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Page 70

by Joanna Wylde

  “No, but it would interest others a great deal,” Nicolai said. “And Josiah is always looking for business opportunities. Don’t underestimate him.”

  “I don’t, I assure you,” Jerred said wryly. “Are we done here? I’d like to get back to Giselle.”

  Nicolai nodded, and leaned back in his chair. Jerred gave a casual salute and left the room, leaving Nicolai with his thoughts. Yes, he was almost certain the younger man had found his life mate. The thought made him smile. Jerred was a good man, and he deserved better than the life of loneliness and violence that awaited an unmated male.

  Now, how long would it take him to figure his situation out?

  The com on his desk buzzed, and Nicolai grabbed it. Within seconds he was on his feet, headed out of the office. There had been an ambush in the truce zone, a Saurellian freighter had been looted and the entire crew left for dead. Through some miracle another ship had found them before they all starved to death.

  Jerred and his life mate were forgotten.

  * * * * *

  Giselle scrolled through the clothing catalogues, trying to imagine herself in some of the stranger creations. She had quickly realized that Saurellian women’s fashions weren’t suited to her figure. These women were long and lean. She was short, and while she wasn’t fat, she wasn’t lean, either. She would look ridiculous in most of these outfits There were other types of clothing, though, designed for women with her generous body type. Unfortunately, as far as she could tell, the entire non-Saurellian female population of the station consisted of prostitutes. Cheap prostitutes at that, not licensed pleasure workers. She’d never seen such a nasty selection of tacky clothing in her life. Finally she found some serviceable, if not exactly attractive, jumpsuits. When they left on their vacation, they would have to get more.

  She was a bit worried at first about paying for the clothing, but Jerred seemed to have plenty of money available for her. She decided to splurge, and got some pretty black combs to go in her hair. She also got some conditioner for it. The soap he had on his ship made it feel a bit dry, and she was ready to pamper herself.

  Her purchases arrived less than an hour after she ordered them, sliding into the apartment through a delivery shaft she hadn’t noticed at first. How handy. Moments later she hit the shower, ducking her head under the hot water and reveling in the warmth of it with a pleasure that bordered on the obscene. She started singing a little song, and turned to the wall so the water could sluice down her back.

  She hardly felt his touch at first. His hands slid around her waist, and then he was in the shower with her, pulling her up against his tall body. He leaned over and whispered in her ear.

  “I’ve missed you,” he said. “I’m sorry I had to leave so quickly before, but I knew that if I let myself stay, I wouldn’t make my report at all. I really couldn’t let that happen.”

  “It’s all right,” she said, dropping her head back against his chest. He felt lovely.

  His hands slipped up and down the front of her torso, cupping her breasts lightly. His fingers reached around to tweak her nipples and she sighed. Against her back, his penis swelled.

  “I’ll have to wait around for a few days, but I don’t really have any work that I need to be doing,” he said softly. “We’ll have to find some way to while the time away…”

  “Hmmm.’ she said thoughtfully, wiggling her butt against him. “I have a few ideas, but I’m not sure that you’d like them.”

  “Try me.”

  “Well,” she said archly. “For one thing, I really think you need to get cleaned up. You haven’t been scrubbed properly, I do believe. Would you like me to help?”

  “Sure,” he said. She twisted in his arms until she faced him, then ran her hands up and down his chest. His cock, now against her belly, rose just a bit in response, and she gave a low, throaty chuckle.

  “Close your eyes and hold still,” she said suddenly. Then she grabbed her new bottle of soap and poured a little into her palm. Jerred wrinkled his nose at the smell.

  “What, you don’t like it?” she asked.

  “Oh, I like it,” he said slowly. “I’m just not sure I want to smell like that myself. It’s a little flowery.”

  She slathered it across his belly, rubbing up and down across the lower section of his stomach. He stayed silent as the lather built up and then gasped as she moved lower. She let the bubbles drift into the black curls surrounding his shaft, massaging it into a thick lather. His erection rose through the soap like a monument, and against her will, she laughed.

