Book Read Free

Doggie Style

Page 16

by Piper Rayne

  “I like it when you use my nickname.” She reaches up around my neck. The girl could be a gypsy the way she plays me.

  My back hits the cement pole behind us and my hands rest on her hips. “Is it because of your mom?”

  Teegan doesn’t say much about her mom, other than a comment here and there, but I like to think even though I didn’t go to college, I can tell when one plus one equal two. “No.” The smile leaves her lips and she stops playing with my hair.


  She swivels around in my arms, moving to stand next to me. “I don’t like to talk about her. I shouldn’t have said that and I said I was sorry. Can we drop it?” Her clipped tone suggests this isn’t the best time to have this conversation.

  “Sure.” I step forward. I’d rather get my arm ripped out by the mob of passengers fighting for a spot in front of the carousel than listen to Teegan try to push me away.

  The whole hidden secret past life is why I got out of the game altogether for a few years.

  People disappear one by one, since our bags are some of the last to come out. Teegan never joins me until her bag circles the conveyor belt.

  We both reach for it at the same time, but being stronger has its advantages.

  “I got it,” she says, tugging it her way.

  “Please don’t act like the independent female right now.”

  She lets it go, mostly from shock at my tone, I’m sure.

  Holding both of our bags and my computer bag over my shoulder, I head to the taxi area.

  “Why are you being like this?” she says, as she tries to catch up to me.

  Fuck, of course the taxi line is crazy long.

  I stand in line, moving our bags up.

  “Leo?” Her arm lands on my forearm.

  I stare directly at her. “You’ve already cast us off to sea, right?”

  “What?” she asks, shaking her head. “No… why would you say that?”

  “Do you see this as a fling? A blip in your dating life?”

  Her eyes widen. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I’m in this.” She steps into me, taking my arm and putting it around her waist, her hands landing softly on my cheeks. “I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.”

  A throat clearing behind us makes me realize we need to step forward.

  “Sorry,” I say to the man behind us.

  We unlock from one another and step forward. The cab line moves faster than I expected and we’re at the front of the line minutes later.

  “Are you going to talk to me?” she asks.

  “Let’s just get in the cab.”

  She huffs but says nothing else. She hijacks her bag and hands it to the taxi driver herself. Stubborn, stubborn girl.

  Teegan slides into the taxi first, me last and the door shuts behind me.

  “So we’re heading to the F—”

  “Four Seasons, please,” Teegan and I say simultaneously.

  I blow out a stream of breath and Teegan glances over. Her body says don’t touch me—legs facing the door, arms crossed and staring out the window.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything, but our schedule lately, one night at my place and three at hers… She’s never invited me to stay there. I’ve driven between our places in the pitch-black night enough times to make me feel like some damn teenager sneaking around, or worse, like she’s a booty call.

  Still, this woman has me by the balls.

  Damn it. I hate being the bigger person.

  I reach for her leg and I pull her toward me. She tries to resist, but her lips hold a small smile, so I know she’s not too mad.

  “Come here,” I tell her.

  She slides back toward me and I catch the cab driver looking at us in the mirror. Mind your own business.

  My lips find her temple and I wrap my arms around her. “I’m just… all in,” I whisper and she swivels in my hold to face me.

  “My mom is just… she’s been hurt. I know she falls fast, but I’ve seen heartbreak at its worst. I can’t deny that it doesn’t scare the crap out of me, but… I’m in this, too. Don’t ever question that.”

  I nod, bending my head toward her lips. She doesn’t pull back, allowing our lips to meet even with the cab driver’s eyes poised on our reflection in the mirror.

  Could traffic possibly move any slower?

  We finish the kiss, but I hold her face close to me, never wanting to be more than an inch away from her. “I’m sorry about your mom.”

  Her head moves up and down, but she never says anything. I’ll keep my mouth shut for now and maybe with time she’ll tell me more.

