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Marked by Pain

Page 8

by Cece Rose

  “Get out of that head and be with me, Crowe. I will keep you safe, I'm never going to let you down again,” he promises me when he stops the kiss, but he keeps his lips close to mine. Our eyes are locked together and I feel, the promise in them. I feel everything as I stare at him, the emotion, the pain of nearly losing me, the anger and something else I can't even think of. Let alone say out loud, so I just stare into his dark eyes, wanting to get lost in the darkness of them.

  “Enzo,” I whisper and he grins.

  “So speechless that you can only say my name? I like that look on you,” he grins and makes me chuckle a little as he pulls away, but stays by my side. He pulls his phone out, texting away as I begin to ask questions.

  “Where is Kelly, is she okay?”

  “Recovering still, but awake and demanding to see you,” he says, “Ryan has practically locked her in the room until the healers say it’s safe for her to get up.” I smile at the idea of anyone stopping Kelly from seeing me, much like I want to see her, and would if every part of my body didn’t hurt. I actually don't think I could get up off the bed without face planting the floor.

  “And Verity?” I ask, hoping that she hasn't just gotten away with it. Enzo's face clouds over in anger as he spits out.

  “Locked up, and she won't be getting out anytime soon.”

  “Miss Crowe,” Mr Daniels breathes out in relief when he slams into the room. He doesn't look any better than Enzo does, with his rumpled clothes and pale face. His hair is messy, but it’s still a sexy mess, and he doesn't move as he stares at me.

  “Mr Daniels,” I say softly, and Enzo looks between us before standing up. Enzo leans over me, kissing me lightly before whispering.

  “I'm going to find you some food and you two should get rid of all the secrets. Talk about why he protects Verity,” he says, shocking me into silence. He leans away and walks out the room, patting Mr Daniels’ shoulder and the two of them seem to have some kind of silent conversation. Mr Daniels shuts the door behind Enzo and walks over to me as I pull myself up on the bed a little.

  “Do you want a drink, Miss Crowe?” he asks me and I nod.

  “I asked you to call me Kenzie,” I say as I watch him pour me a glass of water and bring it over, sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “I remember, I don't think I will ever forget when you asked me that,” he says as I take a deep drink, and then place the glass on the side.

  “How are you feeling?” he asks me, his green eyes seem to be accessing my every move.

  “Honestly, a little sore, but I’m more worried about Kelly, and I’m feeling like I never want to see Verity again or I'm going to try and kill her,” I tell him honestly, and he looks down at the ground. I expected him to argue with me, try and convince me she’s all rainbows and sunshine but he doesn't.

  “Did you know we had two dads? I believe Verity is my half-sister, but as you know in our world, that means very little,” he tells me.

  “Same with me and Ryan, I don't think he is Alaric’s son. He has my other dad's eyes, and he doesn't look much like me or him,” I reply.

  “I agree,” Mr Daniels replies.

  “You’re still trying to save your sister, aren't you?” I ask him.

  “I'm trying to save the little girl I remember. The girl who played with dolls, who loved dogs, and who I used to watch movies with every Sunday after dinner,” he replies sadly.

  “That isn't her anymore,” I say gently. “She isn't that sweet girl, she’s pure evil now.”

  “I know,” he says, and I reach up to place my hand on his arm. He catches it, bringing it to his lips, and kissing the back of it slowly before looking up at me.

  “At some point, I realised I had lost her, but I still couldn't admit it to myself. I just kept repeating the same thing in my head, that she will choose to be good in the end. That she won't betray me...but then she hurt you. The woman she knows how much I fucking care about...and she still did that. Even if you were a stranger, she shouldn't have done that,” he says angrily, and kissing my hand once more.

  “She didn't care when she hurt me and Kelly, she liked the power,” I tell him, remembering the look in her eyes.

  “I didn't know how far gone she was until I saw you in here, and her smiling when I visited her just now. She isn't sorry, not one part of her is,” he says.

