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Marked by Pain

Page 5

by Cece Rose

  “Can I speak to you in the bathroom?” Logan asks quietly, but doesn’t wait for me to answer as he grabs my hand and pulls me to the other door in the room. He opens it up, pulling me inside and shutting the door behind us, before turning the lock. Logan walks over to the shower, turning it on, and coming back to me as I lean against the door.

  “Will you get in the shower, Kenzie?” he asks, and I laugh.

  “Are you joking? Not a chance,” I reply as I cross my arms. He growls as he picks me up. I fight him, not using my powers because I don’t want to hurt him, but he throws me into the shower before I can get free. The warm water pounds down on me as Logan steps into the shower and closes the glass door, shutting us in together. I let my eyes travel down his white shirt, and notice that it’s see through now, and shows off his muscular chest, the way he has that v line that dips into his jeans. My heart pounds as I finally look up, seeing his eyes watching mine as his wet hair drips all over his face.

  “What the hell are you doing, Logan?” I ask breathlessly, only seconds before he presses me against the shower wall and kisses me. Forgetting stupid things like asking questions, or the fact I’m mad at him, I kiss back, sinking my hands into his wet hair. The warm water from the shower continues to drench us even more, soaking our clothes right through as we continue to kiss, and forget the world.

  He pulls away, making a pained sound as he does, as if he resents the fact he has to move away. “Fuck, I’ve wanted to do that since we got here, Kenzie,” he breathes, and some sense snaps back into me.

  “What the fuck do you think you're doing! You can't just act like nothing has happened, act like you haven't betrayed me and East. You don't get to do that!” I seethe, pushing him further away, so he's standing on the opposite side of the shower now.

  “Listen I brought you in here to explain--”

  “Explain? You think you can just talk your way out of this? No way, Logan. Get out of my way, I'm leaving. Where the fuck are the towels?” I question, as I try to push past him. He grabs my wrists and pulls me back, pinning me up against the wall of the shower again. After what just happened with Ryan, I concentrate on keeping my powers under control, taking deep breaths.

  “Let me go,” I demand, once I have calmed myself enough to think straight.

  “You can go, but you have to hear what I have to say first. Please, Kenzie,” he pleads. I look into his eyes and sigh, seeing the sincere look in them. Whatever he has to say, he truly thinks it's important.

  “Fine,” I say reluctantly. Sighing agian as I lean back against the wall, the water still pouring down over us.

  “I'm not meant to be telling you this, fuck I may be ruining the whole escape plan here, but I can't stand seeing you hurt like this. I can see why East did what he did now, I think his job may have been the easier one in hindsight.” Logan swallows, and I can see how nervous he is to continue.

  I link my hand in his. “Explain.”

  “We're here to get you out. Me, Locke, Enzo, and Kelly. Mr Daniels is on our side now too, but he can't break his cover, it's too important.”

  “What do you mean he's on our side now?” I ask.

  Logan licks his lips. “Well, he really was a part of the rebels, but that's changed now—”

  “Like fuck it's changed!” I snap. “Have you not seen him, running around like he's the boss here?”

  “Keep your voice down, Kenz. We should be okay to talk in here, but don't risk it any more than we have to,” Logan whispers harshly. “Look, he found out something that changed it all for him, something he wouldn't ever allow to happen. It's to do with you, we can't let the rebels have you, we just can't.”

  “I don't understand, is this about the twelfth mark?” I ask.

  “Yes, no, kind of? It's what could happen by using it,” he says.

  “What do you mean, what could happen? What does my mark even do?”

  “I don't know, he won't tell me what your mark does. What he did tell me, is that using it could kill you, Kenzie. There's no records of anyone using the twelfth mark and surviving. We have to get you out of here,” he answers.

  “Shit. They're planning on killing me? Does Ryan know this?” I ask frantically.

  “He's been told that you will live, that they have a plan to ensure you survive using the mark,” Logan says.

  “But that's a lie?”

  “It's untested, there's no guarantee their plan would work, and I'm not convinced they care if it fails to keep you alive. So long as they get use of your power first, that's all they care about.”

