Ultimate Paranormal Romance, 15 in 1! (BWWM Paranormal Boxed Set)

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Ultimate Paranormal Romance, 15 in 1! (BWWM Paranormal Boxed Set) Page 7

by R S Holloway

  “Absolutely.” The teacher leaned back in her seat, folding her hands behind her head as she looked him straight in the eyes. “I’ve been meaning to ask you how you like the class. It can’t be easy to come in midterm and try to wade through the ins and outs of Greek mythology.”

  “Actually I already know it all,” came his cryptic reply.

  Anne looked at him, cocking her head in a curious manner.

  “Really?” She placed a puzzled finger on her lips. “Then why take my class?”

  She took in her breath as Adam leaned across the desk, fixing her with a gaze of narrow eyed seduction that stole her breath.

  “Let’s cut all the pretense Anne.” His tone low and alluring. “We both know who I am and why I’m here.”

  “We do?” A confused Anne shook her head, even as her heart raced in the face of his seductive demeanor.

  Instead of answering her verbally, Adam threw up his hands in the direction of Anne’s wedding photo. She watched in amazement as a blistering gold beam erupted from his fingers and struck the picture, obliterating it in a single strike.

  “I love that trick,” he pitched his head back, laughing outright. “I tell ya, Anne, it’s good to be a God.”

  Jumping to her feet, a frightened Anne made a broad gesture toward the doorway of her classroom.

  “Young man, I’m going to have to ask you to leave…” She planted her hands on her hips.

  “And miss the best sex of your life?” An unfazed Adam arched his eyebrows, pinning her with a sensual pout that made her pulse pound.

  With anger.

  “Some nerve you have, coming into my classroom and talking to me this way!” She shook her head, adding under her breath, “Not to mention destroying my property with some impossible Godlike powers.”

  Adam’s gaze softened as he moved closer to her, finally taking a seat on the edge of her desk and relaxing her with a gentle smile.

  “I wasn’t destroying your property Anne, and rest assured I would never hurt you.” He raised his hands before him in a defensive stance. “I’m here only to bring you warmth and pleasure, to comfort you during your time of need.”

  “Who are you?” Anne sat down hard in her office chair, placing herself in dangerous proximity to the man who tempted and aroused her. “Why are you here?”

  She took in her breath as the mysterious man erased the remaining distance between them; treating her to an up close view of his carved features and penetrating eyes.

  “I am Adonis,” he whispered, cupping her face with two tender hands as he stared deep into her eyes. “I am here to please and satisfy you, to heal your broken heart through tender nurturance and divine sensuality.”

  “Oh is that all?” Barely able to hear her own voice over the pounding of her heart, Anne attempted a casual tone. “Listen Babe, I’ve been around the proverbial block a couple of times….”

  “And you’ve never had anything quite this hot, Annie. I’m not the babe, I’m the babe God.”

  With this grand statement he swooped down upon her, seizing her lips in a passionate kiss; rubbing her mouth with sensual slowness against his own, probing her with his long wet tongue.

  With a single heated sigh she surrendered to his advances, smacking her lips against his as her hands raised to brace themselves on his strong muscled shoulders.

  For a long, timeless moment she lost herself in his kiss, her public surroundings dissolving around her as her psyche brimmed with beautiful images; heavenly visions of Gods in flight against a surreal lavender sky, their radiant forms rivaling the sky with their brilliance. She saw visions of the Gods standing tall on Mt. Olympus, commanding all with their surreal powers.

  Finally she saw a stirring mental portrait of her student, the mysterious Adam Greek. He stood tall and proud, dressed in a sleek white toga beside the Goddess Aphrodite.

  Suddenly her eyes flew open, and she broke their kiss with a startled gasp.

  “You’re him,” she released on a startled whisper. “You are Adonis.”

  Meeting her words with a sly smile, her lover descended to his knees before her and stared up at her with worshipful eyes.

  “Yes my darling.” He seized her foot in a sturdy hand, slipping off her shoe as his free hand rubbed and massaged her legs. “I am the God who was created to offer affection and ecstasy to the women of this earth. Do allow me to demonstrate my powers.”