  “I'm sorry, and I'm sorry that you can’t save her. Just like I don't know if I can save Ryan, I think Verity may have changed him too much,” I admit, biting my lip.

  “I'm losing everything, first my parents, now my sister and—” he starts to list but I lift my hand out of his and place a finger against his lips.

  “You won't lose me,” I say and move my hand as he goes to say something else, but the door is opened.

  “Mackenzie, how good it is to see you awake,” Alaric says as he walks into the room, pausing to look between me and Mr Daniels.

  “Daniels, you are needed in room sixteen,” he snaps out.

  “Of course I am,” he replies as he stands. He heads for the door and turns looking at me over his shoulder. “I will come see you later, Kenzie.”

  “I'll see you later then,” I reply, giving an awkward half-wave. Turning to Alaric I narrow my eyes. “What do you want?”

  “Is that any way to greet your father, Mackenzie?” he asks.

  “Not really, it's a good thing the three of them aren't here,” I retort.

  “None of them are your actual father though, are they?” he questions.

  “They all are. Leave me alone,” I snap.

  “And here I was thinking you were finally coming around,” he drawls, stepping around the bed to look at my chart.

  “Well, almost being killed by your little psycho soldier doesn't exactly help your cause.” I cross my arms and try to sit up straighter, not wanting to relax around him.

  “Verity has overstepped and will be handled,” he says plainly.

  “Handled?” I echo questioningly.

  “She has her talents, of course, but she is proving too much of a risk. There's really no other choice,” he replies, as if it's obvious.

  “You don't mean...?” I ask, trailing off, too horrified to finish the sentence.

  “Well, we will have to make it appear an accident. Daniels wouldn't be pleased about little sister being removed. I have a plan that will take him away from the compound tonight in order to ensure it runs smoothly,” he explains.

  “Why are you telling me this?” I ask, dumbfounded.

  “Because you have no love for that girl, I'm sure. And I need to assure you that your safety is paramount to all of us here.” I can't keep in the laugh at that comment. “Something funny, Mackenzie?”

  “Yeah, that you think I'm stupid enough to believe any of this,” I reply, rolling my eyes.

  “Well, when Verity is gone tomorrow, then you will believe,” he says firmly, crossing the room back to the door.

  “Going so soon?” I call sarcastically.

  “I will check in on you later, Mackenzie,” he calls back as he leaves.

  Chapter 15


  Staring up at the ceiling of my room here, I feel sick to my stomach. They moved me back into my room a few hours ago to rest, and as much as I try to forget my father's words and threat to Verity, I can't. I try to tell myself that she’s evil and twisted, and that she deserves whatever she gets, but then I picture Mr Daniels’ face when he finds out his sister is dead, and I can't do it. I can’t just let it happen.

  I force myself up off the bed, and dress into some plain clothes. I'm still weak from before, and even getting dressed tires me out. I push through the exhaustion and head to find Mr Daniels, hoping that I can get to him before he leaves. I realise that I have no idea where to find him. I have no idea where to find any of the guys, but I know where one person is at least. Luckily, I manage to navigate the corridors without much of an issue. I go to the only person whose room I know the location of, and knock on the door
. After a nerve-wrecking moment where I worry he's not here, the door opens.

  “Kennie,” he says, his face shows how shocked he is to see me.

  “Hey, Ry. Do you know where Mr Daniels is?” I ask.

  “He just left on some weird job for our dad, why?” he questions, seeing the concern on my face. Crap, I left it too long, and now he's not going to forgive me if he finds out I knew. “Kennie, tell me what's wrong.”

  “He's going to kill Verity,” I blurt.

  “He's going to kill his sister?” he questions, confused.

  “No, not Mr. Daniels, Alaric. He's going to kill her,” I reply. Ryan grabs my arm and pulls me inside, slamming the door shut.

  “Are you sure?” he asks frantically.

  “Yes, he told me himself. He thought I would be happy about it!” I try to keep my breathing even. He seems to suddenly relax more, letting out a deep breath.

