France: religious discord, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; Philip signs Treaty of Joinville with, ref 1; and execution of Mary Queen of Scots, ref 1
Frederick, Hans, ref 1
Frobisher, Sir Martin: criticises Drake, ref 1, ref 2; commands squadron, ref 1, ref 2; stranded in engagement off Portland, ref 1, ref 2; escapes off Isle of Wight, ref 1; knighted, ref 1; attacks Armada off Gravelines, ref 1; death in expedition against Spaniards in France, ref 1
Fuentes, Pedro Henriquez de Acevedo, Count of, ref 1
Fugger family (financiers), ref 1
Fugitives Act (1571), ref 1
Gamarra, Juan de, ref 1
Gardiner, Stephen, Bishop of Winchester, ref 1, ref 2
Gargrave, Sir Thomas, ref 1
Gato, El (Spanish hulk), ref 1
Gérard, Balthazar, ref 1
Gerard, Sir Thomas, ref 1, ref 2
Geronimo, Padre, ref 1
Giambelli, Fedrigo, ref 1, ref 2
Gil, Ensign Juan, ref 1
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, ref 1, ref 2
Gilbert, Sir John, ref 1
Giraldi, Michael, ref 1
Girona (Spanish ship), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Golden Hind (English ship), ref 1
Golden Lion (English ship): in expedition against Spain, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; engages Armada, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; in battle of Gravelines, ref 1
Golden Noble (English ship), ref 1
Gongora, Friar Bernardo de, ref 1
Gorges, Nicholas, ref 1
Gourdan, Giraude Mauleon, seigneur de Calais, ref 1
Gran Grifón, El (Spanish ship), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5
Grassi, Annibale de, ref 1
Gravelines, battle of, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
Gray, Thomas, ref 1
Gray, Ursula, ref 1
Great Yarmouth, ref 1
Gregory XIII, Pope: anti-Protestant acts, ref 1; and invasion plans against England, ref 1
Grenville, Sir Richard, ref 1
Grey, Lady Jane, ref 1, ref 2
Grey of Wilton, Arthur Grey, 14th Baron, ref 1
Grimaldi family, ref 1
Grindal, Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury, ref 1
Gritti, Giovanni, ref 1, ref 2
Guise, Henri, 3rd Duke of, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6
Guise, Cardinal Louis de, ref 1
Gunpowder Plot (1605), ref 1
Guzman, Captain Don Rodrigo Tello de, ref 1, ref 2
Gwyn, David, ref 1
Hammond (Arundel’s servant), ref 1
Hampshire: defences, ref 1
Harris, John, ref 1
Hart, Captain William, ref 1
Hartlepool, ref 1
Harwich, Essex, ref 1, ref 2
Hawkins Hospital, Chatham, ref 1
Hawkins, Sir John: dispute with Spaniards in West Indies, ref 1; as treasurer of navy, ref 1, ref 2; Howard defends, ref 1; harries Armada, ref 1; claims San Salvador as prize, ref 1; on shortage of powder and shot, ref 1; blocks Spanish access to Isle of Wight, ref 1; attacks Spanish stragglers, ref 1; knighted, ref 1; offers fireships at Calais, ref 1; in battle of Gravelines, ref 1; pursues fleeing Spaniards, ref 1; on cost of ship repairs, ref 1; advocates attacks on Spanish treasure convoys, ref 1; establishes ‘Chatham Chest’ for seamen’s relief, ref 1; death off Puerto Rico, ref 1
Hawkins, William, ref 1
Hayward, Sir John, ref 1
Henri II, King of France, ref 1
Henri III, King of France, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7
Henri IV (of Navarre), King of France, ref 1, ref 2
Henry VII, King, ref 1
Henry VIII, King, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5
Heredia, Captain, ref 1
Heria, Antonio de, ref 1
Heydon, Sir William, ref 1
Hole, Thomas, ref 1
Hope (English ship), ref 1, ref 1
Hope Hawkins (English ship), ref 1
Horne, Robert, Bishop of Winchester, ref 1
Horra, Fernando, ref 1
Howard of Effingham, Charles, 2nd Baron (later Earl of Nottingham): urges pre-emptive blow against Spain, ref 1; appointed lord high admiral, ref 1; pleased at condition of ships, ref 1; joins up with Drake at Plymouth, ref 1; on Elizabeth’s parsimony over defences, ref 1; Elizabeth orders to patrol coast, ref 1; sails for Corunna, ref 1; shortage of powder and shot, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; informed of Armada’s arrival, ref 1; supposed game of bowls with Drake, ref 1; issues formal ‘defiance’ to Spaniards and attacks, ref 1; reports on first day’s action to Walsingham, ref 1; shipboard council of war, ref 1; follows Drake, ref 1; escapes attack by Moncada, ref 1; in engagement off Portland, ref 1; requests reinforcements of Walsingham, ref 1; blocks Armada’s entrance to Solent, ref 1; confers knighthoods on subordinates, ref 1; discusses action against Armada at Calais, ref 1; orders preparation of fireships, ref 1; and success of fireship attack at Calais, ref 1, ref 2; strategy against Armada after Calais, ref 1, ref 2; and Armada’s escape to North Sea, ref 1; warns of continuing Spanish threat, ref 1; and prospective Spanish landing in Scotland, ref 1; ships arrive at Harwich and Margate, ref 1; superior firepower, ref 1; on neglect of seamen, ref 1; establishes ‘Chatham Chest’ for relief of seamen, ref 1; created Earl of Nottingham, ref 1; attends dying Elizabeth, ref 1; negotiates peace settlement with Spain, ref 1
