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Visionary Investigator

Page 5

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "You don't have an inch of eczema on these soft hands so why the gloves?" He asked.

  "You'd think I'm crazy if I told you." I replied. I was glad I didn’t need to explain what eczema was. It was tired of going into detail concerning the skin condition. Most people mixed it up with emphysema, the lung disease and didn’t see the connection. Obviously, it was a cover up to hide my gift.

  "Try me." He retorted, smirking at me. It must have been my tired eyes causing illusions, especially with having my contacts in for so long, but I swore his eyes flashed orange for a split second.

  "I'm uh, psychic. I guess you can call it that. When I touch an object, it sometimes reveals what that object has witnessed. It's like watching a movie, playing out right before me like the events are happening right at that moment. Everything just fades away and the past surrounds me. It can happen with people too, but generally it's with objects, unless the person I touch has experienced something recently and the events hold strong emotions. Occasionally, I also have glimpses of the future, something that has yet to happen." I explained.

  I waited for him to laugh or give me a mocking face. I wouldn't even get mad if he jumped out of the bed, grabbed his clothes and left the bill for me.

  Instead, he kissed my cheek; his hand wrapped around my waist and turned me to lay on my side as he relaxed onto his. He rested his elbow against the pillow, and his hand against his cheek as he stared at me with a blank expression.

  "Is it hard?" He whispered; sorrow flowed out of his low voice as his other hand went through my hair.

  "Is it hard?" I repeated, confused at his question. Shouldn't he be asking why I haven't been admitted to a mental institution or something?

  "Whenever you touch a certain object, you get pulled into a vision which from what you've told me, you're basically a sitting duck till it ends. Does it exhaust you?" He inquired.

  "Um...yea, I usually faint right after it occurs, ninety percent of the time. The remaining ten usually involves me grabbing anything I can draw with and sketching what I see as fast as I can. Sometimes it only takes a minute before the vision becomes fuzzy in my mind or max, five minutes. Unless the vision truly impacts me personally...that's the only time the vision will linger in my brain with every speck of detail." I confessed; my voice barely audible.

  I'd never explained what happened to me after my visions to anyone but Kendrick and Cece. I knew they wouldn't report me to the feds and force them to put me on a mental health floor against my will. I didn't think I'd find anyone else who'd be so accepting of my so-called gift.

  "That's why I'm asking. Didn't you have a hard childhood? Even now, isn't it difficult?" He pressed on; his finger brushed my cheek. I blinked, not realizing I had tears in my eyes.

  "I don't know why I'm crying." I confessed, blinking as I tried to use my free hand to wipe the fresh tears.

  His hand stopped my attempt. He repositioned himself, pushing himself up to lean against the headboard before tugging my hand gently, encouraging me to crawl into his arms. I didn't hesitate, crawling to him; his arms held me securely against his chest as my silent tears continued to fall.

  "I don't mean to cry or get I didn't even cry at my mom's funeral or when my dad abandoned me. Yet, here I am crying over a simple question." I revealed.

  I felt his lips press against my forehead as he tightened his embrace.

  "This world has many mysteries, and the problem is people can't be more open minded to the idea that everything in this life isn't as simple as they believe it to be. People simply assume they entered the world with no attachment to a higher being or God. They close their minds to the aspects that our eyes only see when it’s in front of us and is not truly visible to the universe around us." He explained; his hand roamed soothingly up and down my back. He continued.

  "It's hard to find someone who can understand and accept the fact you're different than the average person. I don't care if you're different. I think everyone is unique in their own way in this universe filled with many unknowns. People assume it's only us in this world, but I see differently. Regardless, your gift is an opportunity to help understand what others can't. If touching an object reveals something hidden that can potentially help someone, you should be proud of it, even with the hindrances that follow." He finished. I lifted my head to stare at him, gulping down the lump in my throat.

  "It's hard Jaxson. Besides from Cece and my uncle, I don't have anyone who understands...who just gets it. My visions aren't happy images of kissing couples and rainbows. They are scenes of how cruel the world is, images that are just as sinister and heinous as the people's hearts who committed them. No one can simply accept my gift. I can't even tell Jake, and he's my boyfriend." I closed my eyes, fighting the sadness that wanted to take control.

