongest clan witches in the Northeast. Kimi, Bella, Lucian, and Leanne are here with me to perform a ceremony that goes against everything we’ve ever been taught. But in order to keep our werebear clans safe, we must fight evil with evil.

  When black magic was used to spell protein powder given to Marcel, he became a portal that sucked me back in time and into another person’s body. I suspect the plan was for me to be stuck there and leave my clan vulnerable. It might have worked, considering the protein powder was spread throughout the clan and I went through the portal more than once. I even took a non-magical Nadia with me the second time. Fortunately, I was strong enough to return, and with the help of Bella and Kimi, we managed to get Nadia back too.

  While the protein powder has now been destroyed, the threat has not. Evil is forcing its way into our world, and each witch present at Bella’s house knows we need to band together to win.

  “God, that’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever tasted,” says Leanne, a witch from Massachusetts.

  Her twin, Lucian, gulps his drink down and says, “Not true. Your potions are always this awful.”

  “Are not!” Leanne retorts before Kimi lets out a low growl that is eerily similar to the ones our werebear make.

  Bella says, “Moving on,” as she glares at the twins. “I have Jace and Xavier building the bonfire, and it should be ready soon.”

  Jace and Xavier are werebear warrior guards tasked with keeping me safe. Kimi spelled them to forget everything they hear tonight, and I suspect Bella spelled them to do the manual labor. Considering both of the males are well over six feet and built of solid muscle, I don’t have any guilt about it. And on a better day, I’d be outside watching their sweaty, rippling bodies as I pretended to be checking on the progress.

  Lucian takes a deep breath and smiles like the Cheshire Cat. “Ah, the smell of smoke. I do love a good fire full of black magic. All those tortured spirits rising up from hell.” He sighs. “Pity they’re so unpredictable.”

  “Just like your--” Leanne’s mouth snaps shut, and her eyes bulge with panic as she appears to struggle to part her lips.

  Kimi’s magic sparks as she levitates Leanne about two feet off the ground and says, “Perhaps you aren’t aware of the severity of this situation, but the next twin to make a smart remark will be dealing with my brand of evil.”

  Leanne stumbles after her feet land on the floor again, and she gasps for air when Kimi releases her magical hold over the willowy brunette’s mouth. Bella, who has experienced Kimi’s wrath a few times herself, takes pity on the girl and says, “Come with me. We’ll set up the salt circle.”

  Tonight, Kimi will lead us in a ceremony to discover the identity of whoever is behind the evil. She’s our elder by at least thirty years, and I know she’s seen more than most medicine women have. And while I’m arguably the most powerful witch amongst us, I wouldn’t want to do this without Kimi.

  Lucian and Leanne are here because when they work together, they add a strength that reinforces mine to give me more stamina. Bella’s power is average, but she’s got the mind of a scientist and sees details as well as remembers them. She’s kept us out of trouble more than once.

  Kimi says to Lucian, “You know I shouldn’t spell you and waste my power. But Leanne’s not the smart...” Kimi sighs as she glances up to the sky, and I contain the snort of laughter that threatens to come out. “Well,” she says. “I’m looking to you to maintain control.”

  The way Lucian straightens up makes me want to grin, because Kimi just used the good old-fashioned appeal to his belief he’s the more intelligent twin, and it worked. Considering any extraneous spells could interfere with what we have to do tonight, I’m relieved. He says, “You have my word. It’s all business from here on out.”

  Kimi nods and moves over to the wooden table where an ancient leather-bound book lies open. Her knobby fingers splay out on the pages, and she closes her eyes as she inhales deeply. She’s calling on the medicine women and men in her bloodline who used the same book before her and asking for their help. We’ll need a few friendly faces in the midst of the evil ones we’ll call up tonight.

  I watch as Lucian pulls a medallion from his shirt and closes his eyes to do the same. I glance at the sapphire ring on my middle finger. It’s been passed down through my family, which traditionally has only had female witches attached to the Ouellette clan. I lower my mental shields and focus on my grandmother, the witch whom I followed. Her dark eyes sparkle in her wrinkled face as if she’s smiling down on me, and the memory of her chanting voice echoes in my head. The stone of my ring is warm under my finger as I rub it, and I whisper, “Bring me the strength of those before me.”

  A chill runs down my spine as I recall when my grandmother told me about black magic. I was terrified by it, but my curiosity made me ask if she’d ever used it. She nodded as her eyes teared up, and she told me sometimes it’s necessary, but to remember it comes with consequences. When an evil dies, a good must too.

