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Planting His Dream

Page 6

by Andrew Grey

  Chapter 4

  THERE WAS still a morning chill in the air as Foster shuffled into the barn with his mug of coffee. He was way too dang tired today. He finished the hot liquid and rinsed the mug out, setting it next to the sink before staring down the empty milking floor. He usually loved this time of the morning. The sun was just peeking over the horizon, and the day held nothing but promise. But Foster couldn’t help wondering what was going to happen. He had the feeling something important was just around the corner. Of course, that usually meant things were about to go to hell in a handbasket, as his grandmother said sometimes.

  Now that his coffee had begun to work, Foster began letting the herd into the barn and into the milking stalls. Once they were set, he started the process.

  “Are you in here?” Javi called, and Foster looked up from where he was installing the milker.

  “Give me a few minutes.” He moved on to the next one. “I need to get this process finished.”

  “I can start in the garden,” Javi offered, and Foster agreed. The best way to get the milking done was to keep up his rhythm. He finished the first set of cows, turned them out into the pasture, and brought in the next, got them milked and then turned out once again. After the milking was done, he cleaned the area, hosing down everything, and then washed his hands. A few minutes later the familiar beep beep of a truck backing up sounded, and Foster got ready for the dairy to take delivery of the milk.

  He talked with the driver for a few minutes and verified that all the records were correct. Then he washed out the empty holding tanks so they would be ready for the fresh milk that night.

  “The garden is pretty clear of weeds,” Javi told him from the doorway.

  “Great.” He did a mental checklist in his head. The herd was in one of the pastures, where they’d spend the day. They had feed and were in good shape. Though he did make a note to look for some of the cows after milking and separate them for calving.

  “You work hard,” Javi said, looking around. “Everything is so clean. You’d hardly know this was a barn.”

  “We don’t want anything to get into the milk, so everything from the cows, to the udders, the barn, and the milk room has to be kept as clean as possible. We disinfect the surfaces in here and keep the tanks and all of the milk systems super clean. The dairy tests the milk when they pick it up to ensure it’s as pure as possible. I think dairy farming is in my blood. Sometimes when I cut myself, I expect to bleed milk.”

  “What do we need to do today?”

  “Clean,” Foster said. He went to the mudroom area and got an extra pair of boots. “See if these fit.” He felt a slight twinge of guilt since those were his father’s boots. He had at first looked for an extra pair of his, but his father’s looked like they might fit, and they were only boots. Still, he felt a little sad about it. Just another way his father was getting farther away from him.

  Once Javi was ready, Foster explained how to hose down everything. “I did a good cleanup after the herd left, but I want to make sure there isn’t anything hiding anywhere.”

  “So this is extra?”

  “Yeah.” He turned on the hose and began in one of the corners, instructing Javi to do the same. “I see this every day, and I try to be as clean as humanly possible, but sometimes you need to look at things differently.”

  Javi pointed to a spot up on the wall and aimed his hose at it. “How did that get there?”

  “Sometimes cow crap goes everywhere,” Foster said. It was his only explanation, since the cows were pointed away from the walls. He returned to work, and five minutes later a spray of water hit him square in the back, soaking his shirt, sending water running down into his pants.

  “Sorry,” Javi called. “It got away from me a little.”

  “I bet it did,” Foster retorted and went back to work. He found a few places that he’d missed and made sure they were clean. To a lot of people it seemed dumb to clean where cows were going to make a mess, but it all went into ensuring that the farm’s product remained as good quality as possible.

  “Hey!” Foster cried when Javi got him again with the water. He continued working and then shot water at Javi a minute later.

  “That’s cold,” Javi said. “At least I didn’t do it on purpose.”

  Foster giggled like an idiot. He was wet and cold himself, but watching Javi dance as the water ran down his back and into his pants was precious. Of course, that lasted about two seconds before Foster realized Javi’s jeans were now hugging his perfect bubble-shaped backside. He turned away and got more water for his trouble.