  "I understand and can't imagine how hard it was for you growing up with this gift. But, no matter what happens with us once we leave these walls, I'll always accept you, regardless of any flaws. Your visions aren't a flaw to me, and maybe in time, you'll see their worth and purpose." He smiled. I smiled right back; the last set of tears fell down my face.

  "Guess, that means I can get your number to sext you some time." I joked to lighten the now somber mood.

  His smile widened as his eyes twinkled with delight and a hint of eagerness.

  "Yes, Scarlet babe, you can happily have my private number and sext me whenever you want. Jimmy can join us too." He mused. I laughed, before leaning up to kiss him.

  It was thanks to Cece's pushing that I had an eventful experience and now, a new friend. Maybe we'd start dating if I got the courage to break up with Jake.

  "Please, allow me to give Scarlet Sinclair a round of applause as she proceeds with the walk of shame."

  Cece leaned against her open door as she began to slow clap with the biggest grin I'd ever seen plastered on her gorgeous face.

  I rolled my eyes as a huff escaped me. I walked into her apartment, heading straight to her large bathroom. I heard her close the door before the sound of footsteps approached. I knew my best friend’s mission was to find out everything that happened last night; from the moment she waved us away to my arrival at her apartment at seven this morning. So much for getting home at three in the morning. Thank the heavens, my phone was dead, or it would be beeping non-stop with calls and text messages for my oh-so-loving boyfriend.

  I reached the large, marble sink, turning the crystal knob, watching the brisk cold water pour down. I took a moment to look up at the oversized mirror; my blue-green eyes stared back at me.

  I had thought I would look like shit, but from my flushed cheeks, frizzy orange hair, and vibrant eyes, I didn't look like I'd partied and had heart-pumping sex throughout the early hours of the morning. My eyes locked onto the multiple kiss bites across my neck, reminiscing of this morning.

  I'd awakened to breakfast in bed; the multiple plates of food – from pancakes to oatmeal – splayed across the oversized bed. I found out we both loved bacon and blueberry pancakes. Seriously, the combination was heaven sent and as much as I loved chocolate chip cookies, blueberry pancakes outranked them.

  I had to remind myself to buy the new blueberry crumble sundae at McDonald's. He told me to text him whenever I wanted it, he'd bring enough for us to share and use for "other" activities.

  I splashed cold water on my face, followed by taking those annoying contacts out of my eyes, placing them in their cleaning solution case I carried with me. It felt good to be rid of them, my eyes unable to handle wearing them for too long, in this case resulting in me getting a headache.

  I was ready to find a towel to dry my face; the pink soft cloth emerged. I beamed as I lifted my drenched face to see Cece's smile.

  "Thanks, bestie." I acknowledged, taking the towel and pressing it against my face; the strong scent of fabric softener lingered in the soft textured material.

  "Hurry and dry your face; you can't keep me waiting all night after you ditched my ass for Jaxson fuckin
g White, a part of the hottest top ten in PINC." She complained.

  "I didn't mean to ditch you. It just kinda happened." I confessed.

  "Please end my misery and tell me those hickeys on your neck are because you guys fucked the living daylights out of one another and not some quick smooch, smooch, cuddle nonsense." She questioned; her hand went through her blonde locks. I smiled wickedly before turning to leave the washroom, placing the towel on the silver bar to dry before I walked out.

  I pulled the hair tie out of my hair, having tied the messy bundle when we left the hotel.

  I relaxed against the kitchen counter, tempted to raid her freezer for a tub of ice cream, but I felt the night’s activities begin to creep into my body; exhaustion settled in.

  "In all my years of sex, which honestly were shit thanks to Jake's little weenie, that was by far the best intercourse I've ever had. Cece, you can't even imagine how amazing his hips are. They hold some type of power of their own. Ugh, not to mention those forbidden lips that can suck you into Neverland. I almost forgot my name, Cece. I think I did, and finally remembered, after I calmed down. He was able to hold my body weight as he fucked me so fast, ugh okay no more talking about it. Jimmy would be disappointed now that I've experienced the proper way to be ravished." I concluded, rubbing at my eyes. I swear my eyes are bothering me.

