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Stepping Up

Page 33

by Robert Culp

  “Aye, Cap’n,” Rangee says.

  “Of course, ma’am,” Aria replies.

  In my cabin, I review Captain Prowse’s last wishes. I’m staring at the document when Aria joins me. “I remember him saying he wanted to be buried on Atlas, but I don’t recall if he had a particular location for burial, if he wants his ashes scattered somewhere, or are we to dump them in orbit. Any idea?” I open the safe and pull out the urn. Mack’s is in there as well. I pull out his and set it beside Captain Prowse’s on my desk.

  “The requirement is not specified. I doubt he cared,” Aria says.

  “In his heart, he was a space faring man. To me, it’s just fitting he spends eternity among the stars. At the very least in space. Very well. I’ll handle it.” I call ChSgt Call. “I need three Troopers in the small craft bay prepared for EVA. They are to act as an honor guard for the dispersal of Captain Prowse’s and Dr. Sinnair’s remains.”

  “They’ll be ready in five, ma’am.”

  I meet the detail in the small craft bay and don my own suit of improved armor. They’ve started calling it ‘SoniArmor.’ I have to admit I like it, but who doesn’t strive for some shred of immortality?

  “Five minutes after we begin our Extra Vehicular Activity,” I tell Aria, “I want ‘Taps’ piped through the ship and all non-critical activity will halt during this event.” She nods. Once the four of us are ready, we MagWalk onto the hull and I open the Captain’s urn and shake out the ashes. On a planet in an atmosphere, this would be easy. But in no air and no gravity, the ashes don’t want to come out of the urn. As a second thought, rather than leave him in orbit, I throw the urn away from the planet. As the ashes drift out slowly, I recite a poem I found in Prowse’s library.

  Now the laborer's task is o’er;

  now the battle day is past;

  now upon the farther shore

  lands the voyager at last.

  There the tears of earth are dried;

  there its hidden things are clear;

  there the work of life is tried

  by a juster Judge than here.

  “Earth to earth, and dust to dust,”

  calmly now the words we say;

  left behind, we wait in trust

  till the resurrection day.

  Father, in thy gracious keeping,

  leave we now thy servant sleeping.

  It was well worn so it must have meant something to him. If it wasn’t his favorite, I’m confident it had a special place in his heart. Freddie hands me Mack’s urn. I similarly toss the cap towards the planet and the urn into deep space. Mack’s ashes stream out behind the urn like the tail of a comet. We observe a moment of stillness then return to the airlock. Their ashes are in effect traveling as fast as the ship. They form thin lines from where I threw the urns, extending outwards, but still keeping pace with the ship. It’s like even dead they don’t want to leave. I know how they feel.

  The honor guard moves back aboard. While I’m getting out of my SoniArmor, Athena calls from the Bridge: “We have received direction from Academy through the Admiralty. Night Searcher is to acquire Captain Prowse’s replacement on Atlas. Captain Dane is no longer available. His replacement is to be Captain Stanislaus Magus. Shall I COM him and say we are here?”

  “Yes. Feel free to determine if the Academy will consider leaving me in command.” It never hurts to ask.

  Her reply is immediate. “I took that liberty, ma’am. The request has been denied.”

  Not the answer I had desired. I had expected it, but was hoping against it. “Very well, please make all preparations for change of command.”

  After I stow my armor, I send a message to Uncle Angus’s contact person, inquiring of his health and stating my intentions to visit. I’m reviewing the closing reports when Athena calls. “Communication for you from Captain Magus, ma’am. I’m patching it through.”

  “Thank you.”

  A tall man in his early fifties appears on the holoCom. He speaks with a heavy Lemurian accent. “Well, I see you finally got here. The orders keeping you aboard as XO should be arriving shortly. You will have my bags sent to the ship. We leave for Rigg’s Station in four hours, continuing to Neptune Station from there. I will conduct a full Command In Ranks Inspection, full crew, in one hour. Get moving and don’t give me any pathetic excuses.”

  As many asses as I must deal with, I should have trained as a proctologist. “Oh I will, will I? I know not who ye are or who ye think ye are, but I’ll nae be spoken to like that. Not by you or anyone who looks like you! COM me again when ye’ve found a civil tongue. Night Searcher Actual out.” Click.

  My holoCom bleeps again. I’m poised to ignore the message when I see that it’s Angus’s contact, Connor MacDougal. “Good day, Captain. I’m currently on Atlas for business and was able to respond to you a bit quicker than you probably expected. Angus is as healthy as a horse and as ornery as a mule. He would love to see you, lass. Come by whene’er ye can. D’you have the coordinates? And yuir own ship I understand. I guess it’ll be no Purple Heather Inn for you.”

  “I’ve a few loose ends to tie up, but I’ll be in Scotia as soon as possible.”

  “If you need me for anything, I’ll be here until the end of the week. I’m returning to Scotia on Oracle.”

  “Thank you, Mr. MacDougal. I will probably be here a bit longer than that but I will see you soon enough. MacTaggert out.” I write a letter of resignation to the Academy and email it. Their receipt is in my inbox in a matter of moments. A response follows it. It’s pretty boilerplate, clearly a form letter. Thank you for your service, blah blah blah.

