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The Mail Order Bride's Deception

Page 10

by Nordin, Ruth Ann

  His thumb brushed her sensitive nub and she gasped from the spark of pleasure that centered in on that region of her body.

  He lifted his head and looked at her. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No,” she whispered. “I liked it.”

  She didn’t dare say how much. She had never liked it when the other men had touched her there, but with him, she wanted more of it. Bringing his hand back to her curls, she encouraged him to slide two fingers into her. That action alone caused her to moan again. But her attention went to his thumb and she pressed it against her nub. It took her some time to figure out the exact way she wanted him to caress her.

  When she did figure it out, however, she fully gave herself over to the wave of sensations his stroking produced. She let go of his hand and grasped his arm. It was wonderful. Simply wonderful. She had no idea her body was capable of such pleasure. Was this how it’d been for him when she’d taken him into her mouth? If so, then her only regret was that she hadn’t done it for him sooner, hadn’t insisted they do something for him—even if he didn’t want to consummate the marriage.

  “Is that alright?” he asked, his voice hinting that he wasn’t sure he was pleasing her.

  “Yes,” she rasped, lifting her hips and taking his fingers deeper into her. Even that part of his stroking felt wonderful. For certain, it was more intense than before. “Don’t stop.”

  “I won’t,” he promised then brought his mouth back to her breast.

  She closed her eyes, still aware of the way he felt as she rubbed his back. She could smell the soap he used to wash his hair. She felt his body pressed next to hers. Everything was him and it only heightened her pleasure. Soon her hips were rocking in rhythm to his ministrations, the pressure in her core demanding she keep going, that she find out what a climax was like.

  She murmured his name, another reminder that he was the one doing this for her. But in due time, her focus went solely to the mounting pressure and she let out a cry as she found her release. She held onto him, absorbing each wave of pleasure as it swept over her. After several moments passed, her body relaxed and she let out a sigh of contentment. She’d never felt so good in her life.

  Al lifted his head and looked at her, and she caught the question in his eyes.

  “Yes,” she whispered, still out of breath. “You gave me pleasure.”

  He smiled and brought her into his arms. “I thought I did, but it’s nice to be sure.” He kissed her. “I want to satisfy you.”

  “You did.”

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled up to him. She had no idea that she could experience joy after being intimate with a man, but Al was quickly showing her that things she didn’t believe possible were possible after all. She brought her mouth to his and kissed him again. She thought to ask him if he wanted to consummate the marriage tonight but thought better of it. They had both given each other pleasure and for now, that was enough. They would do more in the future.

  When she ended the kiss, she rested her head on his shoulder, and in time, they both fell asleep.

  Chapter Twelve

  When Sadie woke up the next morning, she was surprised she was alone in bed. She fully expected Al to want to finally consummate their marriage now that they had both given and received pleasure the previous night. She got out of bed, washed up, and dressed. By the time she finished tying her hair back with a ribbon, the bedroom door opened.

  A smile crossed her face when she saw Al carrying a tray with a plate of eggs and pancakes on it. “Are you bringing me breakfast in bed?” she asked, pleased he’d do something like that for her.

  “I was hoping to surprise you.”

  “I am surprised.”

  “Yes, but I wanted to kiss you while you still slept and then present you with breakfast.”

  She closed the distance between them and kissed him. “It’s a wonderful surprise, Al. I doubt other husbands are so thoughtful.”

  He grinned. “Well, since you’re already up, you might as well come out here.”

  She wrapped her arm around his and walked with him to the table. “It’ll be better this way. I’d like to eat with you.”

  He set the tray on the table then turned to her and brought her into his arms. “At some point, I still want to serve you breakfast in bed.”

  “Tomorrow morning, I’ll linger in bed a little longer so you have time to do it.”

  “Deal.” He pulled out the chair for her. “Since I already made breakfast, I want you to sit down. I’ll take care of everything.”

  “You shouldn’t go through such a fuss over me,” she replied, hesitant to sit.

  He took her hand and led her to the chair. “I won’t be doing this all the time. Believe me, there will be days when I can barely find time to shave. But there are those rare days where all the animals are doing well and Gilbert’s still asleep. Days like this don’t come often. You got to make the most of them.”

  Returning his smile, she squeezed his hand. “Alright.”

  She sat down and he pushed the chair in. She thought he would go over to the stove and bring his meal over, but he placed his hands on her shoulders and kissed her neck. Her body warmed with pleasure.

  As he turned his attention to setting the table, she folded her hands in her lap. “Is there anything you want to do today?”

  “I thought I’d let Aunt Betty watch Gilbert today so you and I can go to town. We can make a day of it, you know? Eat at the restaurant, do a little shopping, take in a nice walk. It won’t be long before enough snow comes and we’ll be stuck here.” Shooting her a teasing grin, he added, “You might want to pick up a dime novel or two to read. It’s likely to get boring around here with it just being me and Gilbert for company.”

  Laughing at his joke, she waved her hand dismissively at him. “You and Gilbert are a delight.”