  Ice runs through my veins as I wonder what I’ll sacrifice tonight, and the vision of Marcel floods my mind. My heart stops for a moment as I imagine losing the man I love. The love that I never believed was possible until recently when I discovered he felt the same way. When it appeared we had a chance,
things had to be put on hold because he became a dangerous portal. And even though he isn’t one any longer, I can’t act on my attraction for him while I focus on saving my clan.

  I push the thought from my mind, and I open my eyes to notice Kimi and Lucian staring at me as hot tears fall down my cheeks. I sniff and say, “I’m ready.”

  Kimi’s feet thud with purpose across the kitchen floor as we head out the door to the field behind Bella’s house. I stare in amazement at the huge fire that burns before us. Wood spits and cracks as sparks fly up high in the air. I shouldn’t be surprised--my two warrior guards wouldn’t have built anything less. I catch Xavier’s eye. “Thank you.”

  The redheaded guard winks at me. “Go big or go home--isn’t that your motto, Tally?”

  I chuckle at his ribbing about his best friend, Marcel. I’m a hair shy of five feet, and my potential werebear boyfriend is huge in comparison. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Xavier and Jace move far away from the fire and into guard positions as I approach the salt circle Bella and Leanne laid out. The heat from the fire sears my skin as I move to my position facing north. Kimi is south, Bella is east, and Lucian and Leanne take the west position.

  Kimi begins to chant in a low voice, and the flames lower in response. On the second round, I join in, and the fire becomes subdued enough so that I have a clear view of Kimi. Bella is next, and by the time the twins take part, the flames are small enough I can see each witch clearly. Our hands rise, and Lucian and Bella squeeze my fingers tightly as we connect ourselves in a circle.

  Kimi throws her head back, and a high-pitched keening comes from her as she calls for spirit guidance. The flames of the fire leap into the air and begin to pull away and form figures. Loud laughter comes from a male as a woman screeches, and numerous voices yell words that range from profanity to pleading. Kimi is searching for someone helpful as the figures swirl around the circle looking for a way to escape and wreak havoc on earth.

  “Victor!” she yells above the noise as she reaches her hands out to a large male. He takes on the characteristics of a person, and I realize she called on the former Alpha of the Veilleux clan. He died in a battle with Kimi’s clan, and one of his illegitimate half-breed daughters changed and became the new alpha. She now leads their clan in a peaceful way.

  Victor’s feet hit the ground with a thud, and he crouches down and turns quickly in a circle before he stops. His lip curls back over his fangs as he hisses, “Kimi.”

  “Hello, Victor,” says Kimi. “How would you like a chance to see Lily?”

  Lily was his true mate he left behind, and Kimi told me given enough time, his wife may have been able to change his evil ways. He’s still turning slowly to try to keep all of us in his sight, and Victor’s gaze is on me when she speaks. I see his eyes flash with the pain of loss before he clenches his jaw and whips around to speak to Kimi. “I’m listening.”

  So am I, because I wonder if Kimi is about to make a deal with the devil.

  Chapter 2


  My teeth chatter as I shiver. The chains of my cuffed limbs rattle as I do sit-ups to warm my body. My mobility is limited inside the prison of my metal cage. But I remember an article I once read about a woman who had gone running in the canyons of Utah. She fell off a cliff and broke her pelvis and had no way to call for help. When the frigid night temperatures came, she pushed through the pain to do crunches in order to keep herself from falling prey to hypothermia as she waited to be rescued.

  I’ve been trapped in a cold, dark cave for what I think must be hours. I have no idea why I’ve been kidnapped, but I’ve got a good idea who took me. Hunters are trying to kill off the Ouellette werebear clan, and I think they might want me for leverage. Although, I’m not exactly a valuable member of the clan since I’m still human.

  I’m sure my mother was drugged when she invited me to a cafe for lunch. She acted so strangely, and when she led me out to the parking lot, I was grabbed and thrown in a van. My breath catches in my throat as I think about Mom. She’s got to be so upset that she helped them take me, even if it wasn’t her fault. When I first woke up from whatever drug they’d used to sedate me, I felt as if I had the worst hangover of my life. A woman brought me a sandwich and water, which I haven’t consumed yet. I was too busy crying. But now that I’ve gotten over my pity party, I’m going to focus on staying alive long enough for my true mate, Val, to come save me.

  My bladder screams with the urge to pee, but there’s nowhere for me to go, and I’m not sure I could lower my jeans with my cuffed hands anyway. I continue my exercise as I flash to the day Val tried to keep his clan’s warriors from taking me when they thought I was a hunter. He started to shift before they calmed him down, and I have no doubt he’s frantic about me being missing right now. I push the pain of our separation away to focus.