  He stiffened, and she poked him in the stomach.

  “Don’t be getting all serious on me,” she said, looking up at him with a twinkle in her eye. He shook his head, and smiled back at her. She watched his face, a sly smile on her own as she rubbed her fingers around the base of his shaft. He thrust his hips at her, but she ignored his move, dropping her fingers lower to trace the contours of his scrotum.

  The skin there was very soft. She felt the orbs of his testicles inside, and smiled to herself as she cupped first one and then the other. They tightened under her grip, pulling up just a bit as his cock hardened and thrust upward toward his belly. She let her hand slip lower, touching the smooth skin behind his scrotum and he shuddered.

  “Unless you want this to end very, very quickly, I think you should stop doing that,” he muttered softly. She laughed again, reveling in her power. She loved making this big, strong man plead with her.

  But he did have a point. She didn’t want to end things before they started. So she let her hands smooth the soapy bubbles to his stomach, moving slowly so she could run her fingers through the tiny black hairs that dotted his body. She reached his navel, prodding it softly. Involuntarily his hips rocked forward. He was very sensitive there. She moved her hands higher, until they reached his nipples. Despite the warmth of the water, they were rock hard. So were hers, for that matter. She leaned forward against his chest, rubbing him sensuously with her breasts. He sighed and muttered something.

  She titled her head up to look at his face and gasped.

  He wore an expression that was new to her. He had the same physical need and lust for her in his eyes that he always did when they made love, but there was a new tenderness. If she didn’t know better, she would have thought he loved her. She closed her eyes, willing herself to not think of that possibility. No matter what he felt for her, he would never be able to stay with her. He didn’t have the capacity. Even allowing herself to dream about it was a mistake. It would drive her crazy if she let it.

  She needed to break the mood, needed to change things. Time to bring it back to a purely physical level.

  She reached up and pulled his head down to hers suddenly, kissing him more deeply than she’d ever kissed him before. His arms came around her, crushing her to his body. She squirmed against him urgently, suddenly wanting him inside her, filling her with his seed. He turned off the water, lifted her in his arms, and stumbled out of the shower. They left a trail of water and bubbles behind them as he carried her into the hallway, and then he slipped, falling to one knee. She slithered from his arms, and pulled him down on top of her on the floor. She couldn’t wait another second—she had to have him inside her body.

  He thrust in with one smooth motion. The broad head of his shaft hit her cervix and she orgasmed instantly, squeezing him with all her strength. He pulled back and thrust once more, and then he exploded as well. She felt the hot seed bursting inside her, felt his body pulsing against hers. After a moment he rolled off her, picking her up carefully and carrying her into the bedroom. He laid her on the bed and then joined her.

  “I’ve never felt this way about anyone,” he said softly, and she turned her head away. That was the last thing she needed to hear.

  It gave her hope, and that would be her downfall.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Xander watched as Jerred stepped out of the apartment door, kissed the woman lingering, then started down the corridor.

  He’d never seen his friend like this. First there was the hostility when he’d arrived. In the days since then, he’d taken great care to keep the woman hidden in his apartment. The only times she’d gone out, he’d been with her and he’d guarded her closely. No man was allowed to talk to her, let alone touch her.

  It intrigued Xander.

  He’d known Jerred all his life, and they’d shared women together more than once. Jerred had never been the jealous type. He’d always enjoyed women, but never asked anything of them. Sometimes he found them in the bars around spaceports, but more often he preferred to hire them for an hour or two. He had always said it helped keep things from getting complicated. As a man who liked to keep his relations with women uncomplicated, Jerred was definitely in over his head with this one. Xander could only think of one reason that such a thing might happen.

  The woman had to be his old friend’s life mate.