Howard, Lord Thomas, ref 1, ref 2; knighted, ref 1
Huerta, Juan de, ref 1
Huguenots: persecuted in France, ref 1; conflict with Catholics, ref 1; rights granted under Edict of Nantes, ref 1
Hunsdon, Henry Carey, 1st Baron, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
Hunter (English spy in Spain), ref 1
Huntingdon, Henry Hastings, 3rd Earl of, ref 1
Ibarra, Juan de, ref 1
Idiáquez, Don Juan de, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Ipswich, ref 1
Ireland: plans to rise against Elizabeth, ref 1; decoy plan in Spanish invasion of England, ref 1; Armada navigates, ref 1; Armada ships wrecked on west coast, ref 1, ref 2; Spanish survivors slaughtered, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; estimated Spanish dead, ref 1; defences reorganised to round up Spanish survivors, ref 1; later Spanish attacks on, ref 1
Italy: financiers deny credit to Philip, ref 1, ref 2
James VI, King of Scotland (James I of England): accession in Scotland, ref 1; Elizabeth writes to on death of Mary Queen of Scots, ref 1; offers assistance to Elizabeth, ref 1, ref 2; prospective deposing by Catholics, ref 1; succeeds Elizabeth as James I, ref 1
Jane Seymour, Queen of Henry VIII, ref 1
Jesuits: conspire against Elizabeth, ref 1; imprisoned in Wisbech Castle, ref 1
Joinville, Treaty of (1584), ref 1
Juan, Captain Marolín de, ref 1
Juliana (Spanish ship), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Justin of Nassau, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Katherine of Aragon, Queen of Henry VIII, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Kelly, Major John, ref 1
Kent: land forces and defences, ref 1
Kent, Henry Grey, 6th Earl of, ref 1
Killigrew, Sir Henry, ref 1
Kinnagoe Bay, Co. Donegal, ref 1
Kinsale, Ireland: Spanish troops land at, ref 1
Knollys, Sir Francis, ref 1
Lagos, ref 1
Lane, Ralph, ref 1
Langside, battle of (1568), ref 1
Lasso, Don Rodrigo, ref 1
La Torre, Padre, ref 1, ref 2
Lavia (Spanish ship), ref 1, ref 2
Lázaro, Juan, ref 1
Leicester (English ship), ref 1
Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of: commands in Netherlands, ref 1; believes Armada rumours exaggerated, ref 1; supposed illegitimate son, ref 1; favours pre-emptive blow against Spain, ref 1; on Armada threat, ref 1; assassination plot against, ref 1; on shortage of equipment for land forces, ref 1; commands defence forces, ref 1, ref 2; opposes Elizabeth’s peace negotiations with Spain, ref 1; commissioned lieutenant a
nd captain-general, ref 1; on militia at West Tilbury, ref 1; Morgan warns of continuing threat from Parma, ref 1; and Elizabeth’s visit to Tilbury, ref 1, ref 2; holds celebratory review, ref 1; decline and death, ref 1
Leigh, Richard, ref 1
Lemos, Count of, ref 1
Leslie, John, Bishop of Ross, ref 1
Levant Company, ref 1
Leyva, Don Alonso de, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6
Lion (English ship) see Golden Lion
Lippomano, Hieronimo, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7
Lisbon: Spain annexes, ref 1; Armada fleet prepares in, ref 1, ref 2; English expedition aims to capture under Norris and Drake, ref 1, ref 2
London: trained bands, ref 1; Spanish spies in, ref 1; celebrates Gravelines victory, ref 1; servicemen mutiny in, ref 1
London, Treaty of (1604), ref 1
Loo, Andreas de, ref 1
Louvain: Catholic activists in, ref 1
Luzón, Don Alonso de, ref 1, ref 2
Lyme Bay, ref 1
M’Cabb, Melaghlin, ref 1
McDonnell, Sorley Boy, ref 1, ref 2
Machary, James, ref 1
MacLean of Duart, Lachlan, ref 1
Makeshift (English pinnace), ref 1
Maldonado, Don Diego de, ref 1
Manona, Giovanni de, ref 1
Manrique, Don Jorge, ref 1, ref 2
Marchant, Captain, ref 1, ref 2
Marco, Captain, ref 1
Margaret and John (English ship), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Maria Juan (Spanish ship), ref 1