  "I told him about Jimmy." I admitted.

  "You didn't!" She argued.

  "He was happy he surpassed my expectations, beating Jimmy's winning streak." I smirked as I watched Cece's mouth open wide as she stared at me.

  "Shut up! HE'S OKAY WITH YOU HAVING A VIBRATOR? I don't have the guts to tell Vinzent yet." She rushed around the counter, stopping in front of me. I rotated to face her as she leaned against the opposite cabinets.

  "Yup. He said I can bring him some time." I winked, laughing at her stunned expression.

  "Break up with Jake this instant! May I just say he's utterly annoying? I finally picked up my phone after the millionth time. I swear, he drained my battery. I was so happy I didn't answer till after Vinzent dropped me off or he'd have lost his shit. I've never seen a guy so desperate to know someone’s whereabouts." She huffed as she pulled out her phone from her grey shorts pocket, tapping the screen before turning it for me to view.

  I gasped at the display, two hundred phone calls and one-hundred and two text messages. I was afraid to even look at the voicemail section.

  "Cece, I'm so sorry. How mad was he?"

  "Mad? Oh Honey, you know me well enough that Jake wouldn't dare to try and yell at me for his shortcomings. I put him in his damn place when he tried to raise his voice at me. I ended up saying you were totally knocked out and were sleeping at my place. Don't worry, I made sure to inform him that Vinzent was merely in the shower but would be keeping an eye on us. That shut him up quick. He calls himself a man, haha." She flicked the phone on the counter behind her, rolling her eyes as she relaxed.

  I sighed, bowing my head. Just because she was my best friend didn't mean she deserved that type of treatment from Jake. Sure, my phone was dead, and maybe somewhere in his heart, he was concerned about my well-being. However, it didn't mean he had to spam call, text, and leave hundreds of voicemails on my best friend’s phone.

  "Sorry, Cece. I'll deal with it."

  "As in, you'll break up with him, VERY soon." She urged, pointing her hand at me. I frowned but nodded. This relationship wouldn't last any longer than it had. Now that Jaxson was a potential, I seriously was over Jake’s childishness. I needed a man who was confident in himself and in me. Not someone who'd worry about me shaking my milkshake and bringing all the boys to the yard.

  Aside from Jaxson and Jake, I'd never been remotely interested in anyone, only dancing and chit chatting rather than going as far as any intimacy in the matter.

  "Anyways, I think I'm gonna go crash. I'm receiving my final assignment tomorrow from Professor Hartwell. I'm hoping it’s at PINC with a new team of investigators. Maybe that will be my gateway to getting a position there, even if it's casual."

  I blinked my eyes, closing them to rub roughly against them. Seriously, why do my eyes hurt so much?

  "You should, you look good but exhausted. I'll charge your phone and put it on silent just in case Jake decides to go on another I miss my girlfriend rampage." Cece agreed.

  I narrowed my eyes at her; the image before me blurred for a moment. I rapidly blinked; my vision returned to normal for a moment as I nodded my head.

  I rubbed my eyes yet again. What the hell is up with my eyes? I opened them again, pulling out my phone from my bra when my eyes locked onto Cece's hair.

  Her usual blonde locks were a sparkling silver. My eyes widened at the scene before me. I shook my head closing my eyes and rubbing them. I must be hallucinating.

  I opened them again, but the image didn't change, only escalated more. Her usual blue eyes were an intense sky blue; specks of silver and gold flickered in her irises, reminding me of a miniature thunderstorm.

  Her cheeks were still a rosy pink, but her skin was paler than usual. The most prominent difference was the large red horns attached to her head. I gaped at her; my mind spun as my brain tried to find an explanation for what I was seeing.

  "Scar? Scar are you okay?" She waved her hand in front of me; her original pink, French cut nails were now long with red nail polish. She tilted her head in confusion as concern began to fill her facial features.

