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The Beta's Mate

Page 8

by Tanya Gilford

  I lifted her up, wrapping her legs around my waist as I pressed her against the wall. She moved her lips down my neck as I slid my cock into her again, relishing in her tight wet core. I set a grueling pace for myself as she held my shoulders tightly. I thrusted fast and hard into her pulling moans and cries out of her. “Cum for me Anna.” I growled into her ear as I pushed deeper into her.

  “Charlie! Fuck, Charlie. Oh My God!” She cried out as her orgasm ripped through her. My own release came almost simultaneously with her. When we were finished, she slowly uncurled her legs, to stand up. She gave me a shy smile, before turning her attention back to finishing her shower. I washed myself as she soaped her own body up. As we rinsed off, I pulled her in close to kiss her lips. I couldn’t get enough of her.

  “I love you Anna.” I confessed as I turned the water off. I stepped out of the shower and handed her a towel. She wrapped the towel around her, before walking into my room. I could totally get used to this. Watching my mate move around my room as if it were her own. “You don’t need to pack up. Please, leave some of your things here for next time.” I requested.

  She turned around with a smile, walking over to me then wrapped her arms around my middle leaning into me. She rested her head against my chest with a sigh and I breathed in her scent. It was intoxicating to say the least. “Thank you for everything. I know I’m still grieving, but having you makes it more bearable.”

  “Anything for you Anna. You’re my main concern above all else.” I reminded her of my words from Saturday. “Now, let’s get dressed and head out so you’re not late for school. I’m not going to give them another reason to not like this relationship.”

  “Ugh. I’m not really in the mood for school, but whatever.” She groaned going to my closet to take out the last dress I had grabbed for her. It was a nice red sundress that hung just below her knees, and hugged her curved down to her waist. I needed to contain my approval of the way it fit on her, otherwise we’ll never make it out of this room.

  Once we were both fully dressed and ready to go, I grabbed her hand, spun her around twice before pulling her in for a kiss. She blushed against my touch. I opened the door and led her down the stairs. We got to the front door, and she froze. “Babe, we need to get going.”

  “I know, just give me a second. My emotions are swimming right now. I’m anxious overall and I really don’t want to have another panic attack.” She explained taking a few deep breaths.

  I pulled her into my arms, wrapping them protectively around her. “I won’t let them yell at you. We’re together, and that is all that I care about.” I assured her. “Focus on your breathing, and you’ll be okay.” She took a few more breaths and nodded. We continued out to my truck. “You can take my truck to school. I’m not going to need it until you get home any ways.” I chuckled as I opened her door for her to climb in. She muttered a thank you and I climbed into the driver’s seat.

  We drove back to her house in silence. I held her hand as I drove, thankful she allowed me to hold a part of her. I could feel her apprehension build as we drove. She really did not want to go home for some reason. I suppose I’ll have to figure out what the reason is in order to help smooth the growing ripple in the relationship between Anna, Pam and Bo.

  When we arrived at the farm house, Anna let out a loud sigh. “Well, here goes nothing.” She groaned as she opened the door and slipped out of my truck. I walked to the front of the truck to hold her hand as we approached the front door. Bo met us on the porch with a straight unreadable face. She didn’t even pause as she breezed past him and up the stairs. I let go of her hand as she started up the stairs with a smile assuring her that I am good.

  I made my way into the kitchen followed by Bo. Pam turned around with a forced smile. “How’s Annie?” She asked handing me a cup of coffee.

  “She’s doing okay. She had another panic attack last night. She’s taking this loss hard. She went up to get her school stuff.” I answered, taking a seat at the table.

  “I’m not going to make her go to school today if she doesn’t want to.” Pam told me. “If she’s having panic attacks then it may not be wise to send her in.”

  “My friend Sophie will keep an eye on her today. They met yesterday and seemed to get along pretty well. Sophie got Anne to open up to her about a few things yesterday.” I assured her.

  “She can have a choice then.” Bo input taking a seat at the table.

  “No, she needs normalcy. If she misses today, she’ll miss the whole week and it will snowball.” I replied plainly. “I told her she can take my truck.”

  They looked between each other as if wondering how to respond to my statement. Anna came into the kitchen at the right time. She pulled a chair up next to me, took my hand and leaned her head on my shoulder. I kissed her forehead and pressed my cheek to her head. Bo cleared his throat as if trying to get Anna to pull away, but she just narrowed her eyes at him.

  “Well, I think now is a good time to figure out what is going on between the two of you.” Bo stated as Pam set a plate of pancakes and bacon on the table, before sitting down.

  “Bo, I told you what is going on. They are falling in love, dear.” Pam reminded him.

  “Not what I’m referring to. Charlie I was under the impression that you and I had an understanding you would stay away from Annie until after she turned 18 when I first noticed you looking at her.” Bo stated while glaring at me.

  “We did, but I can’t control her.” I replied. “Anastasia is a woman with her own mind and strong will. I avoided our connection as long as I could, but when she kissed me all else went out the window. I’m sorry to have betrayed your trust like that Bo, but I’m not sorry for making my choice.” Anna sat next to me, focused on her plate of food.

  “Well, given the current circumstances, it is what it is, but I tell you this, Charlie… If you hurt her, we will have a problem. Do you understand me?” Bo warned.

  “Yes, sir. I have no plans of hurting her.” I informed him. I wanted to tell him that with her being my mate, she and I are bound together for life.

  “Well, I need to get to school. Are you sure I can take your truck?” Anna replied standing up to put her dishes in the sink. I handed her my keys as she kissed my lips on the way by. “I’ll see you later.” She whispered.

