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Bound to Them

Page 3

by Lorna Jean Roberts

  She hadn’t seen the group in ages. Oh, she used to Skype to participate in the meetings, as many of their members did from all over the country. But it wasn’t the same as actually being there.

  Coming to work with Doug and her father hadn’t been her choice. But with her father’s deteriorating health and Doug’s growing reliance on alcohol, she could do nothing else. Loyalty to her family demanded that she help out.

  Crista wished Doug would take jobs closer to their hometown, Sacrifice. She missed her small house. Being around strangers made her anxious. Only in Sacrifice did she feel truly happy. At home, people accepted her for who she was.

  Working out-of-state meant they had to hire men she didn’t know—men who didn’t always like having a woman giving them orders. If only Doug would spend more time on-site. Instead he was becoming more and more absent.

  Crista chewed her lip as she stood and stepped out of the trailer. A bright-purple Jeep Cherokee pulled up. A wide-shouldered man in a tight white t-shirt and dark jeans stepped out. Mirrored sunglasses hid his eyes as he looked around. He stilled, his attention caught. Crista turned to see Nash standing by a stacked pile of timber, drinking from a water bottle.

  Weird. Why would he be staring at Nash?

  Crista turned back to the stranger, shocked to find his gaze now firmly centered on her. He started toward her, his stride determined. Crista swallowed heavily. This was not a man to be messed with. The closer he got, the more intimidating he grew.

  He stopped a few feet away. Pulling off his sunglasses, he ran his amber gaze over her body. Butterflies flew through her stomach as her nipples hardened. His lips twitched.

  Oh hell.

  “Hello.” His low, deep voice sent shivers through her.

  She stared at him for a long moment, taking in his muscular frame, his short, dark hair and lightly tanned skin. With a jolt of embarrassment, she realized he was waiting for her to talk. Blushing, she rubbed her hand against her thigh. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  “You must be Crista.” His gaze ran over her and seemed to find her lacking. Crista threw back her shoulders—no way would she let this man intimidate her. She’d faced down worse.

  “Your brother sent me. He said to check in with the foreman. Can you point him out to me?”

  Crista sighed, realizing who he was. “Yeah, look, I’m not sure what Doug told you, but I’m the person you need to talk to.”

  “You’re in charge?” he asked.

  Great, he was one of those. An idiot male who didn’t think a woman could run the show. Well, she could. She might hate confrontation but she stepped up to the challenge anyway. “You got a problem with that?” she asked, folding her arms over her chest.

  He quirked one eyebrow. Crista held his gaze through sheer force of will.

  His gaze dropped to her lips and she suddenly realized she was licking them nervously. She immediately pressed her lips together. She didn’t owe him any excuses. Although she might hate being in charge, she didn’t let that stop her from keeping this company going.

  “No, I have no problem with that,” he said smoothly.

  “Our foreman Pete had to leave suddenly. If you have any questions, come to me or Roger, who I’ll introduce you to. He’s second in charge.”

  Thank God for Pete. He’d worked for them for years and knew the business inside and out, looking after the men while she concentrated on the bookwork. But Pete’s wife had been in a car accident and he’d flown home yesterday to look after her. Until he returned, Crista was on her own.

  “No problem,” he replied easily with a slight grin. “Doug just never mentioned his foreman wouldn’t be here.”

  “Yeah, well, Doug often doesn’t think of the small things. Like the fact that we don’t actually need another worker,” she muttered.

  “Well, Doug already hired me. He said he’s the owner. Is he wrong?” He stared down at her steadily, his voice filled with self-confidence, almost daring her to turn him away.

  She sighed. “No, he’s not wrong. Okay, I guess you’ve got a new job. I can’t guarantee you work beyond this job though. We move around a bit, and I’m not sure where we’re going next, so I can only hire you on temporarily.”

  “That’s fine.”

  “Well, come on in, we’ll get your paperwork done. Umm, were you planning to start today?”

  “I thought I might as well. That a problem?”

