Ultimate Paranormal Romance, 15 in 1! (BWWM Paranormal Boxed Set)

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Ultimate Paranormal Romance, 15 in 1! (BWWM Paranormal Boxed Set) Page 6

by R S Holloway

  Whoa, A stunned Nellie struggled to focus her stunned gaze on the vision before her; one that, much like her fiancé, seemed to transcend all reason and believability. Crop circles are so not good for my lilac bed.

  Her frozen feet finally found motion as she tore through the door, racing into the vast expanse of her scenic - and, at this point, quite baffling - back yard.

  She froze as the front panel of the mysterious vessel flipped open, allowing for the outpouring of a golden light that lent a luminous cast to her back yard; suddenly she found herself cast in a warm glow that energized, invigorated, and aroused her. Suddenly her heart pounded, her spirit soared, and her rebellious pussy gushed wild and free; coating her panties with a thick layer of wetness that matched the hardening of her nipples.

  And if the presence of a simple light got her all riled up, then the man who now emerged from this light served to drive her over the edge.

  Emerging from the saucer was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. And blast if it he wasn’t totally naked.

  Nonetheless it was the long mane of thick silky hair that first drew her eyes; it shone a surreal shade of fire red that glowed in the morning sun - topping a sculpted head that boasted carved cheekbones and full moist lips, along with eyes that reflected an unearthly shade of sharp emerald green.

  “He looks like one of those sparkly type elfin fairy guys that show up in my niece’s anime comics.” She tilted her head, pursing her lips in keen curiosity.

  The rest of him, though, was all man, and looked more like the guys she’d seen in the pages of Playgirl magazine.

  “I mean, the few times that I’ve actually looked at that magazine.” Her cheeks flushed bright red. “And during the three years that I subscribed.”

  Indeed, she was sure that the Adonis who stood before her today outshone even the heavenly hunks she saw in beefcake magazines, or at the occasional male strip shows she stole away to witness. His chest was massive and muscular, but still tapered down to a graceful waist and a pair of long, trim legs. And she couldn’t help but to steal a glance at the long, hard cock that protruded rather noticeably from this flawless form; seeming to salute her presence.

  Matching its gallantry, the handsome stranger fell to his knees before her and bowed his head down low.

  “Woman of Earth,” his deep, sonorous voice rang out through the air between them, charging it with a strange electricity that made her heart race. “I have been sent to bring you ultimate pleasure and fulfill your every sensual fantasy. Consider me your sex servant.”

  Nellie froze in her place, staring at him a full moment before responding.

  “Um, all righty then.” She folded her arms before her, shuffling her feet in the grass beneath her. “Listen, you’re hot and everything but I’m going to have to ask you to move your - um - vehicle off of my yard. And you might put on some clothes while you’re at it - I mean, I personally don’t mind the sight of you naked a’tall, but my neighbors might take a different view….”

  She fell silent as he raised his head, dazzling her with those extraordinary eyes; and with a sensual catlike smile that took her breath away.

  “Forgive my insolence Madame.” His tone low and sultry. “On the planet of my home the men do not dress. They trek about naked for the pleasure of their women.”

  “Oh I see. Well, if they all look anything remotely anything like you I wager that’s a good thing.” She grinned in spite of herself, motioning her mysterious visitor to stand to his feet. “Now come on, fess up. Chrissy, my too wacky for her own good best friend, hired you to come strip for me.”

  Although standing straight as per her gesture, the stranger shook his head in confusion as he considered her words.

  “No, the name of my high commander is not Chrissy,” he stroked his chin in thought. “Unless, of course, the name Jurano translates to Chrissy in Earthen tongue.” With this he put his hand to better use, bracing it on her sturdy shoulder and rubbing away the hot tension that permeated her veins. “You got one thing right though, earthen angel. I am here to strip for you - and, for that matter, to love you like you’ve never been loved before.”

  She did not resist as the beautiful man swept her into his arms, cradling her strong and tender in his arms as he seized her mouth in a passionate kiss.