  Anne offered no resistance as he crawled between her legs. Rubbing her womanly thighs, he peeled off her hose and undies, before tossing them on the floor beside them.

  “Let me take you away.”

  He laid a long, resounding lick across the surface of her feminine folds, opening them for his entry. He fixed his full, sumptuous lips around her throbbing nub; bracing his hands on her fully made hips as he licked and suckled her clit.

  Throwing her head back, Anne bit her lip as she reached down to stroke the strands of his long hair; her legs locking around his head as he leaned inward to kiss and nip the source of her pleasure.

  As her nub itself seemed on the verge of erupting, Anne saw visions of flowing volcanoes and fiery skies; landmarks of an alternate universe ruled by Grecian Gods.

  “Adam,” she whispered, thrilling as his tongue sent fiery sparks through every fiber of her being.

  “Say my name babe,” he said muffled in her clit, licking back and forth before sending her over the edge.

  “Adonis!” Anne screamed out, her entire body consumed in the waves of an overpowering orgasm.

  Pleasure swept through every inch of her being as her body reeled in ecstasy; her heart pounded, her pussy gushed, and she felt like she could fly.

  In fact, she was pretty sure she was flying! Her body soared even as it lightly spasmed with waves of orgasmic pleasure.

  Her eyes flew open to reveal a scene much transformed from the sterile environment of her university office. Indeed, in place of her crisp tile floor was a soft lawn of grass so emerald that it dazzled her eyes. Replacing her gray steel file cabinet was a patch of flowers that also shone in all colors of the rainbow: roses so scarlet red, lilies so lavender, azaleas and hibiscus so very golden that they seemed not of this earth.

  “That’s because they’re truly not of this earth.”

  She trembled as the God reading her mind spoke in a soft deep voice that whispered against her ear. “I’ve brought you to the Elysian fields.”

  Immediately recognizing the mystical wonderland so often cited in her books of mythology, Anne cast her gaze upward to behold the lavender sky present in her earlier vision.

  Finally she looked to her side, beholding the most beautiful vision of all.

  Adonis stood naked before her eyes, his massive chest bronzed and golden in the light of their magical sky. This chest tapered down to an impressive set of toned washboard abs, as well as a pair of long, trim legs that drew an approving whistle from their current beholder.

  “You’re beautiful,” she breathed.

  “I’m yours.” Adonis descended to the ground before her and crawled to her side, reaching down to knead and caress her bare breasts until her nipples hardened in desire.

  “Only did my chest get bare?” She winked at the man who now hovered over her, sweeping her naked body up in his strong arms and pressing himself against her. Anne sighed with delight as her breasts pressed against his chest and their hips and thighs locked.

  “I’m a God, babe.” He covered her face with sweet wet kisses, grinding his hips wild against hers as their hands clasped gently between them. “I got mad skills.”

  “Well don’t just tell me darlin’.” Anne flipped her legs up to enclose his trim waist, her arms wrapping around his shoulders. “Show me.”

  Eager to oblige, Adonis captured her smiling lips in an all-consuming kiss, cradling her against him as their mouths merged and their tongues entangled. Simultaneously he drove his long, hard shaft deep inside her wet pussy; moving inside her as he kissed her senseless.

bsp; With famished hands she canvassed the surface of his perfect chest and flawless abs; before planting two hands smack on his peachy yet tight ass. Soon she lost herself in his perfection, rolling around endlessly in his arms as their bodies basked in the heat of the sun.

  As Adonis thrust forth to probe and penetrate the depths of her very core, she clutched his body close to her and laid her head on his chest.

  “I can’t tell you what you’ve done for me today.” She entangled her fingers in his silken mane, all the while thrusting her hips forward to take him deeper into her.

  Drawing back to gift her with a sweet smile, Adonis delivered a final thrust that sent them over the edge. Their bodies were brought to the brink of an explosive shared orgasm, a moment of seconds that felt like much longer. Their hearts pounded as they clung to one another, kissing deeply as they claimed their place in the depths of the Elysian Fields.

  “Not just today, my Goddess.” He held her closer than close. “For eternity.”


  8. Adonis The God, And The Three Female Foursome (God sex)

  For years Anne Wilkens, a longtime teacher of Greek mythology at Bingham University, had pictured and envisioned the ebullient beauty of the Elysian Fields.