  “Where have you been?” Oscar is pacing outside the hotel when we step out of the cab.

  “Where are your friends?” I ask, paying the taxi driver after he hands our bags to the bellhop. Might as well keep my money out.

  He shoos me with his hand, following us into the lobby. “The boxes haven’t arrived.” His voice is panicked.

  “The outfits?” Teegan asks.

  “No, my new Spanx.” Oscar points to Teegan with his thumb with a ‘where’d you get this girl from’ look on his face.

  “Watch it,” I say.

  “Fine, handle it yourself, big boy.” She rushes through the doors, leaving us on the curb.

  “Thanks for the compliment,” Oscar tosses off, but Teegan’s already gone.

  “Calm down. We’ll track them down.” I walk through the doors, Oscar following me. “And be nicer to Teegan,” I say over my shoulder.

  We reach the check-in desk and I sidle up to my girl.

  “Two rooms, yes.” Teegan’s talking to the hotel check-in.

  “Two rooms?” I ask her, digging for my wallet.

  She glances to the side and then bites her lip.

  “I’ll be in the bar, come get me when”—Oscar points between the two of us—“this is over.”

  He leaves, for which I’m eternally grateful.

  “You’ll be busy with Oscar and I have some other work to do. I have a lead on another client and I need to do some research into their industry. You can’t be my only client forever.” She smiles in a way that’s asking me not to make a big deal out of this and pinches my side.

  The woman behind the counter has stopped typing, now fixated on our conversation. “Where will you be sleeping?” she asks.

  Teegan passes the hotel employee her credit card just like she did the last time we were here.

  “No. Here. I guess”—I look at Teegan—“two rooms.”

  She doesn’t smile and neither do I. That conversation in the car seems like a waste at the moment.

  “Sure thing,” the woman says.

  “Can we be side by side though?” Teegan interrupts.

  “You sure you don’t want to be floors apart?” I ask.

  She tilts her head and wraps her arms around my waist, pulling tightly. Her chin rests on my chest as she stares up at me. “I’m sleeping with you. I just figured with the time constraints and Oscar being here”—she raises up on her tiptoes and kisses me lightly on the lips—“this would work better.”

  “You’re all set,” the woman says, handing over my credit card.

  We grab the key cards and Teegan rolls her suitcase behind her, the damn wheels doing their usual thing and making her suitcase wobble.

  “I have to meet Oscar in the bar. Are you joining us?” I ask, stopping outside of the restaurant opening.

  “I’m going to get these germs from the airplane off me. Knock when you come up, okay?”

  I grab her by waist, pulling her into me. She steadies herself on my chest with her hands. “Whoa,” she says softly.

  Without warning, I crash my lips to hers, claiming her in front of every businessman milling around. She might be hell-bent on maintaining her independence, but she’s mine. I let her go, and she stumbles to find her footing. Her swollen red lips make me smile.

  “Strike that knocking thing. Just come in.” She hands me her second key.

  “Check your suitcase when you get settled. I added a little something.”

  Her eyes scrunch and a smile forms on her face. “Surprises?” she asks.

  “Surprises.” I grab her ass, squeezing it in my hands.

  “You better hurry this up with Oscar.” She walks away, purposely swaying her ass back and forth for my enjoyment.

  Damn. She’s as gorgeous in jeans, a t-shirt and flats as she is when she’s all dolled up.

  Right before she turns down another corridor toward the elevator, she shoots me a flirty glance over her shoulder. I wink and her smile grows even bigger before she disappears.

  “I’m not sure I can handle an entire long weekend with the two of you.” Oscar steps up beside me, sipping a frozen drink.

  “What are you drinking?” I ask, walking into the bar with my suitcase behind me.

  “It’s their special strawberry something or another. I just heard frozen and alcohol and I said sold.” His lips cover the straw and the drink level lowers inside the cup.

  We sit down at a high-top and the waitress comes over immediately.

  “Just a water for me,” I say.