  “No.” She looked him over. His clothes, while simple, seemed expensive. And white wasn’t the best color to wear on a building site. Boy, she hoped he actually did have some experience.

  “I’ve got a change of clothes.” The skin around his eyes crinkled as he smiled. Wow. Her clit danced a little jig. His smile changed his face from coldly handsome to downright sexy.

  Blushing again as she realized she’d been staring, Crista turned to walk into the trailer. “Oh, well, umm, good. After you fill out this paperwork, I’ll show you around, and then you can get started.”

  Nash glared over at the trailer as Crista and Quinn disappeared inside. What was Quinn doing here? Nash tried to concentrate on his work as his mind whirled. What the hell was going on? Grinding his teeth, he realized he could do nothing but wait. Fifteen minutes later, Quinn strode out of the trailer.

  Ignoring the rush of blood to his cock, Nash walked over to where Quinn stood, searching through the back of his Jeep.

  “Nice Jeep, but a bit out of place here, don’t you think?” Nash drawled, coming to a stop behind the other man. Damn, he had the finest ass Nash had ever seen.

  Quinn turned. “I had to fly into Las Vegas and I was in a rush. This was the best I could do.”

  “In a rush? Why? Just what are you doing here, Quinn?”

  Quinn stared at Nash, his gaze almost hungry. “I work here.”

  Nash’s jaw dropped. “Like hell you do.”

  “The paperwork I just signed says otherwise.”


  “Well,” Quinn drawled, “I found myself bored and hot today, so I went to the local bar to cool off. That’s where I met Doug Grayson. And wouldn’t you know it, he offered me a job.”

  “You bastard. How the hell did you figure out where I was?” Nash knew Quinn had deliberately searched out Doug Grayson, more than likely manipulating him until the other man thought he was offering Quinn a job.

  But why?

  “I searched through Kayla and Cord’s home computer. Your email was still in their inbox.”

  Damn, he should have called Cord rather than emailing him, but he hadn’t been ready to talk to anyone.

  “You’re terrible with computers,” he said suspiciously.

  Quinn flushed slightly. “All right, so maybe I distracted Kayla while Joe did some searching.”

  Yeah, that was more like it.

  “What about your business in Seattle?” Nash demanded. Quinn and his brothers ran their own construction business.

  “I took some leave. I need to talk to you.” His gaze grew intense, focused.

  “You wanted to talk to me so you manipulated Grayson into giving you a job? Don’t you think that’s overkill?”

  “You wouldn’t answer my phone calls. I figured you’d turn me away without listening. So I decided to make it impossible for you to ignore me.” Quinn wasn’t a man used to hearing the word no.

  Nash felt torn. His head told him to push Quinn away. But the rest of him wanted to pull the other man close and never let him go, no matter what heartbreak he might end up suffering. “Well, you were right. I don’t want to talk to you.” He forced the words out, even as his heart screamed with pain. “So get lost.”

  “Is there a problem here?” asked a female voice.

  Both men turned toward Crista.

  She frowned up at Quinn, her gaze suspicious. Folding her arms over her baggy dark-blue t-shirt, she stepped closer to Nash. Large turquoise eyes surrounded by pale eyelashes peered up at him. She licked her lips nervously, drawing his attention to her l
ush mouth. What would she taste like? Sunlight glinted off her long blonde hair, which she’d swept tortuously back into a large bun.

  If she were his, he’d insist she keep her hair down.

  “Nash?” She looked up at him, her beautiful eyes concerned, as though she actually cared about him.

  Oh darlin’, don’t start caring about me. I’m really not worth it.

  And yet he couldn’t help but feel a surge of pleasure. What would it be like to have this sweet little thing belong to him? She brought out his protective instincts. When she looked up at him with those big eyes as if she thought he could move the moon and stars, he immediately wanted to be that man for her. To be the one she turned to with her needs, her wants, her problems.

  Yet the person she needed protection from the most was him.

  She needed to get out, experience life. He’d want to hide her away in his bedroom and never let her go.

  I could train her. She’s submissive. I could show her how to get what she needs.

