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Unexpected (Unexpected #1)

Page 5

by Cross, Amity

  Her hand traced the tattoos on my bare forearms before her fingers curled around mine. This felt different than before. Last night Blair had been cocky, direct and forceful. She had bitch written all over her, but now it was like she'd dropped the facade and was just herself. She was still prickly and hostile, but there was a softness that I hadn't picked up on before.

  She tugged me down the hallway to my room and right then, I would have gone anywhere with her. My eyes skimmed her tight ass and ran the length of her long, almond-toned legs. I wondered if she was part Italian, or Greek? Turkish, maybe? I was one hundred percent Aussie, but she wasn't. Not that it made a difference, but it added to her air of mystery.

  Unlocking the door, I held it open for her and she walked by, dumping her jacket on the same chair she had last night. Dropping the key card and my wallet on the table, I pulled her against me, just savoring her body against mine. I had her, but for how long?

  "You smell like sex," she said. "All the time."

  "Good. Because I want to do it with you all the time."

  "Do it?" Her lip began to curl into a smile.

  "Fuck you raw," I growled, slipping a hand down the back of her shorts.

  "I have work tomorrow," she said, kissing the curve of my jaw.

  "I'll get Furlough to send a car to pick you up."

  "A car?" she scoffed. "Don't you dare."

  "Why not?" It had to be better than a taxi…or public transport.

  Blair shook her head, eyes narrowed. "I'll come back after work. Don't you trust me?"

  "Trust is a hot commodity, beautiful." I brushed a thumb over her nipple, which was standing to attention through her singlet.

  "Luckily, I'm hot," she said, pushing herself forward.

  "Stop trying to change the subject." I grinned. "Don't you want me to know where you work?"


  "Why? You don't run a meth lab, do you?"

  "No." That wicked smile again.


  "Fuck, no." She laughed this time.

  Blair was so damn sexy when she smiled, when she let her barriers slip a little. I wondered what she was like underneath that prickly exterior. I had a feeling she was just as difficult and just as beautiful. She was so damn...addictive.

  "When I said I wanted you to spend the week with me, I didn't mean just sex," I said, sliding my hand back down her shorts, cupping her ass.

  "There's nothing to know." Her tone suddenly became serious.

  "There's plenty to know." I began moving my right hand toward her hip. "Like where you work and what you do." My fingers crept toward her clit, tracing the edges, but not touching. "What kind of food you like, your favorite band." I winked playfully. "Your favorite position." I skimmed my finger lightly across her clit as I said the last part, wanting to see her reaction.

  "You're a fucking tease," she moaned, pressing herself forward, catching my hand between her clit and my thigh.

  "All I want is to know a little more about you."

  She began rubbing against me, nibbling at my neck. Aiming for distraction, no doubt. This was one half of the deal, but getting to know her was the other. It was the part I was counting on.

  "Blair," I sighed, my breathing starting to pick up. Fuck it all to hell. She already knew which buttons to push and it wasn't difficult to figure out how hard.

  "West," she whispered in my ear and I couldn't help myself. I slid a finger just inside her opening and my entire body crackled with need as she gasped. Those sounds she made were fucking gorgeous. She was wet and ready and it made this harder than it had to be.

  "Where do you work?" I asked again, holding her completely still. She wouldn't come unless she gave me some answers like a normal person.

  "Fucking bully," she hissed.

  "I just want to know you," I said, pressing my palm against her clit. "You can ask me anything."

  "Fuck you," she groaned, her fingers digging into my back.

  "I want to, but that's up to you, beautiful."

  Catching her mouth with mine, I kissed her hard and deep, our tongues exploring like it was the last time…or the first. She felt the attraction between us just as much as I did, I fucking knew it. She'd caved once already tonight and I'd get her to again.

  I couldn't take my hands off of her for one second without feeling lost. I was in that dangerous in between place where I'd either do whatever she fucking wanted me to, or fight to keep my head above water. Two alphas together. We'd fight and then we'd fuck. I could already feel it beginning.