  Yet now that she lay in the depths of this area, lying in the arms of the god Adonis, she now beheld the true spectacle of the fields in all their beauty. She saw a brilliant lavender sky that oversaw a soft lawn of emerald grass, a patch of floral that also shone in their rainbow-hued ebullience: roses so scarlet red, lilies so lavender, azaleas and hibiscus so very golden that they seemed the stuff of dreams.

  And when she saw the stone cold stud lying beside her in the fields; well then she thought she was really dreaming.

  True to his name and legend, the god Adonis boasted a set of insanely perfect features that included a long fall of golden hair, penetrating eyes of azure, carved cheekbones, and a full set of sumptuous lips that now smiled in her direction. This flawless head topped a massive chest bronzed and golden, that tapered down to an impressive set of toned washboard abs, as well as a pair of long, trim legs, and a taut, tight ass.

  “You’re even better than I imagined,” she whispered, running an admiring hand down the surface of his muscular chest. “I can’t believe I just made love to Adonis.”

  Taking her hand in his, Adonis planted sweet baby kisses across her fingers as he stared deep into her eyes.

  “I can’t believe I just made love to Anne Wilkens,” he smiled.

  Anne snorted, rolling her eyes heavenward.

  “Oh yeah, I’m ‘Anneonis,’ the goddess of the grade scale.” She guffawed. “Aphrodite might test the limits of a man’s temptations, but I can test his great and intimate knowledge of Greek Mythology!”

  Joining in her laughter, Adonis swept her up in an affirming embrace as their bodies rolled wild across the emerald grasses of their legendary trysting place.

  “When I came to earth, Anne, I wanted only to correct the rampant misinformation that has soiled my name for centuries.” He cringed outright at the thought of these lies. “I wanted to tell people that I am not, contrary to popular legend, vain, arrogant or discourteous. I am instead a loving man who seeks to nurture woman, not to lure them to their doom.” His beam returned as he cupped Anne’s face in two tender hands. “The moment I heard your lesson, however, I quickly realized that I had a champion on your planet - someone who truly understood me.”

  A nodding Anne covered his hands with hers, leaning forward to grace his full lips with a soft, sweet kiss.

  “Last night, love, you more than lived up to my words,” she winked. “Besides, I’m sure that none of the Greek gods and goddesses were really as arrogant, selfish and haughty as we perceive them in modern times.”

  “Oh I wouldn’t go that far,” Adonis blurted out, pursing his lips as he crossed his arms before him. “Don’t get me wrong, the gods are great, all powerful people who are capable of amazing feats. They are all powerful and all knowing,” with this he rolled his eyes, “not to mention all annoying and totally arrogant at times.”

  Sweeping his lover up in an all-consuming embrace, Adonis covered Anne’s face with endless adoring kisses as he settled her bare, sweaty body in his lap and held her close to him.

  “Thank the gods I’ve finally met a real human.” He cupped her beaming face in his hands. “Or, perhaps more appropriately, thank the humans that I’ve met Anne.”

  “Ah, but can your precious human do this?”

  The couple jumped as a crystalline lightning bolt struck hard on the ground beside them; setting fire to and obliterating a defenseless patch of lush lavender violets.

  Anne sprang to her feet with a frightened scream; watching with wonder as Adonis wiggled his fingers, letting loose with an ethereal ivory light that bathed and nurtured the scarred patch - restoring it to its original state of peerless floral beauty.

  Then he too rose to his feet, poising his hands on his hips and saying, “Nice try Aphrodite.”

  Following the direction of her lover’s wary and downright insolent gaze, Anne beheld the most beautiful woman she ever had seen; one who also seemed oddly familiar.

  Tall and slender, the woman’s long fall of golden hair framed a carved, flawless face; one that boasted high cheekbones, full lips and catlike eyes that shone as bright and lavender as the sky above her.

  Although the woman’s set lips and haughty expression, one she had seen previously when it adorned the faces of numerous sorority girls who had passed through her classroom, annoyed and perplexed her, she nonetheless felt a certain warmth toward the newcomer; an emotion that felt suspiciously like attraction.