  “So that’s how it is,” Foster growled and shot Javi with more water. The hose fight was on. Foster dodged Javi’s spray and caught him dead center in the chest. Javi returned fire as Foster raced to the controls and turned off Javi’s hose.

  “Not fair,” he groused as the water dried up.

  Foster lifted his hose, pointing the nozzle at Javi as he hurried closer, fully intent on soaking him.

  Then he stopped. Javi’s shirt clung to his chest, his nipples perked up, denting the fabric outward. As cold and wet as Foster was from the water, the sight still caused a rush of heat to wash through him.

  Javi licked his lips, and Foster forgot about the hose in his hand or getting Javi any wetter. He let the nozzle slip from his fingers and took a step closer. Part of him said this was wrong, but that little voice was overpowered by the heat racing through his veins and the pounding in his chest. His belly was doing excited flip-flops, and when Javi took a single step closer and then stilled, Foster hoped like hell he wasn’t reading this wrong.

  “I should be cold,” Javi whispered.

  “Me too.” Foster watched Javi’s lips and then locked gazes with him. What he saw was heat glowing back at him. At least he hoped to high heaven that’s what it was. “Is this…. Am I wrong…?” He wasn’t sure how to ask what he wanted to know. He didn’t have words that wouldn’t sound crass or stupid, and he wanted neither of those at the moment.

  “I shouldn’t…,” Javi began, even as he took another step closer. Foster closed the gap between them and stopped. For the first time, he slid his hand along Javi’s jaw, caressing stubbly warmth. He had no idea what he was doing. The only model he had for a situation like this was the love scenes he’d seen in movies or on television, and they certainly hadn’t prepared him for what to do with Javi. But he did draw Javi closer and kiss him.

  He hadn’t been sure what to expect when he kissed another guy. He’d kissed a few girls and nothing had happened. Their lips had been nice and all, but there was no energy. With Javi there was plenty of that. Foster pulled away, watching Javi blink, and heard him gasp slightly.

  “Is it always like that?” Javi asked, and Foster shrugged.

  “Maybe because it’s my first time…. You know, with a guy,” Foster whispered. He was just as blind as Javi seemed to be. “It wasn’t like this with the few girls I’ve kissed.”

  “Same here.” Javi shuddered, and Foster smiled.

  “Not very good?” he asked, and Javi shook his head. “Me either.” He leaned forward, kissing Javi once again.

  “Fos-ter.” His mother’s call drifted through the barn. They shifted apart and Javi blushed, turning to pick up his hose. Foster turned the water back on as he went to see what his mother wanted.

  Foster tromped to the doorway. “Yeah, Mom,” he said over his heart pounding in his ears.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “It’s fine. We’re doing some extra cleaning, and then we’ll be done for the morning. I’m going to take Javi back and check that we can cut on Monday.” He didn’t want his mother to see him dripping all over the place. At least talking to her had sent his throbbing cock back to normal. He figured nothing did that for any guy like talking to his mother.

  “Is there anything you need from town? Your grandmother needs to get some things from the drugstore, and I’m going grocery shopping.”

  “Nope. I’m fine. Thanks.�
�� He went back into the barn. Javi was hard at work and didn’t turn around when he approached. Foster watched him for a few seconds, hoping he’d acknowledge him. Then Foster picked up his hose and got back to work as well. They washed down everything for the next half hour, with no more water fights and hardly a word unless Javi had a question about some stain.

  Everything in the milking barn dripped by the time they were done, but it was spick-and-span clean. Foster turned off the water and began gathering up the hoses, watching Javi. “I’m sorry if I….” What the hell did he say at a time like this? Maybe it would be best if he let it go and didn’t talk about it again.

  “No. I….”

  Foster set the hoses on their holders, stepped out into the mudroom, and began pulling off his boots. His feet and socks were soaked, as were most of his clothes. “I should have kept to myself. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad.”