  "I work at a tattoo shop," she gasped, tearing her lips away.

  "You're a tattooist?" I asked, surprised.

  Her eyes narrowed as she sucked her bottom lip into her mouth. "No. I work the desk."

  "Do you like it?"

  Abruptly, she pulled my hand from her shorts and stepped back.

  "What did you think I was gonna say?" I asked, pulling her back against me. This woman would fucking kill me.

  She shook her head with a scowl and I knew it was for my own good to stop asking. Not if I wanted to come inside her again.

  "Okay," I sighed, running a hand through her wild hair. "Your turn."

  "My turn?"

  "Yeah. I asked a question, now you ask me one.”

  “Is this part of your deal? You know, I reckon you’re making it up as you go along.”

  “Sure, if you say so.”

  “I can ask you whatever I want and you’ll answer?”

  “Sure.” We were standing in the middle of the room, tangled in each other’s arms, and if I’d known what she was going to say next, I probably would have sat down first.

  "How many women have you fucked?" she asked, calling my bluff.

  "Blair…" She didn't want to hear the answer to that question. Truthfully, I didn't have one.

  "You said I could ask you anything."

  "Are you looking for a reason to ditch me again?" I asked, annoyance starting to edge into my voice. "You know the answer won't be pretty."

  "I've fucked my fair share of guys."

  The thought of another man inside her made my blood boil and I didn't know how that was possible. "Don't."

  My phone started ringing and her face contorted into a scowl. "Saved by the fucking bell," she said, turning her back to me.

  Pulling out my phone with a sigh, I saw it was Furlough. From experience, I knew if I didn't answer he'd just turn up at the door in the flesh, and this was a conversation I didn't want Blair to overhear. It’d be nasty as fuck.

  "It's Furlough," I said. "Our manager."

  "The fuckwad in the hallway," she declared and it would've been funny, but laughing right now wouldn't be the smartest of ideas.

  "I have to take it or he'll bust down the door."

  "Be my fucking guest." She waved her hand around wildly and sat on the end of the bed.

  Backing into the bathroom, I closed the door behind me and pressed the answer button on the screen.


  "Don't fucking start, Furlough." I wanted to punch the fucker already.

  "Who was the girl?" His voice dripped with annoyance.

  "Blair. She…"

  Before I could explain more, he ripped right into me. "You picked her up last night, didn't you? Then fucked her again in the back room of the venue? I can't believe you. You want to fuck up again? Is that want you really want? Destroying everything you've worked your entire life for over some groupie slut?"

  "Fuck you, Furlough," I spat, curling my free hand into a fist. "Blair is not a fucking groupie slut."

  "West, it's only been six months since you got out of rehab."

  "How could I fucking forget?"

  "This is how it started the first time," he went on. "First it was one. Then it was what, like fifty? A hundred?"

  A hundred different women. A hundred different pussies. I actually felt sick and for a guy as hooked up on sex as I was, that was saying something. It had been quantity not quality. On the road, t
here was no chance of seeing the previous night’s fuck again. They all knew what they were signing up for, I never promised them shit, but there was always one who thought she could tame me like some wild fucking animal.

  "West," came Furlough's voice. "Are you still there?"

  "Yeah and I don't fucking know why."

  "Did you promise her anything?"

  "I promised her shit," I almost yelled, forgetting that Blair was still in the other room. "A week. I want her to spend the week with me. That's all."

  "Get rid of her, West."


  "She's enabling you. You want a real relationship so bad that you'll latch onto her without taking into consideration what she wants, let alone your fucking career."

  "It's just a week, Furlough. I know that there's a chance she'll walk away at the end of it. I fucking know it. I need this."

  "All I can see coming out of this is another trip to rehab. The band can't afford it and neither can you."

  "She's different," I said looking at myself in the mirror. My reflection stared back and I knew I was insane. I knew what Furlough was saying was mostly true, but Blair wasn't like that. How could I explain it to him, when I couldn't understand it myself?