Marie Rose (English ship), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5
Marten, Anthony, ref 1
Martigo (English pinnace), ref 1
Mary I (Tudor), Queen: death, ref 1; background, ref 1 ; marriage to Philip, ref 1, ref 2, ref 1; succession, ref 1; reign, ref 1; suppresses rebellion (1554), ref 1
Mary Queen of Scots: French support claim to English throne, ref 1; flees to England from Scotland (1568), ref 1; claim to English throne, ref 1; Norfolk hopes to marry, ref 1, ref 2; as Catholic focus, ref 1; Throckmorton plot to liberate, ref 1; excluded from succession by Bond of Association, ref 1; death sentence and execution, ref 1, ref 2; Walsingham plots against, ref 1; supposed will, ref 1; tomb, ref 1
Maxwell, John, 7th Baron, ref 1
Mayne, Father Cuthbert, ref 1
Mea, Vasco de, ref 1
Medina, Don Juan Gómez de, ref 1
Medina Sidonia, Don Alonso Pérez de Guzmán, 7th Duke of: and Drake’s attack on Cadiz, ref 1; appointed captain-general of the ocean, ref 1, ref 2; background and qualities, ref 1; doubts success of Armada, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; personal staff and administrators, ref 1; piety, ref 1; issues orders on sailing, ref 1; detained by bad weather, ref 1; sends messages to Parma, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; messages of encouragement from Philip, ref 1; musters Armada at Corunna, ref 1; loses ships before action, ref 1; holds council of war on sighting England, ref 1; hears nothing from Parma, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; engages English fleet, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; alters formation of Armada, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; manoeuvres, ref 1; seeks defensible anchorage in England, ref 1; makes for Flanders, ref 1; anchors off Calais, ref 1; in fireships attack at Calais, ref 1; orders regrouping of Armada after leaving Calais, ref 1, ref 2; refuses to petition for surrender, ref 1; plans homeward voyage, ref 1; on English fleet leaving Armada in northern isles, ref 1; Philip writes to on supposed victory, ref 1; sailing orders for return voyage, ref 1; letter to Philip on failure of Armada and return route, ref 1; arrival in Santander and illness, ref 1; and Spanish administrative weaknesses, ref 1; attempts to care for survivors, ref 1; Philip allows to return home to recuperate, ref 1; differences with Parma over failure, ref 1; Parma tells of invasion plans, ref 1; mocked in Valladolid, ref 1; mocked in English tract, ref 1
Melsam, William, ref 1
Mendoza, Bernardino de: on condition of Catholics in England, ref 1; opposes establishment of Catholic settlement in America, ref 1; expelled from England, ref 1; as ambassador in Paris, ref 1; and Arundel’s plot, ref 1; on succession to Elizabeth, ref 1; letter from Mary Queen of Scots, ref 1; Stafford offers to supply intelligence to, ref 1; on Catholic victories in France, ref 1; reports on English spies in Spain, ref 1; sends questionable intelligence to Philip, ref 1; promises to English exiles in Paris, ref 1; on English rumours of Spanish threats of repression, ref 1; misreports Spanish victory to Philip, ref 1; blindness, ref 1; hears rumours of English expedition to Lisbon, ref 1; on Spanish war against England, ref 1
Mendoza, Captain Pedro de, ref 1
Menneck, Adrian, ref 1
Merchant Adventurers: financial support for English ships, ref 1
Merchant Royal (English ship), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Merlin (English pinnace), ref 1
Messia, Marco Antonio, ref 1, ref 2
Metico, Andrew van, ref 1
Michiel, Giovanni, ref 1
militia: swear oath of loyalty to Elizabeth, ref 1
Milward, William, ref 1
Minion (English ship), ref 1
Miranda, Luis de, ref 1
Mocenigo, Giovanni, ref 1
Mombasa, ref 1
Moncada, Admiral Hugo de, ref 1, ref 2, ref 4, ref 5; killed, ref 1
Montague, Anthony Browne, 1st Viscount, ref 1, ref 2
Moray, James Stewart, Earl of, ref 1, ref 2
More, Sir Thomas, ref 1
Moresin, Captain Francisco, ref 1
Morgan, Sir Thomas, ref 1
Moura, Don Cristobal de, ref 1
Mousehole, Cornwall: burned by Spanish expedition, ref 1
Nantes, Edict of (1598), ref 1
Napolitana (Neapolitan galleass), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