  He’d been toying with the idea of training her for weeks. He could show her how to protect herself from idiots who would try to take advantage of her. But Crista deserved something real, something more than a cheap fling, and Nash didn’t have it in him to give that to her.

  Not when the man standing next to him had broken his heart.

  “Everything’s fine here, sweetheart,” Quinn said. “Why don’t you go back to your office and I’ll be along shortly?”

  Nash glared at him but didn’t object, knowing they needed to get rid of her.

  “Excuse me?” she said loudly, folding her arms across her chest. “In case you forgot, Mr. Sinclair, I’m your boss. You do what I say. Take your clothes up to my office and get changed. I’ll meet you back here in five minutes.”

  Nash’s lips twitched as Quinn gaped in amazement. He stilled the telling movement as she turned to him. He didn’t want her to think he was laughing at her. No, his amusement was all at Quinn’s expense. The other man looked downright dumbfounded.

  “Nash, you okay?” she asked.

  Quinn looked at him, questioning. Nash shook his head and nodded toward the office. With a roll of his eyes, Quinn turned and strode off.

  Nash let out a deep breath. “I’m fine, Crista.”

  “Do you know him?” She nodded over at Quinn, her lips pursed.

  “Ahh, yeah, we worked together in Seattle.”

  Crista frowned, obviously thinking furiously. “Did you get along with him all right? He’s kind of, umm—”

  “Intimidating?” Nash guessed.

  “I suppose. Doug hired him. I didn’t have much of a choice but to take him on.” She chewed at her lower lip. Nash resisted the urge to soothe the abused flesh with his tongue.

  Quinn stepped out of the trailer, dressed in an old blue t-shirt and loose, ripped jeans.

  “Don’t worry, darlin’. He’s very good at what he does.”

  “Yes, I am,” Quinn agreed as he stepped up behind her.

  Crista turned with a gasp. Obviously she hadn’t heard him walk up.

  “You trying to get rid of me already, boss lady?”

  “Any reason I should?”

  “No, no reason at all.”

  She snorted. “Nash, get back to work. Quinn, follow me.”

  * * * * *

  “You can’t keep avoiding me, you know.”

  Nash didn’t bother to look back as Quinn spoke from behind him. He’d had a hard day and he longed for a cold beer and an even colder shower. Quinn had been here two weeks now, and it was taking all of Nash’s energy to keep his distance from the other man.

  Everywhere he turned Quinn was there, his shirt off, his muscles gleaming, a wicked glint in his eye.

  “Still ignoring me? That’s really mature, isn’t it?”

  Nash clenched his teeth against his sharp reply. Just keep on walking. Don’t acknowledge him. Eventually he’ll grow tired of whatever game he’s playing and go away.

  He squashed the pang of loss at that thought and focused on his anger. It felt good to be angry. Strong.

  His fury prevented him from dragging Quinn back to his room and fucking him all night long. Quinn’s reasons for being here didn’t matter. Nash was done with him.

  A car backfired, causing him to look up. He froze. “What the fuck is he doing here?”

  Quinn followed Nash’s gaze across the yard to see a large man get out of a rusty car that had seen better days. His attention shifted as Crista stepped out of the trailer. Nash watched her a lot. At first, Quinn thought Nash was faking an interest to make him jealous. Then he’d realized Nash’s attraction to her was real.

  Quinn understood why. She had a cute, innocent, girl-next-door kind of look—made all the more appealing because she obviously didn’t realize her own attractiveness. All the women Quinn had been with in the past knew their best features and weren’t afraid to use them. Not Crista. She was genuine, sweet and obviously submissive, even if she didn’t seem to know it.

  Nash strode past Quinn.

  “What’s going on?” Quinn asked as a large, scruffy man stormed toward Crista.

  “I want my money, bitch,” the guy yelled, obviously drunk.

  Quinn followed Nash.

  “You’re not owed any money, Sam,” Crista said quietly. She flicked them a look, one that clearly ordered them to stay out of her business. Oh she so didn’t know who she was dealing with.

  “Yeah, well, I just met with Doug and he said I could have my money. So give it to me, bitch.”

