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Mechanical Love

Page 5

by Emrys Apollo

  Matthew smiled, and he wondered why he hadn't thought of it before. He'd thought he was lucky to get off the streets, get a place, but it didn't stop clients like that showing up.

  “That sounds like a really good idea.” Matthew smiled, and he pulled Spencer back into the hug, kissing at the side of his neck as he thought about what it would be like to have regular clients, rather than just random people that showed up when they felt like it.


  It took Matthew less than twenty-four hours to find a new place, the fact that he could pay the deposit up front, and in cash, meant that he'd had his pick of flats, and he was now living in a nicer neighborhood. The owner clearly knew what he did, although he didn't say a word about it.

  Matthew owned so few things that moving hadn't been difficult, but they'd waited until the evening so that they were less likely to be seen.

  “Do you like it?” Matthew asked, waving his hands around the small studio flat.

  “It is functional.”

  “That it is,” Matthew said, laughing as he wondered what he expected Spencer to say, “And there's a basement storage area, which is big enough for you to stay in while I see clients.”

  “Thank you.”

  Spencer set up Matthew's easel, it was one of the few things he had that wasn't work, although having Spencer around meant that he had much more of a balance between his work and his life.

  Matthew got a shower and Spencer jumped in after him while they waited for food to arrive. He glanced in the mirror at his bruises, and he made sure that he wrapped a towel around his neck when he went to get the door, his dressing gown wasn't designed for covering up.

  They ate in silence, both glancing at each other as they smiled, happy to have their own space in the world. The sofa was comfortable, and Matthew sat admiring his new place, it was far more than he could ever have imagined when he was first created. When his original owner had died, he'd ended up on the streets, nowhere to go and nothing to call his own.

  “Thank you, if it wasn't for you I'd never have thought of doing this.” Matthew went in for a hug, holding Spencer tight as he kissed at the side of his neck, and Spencer let out a little gasp.

  “Sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?” Matthew asked, pulling back so that he could see Spencer, he had a blush on his cheeks and Matthew stroked his thumb over it, feeling the heat. Spencer still had his towel wrapped around him and even with the hoodie on top of it Matthew could see the goose bumps appearing on his legs.

  “No. I have never had anyone touch me without it being for repair or maintenance. It feels pleasurable.”

  Matthew smiled, he'd enjoyed having Spencer around, he hadn't realized how much he missed the company of someone who wasn't expecting anything from him. Spencer was so easy to be around, straightforward and honest, and Matthew felt his heart race every time Spencer was near. Just the thought of him brought a smile to his face.

  He leant in for a kiss, running his fingers through Spencer's short hair as he took in the taste of his lips, the hint of pizza from earlier, their celebratory treat.

  The kiss was chaste, and Matthew pulled back to see that Spencer was smiling, the blush still on his cheeks as he stared at Matthew. It was the most beautiful sight in the world, Spencer's bright blue eyes looking at him with love and affection.

  Matthew went back in for another kiss, his tongue teasing at Spencer's lips until it was allowed entry, licking up the gasps and moans as Matthew deepened the kiss, his hands finding their way inside Spencer's hoodie, stroking at his perfect abs.

  He stroked his thumb over Spencer's nipples, feeling them harden under his touch as he let out a little gasp.

  “Feel good?” Matthew whispered as he nuzzled at the side of Spencer's neck, his hands still exploring every inch of Spencer's soft skin.

  “I can see why you like sex so much, it feels very nice.” Spencer smiled, his hair ruffled, and his lips moist.

  “This isn't sex, it's just the warm up.” Matthew grinned, biting at his lip as he wondered why Spencer didn't know that, he seemed very knowledgeable on many things. “Isn't it programmed into you?”

  “I have been programmed to be able to drive and fly various types of vehicles and aircraft, and I have the knowledge to repair them. I have hand to hand combat and proficiency with a multitude of weapons programmed into my memory. I was a good soldier. There was no need for me to be programmed to know about sex.”

  Matthew held Spencer's hand, he felt him flinch when he said that he was a soldier. It was the first time that he'd accepted that he wasn't a soldier any more.