  He’d tried to talk to Jerred the day before, but the man had refused to see him. The woman possessed him, consumed him, and he seemed completely unaware of what must be going on. If the girl was his life mate, she needed to be recognized at the temple and granted formal status. Until then she had no place in the station hierarchy. Given how protective Jerred was of her, that could lead to someone’s death if they made the wrong move. Xander didn’t want to see that happen.

  Jerred needed to be brought to his senses.

  He waited until he was sure Jerred was gone, then pushed himself away from the shadow where he’d been standing and walked to the apartment door. He nodded, waiting for her to respond.

  He didn’t have to wait long.

  “Jerred, is that you?” she asked through the com panel.

  “No, I’m a friend of Jerred’s. My name is Xander,” he said slowly, trying to keep his voice neutral and unthreatening. It was hard; her presence called to him. As an unmated man, he found it hard to be around women, especially those he couldn’t have. There was something about another man’s life mate that could drive a warrior slowly mad with lust. Their culture was wise to keep the women away from the unmated males. Otherwise, there would be a bloodbath; she couldn’t stay here.

  “What do you want?” she asked, and he could hear the tension in her voice. Jerred must have warned her about the men on the station. At least he hadn’t completely lost his mind, Xander thought with a tinge of dark humor.

  “I’ve come to talk to you,” he said. “You don’t have to let me in, but I do need a few minutes of your time. It’s about Jerred.”

  “I’m listening,” she said. “But not for long. I’m not going to open the door.”

  “All right,” he said, looking up and down the hallway. It really was a shame she wouldn’t let him in. Out here he was more likely to be seen. If Jerred found out, he would kill him. Still, a man had to die some time, and at least then the horrible burning, aching emptiness within him would be gone. Sometimes he thought death would be a mercy.

  “Do you know that Saurellians can only mate permanently with someone called a life mate?” he asked through the door, feeling ridiculous.

  “Yes,” she said, and he could have sworn her voice held a touch of hurt. Good. She cared about him.

  “Well, you’ve probably heard that only Saurellian women can be life mates, then,” he said.


  Her tight, strained intonation spoke volumes. He sighed.

  “Maybe you don’t realize that in the past year, several Saurellian men have found life mates who aren’t Saurellian.”

  Silence. He took a deep breath and forged ahead. “I think you might be one of them.”

  “Don’t play games with me,” she said. “This is cruel.”

  “It’s the truth,” he replied slowly. “Jerred probably doesn’t believe it’s possible, and the odds are certainly against it. But he’s showing all of the signs of a man who’s found his mate.” I should know, he thought bitterly. I’ve watched enough of my friends and brothers find their loved ones on Saurellia.

  He pushed the disloyal thought out of his head. The Goddess decreed which men would have mates and which would suffer alone. Still, the irrational part of his mind screamed out at him to break down the door and take her.

  After all, if she could mate with Jerred, why not him? He pushed the thought back and took a deep breath.

  “You need to go to the Temple,” he said shortly. “They’ll be able to tell you if you’re the one for him. You need to know this, for both your sakes.”

  “How do I go to the Temple?” she asked, softly. “And why should I believe you?”

  “You should believe me because I care about Jerred,” he said. “Despite what you may think, we’ve been friends forever, and I’m afraid he might lose his only chance for happiness. Not to mention your only chance for happiness. The life mate bond goes both ways, you know, and it only ends with death.”

  Silence. He shook his head, hoping she was still listening. She didn’t exactly have a reason to believe him, after all.

  “All you need to do is get on the ’net and look up the local temple,” he said. “Call them. Talk to the priestess. They’ll help you make the arrangements you need to make.”

  “What makes you think they’ll believe me?” she asked.

  “Whether they believe you or not, they have a duty to check your story out,” he said. “Tell them about Jerred, and tell them that I came to talk to you as well. Make them understand that you need their help.”

  “I’ll think about it,” she said slowly. “Why are you telling me all of this?”

