Keeley's Fight (The Protectors Series)

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Keeley's Fight (The Protectors Series) Page 14

by Donn, KL

  Sitting up she said smiling, “I thought you weren’t supposed to be home until tomorrow?” Rubbing her cheek on Nate’s chest, Ty was incredibly glad they came home early.

  “The job ended early Butterfly, and I’m fucking glad it did. How you doin’?” Nate asked cupping her cheek.

  “I missed you both so much,” she whispered with tears in her eyes.

  When there was a knock on the door, the dog started growling viciously. “Calm, Rowdy,” she whispered and put her hand on his head. He shocked them both when he immediately stopped and licked her hand, before rubbing his head against her leg and walking to the door, waiting for someone to open it so he could investigate.

  Barking when no one came, Ty got up and said, “I’m coming boy, calm your eager ass down.” Opening the door, Ty was relieved to see the same officer from a few weeks ago that drug the crazy viper away.

  Explaining everything that went down, and not wanting to disturb Keeley too much until the paramedics arrived, they spoke outside. As the paramedics were looking her over, Nate came outside to explain his side of things and give his statement. Pulling Ty aside, he had a look of shock on his face.

  “What’s wrong, is Keeley ok?” Ty asked him worried she was injured.

  “No, it’s just they’re checking her out and asking a shit load of questions, but then they asked if she could be pregnant. I know she’s been getting the birth control shot, but damn, do I ever wish…” he trailed off.

  Thinking about that Ty looked at the house, then to his brother and whispered, “We’ll just have to try harder.” He winked and Nate burst out laughing, but nodded his head in agreement.


  Lying in bed that evening, after they’d thoroughly and slowly loved Keeley, Nate had time to reflect on what went down with her father. Looking down at her sleeping between him and Ty, Nate felt an innate sense of relief that they came home early. He kept obsessing over the fact that had they not, she would probably be dead. Having to shoot someone was never easy, but killing them always had his heart, mind, and conscience waging war on him. His heart knew he loved Keeley, his head knew he had to protect her at all costs. But his conscience knew he’d killed another human being, and it was eating away at his soul. It was not something he could just brush off. Nate knew it would take time to heal from, so he just hoped she could forgive him for his part in her father’s death. The thought of losing her left him feeling panicky and overwhelmed. He needed her in their lives; she was as essential to them as breathing. There was nothing they wouldn’t do for her. Killing her father wasn’t an easy thing to do, but he knew it was either her father or Keeley.

  The following morning Nate slipped out of bed. Shaking Ty awake he whispered, “We need to talk”, before heading to the shower, knowing Ty would follow suit by getting up quietly and showering in another washroom.

  Ten minutes later, Nate was in the kitchen making coffee when Ty strolled in. Not wanting to put it off he said, “I want to marry her. I want to ask her tonight.”

  Looking towards Ty, he had a huge smile on his face. Relief surged through Nate, knowing they were on the same page where Keeley was concerned. “Good, I’ll call the dads and see if they still have Nonna’s engagement ring stored for us.” As Nate called their parents, Ty started making bacon and scrambled eggs, knowing she wouldn’t sleep too long once they left the bed.

  After a solid fifteen minutes of listening to their mother squealing about the fact that they were asking Keeley to marry them, Nate was finally able to get off the phone. As he was hanging up, she walked into the kitchen scowling and said, “You left me.” Grabbing a coffee mug to fill for her, Nate handed it to her, getting a quick kiss in before she could complain much more. “Sorry Butterfly, we just didn’t want to wake you up.” He smiled at her. “Mom and the dads will be by early this afternoon though.” Seeing her face light up over that made him happy. Happy that she loved his parents, and happy his parents loved her enough to treat her like a second daughter.

  As soon as Ty placed her food in front of her, she dug in saying, “I’m so hungry I could eat for two!”, before diving back in, making him and Ty look at each other. Knowing they were thinking the same thing—Could she be pregnant? Shaking off the thought, Nate knew it was unlikely but couldn’t help hoping that just maybe she was.

  On pins and needles most of the morning, worried about how they were going to propose, Nate went down to the gym to burn off some energy.

  After a heavy workout he went upstairs, only to see Ty in the kitchen packing what looked like a picnic. “What’s this?” He asked him.