  My shivering has subsided, and since my stomach muscles are on the verge of cramping up, I stop my crunches. I glance at the food I was given. I haven’t got an appetite, but I think it’s wise for me to eat anyway. The paper bag rustles as I grab it and retrieve the sandwich inside. There is barely enough light to make out the surroundings of my cage, and when I take a bite of my meal, I discover it’s bologna and American cheese with mustard on bread that sticks to the roof of my mouth. I grimace at the flavor but keep eating for the energy I’m bound to need.

  As I drink from the water bottle I was given, I realize I can’t wait to use a bathroom, and when I get up on my knees, metal clangs as my head hits the top of my cage. Great. This is going to be a test of my flexibility. The button of my jeans and zipper are easy to release, and I work my jeans down by alternating my tugs on each side. I determine which way the ground is slanted and position myself accordingly. A bar above my head is cold in my hands as I grab it to hoist myself up, and I extend my feet to brace them against the edge of the cage in front of me as I press my bare bottom against the back in an effort to urinate without getting my pants wet or having to sit in my own pee when I’m done.

  I let out a sigh of relief when I’m finished, and I feel a sense of accomplishment. I recall Isabelle telling me I have a warrior spirit, and it makes a smile of pride twitch at my lips. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but now that I know I’m part werebear, I plan to let it guide me to survive.

  I suspect the reason I was taken has something to do with my twin, Caitlyn. She grew up with my father, who is a werebear, and thought that was what she was too. But when she hit puberty, the time when her peers learned to shift, she discovered she was part human and couldn’t. She was sent away to boarding school, where she was recruited to become a hunter. Only it gets more complicated, because a few days ago, somehow a werebear was put into her body and made her shift during a recent hunt. She escaped before they killed her. Now she’s with the Ouellette clan, and I can only guess what her hunter friends think. I wonder if they believe she was a spy. I gulp as my mind goes crazy with the thoughts of what they plan to do with me.

  Footsteps echo off the walls of the cave, and I think I’m about to find out. My heart rate increases with panic as I determine two people are headed my way. A flashlight blinds me, and a man says, “That crate isn’t big enough for her to shift.”

  The woman who brought me food says, “It was the biggest I could find on short notice. It’s not like there are zoo supply stores in the neighborhood.”

  A slap rings out, and the woman lets out a muffled noise of pain. I grimace for her as the man says, “Excuses are for the weak, Linda.”

  The woman’s voice is soft, and I picture her hanging her head as she says, “I’ll bring her a sleeping bag for tonight and find a bigger cage tomorrow.”

  “No. Bear don’t need blankets.”

  I imagine how cold it might get tonight and blurt out, “If you want me to live, I’ll need a sleeping bag. I can’t shift.”

  I jump when the metal bars of my cage ring from the man slamming his flashlight against them. “Did I as
k you a question?”

  It takes me a moment to answer because while he did ask me a question, I’m not sure if he realizes it. When nothing is said, I assume he’s waiting, so I say, “No. I’m sorry.” As soon as I apologize, I wish I could take it back. This jerk doesn’t deserve my respect.

  He practically growls at me. “Your sister said she couldn’t shift either, but now we know different.” The lock on my cage rattles as the man lifts it and then drops it again. He grabs the bars and shakes them as hard as he can. I fall back against the wall of my prison as he manages to tilt it up before letting it crash back down. My breathing is shallow as I wait for what he might do to me, and I try to tamp down my fear.

  “It’ll do for now,” says the man.

  The flashlight the woman is training on me shakes, and I think she’s afraid too. The guy makes a noise of disgust before his feet pound as he begins to walk away. A moment later, the woman follows him, and her light shining on him lets me see a large man dressed in camouflage clothing. When she gets next to him, he hip checks her into the wall, and she lets out a small noise of pain before falling back to walk behind him.

  I let out the air I was holding in and let my tears fall. I think about how helpless I am because I can’t shift yet. When Caitlyn shifted, it was because a werebear was trapped inside her body. Jean Luc, the alpha of the Ouellettes, wanted to make sure those of us who are three-quarters werebear can’t shift, so I tried. Extreme emotion like pain can make the shift happen, so Isabelle beat me up, and I remember the urge to fight back even though I didn’t have a prayer of stopping a polar werebear. I recall her words afterward. There’s a warrior in you. Welcome to the Ouellette clan.


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