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Storm's Spirited Harmony: The Grim Reapers Mc book 1

Page 14

by Stacy Barnett

  Harmony the prez turns to our little group and tells us how we are doing this raid, “Right everyone, the sisters house is three blocks down on Emerson street and in a bad part of town. Before we head down there, we will be leaving our bikes with a friend of mine around the corner from here and he will watch over them. Tommy will stay back a couple of houses in the club’s cage, so he is close by when we need pick up. We will walk from where he is parked, so we won’t be heard by anyone in the house. I had Joey do a full internal scan of the place, by hacking into the camera’s dotted around the place. When it is time to go in, I will signal Joey to put the cameras on a recorded continual loop, so they don’t know we are there. Each of us is to take down two individuals within the house. Joey stated there are two women and two teenage boys that live in the house, so please tread carefully, as I don’t want them hurt, just incapacitated. Which leaves two adult males that are on guard duty and our missing men”. Harmony looks at me directly and asks me, “Storm do have any knives on you, to keep things quiet?”.

  I shake my head and pull out my two nine-millimetre hand guns, “these are all I have honey, sorry…. but I am good with my fists, so it’s all good”.

  She just chuckles and hands me over a small gun, “here use this. It’s quieter….”.

  “I have a weapon honey and like I said, I have my fists”.

  Harmony sighs and looks at me disapprovingly, “it’s a dart gun, filled with sedative cartridges my love. The only two people in there, that deserve your fists are Wolf and Cain. The others are just innocents in this game we are playing. So just take the damn thing. If you must use it, to keep quiet for the rest of us, all the better”.

  Sighing, I simply shake my head, because damn it, she was right. I can’t do my usual thing and go in a guns a blazing, hoping no one gets hurt. I take the tranquiliser gun out her hand and put it into my waist, at the base of my spine. When Harmony sees, me doing what she asked, she goes up on tippy toe and kisses my lips softly, “I know this is hard for you, doing as I ask, so thank you my love…”.

  After we dropped off our bikes, we all piled into the four-wheel drive with Tommy and had him drop us off a few houses south of our target. Nodding thanks to him, we turn as one and begin the short trek down to the last remaining house on the street that was supposed to be Wolf’s sisters house. As we go around the last corner, Harmony nods to us and we split up to get into our respective positions.

  I follow Master Ho around to the back of the house and wait for the signal from Harmony, to enter in our way. Sadly, we found ourselves standing behind a huge full garbage bin, staring at a rundown house, that was barely holding together. The Master stood behind the cover we found and pointed out the hidden cameras, that were dotted around the perimeter of the house.

  “They are guarding something precious to them and are afraid of losing it, don’t you think?”.

  I looked more closely to the sides of the house and found they had no less then, ten fucking cameras keeping watch for something, they regarded as dangerous. In my experience, when people are that paranoid, they are only guarding one of two things and that was either a fucking meth lab, or a drugs stash. No one would suspect a rundown house like this one, would hold something this cunning or deadly. Inside that house would be a chemical bomb, just waiting to be set off with the right trigger. Now I understood why the prez truly wanted to use knives or dart guns. One spark from a firing weapon in that shit hole, would set off an explosion that none of us would survive.

  A few moments later, I lift my head suddenly when I hear someone whistle like a sweet nightingale and I quickly realised, it was my woman letting us know, the cameras were down. Looking at Master Ho, I nod to him I was ready to go whenever he was. He simply ran on light feet towards the back door, with me close on his heels as his back up and as we moved slowly towards the house and through the old wooden door. We suddenly came face to face, with one of the fucking men we were after in the first place. As Cain opened his mouth to alert everyone in the house, I lifted my dart gun up and shot him directly into his heart and as he squeaked in shock, the master wrapped his arm around his throat to keep his silent.

