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Keeley's Fight (The Protectors Series)

Page 13

by Donn, KL

  Cleaning up, she made her way up to their room. Missing Nathaniel and Tyler like crazy, she sent them each a quick text.

  K: Miss you like crazy Nathaniel, hope you landed safely. Sweet dreams. Love, your Butterfly.

  K: Missing your sweet dimples, please stay safe. Love you, Keeley.

  Putting her phone down on the nightstand, she stripped and grabbed one of Tyler’s t-shirts. Slipping it on, it came to mid-thigh and could easily fit two of her in it. Laying down in bed after shutting the light off, she heard Rowdy drop down onto the floor. Laughing at how he sounded like he just collapsed, she whispered, “Night Rowdy”, before she fell into a fitful sleep.

  Chapter 16

  When Friday rolled around and Keeley still hadn’t heard from the guys, other than the text they sent her to say they got there safe and they loved her, she was trying not to worry, but it was hard. Having not spoken to them since they left on Tuesday was hard for her, but at least she had Rowdy for company, so she wasn’t isolated and alone when she wasn’t working.

  As she was about to leave for lunch, her desk phone rang. Picking it up, she was surprised by the menacing voice on the other end. “Bitch, you and those hound dogs better leave my Emily alone. She’s mine and you need to back off!” He yelled the last part at her, before hanging up. Still in shock, she jumped when Dane and Coop walked by her office, laughing about something.

  “You alright, kid?” Coop asked her.

  Shaking her head and taking a deep breath, she prepared to tell them about the phone call. “I think Emily’s stalker just called.”

  “WHAT!” They exploded at the same time, coming towards her. “Are you alright?” Dane asked. Nodding her head, she explained everything the man had said.

  “Shit. When was the last time you spoke to Emily? I haven’t heard from her since our initial meeting, Wednesday morning,” Coop said.

  “I talked to her yesterday and she was fine; spooked, but otherwise fine. Do you think she’s ok?”

  “We’ll go check on her, see how she’s doing. Why don’t you call Kennedy and the two of you can start your girls’ night early,” Dane suggested. Nodding her head, she grabbed her stuff, while they went to their offices. Worried about Emily, Keeley sent her a quick text.

  K: Everything ok?

  E: Fine. Why, what’s wrong?

  K: Nothing. Just wanted to check in. Call me if you need me. Or the guys.

  E: Thanks, I will.

  K: Hey, you should come to girls’ night tonight, I’m leaving now, I can swing by and pick you up. Cheesy movies and junk food! You know you wanna ;)

  E: I don’t want to intrude.

  K: You won’t. I’ll be there in 15! :D

  Feeling better knowing Emily won’t be alone, she walked to Dane and Coop’s office. “Hey guys, I’m going to pick Emily up on my way home. She’s coming for girls’ night.”

  “Is that a good idea? For all we know this guy has gone off his rocker and might try something.” Coop worried.

  “It’s fine. I have Rowdy, and we’ll call if we get scared or something happens.

  Sighing because they knew she wouldn’t give in, they both nodded their heads and told her to have fun. Saying goodbye, she sent a quick text to Kennedy telling her of the change in plans.


  Pulling up to Emily’s house, Keeley honked the horn twice and waited for her to come out. A couple minutes later, Emily was out the door and locking it. Running to Keeley’s SUV with a smile on her face, she jumped in and exclaimed, “Thank you so much for this. I’ve never had a girls’ night before. I’m really excited.” Her smile and laughter was infectious, and soon they were laughing like old friends.

  “Kennedy will be meeting us at my house in a couple hours,” she told her, starting the drive back home. Pulling into the driveway, Keeley smiled when Rowdy jumped off the porch swing. She had tried to leave him inside every day, but he refused to go in when she left for work. He was one very stubborn dog. After that first morning, she thought she would come home to a missing dog, but as far as she knew he didn’t stray too far. He always sat on the porch when she left, and was on the swing when she came home. It gave her a sense of relief knowing he was here, protecting the house, when she and the guys couldn’t be.

