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Last of the Dragon Warriors- a Will of Fire

Page 6

by Adidas Wilson

  Not every escaping dragon is relieved of its harness or loose chains, but between their own group and the recruited Dwarves enslaved down there, they did it.

  The dragons are free.

  “Now, to stop the Elven Queen.” Mari says as she directs Aniljem to the awaiting citadel.

  With any luck, Naevys and her group should already be inside. She’ll play the part of distraction, and when the deed is done, they can finally put all these years of hardship behind them.

  It’s easy for the assassin guard to break into the palace. They, the loyal few who helped smuggle Tehlarissa out when the Queen called for her head, know the ins and outs of the grounds well.

  Well enough even to make it to the Queen’s chamber unnoticed by the rushing guards distracted by the escaping dragons.

  While others guard the door, the original three approach the sleeping Queen with Tehlarissa before them.

  Sensing danger, the Queen stirs and awakens.

  “What’s going on! Who-” She starts, eyes widening as she recognizes who is in her room. “Tehlarissa… how… how did you get in here! Guards!”

  “No one is coming to save you.” One of the Dark elves warns.

  “How dare you threaten me!”

  “Like you threatened Rissa?” Naevys asks.

  “We do not want this.” The second Dark-elf says. “But you have left us little choice.

  “How dare you, how dare you! I am your Queen! I rule you, and you are sworn to be loyal!”

  “We are loyal.” Naevys counters, glaring down at the Queen as she places a hand upon Tehlarissa’s shoulder. “Just not to you.”

  Eye’s widening in realization and horror, the Queen pushes herself backward, desperately trying to crawl away from the High-elf girl smiling up at her.

  “You wicked child, this is your doing, isn’t it?!”

  “Whatever do you mean auntie?” She sings oh so sweetly. “I’m sorry about what happened to your legs, but you really were getting out of line.”

  “Guards! Guards!” The Queen screeches as she tumbles to the floor, using her arms to pull herself towards the doors.

  Slowly walking around the bed, Tehlarissa smiles as she steps in the Queen’s way.

  “Sorry, but not this time auntie.”

  “No! No, stay back! I am your Queen, get away!”

  Outside, Mari watches as the signal fire is lit. She could almost cry, it’s finally over.

  They did it, they won.

  The dragons will forever be free of the Elves control.

  ~The End


  The Witches of Asgmod

  A thousand years ago under a cave in Asgmod, lies a helpless boy who seeks the favor of the dreaded witch, Sabsa. “Please great one, help me. I have seen what power has done to an ordinary man. I see how it makes a man feel like a god. I want that same power” Mican said in desperation.

  Sabsa moves to and from listening to the pleas of a desperate young fool, at least that’s what she thinks of him. She put her long nails which look like claws under her chin as she accesses the boy from head to toes.

  Suddenly, she burst into laughter so much the mockery is glaring, “You tiny wretched looking boy? Power?” She laughs hysterically. “Do you know what power entails?” she asked. Mican who is now confused and terrified replies, “I do not know much about it but if I am given, I will”

  Sabsa floating in the air with her long white hair and her wand proceeds to say, “Men of valor have come before me to seek favors. They have paid with the things that they hold very dear to their hearts. What do you have to offer in exchange for this power that you seek?”

  Without thinking or any form of hesitation, Mican says, “Anything great one, I will give anything”. Sabsa pauses and then says, “Very well then. Come back in three days before sunset. At this point, there is no turning back”. With the meanest look that Mican has ever seen, she says, “If you tell anyone about this, I will place a curse on you and your generations yet unborn”.

  These words sent shivers down his spine, not like he intended to tell anyone about it in the first place. In the land of Asgmod, only the men who had power had the right to buy his fellow man or do as he pleases.

  They had control within the land and even beyond, Mican wanted all the power that these men had. He didn’t care how it was gotten, he wanted all of it. He had pondered for days whether to meet the dreaded witch, but he made up his mind the night before he eventually did.

  On the third day, he set out to the cave of Sabsa the dreaded witch ready to be made powerful. In her hut under the caves were seven pots containing seven different elements that boiled and produced so much heat.

  “Welcome” She said, “We begin at once”. Mican is more than ready for this. Sabsa instructs, “Stretch out your hands to the North, to the East, to the West, and to the South of the land. While you do this, you must chant the names of the gods of Asgmod. You are inviting the spirit of the gods upon the land”.

  Mican does as he is told and is now ready for the next step which Sabsa tells him about. She says, “Now you will have to shave off your hair and put it in all the seven pots that are boiling”. Mican does this and then decides to ask, “Is this what is needed to be sacrificed? My hair?”As soon as Sabsa hears this, she bursts into hysterical laughter.

  “They didn’t tell you, did they? We are not even close yet” She says. “Now we will need blood, you have to cut yourself and spill the blood in all seven pots”. Now the process is making Mican uneasy but there is no turning back.

  He does as he is told and Sabsa begins to mumble some chants under her breath as she waves her wand. The smoke begins to rise from the pot and form frightening images, Mican is terrified as the flames find their way into his body. He is left unconscious for a few hours; he doesn’t even realize it.

  He wakes up and enquiries, “What happened?”. Sabsa answered, “You got what you asked for. Power”. Mican said, “What then did you say I had to sacrifice?” Sabsa pauses then proceeds, “Your heart and all the good that ever lived in it.”

  Mican is terrified and confused, he says “But all I wanted was just power. The kind that rich men had all over the land. I didn’t want my conscience taken from me”. Sabsa looks at Mican seeing the horror in his eyes she says, “There is a way out”.

  Mican is relieved, Sabsa proceeds to say, “We reverse the spell and a curse is permanently placed on you and your generation to come to wallow in abject poverty till the very end.'' Mican realizes that this means there is no way out, he had to enjoy his power, his evil powers.

  And now Mican is never the same again, he breaths, eat, and sleep power. He does all he pleases with no mercy or remorse. He terrorizes the land and wages war with the people, with a snap of his fingers, he can make it rain.

  The power got to him so much that he killed the dreaded witch, Sabsa. He feared that she might be the only one who could stop him or try to curb him.

  As a dreaded wizard, Mican now decides that it is time to conquer territories. He feels powerful in himself and doesn’t see the need to have an army to conquer the earth. There were elves who protected the neighboring territories. They had heard about him and his intentions and were getting ready for him.

  Mican had equally heard about them and didn’t find them a match for his kind of powers. Mican had moved from the young boy who wanted power, to this tyrant who could kill a thousand people with the snap of his fingers.

  After all, his heart was now void of everything that seemed like goodness. The battle line had just been drawn, Mican was out to conquer territories and not even the elves nor the gods could stop him.



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