  Cain’s eyes went large in their sockets, as Master Ho’s arm tightens around his neck and the sedatives that were making their way through his system. He finally passes out and I helped the Master, lower him to the floor and roll him over to put some flexicuffs on his hands and feet, before we moved again to look around. My ex-brother will be out for a while, so it gives us time to completely take everyone out in the house, before he wakes up again. It doesn’t take Master, Black Widow, Turner and I long to sort out the bottom floor and when I was going up the stairs to look for Wolf and my woman, I hear a high-pitched scream.

  Looking back at Black Widow, she simply shrugs her shoulders and sits down on the ratty couch to wait for god knows what. Shaking my head angrily, I run up the stairs thinking my woman was the one screaming and could be in some serious trouble before I could get to her, but when I got to the top of the stairs, I ran down the hallway of doors checking every single one. Eventually I had to call out to my woman, just to find her, “Harmony…... where are, you honey?”.

  God what if something happens to her and I wasn’t there in time to save her. I can’t live without her now, that I finally have her in my life again. Someone screams again and I finally can pinpoint the direction it comes from and that was the bloody attic. Looking around frantically I find the ladder that leads up to the large space and when I poke my head through the hole in the roof, I nearly wet myself laughing.

  There was my sweet, tiny, Harmony, with a big bad Wolf tied to a fucking chair and a pair of broad nose pliers to his dick. The crazy woman was staring at him and smiling like bloody loon, all the while squeezing the damn tool. Every time she put pressure on the handle, my ex-president would let out a scream like a little girl and my own balls crawled up inside me in fear. I hope someone reminds me to never piss my woman off or I will end up with no nuts.

  “What do you know about my father? And his new friends?”.

  Wolf snarls his face up until his spitting mad, but doesn’t answer my woman. She sighs and leans into his ear and whispers something to him, that I couldn’t hear and I laugh again, as I watch him blanching.

  “Now I will ask again. What do you know about my father? And his new friends? You better answer me this time or what I whispered in to your ear, will seem like fucking child’s play when I am done with you”.

  He doesn’t say anything for a long minute, but with a little painful motivation from a set of pliers in my woman’s hand, he screams out, “he doesn’t know who you are but he wants what you have. He told me last week, he heard the Grim Reapers were going to be bring in, a shipment of diamonds from some Russian mine called Mir something or another. He believes, if he can find the shipment, and take it, he could buy off the guy, he sold you to when you were ten years old. The bastard keeps coming around and causing shit with the Death Dealers, so your father fucked off to join the Dirty Dogs, and hide out for a while. I thought if I could come to the president of the Grim Reapers and talk them into trusting me, I could find out when the shipment was due to arrive and take it before Pain could. I need the money to bring my club out of the dark ages and into more profit. Now can you please move the fucking pliers; I can’t feel my dick anymore….”.

  I growled in my head, at the balls this prick had to come and try to pull the wool over Harmony’s eyes. I climb the rest of the way up into the attic, to stand in front of the man I thought was so strong long ago, only to find he had pissed himself and had tears coming down his face.

  I grab one of his fingers and start to fold it back before I growl into his face, “Do you know what his next plan of attack is, because I have to tell you, mate. Pain is not that smart and would need help to think that shit up, then to pull it off”.

  Wolf takes a deep breath and grimaces at the pain I am giving him, to try and snarl at me. Only he freezes mid snarl, wh
en we hear Harmony snapping the pliers together in warning.

  “Man, I’ll tell you anything just don’t let her near my dick again. That shit ain’t right, a man has to have a fucking dick in our world”.

  I look at him as if he has gone off the deep end, if he thinks I am going to stand here and defend him, against my woman’s interrogation methods, “look she is my prez now and can do whatever the fuck she wants with you. God, I don’t care if she cuts your dick off and shove it up your arse. She is also someone who needs answers about her father and you’re going to give them to her. Now if you answer honestly, Harmony might let you let you go after she deals with her father, but until then, we need to know where is he right now?”.