  Quinn stiffened and took another step forward.

  “Well, I say you’re owed nothing. You have one minute to vacate the property or I’m calling the police,” Crista replied firmly, her voice dripping with icicles.

  The big man grew silent. Suddenly his arm shot out. Crista stepped back, but his hand still clipped the side of her face. He spat on the ground before turning with a snarl and striding away.

  Crista tripped in her haste to get away and fell onto her back. Quinn leapt toward her, sliding onto his knees.

  “Stay still, baby, let me check you over.”

  Quinn heard the thick, meaty reverberation of fist meeting flesh behind him but didn’t bother to look around. He knew Nash would take care of the bastard. He hissed, his gaze turning hazy with rage as a bruise ballooned on her cheek. Tears filled her eyes but didn’t spill as she looked up at him.

  “Help me up,” she demanded.

  “Just lie there, sweetheart, until I check you over.”

  Quinn ran his hands over her body, his cock swelling as he touched her. He cursed himself. Now was not the time to get turned-on.

  “I’m fine.” She pushed his hands away. “Please, Quinn,” she begged.

  Tears swam in her eyes. Poor baby. She was obviously doing her best to hold herself together. “Okay, sweetheart, let me help you.”

  Quinn supported her as she rose. She turned, her eyes widening. Her breath caught on a little hitch before racing out on a whoosh.

  He followed her gaze, wondering what had caught her attention.

  Nash bore down on them, his stride purposeful, gaze intense. Blond hair fell loosely around his face, having sprung free from the tie he used to keep the shoulder-length strands away from his tanned face. His eyes captivated, drawing Quinn in.

  Every thought rushed from Quinn’s head as blood pounded through his body. His dick strained against the loose, worn denim he wore. He was going to hurt himself if he kept this up. Surely it couldn’t be healthy to be this aroused all the time without any respite.

  Nash’s gaze focused on where Quinn held Crista, his eyes hardening.

  Suddenly it hit him. How he could get Nash’s attention. He simply had to ensure that he had something Nash wanted.


  “In the trailer. Now,” Nash snapped.

  Chapter Two

  Nash stared at Crista and tried to calm his temper. She’d probably never been anywhere near violence. When he’d s
een that asshole hit her, he’d exploded with rage. He’d known Quinn would take care of Crista so he’d concentrated on making the bastard pay for touching her.

  Sharing a woman wasn’t something that had ever crossed his mind, but now he found himself considering the benefits. Had he been on his own, he’d have been torn between looking after Crista and teaching that asshole a lesson. With Quinn there the choice had been easy.

  Crista watched him, her big eyes filled with tears, putting as much distance as she could manage between them. She crossed her arms over her trembling body.

  Shit, he’d actually scared her.

  “Crista,” he began, wincing at the roughness in his voice. Turning, he took a step toward the door. Best to leave now before he terrified her further. He’d leave her care to Quinn until he’d cleaned up and calmed down.

  “Your knuckles.”

  Nash stopped, nearly stumbling backward as Crista appeared before him. She grabbed his hands in hers, bringing them up so she could inspect them more clearly.

  “They need to be cleaned or they might become infected. I have a first-aid kit around here somewhere. Come and sit down.”

  Dumbfounded, he let her steer him toward a chair. She pushed on his shoulders until he sat.

  Quinn snorted with laughter.

  Nash’s lips twitched even as he glared at Quinn. He didn’t want Crista thinking they were laughing at her. He probably outweighed her by a hundred pounds and stood nearly a foot taller, yet here he was, letting her lead him around as if he were a lamb.

  “Here we go.” Crista returned with a small box. As she crouched at his feet, the image of her sucking his cock assailed him.

  He groaned.

  “Are you okay?” She glanced up at him, her eyes displaying her concern. “Are you hurt somewhere else?”

  Nash couldn’t speak through his anger as he glowered at the bruise marring her face. And if she hadn’t stepped back the damage could have been so much worse.

  “Nash?” She gaped at him in shock as he swore violently. Probably using words she’d never heard before.


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