  “Do you want to feel how good sex can be?” Matthew whispered, leaning in so that he could unzip Spencer's hoodie, trailing kisses over his perfect body as he felt his cock harden under his touch.

  “Yes.” Spencer let his towel hang open, Matthew's dressing gown had already proved no match for his hard cock, and he admired the work that had gone into Spencer. There was no need for him to have a nice thick cock, or be able to get hard, and yet there it was, a glorious sight for Matthew to behold.

  Matthew straddled Spencer, letting their cocks touch as he went in for another kiss, it was relief not having to worry about if it was perfect, all he had to do was make sure that Spencer was enjoying himself, and from the way that he responded, he was definitely enjoying it.

  Breathless gasps filled the room and Matthew shuffled down so that he could wrap his lips around Spencer's cock, his hand reaching up to play with his nipples as he sucked away, using his talented tongue to trace the veins, making Spencer writhe and moan in pleasure.

  He waited until Spencer was on the very brink of orgasm, pulling off and grinning at the sight of Spencer with his eyes scrunched shut and his lips parted, his hands grasping at the sofa as he let out a whine.

  “You are so beautiful,” Matthew said, dragging his eyes over Spencer as he slicked up his cock with his own pre-come.

  Spencer spread his legs wide, making room for Matthew as he lined up with him, feeling the warmth of his quivering hole.

  “Do you want this?” Matthew went in for one last kiss as Spencer nodded, arching his back as he pulled Matthew closer, his eyes locked on Matthew's and Matthew thrust in slowly. Memorizing every noise he made as Spencer lay gasping on the sofa, his eyes wide as he gripped at Matthew's shoulders.

  Spencer relaxed around him and Matthew bottomed out, stroking the side of Spencer's face as he gave him a moment to adjust.

  “Feel good?” Matthew brushed an eyelash off Spencer's cheek, gasping as he felt Spencer clench around him, testing out his limits.

  “Very pleasurable.”

  Matthew smiled down at Spencer, moving slowly as he changed the angle, making sure that he was hitting the right spot with each thrust. Spencer's muscles were rippling, his breathing erratic as he wrapped his legs around Matthew's waist, drawing their bodies closer as they settled into a nice rhythm.

  “You feel amazing.” Matthew felt his climax building, he could have waited but he didn't want to. He reached down to stroke Spencer's cock, feeling his muscles flutter around him as his body writhed. Spencer looked so beautiful with all his guards down, his hand covering his face, tears welling up in his eyes as he came.

  Matthew slumped down over him, holding Spencer tight as tears ran down his cheeks, he had never felt anything like it. He was overwhelmed by it all, and Matthew said something that he'd never said before, it wasn't something he could say if he didn't mean it, but he could feel that it was true. “I love you.”

  Spencer smiled, he had never understood the idea of love, but now, wrapped up in Matthew's arms, feeling safe and loved, he knew that he felt the same. “I love you too.”

  Matthew laughed, neither of them were programmed to love, and yet here they were, both hopelessly in love.


  The next day Matthew woke up smiling, still cuddled into Spencer and he nuzzled against him, admiring his smile.

  They ate cold pizza for breakfast, before s
pending the day in bed. Spencer was a quick learner, unsurprising considering what he was designed for.

  Lying wrapped up in Spencer's arms, Matthew wanted to stay here forever, but he could only do that if he started working as quickly as possible.

  “How are you going to get new clients?” Spencer asked, and Matthew rolled over so that he could look at him, but there was no trace of jealousy or disgust.

  “A friend put a few flyers in an advertising bot, and I've put up some ads in the usual places.”

  Spencer nodded as Matthew kissed the end of his nose, smiling as he rested his forehead against Spencer's, staring into his eyes.

  “Now I just need to wait for someone to call.” Matthew let out a little laugh, he was sure that he'd have no problem finding new clients. His skills were always in demand.

  Matthew didn't have to wait long, his first message simply said - Are you free tonight?

  Does 9 p.m. work for you?