  The poor bastard slumps in his chair and begins telling me everything, “Pain is staying with some chick in Brisbane but I don’t know where exactly. Her name is Sally Taggerty and is about forty I think. I never bothered to look her up, as Pain was calling regularly about what he was doing. I never got a chance to tell him, I just met his daughter Harmony and I also haven’t had the chance to find out about the diamond run”.

  Harmony speaks up from behind me and shocks the hell out of me, “you men, really are dumb fucks, you know that right. I don’t run diamonds you bloody idiot. Whoever told my father, the Grim Reapers did that kind of shit, was lying their arses off. I am a gun runner, who has never been caught and, I do it to help my stepfather and nothing else. Yeh…. sure, he has shares in a lot of gem mines but which ones, I am not willing to say to you”.

  She steps forward until she is right next to me and talks again, “Can you get in contact with Pain? because I have to tell you, I have done my research on your club and its finances. Your best friend Pain has been skimming off the top of your profits for some time now and he has quite the nest egg, in an off-shore account in the Caymans. One, that when he checks, will be empty because I have very good computer guys on my side. Dear old daddy, put together a hefty sum of a cool three million dollars on his behalf and if you don’t believe me, ask yourself this, how come you seem to be always struggling and never seem to be making any profit in your club. It’s because of him. Now if you help me and you will help me, I will let you go and give you back your money. Only with one stipulation”.

  Wolf was listening carefully and nods his head, “what, you want my balls in a jar”.

  My woman sighs and looks dejectedly at me, “I try to see the good in everyone, until they just piss me off too much”. She turns back to Wolf and sighs sadly, “Do you really want to piss me off, right now?”

  He simply shakes his head and she goes on, “the stipulation is you are to take your club and leave this area. I mean leave this state and never come back. If you think about coming back, I will mow you and your club down so fast, you won’t see me coming. Until then you and Cain will be my guests in the compounds holding cells. So, you better hope I find and deal with my father swiftly”.

  Wolf looks at her to see if she means everything he says, then looks at me as if I was the one who was fucking nuts, “I’ll do it, as long as I have both your words”.

  “You have my word Wolf. One brother to another”.

  “You are just going to have to trust me when I say, don’t fuck with me Wolf and leave it at that. Storm can you watch him please, while I organise Tommy and the cage, to come in to the driveway now”.

  As she walks away on the phone, I pull a chair across from the side of the room and sit in front of Wolf. He looks at me closely and doesn’t say anything, so I start up talking first, “tell me why you thought it was okay to sell family members to the Russian’s for any fucking price? The Death Dealers were never in the skin trade, so why let this one go?”.

  The man in front of me who finally looks his age of sixty, looks at me with sadness in his eyes, “when Pain first came to me and joined my club, I couldn’t have been prouder. Here was a man, I thought who could stand for something good in this world. That is until he had his first kill and he turned into a man, I was sure of anymore. When he married Sarah, I thought he would settle down but he seemed to just get worse, with his drinking and fucking anything with a cunt. Then little Harmony was born and the bastard started to see dollar signs. I thought it was just a faze he was going through and would wake up one day, to see the error of his way. Now with what Harmony says is true and he has been skimming my profits, the bastard has shown me his real colours. Pain had turned greedy years ago, but I didn’t realise he had taken it that far and ripped off his own club. The money he reckons he sold Harmony for and put into the club, never really mad it into the copha’s but into his back pocket instead. The day Sarah and Harmony escaped, I was happy for them but Pain had shit over me, that I am not going to tell you about. But suffice it to say I got that evidence back and I am out for his blood too. If you get him before me, then so be it, kill the fucker, because when I get him he won’t see the light of day ever again”.

  “Did you know Pain was beating Harmony’s mother Sarah for years?”.

  “No I didn’t or I would have helped her. Believe it or not I don’t like women and kids getting hurt for anything. Pain always gave excuses why Sarah couldn’t come to club parties and shit, so I let it go”.