  “But Ryan thinks I'll be okay? He's not...he's not okay with me dying, right?” I ask in a small voice, the betrayed feeling rushing through me already.

  “Hey, it's okay,” Logan says as he pulls me close. He holds me tightly to him. “Ryan thinks you will live, he wouldn't do this otherwise. You're his little sister and he loves you.”

  “Then why don't you just tell him that I might not live?” I ask and Logan swallows thickly. “You think he won’t believe you? That he might reveal your plan to them?” I question, making a guess.

  “Yes, he’s been completely pulled into this, Kenzie. He’s basically brain-washed. Your dad sent Verity to Ryan a couple years ago, and she’s been slowly poisoning him for years.”

  “Shit. How did we not realise?” I ask, looking up at Logan.

  “We couldn’t have known. Don’t blame yourself, gorgeous, this isn’t your fault,” he says, and I sigh. I don’t believe that, but now isn’t the the time to argue that point.

  “What’s the plan? And if you’re here to break me out, why is East locked up right now?”

  “I can’t explain the plan now. Just be ready to go at any moment, Kenz,” he says, and I nod. “East is…East is locked up because he couldn’t deal with the thought of you feeling like we had all abandoned you, that we all betrayed you. He didn’t want you to feel alone in this. He knew his rescue attempt was likely to fail, but he accepted that, because he knew then you’d feel like at least one of us was still on your side. He said it would help keep you strong and motivated to escape, so Daniels gave the plan the okay. He wasn’t happy about it though, he knew it was likely that East would get hurt,” Logan explains.

  “He knew they would hurt him, if he got caught trying to rescue me, and he did it anyway? To stop me from being alone? He did that for me?” I question softly.

  “He did. Fuck, I wish I’d done it. Seeing you hurt, thinking we all betrayed you, it was so hard, Kenzie, I couldn’t do it,” he whispers, leaning down his face closer to mine.

  “Really—” my words are cut off as his lips claim mine again, and his body moulds into mine as I’m pressed against the wall. He releases my hands to move his own into my hair, gripping it as he holds me firmly in place.

  The shower door is slammed open, and Logan slides me down his body as we turn to face Locke who is holding the door. He reaches in, switching the shower off.

  “As much as I don't want to interrupt this, or how much I want to join in, Ryan is awake and asking for you,” Locke says gently, and I step around Logan, leaning up and pressing my lips to his.

  “Thank you,” I say, leaning back as he stares at me in understanding. He realises I know everything in one look. Maybe because I'm not glaring at him like I have been since they got here.

  “So where are the towels?” I ask looking down at my dripping wet clothes, and making them both smile. I ring my hair out, letting the water drip onto the floor.

  “I dunno, I like the wet look on you,” Logan says as he steps out the shower, and my eyes trace his body, wishing we hadn't been interrupted.

  “Same here,” I grin, just as Locke hands me and Logan some towels he found. We dry off the best we can before walking out the bathroom, and I see Ryan sitting up on the bed. He looks pale and tired, but there are no burns, which I'm thankful for. I stare at him for a while, not knowing how to process that he’s being lied to. That nothing he knows is real, and all I feel is
sorry for him.

  “Kennie,” Ryan says, sitting straighter.

  “Careful, Ry,” Kelly warns as she watches me from the other side of the room with her arms crossed, wearing a worried expression.

  “I'm sorry I've been such a brat, I know I have been and that's changing now. I'm going to try and get along with our father, to help the rebellion,” I say, lying as there’s no way I'm helping them. No, I have to escape before they try to kill me. But at least I know I can trust three of the four people in the room now. Just not my brother.

  “I get it, and I’m glad that you’re finally seeing what’s right in front of you. You can trust me, you can trust us,” he says and waves a hand. “Come here,” he asks me. I walk over, sitting on the bed next to him and holding his hand. I just hope he doesn't hate me and everyone else when he realises just how wrong he is about this place, and about our father.