navy (English): strength, ref 1, ref 2; as first line of defence, ref 1; provision of extra ships, ref 1; rations and diet, ref 1, ref 2; desertions, ref 1; ship losses and casualties, ref 1; superior gunnery and firepower, ref 1, ref 2; ship damage, ref 1; crews unpaid, ref 1; deaths from disease and starvation, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; Elizabeth stands down, ref 1
Netherlands: English Catholic exiles in, ref 1; Spanish anti-Protestant policy in, ref 1, ref 2; Elizabeth supports Protestants in, ref 1; requests financial assistance from Elizabeth, ref 1; patrols Flemish coast against Parma, ref 1; Armada ships beached and sunk off coast, ref 1; celebrates defeat of Armada, ref 1; English payments to, ref 1; provides weapons and support for English expedition against Lisbon, ref 1
Noel, Henry, ref 1
Nonpareil (English ship), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
Nonsuch, Treaty of (Anglo-Dutch, 1585), ref 1
Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of, ref 1
Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of: plans to marry Mary Queen of Scots, ref 1, ref 2; wealth and status, ref 1; confined to Tower, ref 1; released into house arrest, ref 1; and Ridolphi plot for Spanish invasion, ref 1; returned to Tower, ref 1; executed, ref 1; grave, ref 1
Norris, Sir Edward, ref 1
Norris, Sir John (‘Black Jack’): surveys enemy’s possible landing sites, ref 1; spy reports on, ref 1; and defence of Portsmouth, ref 1; expedition against Spain and Portugal, ref 1, ref 2; lands at Corunna, ref 1; falls from Queen’s favour, ref 1; leads expedition against Spaniards in France, ref 1
Northumberland, Henry Percy, 8th Earl of, ref 1
Northumberland, Thomas Percy, 7th Earl of, ref 1, ref 2
Norton, Thomas, ref 1
Norway: Spanish ships wrecked off, ref 1
Nowell, Alexander, Dean of St Paul’s, ref 1
Nuestra Señora de Pilar de Zaragoza (Spanish ship), ref 1
Nuestra Señora de Castro (Spanish ship), ref 1, ref 2
Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Spanish ship), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5; captured by Drake, ref 1
Nuñez, Pedro, ref 1
O’Devenny, Connor, Bishop of Down and Connor, ref 1
O’Docherty, Sir John, ref 1
O’Flaherty family of Connemara, ref 1
Ojeda, Admiral Agustín de, ref 1, ref 2
Olivares, Enrique de Guzman, Count de, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8
O’Malley, Dawdarra Roe, ref 1
Oquendo, Miguel de, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6
Ormanteo, Niccolò, ref 1
Ostend, ref 1
Ousley, Nicholas, ref 1, ref 2
Padilla Manrique, Don Martin de, ref 1
Paget, Lord Charles, ref 1
Palavicino, Sir Horatio, ref 1
Palmer, Edward, ref 1
Paloma Blanca (Spanish ship), ref 1
Paris: revolt against Henri III, ref 1
Parma, Alexander Farnese, Duke of: plans invasion of England, ref 1, ref 2; and post conquest government of England, ref 1; occupies Sluys, ref 1; supposed landing places in England, ref 1; Philip urges to invade England, ref 1; Santa Cruz ordered to cover passage to England, ref 1; abortive peace negotiations with Elizabeth, ref 1; and Allen’s pamphlet attacking Elizabeth, ref 1; army strength, ref 1; builds and commandeers invasion barges, ref 1; messages from Medina Sidonia, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; money shortage, ref 1; om limitations of barges at sea, ref 1; prepares proclamation for distribution in England, ref 1; problems of transport to England, ref 1; fails to contact Medina Sidonia, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; Medina Sidonia requests pilots for Flemish coast, ref 1; English land forces oppose threat, ref 1; at Dunkirk, ref 1; and Armada’s arrival at Calais, ref 1; and Bourbourg peace talks, ref 1; admits unreadiness to sail, ref 1; begins and completes embarkation, ref 1, ref 2; as continuing threat after Armada defeat, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; embarkation reported to Elizabeth at Tilbury, ref 1; abandons invasion plans, ref 1, ref 2; renews fight against Dutch, ref 1; besieges Bergen-op-Zoom, ref 1, ref 2; mutual blame with Medina Sidonia, ref 1; questioned in Madrid about invasion plans, ref 1; in French religious wars and death, ref 1
Parry, William, ref 1
Parsons, Richard, ref 1
Patrona (Spanish ship) see Zúñiga
Paul, Stephen, ref 1
Paulet, Sir Amyas, ref 1
Peckham, Sir George, ref 1
Pedrosa, Barnaby de, ref 1
Pellegrini, Pompeo see Standen, Anthony
Penzance: bombarded by Spaniards, ref 1
Peregrina (Spanish ship), ref 1
Persons, Fr Robert, ref 1
Peruchio, Captain, ref 1
The Spanish Armada Page 46