  “Ut-oh, divorce sure has had a bizarre effect on me. One minute I’m bedding the babe god, the next I’m lusting after his female equivalent,” she tilted her head, averting her gaze from the vision of beauty that tempted her senses. “Or maybe this is more like a Catherine Zeta Jones or Michelle Pfeiffer type phenomena, where pretty much everyone alive and with a working set of hormones finds her attractive, regardless of their particular gender.”

  Her troubled meditation was disrupted by the sound of a derisive snort; one that arose from the object of her troublesome admiration.

  “I know I’m hot and everything, but surely you can still talk.” Aphrodite’s smile was not kind. “What’s your name woman?”

  Drawing herself up to her own impressive height, Anne tossed her shoulder-length mane of lush brown hair and planted her hands on her hips.

  “I’m Anne Wilkens, professor of Greek mythology at Bingham University.” She lifted her head and met the goddess’ gaze in full. “And I must admit my disappointment, Aphrodite. For years I’ve been telling my students that your allure and appeal started wars among men, and the best opening line you can come up with is ‘I know I’m hot and everything, but surely you can still talk?’”

  The ire that she expected at these words was replaced by a round of hysterical laughter; one issued by the two immortals who shared her stretch of grass.

  “The gal’s got spunk,” Aphrodite turned to Adonis, grinning in spite of herself.

  “I know.” Adonis wrapped his arms around Anne’s waist, bringing her in for a warm hug. “I thought she’d fit in well here.”

  The goddess nodded.

  “So Adonis,” she cocked her head in what seemed a show of keen curiosity. “What all did you learn during your little vacation on the planet Earth?” Without awaiting an answer she sent a sly wink in Anne’s direction. “He lives in a great paradise of mythical proportions, and vacations on a planet frequently beset with smog, violence and pollution.”

  “As my students would say, ‘I know, right?’” Anne crossed her eyes.

  Adonis laughed.

  “Actually Earth is a beautiful place, filled with lovely sights and fascinating people,” he nodded.

  “Wonderful,” Aphrodite clapped her hands before her, adding with the slight arch of her feathered brows, “And how do
these people perceive the gods and goddesses of Grecian lore?”

  Adonis shrugged.

  “In many different ways. People immortalize us in songs and poems, craft statues and portraits in our likeness, and even make movies about us. Only the actors they find are never quite as good looking as we are.” He shook his head, troubled by this prospect. “In addition, some people like to make assumptions about our lives and character - some of which are true, few of which are flattering.”

  It was Aphrodite’s turn to shrug.

  “How can one be this unforgivably hot and not be a bit vain and conceited?” She gestured down the length of her and Adonis’ perfect frames.

  Adonis shook his head.

  “I’ve never cared one whit about my looks, you know that Aphrodite,” he pulled Anne closer to him in what seemed a protective stance. “And I’m so glad that we have champions like Anne on Earth, to tell the truth of our lives and heroic deeds.”

  A nodding Aphrodite shifted her gaze to Anne, her lavender eyes warming with interest.

  “That’s wonderful,” she dazzled her with a white-toothed smile. “Anne, as a gracious thank you for everything that you’ve done for us, I’d like to invite you to a welcome back picnic that I have planned for Adonis today, on the peak of Mt. Olympus.”

  Anne froze, her green eyes coming alight with a sense of inspired wonder.

  “Mt. Olympus?” Her voice barely above a whisper. “The home of the Grecian gods. The place that I’ve studied and dreamt of for so long, a place I never thought I’d see with my own two eyes.” She bit her lip. “I think this is where I start with the Wayne and Garth era ‘We’re not worthies.’”

  “Ah, but you are worthy Anne.” A smiling Adonis took her hand in his.


  As many times as Anne had envisioned and talked about that mythical place known as Mt. Olympus, never had she imagined its incredible beauty. Her eyes flew wide now as they strived to take in the majesty of the mountain; a place that seemed a fascinating study in contrasts. Emerald hued hills shone in the light of a sparkling lavender sky, surrounded as they were by both tall trees with breezing leaves that were oddly crystalline in texture - and, in shocking contrast, majestic volcanoes that erupted surreal waves of fire hued lava.


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