  Chapter 8


  “I didn't think you would come, not after the incident with Ryan earlier today,” my father says when he opens his door that I've just knocked on. I smooth down the tight red dress I'm wearing, plastering on a fake smile as I look up at him.

  “It was an accident, and I’ve learnt that I need more control over my emotions and powers,” I say as he steps out the way and waves me into his room. The entrance hall is large, as big as my bedroom with two doors on either side. It has gold carpets, gold walls and expensive looking paintings on them. The whole entrance hall looks like it costs more than my old home.

  “Well you are young, and that is what we are here for, to teach you control,” he tells me and I smile tightly. I will show him control when I shove my fist into his face.

  “Hello, Miss Crowe,” Mr Daniels says as he steps out the door to the left, dressed in a suit that makes him look more attractive than should be allowed. His brown hair is styled out of his green eyes, which seem to lock onto my own. I want to forgive him for everything he has done, but I still can't get the thought that he runs this place out of my head . That he betrayed me from the second we met, even if he decided to side with me in the end. What changed his mind? Was it knowing I would die?

  “Mr Daniels,” I reply, my voice more neutral than I thought it would be. We both seem to just stare at each other, both of us needing to say something, anything, but we don't. We can’t.

  “Let's get on with this dinner, you are fifty minutes late already, Mackenzie. The poor cooks have been keeping the food warm the whole time,” my father scolds me.

  “Miss Crowe has an issue with being on time, it’s something you should grow to expect from her, Alaric,” Mr Daniels says, making me glare at him as I follow my father through the door that Mr Daniels holds open. When I pass Mr Daniels, his fingers graze down my back slowly, making me shiver and look behind me to see him smirking at me.

  “Oh, she did turn up then, it’s not like we’ve been waiting for ages,” I hear Verity's whiny voice say. I look over to see her sitting at the table, a smug grin on her face as she turns to pointedly look to her left. I follow her gaze to see Enzo sitting next to her, holding her hand on the table. Anger and fury burns through my mind, and only Enzo's little shake of his head makes me calm down. I have to remind myself that he wouldn't really be dating her. That this must be a part of the plan or something, but it doesn't stop how much it hurts. Or how much I want to pick the knife up from the table and stab them both with it. Repeatedly.

  “Hello, Verity, Enzo.” I smile tightly, walking towards the seat opposite Enzo that my father holds out for me. As I sit, I can't help but trail my eyes over Enzo in his suit, reluctantly noting how fucking good he looks.

  “You shouldn't stare, it's rude,” Enzo says and I laugh.

  “It's rude to bring a girl on a date with another girl you’ve seen half-naked and kissed, and yet here we are. All together,” I say, laughing more when Verity glares at me. I look away as Mr Daniels sits next to me and places his hand on my knee under the table, squeezing once. My father sits at the head of the table, and lifts a glass. I look around at the expensive looking table, the gold plates and crystal glasses. The large fireplace and paintings in the room. It’s clear my father likes to live in luxury, like a king or something.

  “A toast,” he pauses as everyone picks up their glass. I watch his calculating eyes as they look around the table, pausing on how close Mr Daniels is to me and then back up to my eyes as he starts talking. Why do I feel like I'm a mouse in his trap?

  “To our families, to changing this world for the better, and to Mackenzie. Who is the only one that can make all this happen,” he toasts and everyone drinks from their glass, as I lock eyes with my father and put my drink down. I'm not toasting to that.

  “How can I make what happen?” I ask, and he chuckles.

  “I will tell you what your twelfth power is, if you do something for me,” he offers, and I tilt my head to the side.

  “What?” I ask, curious as to what he would want.

  “You let my scientists and doctors examine you, test your powers.”

  “No, that could be dangerous for Mackenzie and everyone here,” Mr Daniels snaps, his grip on my leg is borderline painful as it tightens on my knee.

  “Would they hurt me?” I ask, curious to see him lie straight to my face once again.

  “No, not at all. We just want to learn about you,” my father answers, keeping eye contact with me the whole time and ignoring Mr Daniels completely. He’s a good liar, I will give him that.