  See you then sexy


  Gary held Matthew as he cried, telling him about his boyfriend had made the tears flow again, and Gary wished that there was some way he could take all of Matthew's problems away.

  “I love him so much, but if they find him they'll destroy him.” Matthew sniffed, and Gary tried to wipe the tears away with his thumb, but both his cheeks were stained with tears.

  “Come stay with me, both of you, I'll work something out.” Gary held Matthew's hand, hoping that his words had reassured him.

  Matthew shook his head, he looked so uncertain but Gary knew that he couldn't leave him like this.

  “I meant it when I said that I loved you. I'd do anything to keep you safe, and see you happy, even if that means not being with you.” Gary stared at Matthew, hoping that he could see he was sincere.

  “Thank you.” Tears fell down Matthew's cheek and he wrapped himself around Gary, whispering his thanks as the tears fell.

  “Pack your things, and we'll figure this all out tomorrow.” Gary watched as Matthew nodded, his beautiful blue eyes red, and he looked so vulnerable.

  It didn't take long for Matthew to pack, everything he owned fitted in a couple of rucksacks, and he folded up his easel, the canvas still covered with a sheet.

  Matthew saw the way Gary was looking at him. “You thought it was just for show, right?”

  “Sorry, I completely underestimated you.”

  “I underestimated you too, I thought you would only want me if I was useful to you, but I was wrong, you're a good guy.”

  “I'm not a good guy, I'm just lonely.” Gary compressed his lips, that was the cold hard truth, and it was better that it was out in the open.

  There was a knock on the door and Gary froze, worried that it was the police coming for Matthew and his boyfriend.

  Matthew peered through the little hole in the door, and when he opened it a familiar face stepped in. It was the guy that Gary had seen waiting outside a few nights ago, he hadn't been a client, he was his boyfriend.

  Spencer looked worried, his eyes darting around until they settled on Gary, and he felt like Spencer was trying to weigh up if he was a threat or not.

  “This is Gary, he's going to take us in while we sort out this mess.” Matthew held Spencer's hand, and he visibly relaxed. “We can't stay here since the landlord knows what I am.”

  Matthew shook his head, there was going to be a reward for turning in unregistered bots, and he knew that he couldn't trust a human. Gary was the only one, and he hoped that he really could trust him.

  There was silence in the car on the way to Gary's flat, he had no idea what to say. 'I'm sorry' just didn't cut it when Matthew's entire life was being ruined, and they would destroy Spencer just because he had outlived his usefulness.

  He showed them to the spare room, it was a reasonable size for the two of them.

  “There's clean towels in the bathroom, and you can help yourself to whatever you want in the fridge.”

  “Thank you.” Matthew stood on his tiptoes to give Gary a goodnight kiss, his soft lips so familiar, but Gary felt strange with Spencer standing there.

  “I promise I'll find a way to protect you both.”


  Spencer looked around the room, Matthew hadn't seen him like this since he'd first found him, but it wasn't a surprise that Spencer was wary around humans.

  “We're going to be safe here,” Matthew said, stroking the side of his face as he saw the worry lines fade. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Spencer smiled for the first time in days, and Matthew felt calmer, at least he'd made one person happy today.

  “You should get some sleep.” Matthew gave him a kiss on the forehead, leaving him to rest as he went to help Gary find a solution to his problem.


  Gary was sipping at his cup of tea, trying to make sense of all the new legislation, when Matthew wandered through.

  “Spencer's asleep.” Matthew sat down on the sofa next to Gary, shaking his head when he saw what was on the screen. He couldn't believe that his whole life was going to be ruined just because hate against bots was politically useful.

  “Is he okay?” Gary asked, and Matthew nodded. Spencer was going to need a bit of time to adjust, he didn't trust easily, but Matthew was sure that they could make this work.

  “What are we going to do?” Matthew said, and Gary could hear the pain in his voice.

  “For you, it's easy, I just register as being your 'owner' and that's it.” Gary sipped at his tea, trying to work out how to sugar coat the next bit, and when he couldn't figure out a tactful way to phrase it, he blurted out, “Spencer can't just be registered, they'll check his ID, and see that he's meant to be deactivated.”