  She nods and walks away.

  “Water?” Oscar asks.

  “I’m tired from the flight. I want to get upstairs and sleep.” I grab my phone, trying to find the tracking number for the boxes we sent out here last week.

  “I’m not sure you’re going to be doing much sleeping, but we’ll pretend I’m stupid.” Oscar leans back in his seat.

  The courier’s website clearly says they were delivered yesterday, and I have a signature from someone on the hotel staff.

  “I’ll be back.” I start to walk away. “Watch my bag.” My voice reminds me of the same one I’ve heard Vance use with Payne when he’s afraid he’s making a bad choice, but I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that Oscar can act more responsibly than a four-year-old.

  In the ten minutes I’m gone, the concierge helps me locate the boxes that he promises will be delivered up to my room within the next five minutes.

  Oscar has another fruity drink in front of him when I arrive back at the bar and he’s chatting to a woman with a small dog in her purse.

  “This is him,” Oscar says when I approach.

  The woman gleams, obviously liking what she sees, and I inwardly roll my eyes.

  “Hello.” I hold my hand out. “Leo Vaughn.”

  She gently shakes it, never giving me her full hand. “I know who you are. I’ve been buying your things off Etsy for years.” She opens up her bag and pulls out a mini poodle.

  “That could be vintage,” I joke at one of the first coats I designed. It was metallic and iridescent. I’ve learned so much since then.

  “It’s held up for two dogs. Sadly, our first…”

  Oscar places his hand on her shoulder. “Oh, sweetie, I’m so sorry.”

  The woman waves his apology off with manicured red nails. “It’s okay. Frannie has been a great replacement.” She steps back. “I just wanted to stop in and say hello. I saw you on that morning show a few weeks ago.”

  “She recognized me,” Oscar says with pride.

  Of course she did.

  “Without the paisley print?” I ask and Oscar narrows his eyes at me.

  “I just wanted to wish you all the luck. To both of you.” She smiles between the two of us and from what I gather Oscar didn’t set her straight on the nature of our relationship.

  “Thank you. I have to get back upstairs to my girlfriend now.”

  The woman’s head tilts and she eyes Oscar for a moment. “Please go, I’d hate to keep you from her.”

  “It was nice meeting you.”

  The woman shakes her head and walks away. Grabbing my suitcase, I walk out of the bar.

  Oscar catches up to me at the elevators. “Why correct her? What’s with all the explaining?”

  I blow out a breath. I need a redo on today. “I used to let it go, but now that I’m with Teegan, she deserves for people to know the truth. It’s pretty fucking great to be her boyfriend—an honor, really—and I hope she feels the same about being my girlfriend. I’ll no longer let those assumptions go. I should’ve never let them in the first place. I hope you understand where this stands now.”

  “I do.” Oscar’s voice is low and sullen, like that of a kid who just got caught by his parents.

  “The boxes will up in my room soon. Come by tonight to figure everything out. If you’d like to join Teegan and me for dinner you’re welcome to.” I step into the elevator and Oscar stands on the outside, unsure what to do. “Go back to the bar, Oscar, and find someone to keep you entertained.” I nod and he smiles, the doors closing between us.



  I shake off the feeling of dread over our small spat at the airport. I shouldn’t have said what I did. It was wrong, but damn if those small insecurities don’t surface every once in awhile. I mean, look at Leo. He’s practically perfect.

  Hotter than sin? Check.

  Stable and dependable? Check.

  Supports himself? Check.

  A master in the bedroom? Double check.

  Loves animals? Check.

  I’m not crazy to think that he can have anyone he wants and that someday that person may not be me.

  What’s the big deal if I want my own room? Oscar’s ass will be up here non-stop and I do have work to do in order to find myself some more clients. Something feels off about taking money from my boyfriend now, especially with him being my only client. It’s like he’s my sole provider now or something.

  My key card blinks red, so I pull it out and do it again. Red again.