  “She did hurt you, she almost killed you, maybe it's for the best?”

  “Two wrongs don't make a right here, Ry. We can't just let this happen,” I say.

  “You're scared Daniels will blame you,” he guesses.

  “A little, but it's not right either way,” I reply. “Please, help me.”

  “I'm not sure what we can do, break her out and escape? This place is a fortress.”

  “You must know something? Please, Ry. If there's some secret back exit somewhere here, or a spot on the guarded perimeter that isn't constantly monitored, then I really need to know where I can find it,” I plead.

  “No, there's no back exit, and no gap in security,” he says, shaking his head. I groan in frustration, leaning my head against the wall. “Wait. There's always the tunnels,” he breathes.


  “They run right under the compound for about a mile in a few different directions. They're meant to all be blocked, but I know that the south tunnel has a way through,” he says.

  “We need to get East too,” I say quickly and he sighs.

  “I knew you'd say that.”

  “Is that a no to helping me?”

  “It's a begrudging yes. I have an idea, but you'll have to trust me, Kennie. I'm doing this to save her life and to free East. This doesn't change how I feel about the resistance, it doesn't change what side I’m on. But I don't want to see anyone hurt, especially not East. Verity, I'm not happy with right now, hell, I'm furious she hurt you, but she has been there for me this past year, so I can't let her die either. And I get why you can’t, you’re too good a person for that.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper, pulling my brother into a tight hug.

  “Yeah, yeah, let's see if you'll be thanking me when you hear the plan,” he says dryly, as he pats my back.

  “This better work,” I mutter, smelling the vodka I’ve spilt on my top. I keep going over and over the plan in my head, making sure we aren't missing anything. I walk towards the doors leading outside the compound that Ryan said is the least guarded. Ryan promises all the guards carry stun guns, not real ones, and all I have to do is get hold of one. I try to remember Mr Daniels, and how he would feel if Verity died tonight. I can't let that happen. I push the door open, seeing three of the six guards walking around stopping in their tracks to look at me.

  “Hi, boys!” I say, wobbling a little on purpose as I slide out the door and it slams against the wall. “Whoops,” I say loudly, followed by a laugh. I walk over to them slowly, pretending to stumble, and they hold their guns up in my direction. They all stand together in a tight circle as they watch me. Good, altogether just like I need them.

  “Go and find one of her men or Daniels,” one of the guards says to another two who run back into the building and shutting the door I left open. Dammit, I need all of them here.

  “Miss Crowe, please go back inside,” one of the braver guards says in a strict tone as he steps in front of the others.

  “You remind me of my teacher,” I do a fake giggle in between my words, “He would always be like “Miss Crowe, you’re late. Miss Crowe, you shouldn’t do that...” I trail off and burst into faked laughter. They lower their guns, looking at each other with confused expressions.

  “But do you want to know a secret?” I say, stepping closer, trying to look like I’m almost tripping on my feet.

  “Not particularly, Miss Crowe,” the guard replies, and I snort as I laugh at him.

  “Miss Crowe, you’re clearly drunk. Why don't I escort you back to your room?” the brave guard says, stepping closer and I pretend to fall to the ground quickly. He catches me, dropping his stun gun to make sure I don't hurt myself. Perfect.

  “What the hell did she drink?” the brave one says as I pretend to be out of it as he lowers me to the floor. “Because I want some. This shift was boring as hell until drunk girl turned up,”.

  “We should call Alaric,” one replies in a serious tone, and I open my right eye slightly to see as I use my air power to pull the stun gun into my hand. I laugh when I jump up, shooting the brave one in front of me and jumping behind him as he falls, using his body as a shield as I shoot the others who are standing together and never see it coming. Idiots. I drop the guard onto the floor, looking around and seeing one other guard running away, looking back like he can sense me watching him. He raises his hands in surrender, but I lift my gun, shooting before he does anything. This isn't the time to feel sorry for the guards, they chose this and I didn't.