  “Because I want Jerred to be happy,” he muttered through gritted teeth. Deep down inside, he knew it was true. That didn’t make it any easier, though.

  “He loves you and I know it,” he said softly. “It’s written all over his face, in every step he takes. I’m just worried that he’ll let his own fears get in the way of his happiness. If it were me,” he paused to take a breath, swallowing deeply. “If it were me, he’d do the same.”

  She fell silent, and he turned quickly and walked away. If only it were him. If only the Goddess was that kind.

  * * * * *

  Giselle found the number for the station’s Temple. She still wasn’t quite sure what to think of Xander’s strange visit. Was he playing some kind of sick game with her? She shuddered to think how humiliating it would be if he was… On the other hand, what if he was right? Even a chance to have Jerred as her own was worth any humiliation. Taking a deep breath, she pressed the call button.

  Almost immediately a man’s face appeared on the screen. He smiled at her, and she realized there was something different about him. He didn’t have that tense, questing look she had come to associate with Saurellian males.

  “Hello,” she said softly. “I need some information, I think.”

  He smiled at her reassuringly. “Go on,” he said. “I’ll do my best to help you.”

  “I think that Jerred, uh, the man I’ve been seeing, is my life mate. Does that make any sense to you?”

  A look of surprise came over his face, but he quickly masked it.

  “Well, there is a slight possibility that this is true,” he said. “But it’s very unlikely. I’m sorry, but I have to be honest with you about this. Many young women imagine they are life mates when they meet a handsome Saurellian soldier, but it’s rarely true. Why is it that you think he might be your life mate?”

  She blushed, unsure of how to answer without sounding silly. Somehow, I think I’d just die without him, seemed juvenile at best.

  “I’m not really sure,” she said finally. “I realize that it may just be wishful thinking, but I really do love him. And I think he loves me, too. I think we’re just both afraid to let ourselves say it because we know it can’t last.”

  The man nodded grave, a look of compassion on his face. “Well, I don’t wish to hurt you, but it is most likely that what you are feeling is infatuation. I want you to be very honest with yourself and answer this questio
n for me. Does he really care for you as much as you care for him?”

  “I’m sure he cares for me as much as I care for him,” she said softly, knowing it was true. “I can feel it in the way he touches me, and how he looks at me.”

  The man nodded his head slowly, his expression still non-committal. “If you would like to come to the Temple, we would be able to do a reading on you,” he said. “That way you will know for sure. But I need to warn you that the reading may not go as you would like.”

  “I’d rather know,” she said softly. “In my heart, I know I need to be with him. If I’m deluding myself, it’s better to find out now.”

  “All right,” the man said. “Can you come here yourself, or would you like us to send someone to fetch you?”

  “I want you to send someone for me,” she said quickly. “Jerred has been very clear that I shouldn’t go outside by myself. He says it isn’t safe.”

  The man’s face turned thoughtful. She wanted to ask him what his thoughts were, but decided it wasn’t a good idea.

  “We’ll send someone for you shortly,” he said. “I have your address from your call number. Be sure to leave a message telling Jerred where you are; you don’t want him to worry about you.”

  “Or tear apart the station looking for me,” she added, grimacing. His expression turned thoughtful again, and then he faded out.

  The knock on her door came more quickly than she’d expected. She had just finished the note for Jerred, when they arrived. To her surprise, they had a private pod waiting for her, parked right beside the open walkway. Somehow it hadn’t occurred to her that pods would be allowed to navigate through the open air of the galleries, but she supposed the Temple must have special privileges. There were two people waiting for her, a man and a woman. To her surprise, it was the same man she had talked with over the com. The woman was tall and striking in that way she had come to expect from Saurellian women. She held out one hand to Giselle and gave her a gentle smile.

  “Come with me, child,” she said. She looked so young that Gisele was taken aback for a moment by her tone. Then she noted small strands of grey in the woman’s hair, and the tiniest of lines around her eyes. She was older than she looked.


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