  Javi tugged off the boots and took off his socks, which were full of holes. He set them aside and put his bare feet back into his old sneakers. “If my family found out I was… like this… they’d never speak to me again.”

  Foster nodded. He didn’t know how his own family would react.

  “We have a name for people like me, and it isn’t very nice.” Javi pulled his shirt away from his body.

  “I know those words. I’ve heard the English versions enough in my life. Not used against me, but I’ve heard them.” Foster pulled on his shoes. “Come on. Let’s go in the house. I think I can find you something dry to wear.” He looked Javi up and down as if sizing him up, but all he was doing was taking in his tall, broad frame. The man was stunningly gorgeous, not too bulky, but strong and lean with eyes that Foster couldn’t seem to turn away from.

  “I think you can stop that,” Javi said, stuttering slightly, and then he smiled.


  “I’ve always been told that this is wrong. I know the court said that guys like us could get married and all, but they never said that your family couldn’t throw you out or never talk to you again.”

  “Do you think that could happen, just from a kiss?”

  “No. I think it could happen because I want to do more than kiss.” Javi sighed. Foster did the same, and they walked out of the barn and across the yard. “Where is everyone?”

  “They went into town,” Foster answered as he pulled open the back door and led the way inside. They took off their shoes, and Foster led the way through the house and up to his room. He closed the door and rummaged in his closet. Javi was a little taller than he was, and broader. He found a Michigan T-shirt his mother had bought for him that was a size too big. That was the easy part. Pants would be harder, but he found some gray track pants and handed them over to Javi as well. “The bathroom is right there,” he said, pointing.

  Javi nodded and pulled his shirt over his head. Foster watched, riveted on each new inch of exposed flesh. How could he not look when Javi was giving him a show he wasn’t expecting? When the first button on his jeans opened, Foster swallowed. At the second button, his mouth went dry as he dared to hope that Javi was going to finish changing right there. By the third, his breath hitched in his throat, and when Javi let go of the wet material and stepped out of the jeans, Foster wasn’t sure if he was going to pass out or not.

  “Jesus.” To say Javi was breathtaking was an understatement. He was hard, his long, thick cock pointing toward the ceiling, foreskin pulled back until the entire head was exposed. “I thought you were worried about—”

  Javi cut off what Foster was going to say by kissing his breath away.

  Foster’s knees shook and for a second he wasn’t sure what he should do. So many late nights he’d wondered and dreamed what it would be like to have a man, naked, with him, close enough to touch, and he was shocked into stillness.

  “Is this bad?” Javi asked.

  The confusion in his voice pulled Foster out of his bewilderment. “No,” he breathed as he pulled his wet shirt over his head.

  “Good. I thought I might be doing something wrong. Maybe I’m not a good kisser.” Javi chuckled. “I heard my mom say once that my father kissed like a largemouth bass. She was talking to one of her lady friends at one of the camps when we were down south.”

  “You’re a good kisser, with nothing in common with a fish,” Foster said. “I’ve just never done anything like this.” He got his socks off and then undid his jeans. “I’m not sure what to do.”

  Javi scoffed lightly. “You live on a farm—there has to be plenty of nature doing what nature does.”

  Foster shoved down his pants and kicked them off to stand naked in front of Javi. “This is a dairy farm. There’s nothing about procreation here that’s natural. The bull stuff comes in a vat, and the most romantic thing they get is what the vet uses.” God, he couldn’t believe he was talking about this when he and Javi were naked and they only had so much time before his mother came home. Foster pulled Javi to him, guiding them to the bed and then down onto the mattress. His heart raced as Javi rolled him on the mattress, pressing down onto him.

  That was fine with Foster, because it gave him free rein with his hands, and he used them to explore Javi’s strong back, running his finger along a slight ridge he found running across the base of his back. “What’s this?”

  Javi stilled, his gaze meeting Foster’s. “My dad drank too much a few years ago and got mad at me. That’s the scar from his belt.”