  "If she finds out what happened to you in Florida, she'll only see dollar signs. You'll be in the papers again for all the wrong reasons and you won't be able to leave the hotel without a security escort. It'll take months, years to die down if it ever does. Joe, Mick, Rob…they won't forgive you again." I couldn't believe that fuck was using my friends against me, especially Joe. The next time I saw Furlough's face I'd punch the bastard out cold. "Either that, or she'll turn out to be some crazy fucking stalker. It's not like we haven't had our fair share of them already."

  "I can't believe you," I hissed. "You really think she's some crazy-ass stalker out for some quick cash?" She'd fought me every step of the way, but she'd been quick to accept my deal. Maybe she was looking for money. Fuck, now Furlough had planted a seed of doubt into my head and I began to hate him even more.

  "Get rid of her, West."

  "Fuck you." I ended the call before he could say anything else.

  I ran a hand over my face, seriously pissed. This might be my only chance to find someone who might understand me. Someone who didn't care about the newspapers and their shit stories and who might understand what I'd been through. Someone I could fall in love with. That what I really wanted when I said I wanted a connection with someone, right? I wanted the woman who'd blow me away with her body, her heart, her mind and her soul. That's what I wanted and it was like asking for world peace or snow in the desert. But with Blair, the impossible seemed a little more within reach. I'd be a stupid fuck if I didn't do something about that.

  Leaving my phone in the bathroom, I went back out into the bedroom and found Blair sitting where I'd left her, glaring daggers at me. Her posture was stiff and her face hard.

  "Fucking crazy-ass stalker slut out for some quick cash?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

  "Blair, no."

  "Why would I want to stay with you now after everyone wants me gone?"

  "Furlough’s an asshole." I strode forward and tried to pull her toward me. She was on her feet, arms still crossed, and my heart did a nosedive.

  "He's your manager and obviously he still is for a reason." She began to back away, out of reach.

  "This here," I gestured between us, "has nothing to do with the band. It has to do with you and me. No one else."

  "I can't stay, West, and you know it."

  She was slipping through my fingers and it had only been two hours since I’d found her on the street. I couldn't lose my second chance. I wouldn't allow it.

  "You're just gunna run at the first sign of trouble?" I asked in disbelief.

  "I couldn’t care less about your stupid fucking band or your money. I might sleep around, but I'm not a fucking whore."

  "I never said you were. I was defending you. Having a one-night stand doesn't make you easy."

  "You don't even know me," she yelled, the wildcat coming right to the surface. "And I don't even know you."

  "But, I want to. Isn't that something? A start? What are you afraid of?"

  "Why bother," she scoffed, pushing roughly past me and making a break for the door. I had a feeling running was her defense mechanism and she wasn't going to pull that shit with me.

  I grabbed her arm, pulling her back, and her hands landed on my chest. Before she could call me another filthy name, I crashed my lips into hers and instantly, she began kissing me back. Her tongue slid against mine and the taste of her overtook everything else. I picked her up, her legs locked around my waist and I carried her back toward the bed. Fighting and fucking. That was one thing I was right about.

  When her lips were on mine, everything else just dissolved. The band, the press, Furlough and his constant piss farting about, my past…it all fell away, and that's the thing therapy and rehab hadn't got out of my stupid head. The reason I fucked around and got high was to drown out the world to a dull roar. Music was one thing, something I loved, but the pressure that went with a bit of fame wasn't always shit hot. Blair was the cure.

  Setting her down on the bed, I pulled off her boots, throwing them over my shoulder, and tugged her shorts down her long legs. She made short work of her top and bra as I stripped. One day soon, I'd be undressing her, peeling every inch of clothing off her slowly, driving her mad with want, but not tonight. Tonight we'd fought and fighting always led to desperate, hard sex. Always.

  I settled between her legs, my cock sliding against her clit as I sucked a nipple into my mouth, rolling my tongue over the hard nub. Her fingers curled into my hair, tugging as she moaned, legs locking around mine.

  "I need to be inside you," I muttered against her breasts. "I'm so fucking hard for you."