  “Well, I figured we need a plan, right? And Keeley’s not huge on pomp and crowds, so what better way to propose than a candlelight picnic under the stars.” Ty smiled at his brilliant idea.

  Clapping him on the back, Nate looked around for their shining star. Not seeing or hearing her anywhere in this house, he looked to Ty with a raised eyebrow. “Oh yes, well mom and the dads got here about twenty minutes ago and the dads have Keeley out back distracted, marveling over that damn dog. I swear, he’s getting all the attention now,” he grumbled. “Mom brought all this in and told me her idea.”

  “Ah, so the romance was not your doing then, huh? Did they bring the ring?” Nate asked eager to see it.

  Pulling it from his pocket, Ty handed it to Nate saying, “They took it to get cleaned, too. I don’t remember that engraving though. But Mom says it was always there.” Ty said sounding suspicious.

  Opening the box, Nate pulled it out and admired the intricate, yet simple design. It was an infinity symbol wrapped around a small blue sapphire. One line had diamonds along it, weaving from one side of the ring and around to the halfway mark, while the other was a smooth white gold that wrapped from one side of the sapphire down and around to where the diamonds ended on the opposite side.

  Smiling at how perfect it was, knowing the sapphire was Keeley and the two different weaving lines would represent him and Ty, Showing them all as one love, one life wrapped together, Nate was pleased with it. Noticing the engraving Ty had mentioned, he took a closer look at it; it said 3 lives 1 love. Smiling at it, Nate knew that was from their parents, but it was perfect.

  Hearing her and their dads coming, he quickly put it back in the box and shoved it in his pocket. Smiling when she came right to him, giving him a small kiss on the lips. “Hi, Nathaniel,” she said sweetly, before moving over to Ty and doing the same.

  “Well, we’re gonna head out, you kids have a good evening,” their dad, Andrew, said before waving and grabbing their mom’s hand while she yelled out, “Call me tomorrow, Keeley!”

  “Butterfly, come with me, I’ve gotten something for you.” Nate grabbed her hand and led her upstairs, to give her the sexy red dress and matching shoes Bella had given them that day they took her shopping, not so long ago.


  Following Nathaniel upstairs, Keeley wondered at their odd behavior today. They kept giving each other funny looks and they seemed twitchy. Putting it to the back of her mind to ask them about later, she was excited to see what Nathaniel had for her. Stepping into his old room, she followed him to the closet where he pulled out the most beautiful red halter dress she had ever seen. “Oh Nathaniel, it’s beautiful. Thank you,” she effused, taking it from him and holding it to her body, knowing it was going to fit like a glove.

  The top would be tight to her skin, from her breasts to her hips, where it would flare out to reach just above her knees. Looking up at Nathaniel, she saw he was smiling and holding a gorgeous pair of red peep-toe pumps that matched. “What’s the occasion?” She asked.

  “We just want to have a nice romantic evening, will you wear it?” He asked her with a smug smile on his face, knowing she was in love with the outfit and would wear it for them.

  Nodding her head she asked, “When do I need to be ready?”

  Looking at his watch he said, “You’ve got two hours.” Kissing her forehead he walked out, leaving
her to scramble to get ready. Thank God, I showered this morning, she thought walking back to their shared room. Knowing immediately that she wouldn’t be able to wear a bra with it, she grabbed the sexiest panties she could find. A pair of white lace boy shorts that she knew hugged her just right to showcase her ass cheeks. They had a cute little black bow on the front that sits just above her pubic line.

  Setting her dress and panties on the bed, Keeley went to the bathroom to begin curling her hair in soft spiral curls. Knowing how much Nathaniel and Tyler liked to run their fingers through it, she used very little product. Happy with how it looked, she moved on to makeup. Only using some eye shadow to make her eyes smoky, and a light layer of mascara, she was done.

  Looking at the time, she noticed more than an hour had passed. Stripping off her clothes she grabbed her panties, slipping them on and turning to double check in the mirror that they did in fact do wonders for her ass. Smiling, she turned to put the dress on over her head, it glided down her body, stopping when the top hit her hips. Pulling the top of it up, she tied the straps around her neck and adjusted her breasts, so nothing was popping out.