  “Even when my clothes get all muddy and Gilbert drools all over himself? I seem to remember you having your hands full of laundry the other day.”

  “I don’t mind doing laundry,” she assured him as he sat across from her.

  He picked up his fork and leaned forward, his eyes twinkling. “Just wait until we have a couple more children and you’re up to your elbows in dirty clothes. Aunt Betty says there’s no end in sight for a mother when it comes to dirty clothes.”

  “I can think of worse things for a woman to do with her time,” she replied then lowered her gaze to the plate full of pancakes and eggs in front of her. She’d much rather do laundry for him and all of their children than be back at that godforsaken brothel. “I love being here, Al.” She looked back at him. “It’s more wonderful than I dared hope when I came here.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, Hazel.”

  Her smile faltered a bit but then she forced it back. Turning her attention to her plate, she ate her meal.

  When they were done, she took care of Gilbert while Al cared for the animals. The process went smoothly, and they were soon on their way to Aunt Betty and Bear’s.

  “Are you sure they won’t mind?” Sadie asked as Al turned the wagon up the path that led to their friends’ cabin.

  “I’m sure.” Shooting her a sly smile, he added, “I ran into Aunt Betty yesterday while I was in town and asked if she would watch Gilbert so we could have the day together. But I told her I had to make sure it was alright with you first.”

  Sadie relaxed. She hated to come by unannounced. Aunt Betty had been so nice to them already. “How long have you known Aunt Betty and her husband?”

  “Ever since I got here three years ago. I came up for the free land that was being offered.”

  “Where did you come from?”

  “Minnesota. My dad was a farmer.”

  She didn’t know why she hadn’t thought to ask about his parents before, but now she was intrigued about his past. “Are they still alive?”

  He shook his head. “Afraid not. Both got sick during a bad winter and died. I was fifteen at the time. My parents were
immigrants and had me in this country so I never met any of my relatives. When my parents died and the land went to someone else, I left and did odd jobs here and there for a lot of years. I spent most of the time working on railways. Then I came here.” He shrugged. “This place grew on me and I decided to make my home here.”

  “I bet it’s nothing like Minnesota.”

  “It’s not. But that’s what makes it nice. I like the hills and the trees.”

  “I do, too.”

  “So, what about you? What made you decide to come all the way up here?”

  She should have known that by asking him about his past, he’d start asking about hers. Clearing her throat, she turned her attention to Gilbert, pretending to fuss over the hood of his coat. “Oh, there’s not much to tell, really. Everything that was interesting, I already told you in the letters.”

  “All you said was that your father was a plantation owner who almost lost everything after the Civil War. Through careful planning, he managed to hold onto his wealth. But you said none of that mattered to you. You said all you wanted was a quiet little place where you could have peace. I often wondered about that, but I guess it had to do with the war. That must have been hard to experience.”

  Sadie hadn’t thought about Hazel being around to see the effects of the war. She knew so little about the woman’s life, and yet she couldn’t deny the connection she felt to her. Had she the chance to know her, Sadie had no doubt they would have been good friends.

  She smiled at Al. “I do like how peaceful it is out here. I’m happier than I’ve ever been.”

  “I’m glad to hear it,” he replied.

  They reached Aunt Betty’s and he pulled the brake. Relieved for the reprieve from having to try to dodge questions about Atlanta, she talked to Aunt Betty for a few minutes. Once she and Al were on their way to town, he scooted closer to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  “I wanted to do this on the first day you came here,” he admitted and kissed her cheek.

  “Why didn’t you?” she asked, unable to keep the teasing tone out of her voice.

  “I was too shy. It was like a dream. I couldn’t believe that someone as beautiful as you would marry me.”

  “Why was that so hard to believe? You’re a handsome man.” Noting the pleased expression on his face, she giggled and kissed his cheek. “Why don’t you think you’re good looking?”


  “You’re more than adequate. You’re absolutely wonderful.” Since his face grew red, she studied him and smiled. He was blushing. “Al, you have no need to be so shy with me. Surely, you must know that I adore you more and more each day.”

  He pulled back the reins so the horses stopped. His gaze met hers. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  He cupped the side of her face in his hand and lowered his head. His lips brushed hers, light at first but then his mouth parted, an indication he wanted to deepen the kiss. She slipped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. She’d never kissed a man in a wooded area. The smells from the trees, the hint of fall in the air, the cool air around them. She’d experienced none of this before while with a man. This was all new to her. And since it was new, it was something she wanted to explore. There was no better place to make love.

  Before she had time to think through her next move, she unbuttoned his pants. If he didn’t think about it, maybe he’d finally consummate their marriage. She wanted to do this. She wanted to do this in the secluded area, surrounded by nothing but trees and the blue sky above them.

  “Make love to me, Al,” she whispered. “Make me your wife. Please?”

  “Are you sure?” he asked, even as she knew his erection had to be pressing him to do as she requested.

  Her gaze went to his and she noted the glimmer of hope in his eyes. He wanted to be intimate with her, had wanted it from the time they got married. But even while he’d wanted it, he held back for her sake. He loved her. She mattered to him. It wouldn’t be a quick and meaningless act. It would draw him closer to her, and she wanted that more than she wanted anything.