  Getting out she noticed Emily looked weary about him. Trying to comfort the other woman, she told her, “He’s a rescue. Very sweet though. I haven’t even heard him bark yet. He also seems to be quite the ladies man.” Smiling and laughing because he was now laying on the ground inching his way to Emily. whining, and with what she could only describe as a smile on his face. Stopping a foot away from Emily, Rowdy rolled over to his back, paws up, wanting her to rub his belly.

  Relief washed through her when Emily walked closer and started to rub his belly. Laughing when he licked her hand, she looked to Keeley. “He’s just a big baby, isn’t he?” She cooed to him.

  Shaking her head at Rowdy’s antics she made her way to the door, unlocking it and walking in, leaving it open for them. Going straight to her room to change into shorts and a tank top, she marveled at how much her life had changed in the last month. She had friends, two very protective pseudo big brothers, and she was in a relationship with two of the most handsome and devoted men she’d ever met. For the first time she could remember, she was happy and free. Her self-esteem was at an all-time high. She wouldn’t say she was over what happened in her life before meeting Nathaniel and Tyler, but she was confident that she would at least have a happy life, and be able to move forward.

  Hearing Rowdy bounding up the stairs, she started to make her way towards him and head back down. Entering the kitchen, Emily was just sitting on a stool looking around in awe. “This is a very gorgeous kitchen, I bet you love cooking in here!”

  “I will admit it’s one of my favorite rooms in the house.” Keeley told her, making her way to the fridge to pull out the platters she had made the previous evening, for tonight. When her phone dinged, she went back to the entryway to retrieve it from her purse. Looking at it she saw two texts from the guys. Opening the one from Nathaniel first, she smiled.

  N: Missing you like crazy, should be home Sunday. Love you <3

  K: Looking forward to it. I have a surprise ;) Love you!

  Opening the one from Tyler she laughed out loud.

  T: Miss your sexy ass, what are you wearing? Love ya!

  K: Miss you too, and not much! See you soon, much love <3

  Putting her phone back, she made her way to the pantry to grab Rowdy his treat. “Here you go, boy.” Watching him walk away after she gave it to him, Keeley gestured to Emily to follow her out back to wait for Kennedy to get there. “How are you really doing, Em?”

  Looking at her, she could see the fear and uncertainty lurking in her eyes; she knew the feeling all too well. “I don’t know Keels, I’m so scared to do anything anymore. It’s been so long since I’ve felt safe. Like I could live my life again. I just don’t know what I’ll do if Dane and Cooper can’t find this person,” she said sounding defeated.

  Reaching over to her, she grabbed her hand and squeezed it saying, “We will all do everything possible to find this person, and make sure he gets locked up for as long as possible.”

  Nodding her head at Keeley, she stared off, lost in thought. Shaking her head Emily looked back to her and said, “No more drama talk, tonight is about fun. I’ve never had a girl’s night before.”

  Smiling at Em, she confessed, “Neither have I, but I think we’re in for a real treat with Kennedy in charge.” As they were laughing, Kennedy came around the side of the house asking, “What’s so funny? You didn’t start the party without me did you?” She cajoled with a fake pout, before bursting out laughing.

  “Ok ladies, I have movies, I bought as much ice cream as I can carry, AND I brought everything needed for manicures and pedicures,” Kennedy said, turning and walking back to her car. Getting up and following her, Keeley was shocked at just how much ice cream she brought.<
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  “Geez what’d you do, buy out the whole aisle?” she asked her only half kidding.

  “What? It’s girls’ night, your men aren’t here, Emily has some psycho stalking her, and me? Well, I got nothing, I’m boring. I think we could all use some icy relief,” Kennedy dead-panned, grabbing the movies and instructing her and Emily to get the rest.

  After they had everything inside and most of the ice cream in the freezer, they set up their snacks, mani/pedi stuff, and movies in the living room. Leaving no surface empty with their things. Choosing to watch Pretty in Pink first, they set up to do Emily’s nails for their impromptu spa. Keeley did her nails a bright yellow, while Kennedy did her toes a soft pink. They talked about everything and anything, so long as it wasn’t heavy and heart-breaking.