  I pull my phone out, sending the message to Ryan to say it’s all clear. I use my earth power to bury the guards in the ground, leaving little holes in the dirt so they can all still breathe. I run over to the door, flattening my body against it and holding the gun at my side.

  Come on, come on, come on, Ryan. Finally, the door opens and I lift my gun, holding it up as Ryan steps out, followed by East and Verity, who still has handcuffs on her wrists. East pulls me to him, kissing me and letting go quickly.

  “Damn, it’s good to see you, Kenz,” he says, linking our fingers as we start to run after Ryan, who is dragging Verity along towards the exit tunnels.

  “Why?” Verity asks me as she slows down, so she is next to me.

  “For Mr Daniels, so don't make me regret this. Next time I won't hold back. Why don’t you be the sister he believes in and wants alive, instead of a class A bitch,” I snap at her as we get to the high gate. I know we could try and fly over it with our mark, or East could literally fly if he shifted. Part of me wants to escape, but I know I can’t, not with the twins, Kelly, Mr Daniels and Enzo still here. Plus, we could be spotted going over the wall. The tunnel plan was the safest, the hidden entrance is just a few more feet away.

  “Once you’re through, there's a car on the road with the keys in. Just get in it and follow the directions on the map I left in there. The people at the place I found will keep you safe,” he tells East and Verity. East pulls me to him as Ryan undoes Verity’s handcuffs. She shakes her wrists and starts laughing.

  “You never know when you've been trapped and tricked, huh, Mackenzie?” Verity says and slams my brother into the barrier using her air mark, and he lands with a big thud.

  “RYAN!” I shout as East turns, blocking me from Verity, and hitting her with a wave of water, slamming her into a tree.

  “Shift and go,” I pull at his shoulder, stepping in front of him as he looks down at me, “This cannot be for nothing. Go, East. I love you,”.

  “I can’t leave you with her,” he shakes his head.

  “I can handle her, just go!” I scream at East, turning away from him as Verity gets up and runs at me. I don't look back at East as I lift my hands and fly into the air, calling my fire mark, throwing a fireball at her. She dodges as I make another one, and she flies into the air, the fireball hitting her arm, knocking her to the ground. I jump down, running to Ryan as I hear a squawk of a hawk in the distance sending relief flooding through me. East is free at least.

  “Ry?” I shake his shoulder, seeing that he is bleeding from his head. I put my hands on h
is head to heal him, when a hand on my shoulder makes me scream. I look up to see Verity smiling down at me as she uses her pain mark, bringing me to my knees from the pain.

  “Stop!” I scream out, trying to pull her hand off my shoulder and calling my protection mark, pushing it against her. I'm still in pain as I manage to turn my head to look at her, but it's not controlling me anymore.

  “Why? Why do this to your brother? Why be like this?” I shout at her, seeing sweat dripping down her forehead as she smirks at me.

  “I don't give a damn about my brother, he let my dad use the pain mark on me as a child. He left me with maids and a damn old nanny to go to the academy to learn about his powers. He chose you over the whole rebellion, over me!” she screeches.

  “He never chose me,” I reply, gritting my teeth together as I put my hand over hers and call my own pain mark, slamming it into her with everything I've got. She jumps away from me and we both stand, staring at each other as guards run over to us in the background.

  “He chose you, I saw it the first time I saw him look at you. He loves you, he will give everything up, everything our parents worked and died for,” she spits out, “All for a pretty girl.”

  “Maybe if you weren't so fucking crazy and jealous, you would see that your parents were wrong! You are wrong, Verity!” I shout at her as the guards surround us.

  “Let's hope your dear daddy feels the same,” she laughs, “Oh wait, he prefers me as a daughter anyway. You’re just a tool we need alive for now, nothing more,” she says and walks through the guards towards the building.

  “Next time you try anything stupid, Mackenzie, I will kill you myself,” she shouts back at me, as she disappears from my view and before I can say a word in return.


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