  Swallowing her startled gasp he rubbed his lips against hers, massaging away her uncertainty as he set her body afire. Their arms twined and their tongues entangled as she leaned inward into his kiss, her lips devouring his as his rebellious hands roamed the breadth of his hard, massive chest.

  The stranger drew back to stare deep into her eyes, his hands sliding down her womanly sides as he whispered against her lips.

  “My name is Vale,” his voice low and hypnotic. “Do I have permission to bring you pleasure?”

  “I’m Nellie.” With a resigned sigh she sank in the depths of his muscled embrace. “And sure, have at it.”

  Taking her words as divine command, he once again swept her up in his arms and held her closer than close. He seized her lips in an impassioned kiss, licking her mouth with an animal growl. Then in a smooth flourish he dropped to his knees before her, mimicking his earlier show of complete and utter submission.

  Only this time he stole beneath her long skirt and licked his way up her legs.

  Her legs parted as Nellie released a loud moan of ecstasy; throwing her head back as her nipples hardened against the soft cloth of her sky blue day dress. The moan evolved to an outright growl as he licked open her feminine folds, fixing his full, moist lips around her clit and suckling her slow and sweet.

  His tongue flicked in and out of her pussy to intensify the feeling, making her knees buckle as his lips massaged her nub to delicious effect; sending shards of sweet ecstasy flying upward through every inch of her body.

  With a final thrust he tongued her pussy and kissed her feminine fruit, the combined friction of these two actions sending her over the edge. Suddenly her being erupted in an earth shattering orgasm; her entire body reverberated with passion as her pussy gushed.

  She closed her eyes to see glorious visions of starry nights and glowing moons, as well as an interplanetary skyscape dotted with planets colored every hue of the rainbow.

  These images soothed her as her lover rose to his feet and cradled her close to him; not so soothing was the sound of screeching tires in the driveway that fronted her home.

  Her eyes flying open, Nellie froze in her place as she saw a sight that made her blood run cold.

  Flinging open the door of his modest red compact, her boyfriend Larry stormed out of the car and rushed toward them; shaking his fist in their direction as he screamed insensibly.

  “To try out a bit of earthen lingo, who is that doucebag?” Totally unmoved by the blatant outburst of this unwelcome newcomer, Vale waved a casual hand in this direction.

  Nellie considered this question a moment, then shook her head.

  “Actually I’m not sure who he is to me anymore.” She heaved a sad sigh. “He used to be my fiancé.”

  Her smile returned seconds later, as Vale swept her off her feet and headed toward his spaceship.

  “Care to be abducted by an alien?” He kissed her grinning lips. “I’m taking you away from all this.”

  “Abduct away!” Nellie kissed his cheek, waving a spirited goodbye to her boyfriend as a laughing Vale cleared the final steps to the spaceship.

  Soon Nellie found herself in an ethereal netherworld that took the form of a mysterious space vessel; a compact ship with neon walls that reflected an unearthly shade of wicked hot red.

  Her lover laid her in the depths of a sleek ivory bed at the corner of the ship; one that seemed to be made from a soft fabric with a sparkly metallic surface.

  For just a moment he left her side, grasping a cylindrical object that bore a suspicious resemblance to a remote control (“Though I’m sure that it has a far more technical, aeronautical type name,” she mused) and hitting a series of but
tons that launched the vessel into motion.

  She took in her breath as the ceiling of the ship came aglow with a spectacular pattern of lights colored silver and gold; one that cast her alien lover in an even more beautiful image.

  “Come to me.”

  Suddenly overwhelmed with a strong desire that wracked her body and soul, Nellie opened her arms to her splendorous lover; who soon came to fill her embrace with the whole of his perfection.

  Reveling in his touch as he stripped her dress away from the curves of her rubenesque body, she squealed outright as her breasts made contact with his massive chest and washboard abs. Wrapping her arms around his sculpted shoulders, she opened her eyes wide to behold the spectacle of one radiant alien.