  “I’m sure, Al,” she whispered. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  With a nod, he cast aside the rest of his hesitation and set the brake on the wagon. He brought her back into his arms and kissed her again, this time his kisses more urgent than before. And he didn’t just kiss her on the mouth. He sprinkled kisses on her cheeks, her chin, and her neck. No one had ever showered her with such affection, and this made it easy to get caught up in the surge of his passion.

  She helped him take off her coat, shirtwaist and chemise so he could explore her breasts. He was gentle as he caressed them, his touch tentative as he cupped them then ran his thumbs along her nipples. She closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the way he kissed her neck while he continued his ministrations. The air was cool on her skin, but his hands were warm. She liked the contrast. It was something she hadn’t experienced before. It was something she could connect with him—and only him. Opening her eyes, she took in the trees around them. The place was a private one, affording them both the freedom to be together without the risk of being caught. But more than that, she loved the smell. Clean, fresh, earthy.

  Turning her attention back to him, she encouraged him to lower his trousers and underwear. She lifted her skirt and straddled him. He wrapped her in a protective embrace and kissed her neck. It was so much like him. All of his movements—the way he kissed and touched her—spoke of tenderness and love, something she had never shared with any of the other men. And that was new, too. It was something else to connect solely with him. She shifted until he was intimately snuggled against the slit in her bloomers.

  Recalling the way he’d made her feel the night before when he stroked her sensitive nub, she slid against his shaft, delighted when she experienced the same spark of pleasure as it brushed against him. Ordinarily, she’d take the man inside her, but with Al, she wanted to slow down and enjoy what they were doing. He continued kissing her neck, murmuring for her to rub against him again as he placed his hands on her hips and guided her movements. She soon established a rhythm that brought her closer to the same peak she’d had the night before. Now that she knew what to expect, she had something she could work toward. And it wasn’t long before she climaxed, her movements coming to a stop and her breathing shallow as her core clenched and unclenched in time to the waves of pleasure that engulfed her.

  When she relaxed, he shifted beneath her and centered his tip at her entrance. Biting her lower lip, she drew him closer until he entered her. She let out a sigh, surprised it felt as good as it did. He let out a low moan and kissed her again. His tongue brushed hers before he began the all-too-familiar rhythm of rocking his hips.

  She held onto him and worked with him, glad they were doing this in a place she’d never done it before. It helped her remember she wasn’t servicing a customer. Her husband—the man she loved who loved her in return—was making love to her. It wasn’t a cold transaction. It meant something. And afterwards, he wouldn’t be giving her money and leaving only to return when he wanted her to satisfy his carnal needs again.

  She kept repeating his name inside her mind, doing everything possible to sear this new experience into her memory so she wouldn’t remember the others that had come before him. And in time, she was able to focus on him.

  He stilled and moaned, signaling his release. She held him closer to her and kissed his neck. After he relaxed, she remained connected to him. In the past, she’d gotten off the men as soon as possible and wiped their seed off of her to scrub away their scent. But she didn’t want to lose Al’s scent. In a way, he had claimed her, marked her as his. And she would never have anyone else but him again.

  Al cupped her face in his hands and kissed her, this time gently, his former passion now given way to contentment. “That was worth the wait,” he whispered, a smile on his face.

  “Was it?�
�� she asked, unable to stop her own smile as she took in his joy.

  He nodded. “I knew it’d be best when the timing was right.” He brought her hands to his lips and kissed them.

  She’d never experienced such an act of devotion and had to swallow back the lump in her throat so she wouldn’t break down and cry. Never in her entire life did she think making love could be like this, that it was more than about physical release. But now she knew better and it was all because of him.

  “We’d better get to town before it gets too late,” he said and gave her hips a playful squeeze.

  “Alright,” she replied and wiggled off of him. “I don’t want to miss the opportunity to get you something special for Christmas.”

  “You decided you’re getting me something?”

  Noting the pleased tone in his voice, she slipped on her chemise and shirtwaist while he buttoned up his pants. “Of course, I’m getting you something. Besides, what else did you think I was going to do with the money you gave me?”

  He tucked in his shirt. “I thought you’d get something you wanted.”

  “And I want to give you a gift.”

  She finished buttoning her shirtwaist, and he helped her into her coat. He gave her a smile and kissed her. “I used to go to Aunt Betty and Bear’s to celebrate Christmas when the weather was good enough. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoyed it. But I’m looking forward to celebrating it with you and Gilbert.”

  “I’m looking forward to it, too.”

  He leaned forward and released the brake. She slipped her arm around his and settled her head on his shoulder as he continued their trek to town.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sadie picked up the belt buckle in the mercantile and inspected it. It was beautiful. The image on the golden oval was of the trees. She ran her thumb along the smooth metal. It would be perfect for Al. She had no idea how to put it on a belt, but she thought Aunt Betty would show her what to do. She checked the price and saw she had just enough to buy it.


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