  Just fucking great.

  I insert it slowly and release it slowly. Red.

  I insert it fast and release it fast. Red.

  I insert it slowly and release it fast. Green.

  Thank the Lord because I did not want to head all the way back downstairs with my luggage and have to pass by Oscar and Leo in the bar. Leo would probably want to fix the problem for me. Which I don’t need him to do. I’m more self-sufficient than he likes to think.

  The door shuts and a view of city fills every inch of the window that runs along the entire width of the wall.

  I walk over, my hand over my heart. “So much to see,” I mumble.

  I place my suitcase on the chair and zip it open to unpack my things. Lying on top of my clothes is a gift wrapped in paper with a ribbon around it. Attached is a note scribbled in Leo’s handwriting.

  You’re by far more beautiful than this outfit will ever be, your skin silkier than the fabric it’s made from. But indulge me and put it on. It will only make you more mouthwatering when you model it for me…tease me with what I can’t see.



  I pull on the edge of the ribbon and the other side opens, the paper falling to the sides.

  Black lace is the first thing I notice. I pick up one piece, a skirt made entirely out of sheer black fabric. When I hold it up to my waist it looks like a perfect fit. It also looks like it will barely cover the globes of my ass. Next is a pair of cheek-hugger panties, also sheer but lined with a satin rim. Lastly, a bra with lace overlays hanging over each breast. A swift wind would reveal me. My fingers run along the delicate fabric. There’s no tags and for a minute I wonder, but no, he couldn’t have had the time to make this with the Hamilton show this weekend.

  I check the time and know that if I truly want to get these germs off me, now is the time. So I run into the shower, the lingerie laid out on my bed until I’m shaven and smooth.

  After a hot shower, I’m lotioning my body in preparation for putting on the lingerie. I mean, Leo and I haven’t exactly made love very much in the past few weeks. I’ve been bent over or pushed up against every item we pass. Not that I’m complaining—the man’s lust and need for me is enough to make my eyes bug out with hearts. It’s addicting and I crave his hooded gaze every time it leaves my body.

; I don’t live in a fairy tale… I know that one day they won’t be there anymore and I intend to enjoy it while I can. He got me the lingerie and asked me to tease him. Request granted.

  The door unlocks and begins opening. I run out with the towel tight around my chest and slam it shut.

  “Ouch,” Leo says from the other side.

  I peer out the peephole. Leo’s holding his nose, his suitcase still with him. The man hasn’t even gone to his room yet.

  Of course he hasn’t, he wants to share a room. Those worried eyes of his from the check-in desk reappear in my mind.

  “Why did you give me the key?” There’s aggravation in his voice.

  “Sorry, I’m not ready just yet. Give me fifteen.” My eye remains against the peephole.

  “What are you doing?” he asks, his voice a little lighter.

  “Do you really not know? Come back in fifteen. Oh, and it’s going to be a room service night.”

  He smiles, the one that shows all his teeth, and if you didn’t know the man, you’d think he just scratched off a winning lottery ticket.

  “All right. Warning though, in fifteen minutes this key”—he holds up my room key—“will be inserted into this slot”—he demonstrates the key going into the slot—“and I’m coming in.”

  “Got it.”

  He laughs and walks next door to his room.

  Fifteen minutes later to the second, the door opens to my hotel room. I’m on the bed, leaning with my head tossed to the side. My hair is loose and hanging, the skirt riding up so he sees the way the panties outline my ass cheeks.

  He hurriedly shuts the door and toes out of his shoes, unbuttoning his jeans and letting them slide down his legs as he’s walking toward me. He takes a second to step out of them while grabbing the hem of his t-shirt and swiping it off his body.

  I swear, this man’s body could make a lesbian question her sexual preference.

  “I’m supposed to be gawking at you.” He wastes no time, his hands molding and sliding down my ass. “This is exactly how I pictured you.”

  “Then I guess we’re in sync, huh?”


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