  “Fine. One week of testing and you tell me what my twelfth power is,” I reply, and look over to see Mr Daniels giving me a look that suggests I should stop talking.

  “I love how demanding you are, just like your mother,” he answers, not exactly agreeing with me.

  “I want you to promise me, and don’t speak about my mother,” I snap and he laughs under his breath, leaning back in his seat.

  “I promise to show you exactly what your twelfth power is in one week, Mackenzie. Now, we should eat,” he says, clapping his hands, and the door to the right is opened as people start carrying food in. They place the plates between us, with roast chicken and a mixture of vegetables. I pile some food on my plate at the same time everyone else does, and we all start eating in silence.

  “So, it’s Enzo, correct?” my father asks.

  “Yes,” Enzo replies, looking over at my father.

  “I have brought Verity up, like a daughter if you will. I hope you will treat her right,” he says, making me tighten my grip on my fork.

  “I was only invited for dinner, this isn’t a date,” Enzo replies coldly, and I hold back a smirk when Verity's face drops. “What a shame, I had such high hopes. With your eleven marks and Verity's ten, you'd be such a good match,” Alaric says. I look between Enzo and him curiously.

  “What do you mean by that?” I ask, and he smiles thinly at me.

  “Well, here we believe that those with more power should look to partner with someone else who has a similar level of power. To ensure a pure next generation for us all,” he explains plainly, and I feel my stomach twist. He can't be serious? Enzo coughs, looking severely uncomfortable, and Verity has a determined look on her face. I really don't like that look.

  “That sounds... interesting,” I manage to force out. There's a moment of awkward silence.

  “Well, this food is fantastic,” Mr Daniels says, breaking the silence. I turn my head to look at him, grateful for the subject change. It occurs to me how weird it is that I don't know his first name, and yet I feel so close to him. I squeeze his hand under the table, and make a mental note to ask next time I see him. It doesn't help that everyone either calls him Mr Daniels or just Daniels, meaning I haven't been able to catch it from anyone else either.

  “Yes, it's delicious,” Verity says, and I turn my head in her direction. She's not looking at the food. I feel my hands clench, and Mr Daniels uncurls the one he's holding, and rubs the palm of my hand with his thumb soothingly. Looking down, I take a
deep breath.

  “Personally, I think it's a little tasteless,” Enzo remarks, making me look up. His dark eyes lock with mine, and I flash a grateful smile at him.

  “Children, please play nicely,” Alaric remarks in a humorous tone.

  “This is nice, I mean, nobody's been set on fire yet. That’s what you like to do when things don't go your way, isn't it, Kenzie? Just go around setting people on fire? Like a little toddler having a tantrum,” Verity says, narrowing her green eyes on me.

  “Fuck you,” I say plainly, over this whole polite dinner pretence. I'm so done with this dinner, done with this whole damn day. I stand, pushing my chair back, and dropping Mr Daniels' hand. His sister is a freaking nightmare.

  “Going somewhere, Mackenzie?” Alaric asks.

  “Yes, I'm going anywhere that bitch isn't,” I snap, already walking out the room.

  “Mackenzie, don't act so childish. Come back here and finish your dinner,” he calls after me.

  “Go to hell, daddy-dearest,” I call over my shoulder sarcastically, leaving the room and that hellish dinner behind me. I walk quickly from the property, noticing all the guards along the perimeter wall, as I head back towards the main building where my room is located.

  “Crowe, wait up!” Enzo's voice shouts from behind me. I turn to see him running in my direction.

  “What are you doing here?” I question, slowing down slightly.

  “I came to see if you were okay… and to escape the psycho bunny boiler, but mainly to make sure you're okay,” he says, flashing me a grin. I try not to return the smile, but fail.

  “I'm fine. I just needed to get out of there before I really did set her on fire. I can't believe she's Mr Daniels’ sister, they're so different.”

  “She was always a little evil and out of control, but coming here really changed her. Your father changed her,” he says, reaching for my hand and pulling me to stop.

  “So you're saying it's his fault, and she's a victim?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at him in question.


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