  Vale’s ivory skin shone luminous in the lights that surrounded them; and he cast a fetching silhouette against the contrasting darkness that flowed forth through a nearby window.

  “Have you taken me up to space?” She clutched him to her, quivering with excitement as her hands ran across his chest and down the surface of his sculpted abs - tickling the tip of his erect shaft as he growled his approval.

  “Yep,” he seared her with a wolfish grin, rocking his hips against hers as their hands joined between them. “And the next stop for you, my baby, is heaven itself.”

  With this he rocked his hips against hers, his long hard cock surging finally and fully to the depths of her hot wet pussy. In a smooth and almost synchronized move he buried his head in her chest, licking her breasts and nipping her nipples as she wrapped her long legs around his trim waist and ran her fingers through the succulent length of his long, silky hair.

  His mouth covered hers as his shaft continued to pound and pulsate within her; as his warm, soft lips kissed her senseless he cradled her closer than close. The swing of his hips matching the divine surge of the vessel that now soared up through the heavens - carrying two lovers who seemed totally star crossed in the truest, most literal sense.

  “I barely know you,” Nellie gasped out, crushing her breasts against his chest as their thighs and hips locked. “Somehow, though, I know you were sent to me. To take me away from everything.”

  In a sudden shift their ship soared upward, rocking dramatically from side to side; a move that drove the lovers closer together as well as over the edge.

  As their spaceship made a final assent high into the heavens, their beings exploded in an orgasmic rain of pure, unadulterated pleasure. They clung together in a mad frenzy, sealing their union with one heck of a heavenly kiss.

  “I was sent for you,” he whispered in her ear, the soft strands of his fire red hair brushing soft against her breasts - almost as soft as the touch of his fingers as it enclosed and clutched her own. “And you, earth woman, were made for me.”


  7. Adonis, God Of Sex Part 1 (God sex)

  “OK Lads and Ladies, today we’re going to talk about the babe God.”

  Anne Wilkins stood before a full classroom at Bingham University, the place where she had taught Greek literature and mythology for nearly a decade.

  This place is like my second home. She took a quick look around the sterile, clean lined room and the young, attentive students who filled it. Or my first home, if you ask my soon to be ex-husband.

  Indeed, when Anne had caught her husband in bed with their next door neighbor three months ago, he had blamed her for his infidelity. He said that her full teaching schedule left little time for marital relations.

  “Oh really?” She cocked a sharp eyebrow in the direction of her husband and his empty eyed mistress. “Are you sure it’s not because you’re a weak bimbo with no visible moral compass?”

  “Hey!” Their neighbor, who went by the name of Cinnamon, sat upright in Anne’s bed, having the nerve to take offense at the words of the woman whose home she was wrecking. “Who are you calling a bimbo?”

  “Him, actually.” Anne nodded toward her husband. “He’s the one whose rampant horniess just ended our marriage.”

  Now Anne lived in a modest apartment just off campus. And while many of her nights remained lonesome and sleepless, her days were filled with the magic and mystery of Greek legends, those mystical tales that had captivated her since childhood.

  Today she was teaching her students the legend of Adonis; the Grecian God most renowned for his incredible male beauty.

  And ironically enough, on the very day that she was telling her pupils the story of Adonis, a student with the face and figure of the famously gorgeous immortal had joined her class.

  Though I’m not even sure if Adonis was ever this hot, she mused, her gaze scaling the tall, strong form of the new pupil, who now sat at the front of the classroom.

  And although a fair number of her college level students were sculpted and muscular, few boasted a set of insanely perfect features that included a long fall of black hair, penetrating eyes of azure, carved cheekbones, and a full set of sumptuous lips that now smiled in her direction.

  “So go on, Professor Wilkins , we await with baited breath.” His deep, full voice rang out across the classroom, caressing her senses and sending chills up her spine. “Who is the babe God?”

  “You!” Anne wanted to shout out, but she didn’t. Instead she hung her head and pretended to focus on the lectern before her.