  Hearing Rowdy growling and scratching at the back door after they finished all of their nails, and had just popped their third movie of the evening in, Grease, Keeley went over to investigate what had him so worked up. “What’s the matter, boy?” She asked walking into the kitchen and turning on the light. When he barked again and looked at her, she unlocked and opened the door for him to go out.

  When he took off for the woods behind the house, she chased after him, calling out his name. Stopping at the edge of the tree line, she didn’t go in any farther, since the sun was just setting and she knew finding her way out would be unlikely. Going back to the house, she didn’t want to worry the girls but saw no way around it. “Hey guys, Rowdy’s acting funny and took off for the woods when I let him out. I’m gonna call Dane, see if he can come take a look around.”

  Grabbing her phone, she dialed him. Answering after the first ring he barked out, “What’s wrong?”

  “Hello to you too, Dane. Girls’ night is great, how is yours?” She asked sarcastically.

  “Keeley,” he growled out.

  “Ok, ok, sheesh. Look, Rowdy was barking and scratching at the door and when I let him out he took off for the woods, and he’s not coming when I call him. It’s too dark for me to go in there. Will you come see if you can find him, please?” She asked knowing the worry she felt about her dog’s odd behavior was bleeding through in her voice.

  “We’re on our way,” was all he said, ending the conversation as abruptly as it started.

  “Well, grumpy pants is on his way with Coop, I assume,” she relayed to Kennedy and Emily, since they both looked slightly worried.

  Looking out the big bay window in the living room, she couldn’t help but be worried someone was out there. What if it was Emily’s stalker? What would they do?


  Hearing a vehicle pull up out front a little while later, all three girls raced out the front door to see Dane and Coop climbing out of their truck. “Could you have taken any longer?” Kennedy asked smartly, earning a growl from Coop.

  “Watch it little girl, or I’ll put you over my knee,” he threatened, making her stick her tongue out at him. Chuckling, he called her a brat, before they went around back to check things out and see if they could find Rowdy.

  “You girls get back inside and lock the doors until we get back,” Dane shouted following Coop. Sighing, they all went back inside to wait.

  A little while later when Keeley heard Rowdy’s nails clicking on the porch, she ran for the door to see the guys coming from the woods and talking quietly. “Well?” She asked impatiently.

  Giving a sigh, they looked at each other before answering her. “I think it was a deer or coyote, but we’re staying the night, and we’ll take a closer look in the morning.”

  “Well there goes girls’ night!” Kennedy said dramatically.

  “You’re pushing it, Ken!” Coop said teasing her, knowing she hated that name. Kicking his shin, she stomped back into the house. “Shit!” He exclaimed.

  Laughing at their juvenile teasing, Keeley called Rowdy in and started cleaning up the living room and kitchen, before saying good night and going to bed, knowing Dane and Coop would find their own place to sleep.

  The following morning after the guys checked things over in the light of day, and the girls had gone home, she started cleaning the house and getting things ready for when Nathaniel and Tyler came home on Sunday.

  Hearing a car door slam outside had her slightly confused. Heading to the front door with Rowdy following close behind, she opened it and was startled when the dog started growling and baring his teeth. Looking up she saw who it was; definitely not someone she expected to see ever again.

  Before she had a chance to grab Rowdy, and go back inside and shut the door, a gun was pulled out and leveled at her chest. Freezing from shock and fear, she didn’t know what to do.

  “You thought you could just live a happy life, after everything you’ve done to me you ungrateful bitch?” The person snarled at her menacingly, walking closer, only stopping when Rowdy let out a loud, ferocious bark.

  Chapter 17

  Shock at seeing her father again, held Keeley immobile with fear. “What are you doing here?” She asked. “You kicked me out.”

  “You’re such an ungrateful cunt,” he retorted. “You think you deserve all this, after the hell your mother and I put up with when she had you.” Mack was waving his hand around, indicating her surroundings. “Do you know how many times we had to move because you just couldn’t stop whining and crying about your punishments? Hell, we had to move clear across the country and change our names, when your stupid bitch of a grandmother wouldn’t let shit go. Dumb old hag couldn’t just fucking die.” Keeley could hear the slurring of his words now.