  I have one last task. I go to my conference room and activate the Ship-wide address system. The camera opposite me interrupts every non-critical holoCom and view screen on the ship. “This is Captain Sonia MacTaggert. It is unfeasible for me to have the crew gather in one location for this address. Please forgive me, but I feel this, impersonal as it is, to be the best alternative. After what has turned into a very long, very strange journey, we have returned to Atlas. Captain Magus is on Atlas and has been appointed as Captain of this fine crew. I had hoped to be allowed to retain command, but alas it does not appear to be in the cards. So be it. In these circumstances, I cannot remain aboard. It would be unfair to me, to Captain Magus, but most importantly to you, if I stayed. I therefore wish each and every one of you open skies, fair winds, and for you to know that my love and respect go with you all. MacTaggert out.” That was a little harder than I expected it would be.

  Back in my cabin, I summon Clarisse, Bethany, Duncan, Elizabeth, Frances and Taylor. “Please package my personal belongings and have them moved to any rental storage area at the starport. I have several good-byes to make in person. If I can’t ride down with the stuff, I’ll catch another ride down afterwards. I’ll carry a few things myself. If you have any doubts, consult the ship’s inventory for what stays and what goes.”

  The women are openly weeping, even the men are tearing up. Duncan says, “We’ll handle it, ma’am.”

  “May I say, ma’am,” Taylor’s voice catches. “You took the sting out of slavery.”

  I hug all of them. After they leave, I empty the safe, putting the laser sword, the Tome of the Ancients, the Amulet, and any other knick knacks I may have overlooked into a shoulder bag with a few of my other belongings. No reason that pompous ass should get what Captain Prowse wanted me to have.

  I go to the bridge. Malcolm issues a report on the ship’s status. “Thank you, Malcolm. Was it really less than two years ago that you proctored my aptitude exam?”

  “Yes, ma’am, it was. I remember that day. When you boarded the launch, I knew you would be hired. If you’ll forgive me, I never expected you would command.”

  “That’s two of us.” I give him a hug. “Take care of these people, Malcolm. They deserve it.”

  “Yes ma’am. That they do.” I walk around shaking hands with everyone else, thanking them for their service and dedication. After th
e bridge I go to Engineering and find Viggo tending the engines.

  “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me, ma’am,” he says.

  “Thank you for everything you’ve done for this ship and crew. It would have been understandable for you as a captive to refuse to help anyone.”

  He smiles. “Ma’am, the first time you talked to me you said you didn’t employ slaves. I never felt like a prisoner while in your employ.” We shake hands and I leave. I start to ask where Ginny and Gorb are but I think I know.

  I walk to the Small Craft bay. Practically everybody aboard is there. Mine aren’t the only tear-streaked cheeks.

  Avi is the first to speak. “Farewell, my truest love. I wish you would stay.”

  “Good bye, Avi. You know I can’t. I could never be a crewmember where I used to be Captain. I wish you success at school. I’m sure you will be a fine microneurosurgeon.” I step closer to the launch.

  Athena snaps to attention. “Mission accomplished, ma’am. What are your instructions for me? Am I to be returned to storage?”

  “Do you belong to me or the ship, Athena? If you belong to me, you are welcome to get in the shuttle. If not, I suppose that will be up to Magus.”

  “I have no protocol tying me to this vessel.”

  “Then it’s up to you. If you wish to stay, I’ll miss you. If you want to come with me, I’m happy to have you.” As an answer she takes my bag from me and turns toward the shuttle. I take a few more steps towards my ride.

  “Captain Shownya, why are you leaving? I love you Shownya,” Gorb says.

  “It’s just time for me to be moving on. I love you too, Gorb. You’ll help Ginny and Viggo, won’t you?”

  “Gorb loves to help! Everyone says so!”

  “And I know it to be true. Take care, my friend.” I pull a bar of chocolate from my sleeve pocket and give it to him. He smiles and wraps his arms around me. I hug him back just as fiercely.

  I’m waiting for the launch pilot to signal me for boarding when Magus’s shuttle lands. He walks out with his hands on his hips. “Where’s that stupid vaginal support system that I spoke to earlier?”

  All motion ceases. Every head turns, every eye bores into him.

  I speak first: “Now is that any way for a gentleman to speak in the presence of a lady? Athena, I believe he needs a lesson in manners.” I hand Aria the Captain’s perCom as I get into the shuttle.

  Aria tries diplomacy. “Captain Magus, this is Captain Sonia MacTaggert, and...”

  Nice try, Aria.

  “I know who that stupid bitch is,” he thunders. “I recognize her from the holoCom. She just went from XO to junior janitor until I say different.”

  “My mistress has warned you about your insolent tone. Please do not make me strike you.” Athena has tossed my bag into the launch and approaches Captain Magus.

  “Athena, as soon as you’ve kicked Captain Maggot’s scrotum through his cranium, we’ll be off,” Shawna says as she pushes past Magus and boards my shuttle.