  “There has to be a way.” Matthew rubbed at his eyes, they were still pink, and he looked so tired.

  Gary reached out to hold Matthew's hand and Matthew leant in for a kiss, but Gary stopped him. “I… I don't think we should do this anymore. You have Spencer and it just doesn't feel right.”

  “The other night, when you came round, I meant it when I said I loved you.” Matthew looked into Gary's eyes, he didn't have to flutter his eyelashes, or use any of his other tricks. He wasn't trying to make Gary believe him, but he wasn't sure if he had convinced Gary that he was telling the truth.

  “You don't have to play games with me to get me to help you,” Gary said, and Matthew looked down at his lap.

  “It's not a game. Telling clients that they're 'the best I've ever had' or that they have a huge dick when it's four inches long, that's my programming. But I'm not programmed to love, just to fuck.”

  Gary laughed, Matthew had never said anything like that to him, although he wouldn't have believed it anyway, he was awkward and he knew it.

  “You are the only client I've ever had who treated me like I was an actual person, not just an object to be used.” Matthew held Gary's other hand, stroking the side of it with his thumb. “You and Spencer are the only people I've ever said 'I love you' to, and I mean it.”

  “I love you too.” Gary shook his head, he couldn't deal with this all now. “But it is all going to have to wait until I can find a way to keep Spencer safe.”

  Matthew nodded, that had to be their first priority. The legislation was coming in soon, and hiding Spencer was only a temporary solution.

  “You should get some sleep,” Matthew said, giving Gary a kiss on the cheek.

  “I'm not tired,” Gary said, stifling a yawn as he rubbed at his eyes. Gary saw Spencer standing by the bedroom door, peeking out at them, and he nodded over to him. “Go keep Spencer company.”

  “Night.” Matthew headed to the bedroom, and Gary put the kettle on, he was going to need something stronger than tea. He made himself a coffee, preparing himself for a long night.

  The sun peeked over the horizon, and Gary closed his laptop in defeat, he didn't understand enough of the technical things to be fiddling around inside Spencer. But he knew someone who m
ight be able to help.


  Gary pressed call and his heart raced as he waited for Ellis to answer. It clicked over to his voicemail, but he didn't want to leave this in a message, he didn't want to get anyone else in to trouble over it.

  He went to bed, hoping to get some sleep when his phone buzzed, Ellis was calling and he grabbed the phone.

  “Hi, I'm sorry about what I said, I just worry about you.”

  “I forgive you,” Gary said, it seemed so long ago, such a trivial thing to be arguing about. “I need a favor. You're good friends with Dornan, the robotech, right?”

  “Yes.” Ellis sounded confused, and Gary wondered if he could trust Ellis with this, but he had no-one else to turn to.

  “Can he be trusted?”


  Gary told him everything, and Ellis listened, he was back to being his friend, which was a relief. Apart from his family, Gary didn't really have anyone else.

  “I'll speak to Dornan, try and work out if he can be trusted with this, and if he can, I'll send him over.”

  “Thank you. And happy birthday.”

  Ellis laughed, and the tension was broken. Now Gary just had to wait, and that was the worst part.


  There was a knock on the door and Gary got Matthew and Spencer to hide in the bathroom, locking the door behind them. He wasn't sure he was cut out for this life, but he knew that he was in too deep to just walk away now.

  Dornan was standing there, he looked younger in jeans and a hoodie, his thick glasses obscuring his bright green eyes. He had a rucksack slung over his shoulder, and he was glancing around as though he was being watched.

  “Can I come in?”

  Gary stood back, letting Dornan into the flat as they stood awkwardly, both staring at each other.

  “Ellis told me you needed a new ID for a bot, no questions asked.” Dornan's eyes darted across to Matthew when a floorboard creaked. “Is this the bot? He's high end.”

  “No,” Matthew said, “I was a rich man's toy, and then when he died, I just went my own way.”

  Spencer crept out of the bedroom, standing behind Matthew as Dornan raised his eyebrows. “You have a military bot? Where did you get him?”


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