  Not wanting to say anything to anger him further, she stood there trying to come up with a plan, wishing Nathaniel and Tyler were here with her now. Or even Dane and Coop. When Rowdy started growling again, she looked at him to see his gaze fixed on the woods. Watching where he was, she felt a huge sense of relief when she recognized Nathaniel’s bulky form moving along the tree line.

  Knowing she had to distract her father, she slowly started walking down the steps, with Rowdy matching each one. Gaining his attention once again, she did something she never thought she would do, and yelled at her father, telling him what she thought of him and her mother. “It’s your fault, you know,” she antagonized. “You guys didn’t have to have me. Hell, you could have given me up for adoption for all I would have cared. Anything would have been better than having the stigma of being Mack and Judy Stone’s child. It was horrifying that people knew I was the product of you two. I hated my life. I wished for you to kill me, so many times. But you know what? I’m glad you didn’t, because now…,” pausing to take a breath she continued, “now I get to live the life I deserved, with two men who love me and show me that love daily. Knowing I’m better than you gives me such relief. And when I do have kids, because I will have a bunch, they’ll never even know you exist. They’ll know the love of what a REAL parent is like.” Emphasizing her point she put both hands to her stomach, implying she could be pregnant now.

  “You bitch! You always thought you were better than everyone, but you’re no better than the scum-filled whorehouse you were conceived in. Tell me something, Keeley,” he sneered her name like it was filth. “Do your men know you were born addicted to crack? Do they know you’re just as worthless now as you were at birth?” He lied.

  Seeing Nathaniel pause, she knew he was shocked to learn that her parents really did hate her. “What you fail to remember Mack, is that I am better than you. And you’ll have to live with that for the rest of your life. I fucking hate you, but after today you will no longer be a speck on my radar. I will never think of you again,” she told him and turned, knowing Tyler and Nathaniel had her back. Tensing when she heard the crack of a gun, Keeley expected to feel the burn of a bullet. Not feeling anything she turned around, only to be pulled into Tyler’s arms. Squeezing her as tight as he could she finally squeaked out, “I can’t breathe”, before he let her go, looking her over from head to toe.

  “Don’t ever fucking provoke someone with a gun
again, darlin’!” Tyler admonished her angrily, but she could also hear the worry in his voice, and see it in his eyes. “You understand, baby? I can’t…, no, I won’t, fucking lose you! Not now!” Burying his face in her neck, she held on for dear life. As the adrenaline started to leave her body, she started shaking violently. When Tyler called Nathaniel over, it sounded like he was yelling through a tunnel; her vision started to get cloudy with black dots, and she knew she was going to pass out. Accepting the blackness she let go, knowing her men would keep her safe.


  “Shit, Nate, she’s passing out.” Ty called to his brother. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Nate shake his head in the negative with his fingers on Keeley’s dad’s neck. Knowing his brother so well, he knew taking her father’s life was going to weigh heavily on his mind. Walking over to him with an unconscious Keeley in his arms, he told Nate, “You take her inside, I’ll call this in. She’s safe man. That’s all that matters. Don’t beat yourself up, yeah?” At Nate’s nod, Ty thought he just might be ok. It really was a kill or be killed situation, only in this case it would have been Keeley dead, instead. And he knew that wasn’t an option.

  Calling for the police and an ambulance to make sure she was ok, Ty went into the house, pausing when he saw Nate sitting on the couch with Keeley still passed out in his lap. To his surprise there was a very gorgeous dog with its head resting on her stomach, and he was whining. Looking up when Ty walked in the room, the dog chuffed and went back to its vigil watch over their girl.

  “Think this was her surprise?” Ty asked Nate who sat there watching the dog.

  “Pretty sure it was. Dane sent that text about watching for snow. Didn’t really get it at the time. I do now,” he mused chuckling.

  “He has her eyes. That’s kinda weird, isn’t it?” Ty wondered out loud, sitting down and grabbing her feet to put in his lap. “I wonder if what they say about pets looking like their owners is true. Maybe he liked her so much his eyes changed.” Chuckling at his own joke, Ty wasn’t prepared for the heel to his gut. Rubbing his stomach, he looked to Keeley and laughed. “Sorry darlin’, I was only kidding. But damn, am I glad to see those beauties open up for me.”


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