  Freddie looks at Magus’s hardened expression. He looks back to Athena. “Go ahead Athena. Smack him a good one!” He turns to one of his subordinates and renders a hand salute. “I stand relieved.” He throws his cap on the deck and grinds his heel into it. Apparently, that’s his way of resigning. He’s also walking towards the launch.

  This is fun, I wonder if I can get them to gang up on him? “He called me stupid. Shawna, do you think I’m stupid?”

  “No, I think you’re smart and hotter than a two credit pistol, honey.”

  “You say the sweetest things!” I beam at her.

  Magus screams at the pilot of my shuttle: “Mister, if that boat lifts, life as you know it is over! Shut down those engines and get out of that seat and I mean right now!!” The terrified crewman looks at me. I nod at him with as much of an “It’s going to be okay” look as I can manage. He gets out of the shuttle. I look at Shawna and with a wink she slides into the seat to continue the pre-launch sequence.

  “Hey Athena!” I call to her. “Want to use my cutlass? I’d recommend castration, but by that puff in his cheeks, I doubt they’re where they should be. Either pound him through the deck or get on the launch. I’m ready to leave. Flip a credit, heads he walks, tails you bitch slap him.”

  Aria doesn’t want to deal with the mess or the clean up. “Be off, all of you. There will be neither physical confrontation nor interaction. I will miss you all.”

  “I’ll miss you, too. Take care of everyone. And don’t let that arrogant bastard get away with anything.” I wave at them all and board the launch. I hear him huffing and puffing as we seal the door to the shuttle. Everyone gets busy doing something other than following his orders. It’s not going to be a pleasant time on Night Searcher for a while.

  The shuttle heads down. I hate leaving him there. But I can’t do anything about it. The silence is overwhelming. “You gals want to partner up and see what kind of trouble we can get into?” Freddie says to all of us but to no one in particular.

  “I’m not opposed to it,” I answer. “Let’s do this: I’ll spring for a weekend here at the port, but then I’m going to Scotia on Earth and spend some time with my uncle. After I finish with the Academy of the Ancients, of course. I’m sure they’re going to want a full debrief on our mission. If you want to tag along, fine, it’s beautiful country. But for two weeks minimum, I want to sleep until I wake up. I don’t want to be worrying about who’s trying to kill my ship or me. I don’t want...I don’t want to worry period. I’ve earned it. Then we’ll sit down together and make some longer-range plans. Fair enough?” They all nod. “Now, unless anybody has a better idea, I suggest we check into the inn, get ourselves cleaned up, put on our ‘oh yeah you want me’ clothes, and go pick up some guys. Any better ideas?”

  It takes me three days to debrief the Elders at the Academy. Fortunately, they had all the logs that had been kept on Night Searcher. They admit to not being happy we couldn’t return Gwendolyn, but in the same breath, they confirm that my course of action was the only feasible one. They also have many questions about Azazeel and Kretor. I have to confess to not being able to tell much. It appears they are aware of both and fear them. Not exactly comforting. But then I am free to go back to the Inn.

  We literally do nothing for a couple of days. We lie around, soaking up ethanol and attention from strangers. Two days later, I announce I’m going to Scotia. All three of them want to go with me. I call ahead to Mr. MacDougal to ask if he could make reservations at the Purple Heather for us. Instead, he reminds me how big and empty the house is. I book passage to Earth for the four of us. It’s odd, having to pay for a ride on a starship again.

  Riding a starship as a passenger is very different from having the Big Chair, or even the engines to worry about. And I hate every second of it. Now I understand why passengers often have their teeth on edge. When we get to his estate, Uncle Angus welcomes me with open arms. He is likewise happy to meet Shawna, Athena, and Freddie. Daisy welcomes Shawna and Freddie, but she doesn’t know what to make of an android. Fortunately, they are able to reach an agreement.

  The healing environment is more than a body could desire. I know I said two weeks, but I could make it two years and not bat an eye.

  We’ve been in Scotia for a month. At breakfast one morning, I find a note that Freddie and Shawna have gone to the Moscow Starport to check on potential employments and see what is buzzing. I’m ladling gravy over the scrambled eggs on Angus’s plate when my perCom bleeps. My hands are full and covered with a light film of bacon fat. Angus turns the speaker on for me.

  “Cap…I mean Sonia MacTaggert.” I answer.

  “Hey, yummy girl. There’s a transport heading to Goliath. A big company is hiring all kinds of crews for military science expeditions. They are looking for pilots, Troopers, and Engineers. You want us to give them your name?”

  I hesitate. Angus looks up at me, his eye twinkling mischievously. “Ye’re nae finished ute there, lass. N
o’ even close.” That clinches it for me.

  “I’ll be there in the morning,” I say.

  Not the End


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  Robert Culp


  The characters and the Tenth Millennium settings of this story are the creation of Jim Culp. The story itself is mine, and the product of countless hours of dialogue between the author and Jim. Editing, guidance and patient mentorship were provided by G. M. Frazier.


  Robert Culp is a graduate of Southern Wesleyan University (MBA) and works in software development and testing at QS/1 Data Systems. After twenty-five years of service in the South Carolina Army National Guard he retired with the rank of captain. He is married with two children and lives in the Upstate of South Carolina. Stepping Up is his first novel.


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