  Foster pulled his hands away and brought them to Javi’s cheeks. “I’m sorry. I….” Hell, what should he say? He was sorry Javi’s father was a douche bag? He brought Javi’s head down, their lips found their counterpart, and Foster concentrated on the energy that zinged between them. This was like a drug that he could definitely get addicted to.

  Javi began grinding his hips slowly, and Foster moaned as his cock slid on Javi’s belly. He closed his eyes, kissed Javi again, and let his head swim with the new sensation. He’d stroked himself off plenty over the years, but this wasn’t like that. His hand on his dick was one thing, but Javi’s skin was something completely different.

  “Wow,” Foster whispered. “That’s really nice. How did you know to do that?”

  “Just doing what feels good,” Javi answered, moving more forcefully.

  “I like that feeling.” Foster wound his hands around to Javi’s butt. Damn, it was hard and firm, flexing as he moved. Foster tightened his hold and thrust upward. Damn, that was wonderful.

  “Me too.” Javi’s voice shook as the rest of him began to quiver. “I… damn….”

  “Uh-huh,” he whispered, throwing his head back as his cock grew even more sensitive. He held Javi tighter, kissed him hard, and then lost himself in the swirl of his intense dark eyes. Within seconds they deepened further as heat spread between them. “Oh man,” Foster whispered, forgetting himself for a few seconds.

  “Is… something… wrong?” Javi gasped.

  Foster held him tight as he stilled. “No. It was right. Your eyes were so incredible, and the way you held your lips apart and the muscles of your cheek quivered as you came. It was pretty amazing.” He’d come lots of times, but seeing another guy climax was pretty damned awesome.

  “What about you?” Javi asked, and Foster tried to roll them on the bed, but the look of panic in Javi’s eyes stopped him cold. He thrust upward, holding Javi’s asscheeks, and sank into the depth of his amazing brown eyes. Javi’s reaction confused him, but he was too close and seconds from being too far gone to think about it now. His leg shook and his hands quivered as heat began at the base of his balls, radiating out through him. The tingling started right afterward, and between them they were too much for him to contain. Foster groaned and clamped his eyes closed as the pressure built, becoming greater, more than he could control, and within seconds he came, lights flashing behind his eyes. Then warmth took over, and he floated on his release while Javi held him bound to the earth.

  It was fantastic being held in Javi’s arms. Neither of them moved
for a while, not that Foster wanted to. He was completely content right where he was. “That was… wow.”

  “You can say that again,” Javi mumbled and then grew quiet. “I should get dressed and go back to my family. They will be wondering about me.”

  That seemed like such a strange thing to say. Foster lifted his gaze so he could look into Javi’s eyes. But he got nothing other than swirling confusion and worry. Javi bit his lower lip, and Foster kissed him, trying to reassure him but not knowing how. “They know where you are.”

  Javi nodded but offered no further explanation for his concern. Foster slowly got up and went to the bathroom, where he wiped his belly and grabbed a towel. He handed it to Javi, watching him, wondering what he should do next. It seemed rude to just get dressed, but he wasn’t sure what Javi wanted him to do. Foster would have been content to climb back into the bed, lie next to Javi, and close his eyes for some much-needed rest. For a farmer that was the ultimate decadence, resting during the day.

  Once Javi wiped his belly, he handed Foster back the towel and sat up, legs dangling over the edge of the mattress, running his hands worriedly through his hair. “I’m in real trouble.”

  “Did we do… did I do something wrong?”

  Javi lifted his gaze from the floor. “Yes… no….”

  Foster blinked, hoping for some explanation for the confusion.

  “I mean, it was nice and you didn’t do anything wrong, not when we were together, but maybe we did something wrong.”

  Foster sighed. “This is so confusing. I liked being with you. It was… special.” He sat down next to Javi. “I mean, it was hot and all, but it also felt special.”


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