  Giving a small tug brought the skirt down to rest where it was meant to. Looking in the mirror, she loved how the top molded to her curves and the bottom was light and flirty, moving with her. Sitting on the settee in the corner, she put on the matching red pumps, very glad that her and the girls did mani/pedis on Friday night, before all the chaos had begun.

  Looking herself over she decided to put on a soft pink lipstick, and finding a small barrette with light pink and white flowers, she pulled the hair back behind her ear on the left side. With one last look she was done.

  Walking down to the living room, she saw the guys were all ready to go. Nathaniel looked handsome in his navy blue dress pants molded to his thighs, and a white shirt, sleeves rolled to his elbows, and buttoned only half way up. He looked good enough to eat. Looking at Tyler, he was just as delicious. Wearing a pair of white dress pants and a gray button-up shirt, worn similar to Nathaniel, Keeley was ready to strip down right there.

  “Wow… fuck… damn… you look good enough to eat, Butterfly,” Nathaniel said sounding out of breath, making her blush. With a whispered, “Thank you”, she bent her head, trying to get away from his very intense gaze. The look he was giving her was making her squirm. Squeezing her legs together to try and relieve the pressure, she was startled when Tyler came over kneeling in front of her, looking her in the eyes with a fire burning in their gorgeous hazel depths. Grabbing her hips he nuzzled her belly and told her, “You’re fucking stunning darlin’, never seen a better sight than you in siren red.” He smirked over the last part making her giggle.

  “You both look good enough to eat, too,” she told them sincerely. “Where are we going?” She asked as they grabbed what looked like the picnic basket Tyler was making earlier, and walked out the back door. Smiling at her neither of them answered, leaving Keeley to wonder what their plan was but happy to go along, because they both seemed very excited about something.

  Walking just past the tree line she noticed a blanket laid out with tiki torches lit at each corner. Looking at them in shock, she saw they were both smiling at her, before pulling her the rest of the way. Nathaniel helped her sit down, while Tyler pulled out their dinner from the basket. Still in awe at their thoughtful and romantic gesture, she wordlessly took the plate Tyler gave her. Looking at the variety of foods: fruit, cheese, luncheon meats, crackers, and some vegetables, she just mindlessly ate her food, while keeping a close eye on her men.

  Their matching smiles left her curious as to what this was really about. When Nathaniel pulled out a bottle of champagne and filled three glasses, her heart started to beat out of control at what the possibilities could be for such a celebration. Not saying anything, she took the glass from him and waited.

  Holding up their glasses she followed suit, placing hers between theirs. “A toast,” Tyler suggested. “To a fresh start and a new love.” He smiled clinking their glasses together and drinking. When Keeley was finished with hers Tyler grabbed it, placing it back in the basket where they put theirs. When they both kneeled beside her, Nathaniel on her right and Tyler on her left, they each grabbed one of her hands, kissed her on each cheek before Tyler began speaking. “Keeley, before you came into our lives I didn’t know anything was missing, or that half my heart was empty. I thought I knew love and connection, but you have taught me so much. That to really own someone else’s heart, I had to work for it harder than anything else in my life. I love you and right here, right now, I’m making you a promise to love and protect you and your love for us, with every fiber of my being.” When he was done she had tears in her eyes, her heart was beating furiously, and she was at a loss for words. She could see everything he was promising her in his eyes, and she fell even more in love with him in that moment.

  Feeling a squeeze in her other hand, she looked to Nathaniel. “Butterfly, when we met, it was like a punch to gut. You captivated me from the minute I saw you. There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t give you. You’ve taught me that with love comes patience and understanding, a commitment so deep I no longer know where you end and I begin. Without you in our lives we would be happy, but we wouldn’t know what true love and devotion was.” Pulling something from his pocket, Nathaniel put the most gorgeous ring she had ever seen on her left ring finger and pledging, “With this ring we give you us for eternity, our love, our lives, everything we are. We love you Keeley, will you do us the honor of becoming our wife?” Speechless and with tears streaming down her face, all she could do was nod her head yes.