  "Scarlet, are you having a vision or something?" She continued to try and snap me out of my daze, but I couldn't comprehend her words. My best friend wasn't in front of me, who was this creature?

  "Red...horns?" I whispered as I continued to stare at the large red horns perched on her head. I walked forward, wobbling on my feet as my hand reached out to touch them. Before I could touch their smooth looking texture, Cece's hand stopped me, grasping my wrist as she stared at me wide eyed. She still looked confused, but I saw a flash of fear, which was enough to kick me out of my trance. I closed my eyes, which were now stinging as my head began to pound.

  "Scar? What's wrong, are you seriously okay? Do you need to sit down?"

  I opened my eyes again; my best friend stared back at me, looking perfectly normal again. What was that all about? Cece...looked like some type of demon just now? Those horns especially. What type of demon would that be classified as?

  "Scar!" Cece let go of my hand to shake me gently. I blinked, returning her worried gaze with a confused look of my own.

  "Ah. Hi. Um, I think I need to sleep. My eyes are seriously bothering me. I think I shouldn't wear my contacts for so long when we go out. They've been bugging me ever since I got into the limo coming home." I confessed, shaking my head.

  "Limo? I'll ask you the details later, you need to sleep. You're freaking me out." She tugged at my hand, pulling me towards her spare bedroom which was pretty much my room whenever I came by which was almost every other day.

  I staggered along the way; my legs refused to cooperate. Cece noticed, stopping and putting my hand over her shoulder, before carrying most of my weight as we reached my unofficial second bedroom. After opening the door, she helped me inside, placing me slowly onto the bed. I sighed in relief. Then, my surroundings spun as if I'd just had a vision and was experiencing the aftermath.

  "Scar, rest up. If you still feel like shit when you wake up, I'll take you to my friend. He's good at making herbs and stuff and deals with restoring positive energy. Maybe he knows a thing or two about your visions." Cece explained.

  I nodded; my mind too fuzzy to catch everything she'd just explained.

  "Sure. I'm just going –" I began before I leaned to the side; my body too heavy to support my sitting position.

  Arms kept me from plummeting into the soft maroon sheets.

  "Yes, Scar. Get some rest. You'll feel much better once you've got some sleep and rest your eyes," Cece encouraged. I didn't even fight as she removed my clothes, before laying me down against the soft sheets. She tucked me
in; the warmth of the sheets felt lovely against my chilled skin.

  It must be just a hangover or something.

  My conscious faded as I thought about Jaxson's goodbye kiss, promising me this wouldn't be the last I’d see of him. That was the final image in my mind before I fell asleep, forgetting about my stormy eyed, red horned bestie.

  Chapter Four

  "I'm fine Cece. I will make sure not to trip, fall or faint today. All I'm doing is meeting Professor Hartwell and I'll be on my way. Yes...yes, I'm wearing my gloves and vow to not take them off, if it will stop you from nagging."

  I let out a groan, pulling the phone away from my ear as Cece continued yelling on the other side.

  Due to yesterday’s "almost" faint session, she'd been bothering me non-stop. I had to beg her before she allowed me to leave her flat, the next day.

  I could recall our mini conversation when I tried to bring up what I had witnessed.

  “Hey! How are you feeling?”

  I entered the living room of Cece’s flat, fixing my glasses that were thankfully on the nightstand next to my bed when I woke up.

  I adjusted the brownish black frames, focusing on Cece; waiting to see whether I'd experienced the irritation, burning sensation that led to me seeing a demon-like Cece.

  "What?" Cece urged, giving me a weird look.

  "Um...I may sound crazy..." I began. She lifted her eyebrow at me.

  "I've experienced Scar crazy. C'mon, tell me what's on your mind, and why are you looking at me like I grew horns?"

  "Uh...well, actually. You kinda...did have horns. Red ones to be exact." I confessed.

  "Sorry? What did you just say? Horns?" She snickered. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms.

  "I'm serious Cece. You had horns. Red ivory like horns. Like right here." I gestured to the crown of my head.

  "And they curled up a bit and the tips were pointy. You had silver hair. Like an old lady but prettier and younger." I continued.


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