  What in the heck am I doing, lusting after a student? She bit her lip. I mean granted, he’s an adult... But still, it’s not right.

  Aloud she said, “The babe God, Adam, is it? Is named Adonis. He was renowned for having a beauty that caused conflict and rivalry among the Goddesses, even the mighty Aphrodite treasured his radiance.” Anne shrugged, avoiding the gaze of the troublesome pupil who was very much a babe himself. “This is why I refer to him as the babe God; the name that would befit him in modern times.”

  She looked up in time to see Adam Greek, her pupil of two days, fix her with a penetrating gaze.

  “Interesting.” He nodded, stroking his sculpted chin in thought. “So I take it that, with those good looks, he was probably a trip to be around. Always looking in the mirror and blowing sweet kisses to himself.”

  Instead of joining in the light laughter that permeated her classroom, Anne met her student’s words with a hard and hefty sigh.

  “No actually,” she managed a mock smile. “Though one would believe as much these days, when they see the way that Adonis is portrayed in today’s movies and TV shows. In modern years he has become a caricature, not a character, one associated with negative traits like pride and arrogance.”

  Adam nodded.

  “Yep, that’s all I’ve heard about the dude.” He cocked his head, adding more softly, “So tell us, Prof. Wilkins...”

  “Anne,” the teacher corrected quickly, adding as her cheeks flushed, “We are all adults here, Adam. I have no problem with my students calling me by my first name.”

  Her cheeks flushed hotter as Adam met these words with a devastating white toothed smile.

  “Anne,” he said her name on a sumptuous whisper, “tell us about the real Adonis.”

  The professor shrugged, for some reason feeling that the temperature in her room had just upped itself 20 degrees. At least.

  “Well, considering that Adonis is a mythical ‘dude’ who, had he actually lived, would have died well before we were born, it is difficult to say just who he was.” With this her voice softened, and her gaze grew misty as her rebellious psyche drifted to another place. “Legend tells us, however, that women in ancient Greece, and for that matter, in many civilizations since, not only admired and lusted for Adonis. They worshiped him as a God.” She nodded, her smile bright and genuine. “Adonis is often seen as a patron saint of women, someone who offers warmth and protection whenever a lady needs it most.”

  Anne’s smile broadened as a chorus of feminine murmurs arose in unison, expressing their support of this concept. And among this verbal rain of “Whoa!”s, “Cool!”s and “You go Girl!s” resounded a distinct male voice that said, “This Ad
onis sounds like an interesting chap. I’d quite like to meet him sometime.”

  Anne’s grin dissolved as she considered these words, spoken by her newest student in the front row.

  Oh I shoulda known it. Gay as the day he was made.

  She sighed inwardly and cringed, before she realized what she had just felt. That wasn’t very nice at all. Sheesh, what has divorce done to me?

  All too quickly the clanging of a loud bell proclaimed the end of their session, sending Anne deep into the confines of her staff office; a sparsely decorated work space that included a desk, a cushioned chair, and a tall steel filing cabinet.

  Taking a seat at her desk, Anne sighed as she came face to face with the lone photo that occupied its surface. One that showed her and her husband Jason on the day of their wedding.

  She studied herself a moment, noting that, while she had put on a few pounds since the big day, her wide green eyes and shoulder length brown hair still drew an occasional glance of admiration from a passing male.

  Not from Jason, though, she thought as a lame smirked came on her face. Even in this photo he’s looking not at me, but somewhere off to the right. And from what I remember, that is where my bridesmaids were when this picture was taken. Geesh what a douchebag.

  Her troubled meditation was interrupted by a soft knock on her door, one she answered with a brisk “Come in!”

  The door opened to reveal a tall black haired man, who added light and excitement to his surrounding; illuminating her office with his exquisite masculine beauty and dazzling white toothed smile.

  “Hi Adam.” She returned his smile, though averting her gaze from his flawless form.

  “Hello Anne.” Closing the door behind him, her student came to stand just before her desk, his muscled arms folded before him. “Did you have a moment to chat?”


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