  "Yes," she gasped, rolling her hips upward, her clit pressing into the underside of my cock.

  With a groan, I reached over to the bedside table and pulled out a condom, rolling it over my length. Her hands were on mine, guiding me to her opening and I slid inside her, right to the hilt.

  "You're so fucking wet, beautiful," I said, my breath heavy against her mouth. “Do you always get this soaked, or is it just for me?”

  "It’s because you know how to use that beautiful cock of yours, that’s why," she said before crushing her lips to mine.

  I began to move inside her, our tongues entwined, hands curled in each other’s hair. I'd fucked in every position I could think of, gotten off in a hundred different ways, been with my fair share of skilled women, but this was something else. It was just straightforward vanilla and it was blowing my mind. And it was all because of Blair. I never thought sex could be like this, but obviously with the right woman it could. Just putting my cock in her was enough to satisfy and what a mind fuck that was.

  "You feel so fucking good," she moaned underneath me as I flexed hard into her clit.

  I was incapable to speaking, so I just caught her mouth with mine again, our skin beginning to stick together with sweat. I felt my orgasm building with each steady stroke and I could've let go and fucked her hard, but this slow and steady pace was so good, I couldn't. If I kept going, I'd come longer and harder and so would she.

  "I'm close," Blair muttered between heavy breaths, her entire body quivering against mine.

  I knew I'd never be able to fuck another woman and not compare her to Blair. Everywhere she touched me felt alive with fire and when we were together, both naked with me inside her, it was fucking insane. She turned me into an animal.

  "Can you feel that?" I asked, nipping at her ear. A desperate moan came from her parted lips as I continued my onslaught.

  "West," she gasped, clawing at my shoulders. "I'm coming."

  I felt her begin to tighten around my cock, coaxing me to follow her into oblivion, and I did. I stroked against her again and again as she writhed underneath me, her orgasm taking over everything else. G
runting, I began to spill inside her, hot and hard. Fucking hell, it was the hottest sex I'd ever had…apart from last night. I knew her name, I knew how much of a bitch she could be, but who the fuck was Blair Hayden and what had she done to me?

  "Fuck," I gasped, stilling inside her as the last of my orgasm faded away. Her eyes met mine and they had a satisfied gleam to them.

  "Kiss me," she whispered and I was more than happy to comply.

  Pressing my lips to hers, I kissed her softly, my tongue teasing her lips. I flexed inside her and she moaned into my mouth, sliding her tongue against mine.

  Sliding my cock out of her, I said, "I'll be back."

  Leaving her naked and sweaty in my bed, I walked into the bathroom, threw the condom in the bin and cleaned myself off. As an afterthought, I picked up my phone from beside the sink and frowned at the message on the screen from Furlough.

  Get rid of her.

  Fucking cocksucker. I texted him as much and left the phone behind. When I opened the bedroom door, Blair was gone from the bed and my heart did this sickening hammering thing in my chest. Then I realized the outside door was open, the curtain fluttering in the breeze. Pulling on my boxers and jeans, I tugged the curtain aside with a trembling hand. She stood out in the cool night air, looking down at the city below, wearing nothing but my T-shirt. Her hair was wilder than ever with that just fucked look and her perfect ass stuck out just underneath the bottom of my shirt.

  "Come inside," I said, holding out my hand.

  "No." She was still pissed and if the roles were reversed, I would be too. But she couldn't be out here.

  "Blair," I murmured, hovering behind the curtain. We had to talk about this. Furlough was wrong and I had to make her understand. If she'd been hurt before, if that's what had made her so hostile, then this would be stinging like a bitch. We had to talk it through if I wanted to keep her.

  I knew it was a risk going out onto the balcony, but the way I saw it I didn't have an option. Blair was worth it…worth the inevitable fallout. Furlough didn't see it because he didn't know her. He couldn't understand how I felt because I was the only one who knew.

  Stepping outside, I wrapped an arm around her waist as the cool night air blew around us. After all that, I didn't know what to say, so I just stood there holding her against me, watching the city beneath us.


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