  Harmony must have the last bit and growled from behind us, “my momma put up with beatings from the first day after I was two years old and could walk on my own. If you had given a shit about her, you would have pushed the issue of checking on her. All I can say now is, she is so fucking happy and safe, I will not let anyone to wreck that for her. I also know you are full of shit about not liking it when women and children are getting hurt, you’re a fucking abuser yourself, so don’t try to pull the wool over my eyes”.

  She looks at me with anger still in pretty blue’s, “get him up Storm, Tommy is outside waiting. You Wolf just pissed me off and if I don’t get away from you right now, I would take your head off your shoulders with one swipe of my blade and not stop until I hacked your body into tiny little pieces”.

  I watch sadly, as my angry and hurt woman, quickly and quietly heads back downstairs, away from some serious temptation of Wolf’s head on a pike.

  Chapter nine


  When I walked out of the attic after hearing the dribble coming out of Wolf’s mouth, I could seriously spit nails. God, to think the bastard actually sounded upset about what my father had done to my mother, when he never stood up for her in the first place. The bastard was a fucking liar, as he has beaten his wife, to keep her quiet about club business and to keep control of her. I’m glad I got her and his kid out of that house and somewhere safe.

  Shaking my head again, I walk down to the main floor of the crappiest house I have ever been in and come face to face with an awake Cain, sitting up in an old sofa chair.

  Walking up to him, I stand in front of him and smiled savagely, “you helped your brother get away and stabbed my family in the back, so to make us even I have dealt with your wife and kids. You will never see them again for however long you have left to live. Now you are going to have to decide, how long that will be, because when we get back to my compound and we can have a little heart to heart chat and you don’t tell me what I need to know, you will be meeting your make soon”.

  Cain looks at me and sneers out his contempt for me, “you wouldn’t have hurt my wife and kids. You’re not that kind of person Harmony….”.

  I laugh in his face and whip out my Samsung galaxy s1 phone and brought up the pictures I needed, “I made sure to tell my man to get some good pictures of what he had done, so I could put them in my files. I must say, he did a good job on them, want to see?”.

  He looks at me blankly before calling my bluff, “sure sweetheart. You are full of shit…”.

  Cain didn’t think that a minute later, when I turned my phone around and there as clear as day, was a picture of his wife Danna and their kids. I must admit, Samuels butler David did a great makeup job and made them look truly dead. Giggling to myself I remember when
he told me once, that he wanted to be a horror movie makeup artist in his youth but decided to help Samuel instead, becoming his butler.

  Standing back, I turn my phone back around and smile at the next picture, which was of the same family smiling and thanking her. Closing my picture gallery down, I look up at a pale Cain and go in for the kill, “not very nice when someone rips your world apart like that, now is it. Your brother helped my father and then Wolf had the hide to say, he didn’t believe women and children deserve to be hurt like that. Only what he doesn’t seem to understand, you pair, love to hit your wives every bit as much, as my father did to my momma, hence why I put your families out of their miseries”.

  I look over my shoulder as I heard a lot of grunting coming from the flight of stairs and there was my love dragging a struggling Wolf down them. Turner came in the door and saw Storm, getting frustrated with the large tied up man and went to help him. I nodded to my love and turned back to others in the room, “Black Widow, you have the stuff?”.

  My friend instantly smiles and pulls a small satchel out of her bag and waves it at me, “sure thing prez. I have enough to knock out a friggen elephant for a bloody month. We just need the guys to put these two arseholes into the back of the cage and I will sedate them, for the ride home”.

  Grinning at how she gets her thrills, I simply nod to her and look at the guys, to sarcastically say to them, “right men, this is what I brought you along for. Us women are delicate little creatures who can’t lift big muscled men, such as these and we need your muscles to do all the heavy lifting”.

  Storm walks up behind me and flings Wolf down on his side, to pull me into his arms, “baby, you are far from delicate and I wouldn’t have it any other way”, he lifts his head up and smiles at the Master, “right fella’s let’s get out of here and get the information we need out of them”.


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