  Letting out the breath he’d been holding since he finished talking, Nate grabbed Keeley around the back of her neck and slammed his mouth down on hers, after slipping the ring on her finger. Finally feeling like everything was falling into place with their lives, Nate felt complete, as if he had finally found his purpose in life. She was a living, breathing entity and the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen.

  When she came downstairs in that tight, yet flirty dress, his heart stopped and he couldn’t breathe for a full minute. The top fit her like a second skin, it held her breasts in like he was holding them. High and perky, with just enough cleavage to tantalize his senses and draw him in to her siren’s call.

  Pulling away from the allure of her lips, he looked deeply into the most gorgeous blue eyes he’d ever seen saying, “Thank you, Butterfly. Giving us the gift of you is the best thing we’ll ever get,” before kissing her again. Nibbling on her lips lightly, Nate bit down on her bottom one, making her moan from the dual sensations of pleasure and pain. Sucking it into his mouth, he felt Ty move in behind her and undo the strings to her top.

  Pulling away for it to drop, Nate sat on his heels to look at her. “Your magnificent, Keeley,” he told her reverently. Looking at her, she put her head down in shyness, causing some of her curls to fall forward, covering her breasts. Nate grabbed the camera from the basket and snapped a shot. With her head bent and her hair covering most of her breasts, she looked like a goddess. With the sun setting behind her it gave her an ethereal glow, casting a spotlight on her, like a beacon of light pointing the way home.

  Noticing Ty’s impatience at making love to her, Nate started to undress, with his blood pumping so fast he felt like he was in a race, until he looked down to Keeley. She sat with a look of unadulterated lust and love on her face, as she watched the both of them strip. Motioning for Ty to lie down, he helped her to her feet, pulling her dress the rest of the way off as she stood. As it pooled at her feet, Nate got a good look at her nearly naked body. The white panties turned him on more than he thought possible; they represented her innocence and purity. Growling, he grabbed the little bow with his teeth and gave one sharp tug, ripping them from her body. Grabbing them up, he locked eyes with her before bringing them to his face and inhaling her womanly scent. At her blush, he bent forward and licked her sweet smelling pussy from
top to bottom, before coming back up to her clit and sucking hard, making her scream out in rapture. “Music to my ears,” he said smugly. “Hop up on Ty, Butterfly, and show him that golden pussy.” He smirked at the shocked look she shot him.

  “Oh ya, baby, show me how much you love me.” Winking at her Ty grabbed her hips, pulling her to kneel above him. Swiping his hand through her slit, Ty lined up his already leaking cock and slowly pulled her down his shaft, until she was resting fully on top of him.

  Pressing his chiseled chest to her smooth back, Nate told her, “Lay flat Butterfly, this sexy ass is mine tonight.” Smoothing his hand down the sleek line of her back, Nate grabbed hold of her perfect ass cheeks and massaged them lightly, before pulling them apart to look at her pretty rosebud. Bending down he blew a thin line of air over her, and watched in fascination as a shiver worked its way up her spine. Kissing each pale, beautiful globe, he pulled back and reached into the basket to grab the lube.

  After applying a generous amount on her asshole, he started to rub it in. Slipping one finger inside, Nate moved it around before putting another in. At her moan of pleasure, he knew they were in for the ride of a lifetime. Applying some gel to his rock hard cock, he bent down and whispered in her ear, “You ready for me to own you, Butterfly?” When she looked over her shoulder at him with bliss in her eyes and a smile on her face, he gently started to push in. Forging his way through the tight ring of muscle and her sharp intake of breath, he took a moment to let her get used to it. When she started to wiggle, he pushed forward until his pelvis met her ass cheeks.

  As soon as Keeley sighed and melted into Ty, they started a smooth rhythm of Ty pulling out when Nate pushed in, until Keeley started to squeeze her walls and tried rocking back and forth on them. With Ty’s hands on her hips, Nate grabbed her shoulders pulling her up and against his chest. When she moaned from the new position, pushing both of their cocks deeper into her body, Nate turned her head to kiss her plump pink lips. Nipping at her until she opened, he ran his hands under her arms and moved them up slowly, to hold her breasts, just grazing her skin with the tips of his fingers, having her shiver almost uncontrollably. Rocking into her slowly and passionately, they made love to her under the moon and stars until they were all a mess of limbs, fighting for release.


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