  She left for school as I set out to work. Bo followed me to the barn. “Charlie, I want to talk a bit more. I know with Annie, she’s hurting from a lot of things, but she’s taking it out on Pam currently.”

  “I know, I talked to Anne about it last night after I called you. I pointed out that she was being too harsh on Pam, and she is going to try harder not to be so vial towards her mom.”

  “Annie and I have never had the best relationship, and I know she sees me as trying to replace Ray, but that’s not the case. I can handle her hating me, she has since she was eleven, but she’s Pam’s only daughter. With this whole relationship between the two of you, Pam is worried. With you being so much older and now with Ray’s passing.”

  “Truth be told Bo; Anne and I have been seeing each other since the bonfire. You don’t have to worry about anything. I’m not taking advantage of Anne, if anything she’s in complete control of this relationship since day 1. I would appreciate it if you don’t keep pushing this issue. She may be 17, but let’s face it she’s far from being a child anymore. I’m the one who’s in love, she’s not.” I was getting pissed off at the idea that this man thought so little of me.

  “More lies Annie has told her mom. What else do I need to know? Are you screwing? If so, you better be wearing protection.”

  “Yes, and yes. Anne has been on the pill for years now, since she was with that guy Sal. I don’t understand how Pam doesn’t know any of this since Anne says Ray knew. Her aunt Carol brought her to the doctor to discuss her birth control options. Again, Anne initiated it, I made her wait as long as I could.” I turned my attention to the horse stalls that I came in to muck out. No wonder why Anna was dread
ing us talking to them, they really do view her as a child. It’s a bit annoying being the boyfriend, never mind how it must make her feel. “Also, Anne is dead set on moving out if you two don’t start treating her like the adult she is. Ray instilled her independence when she turned 16, and now you two seem to think she’s younger than she is. Remember she’s going to be 18 in less than two months.”

  “It’s hard for us, since we have barely seen her since she was 11. It feels like she’s only 15, not a young woman. I try, but I have no idea what to do. Pam has always viewed Annie as her baby, and I know this rift between them isn’t healthy. Any chance you would be willing to help mediate a conversation between the two tonight before you leave?”

  “I can do my best, but if I stay Anne may use me as her out again. She begged me to take her away from here the other night. I don’t fully understand what is going on with Anne, just yet. She opened up a little to my friend’s sister, Sophie who is the same age, but Sophie won’t tell me what was discussed.” I admitted.

  “I understand. As long as she’s with you, I know she’s safe. I just worry about her getting hurt like last time. I know you're different, but we still worry for her.”

  “Well, Sophie lives in our house, so at least Anne will have a female friend when she visits.” I sighed “Before we hold this meeting tonight, can you give me a chance to talk to Anne about it first? I’m not keen on the idea of blind siding her about this.”

  Bo nodded, and headed towards the front of the barn. “You really are in love with her.”

  “Yes I am.” I replied. I was attracted to her because of our mating bond, but I’ve recently started falling for her though I can’t tell any of that to him. She’s the only person I can think about. I never imagined being mated to a human, but the idea of being mated to anyone else is unthinkable. She is my perfect match, with a smart mouth to hold her own.

  I went back to work on the stalls, as Bo left the barn completely. As I mucked out the stalls, I let my mind wonder. I thought about Anna, my Anastasia, how could I not think about her. Then I remembered the scent of the new wolf, Paul and I found in the woods near my house. Was it safe to be around her? I should search the woods around here to ensure that the new wolf is only near my house. The idea that she’s in danger worries me greatly.


  By the time I finished work for the day it was the middle of the afternoon. I quickly checked the time and noted it’s two thirty, I have about half an hour to search the woods before Anna comes home. I slipped out of the barn and into the woods, took off my clothes and shifted. I began my search near the house, and froze when I smelt the same scent of the unknown wolf. He seemed to only be near the front of the house and in front of Anna’s window, then back to the road. This pissed me off, and I needed to think about what it meant. Was she being watched because of me?

  I shifted back and pulled my clothes back on. I took out my phone and called Paul and Steve to discuss what we all think we should do about this mysterious wolf. Steve suggested perimeter checks, but also, we should keep an eye on Bo’s house. So much for me sleeping, because I’m not leaving my mate and her family until we find out who is watching their house. This discovery didn’t sit well with me, but there’s nothing we can do about it until we find out who the wolf is.



  I drove back to the farm house listening to music. I missed driving around with the radio on and the windows down. Leave it to Charlie to know what I needed. I had made it all day through school without a panic attack or an emotional breakdown, which I was relieved about. Though I was dreading going home, after the little tiff this morning at breakfast, I really don’t want to hear any more.

  I know Charlie will be going home tonight without me. I burdened him enough with my grief, he doesn’t need to take care of me every night. If I don’t handle my emotions on my own, then I will become too dependent on someone else emotionally. I relish his strength and warm being around me, and I always crave for more, but I also know what I need to do.

  I pulled into the driveway and as I drove up, I caught a glimpse of something in the woods. It almost looked like a bear, but I thought nothing of it. I know wild life moves around during this time of year, especially bears.

  I parked the truck and got out. I passed the house looking for Charlie. I was pleased to find him in the barn saddling Buttercup and Cinnamon for a ride. I snuck up behind him, wrapped my arms around his chest, pressing my cheek against his back breathing in his scent and warmth. “Hey babe, how’d school go?” He asked, placing a hand on top of my hands.

  “Well, no breakdown’s or panic attacks, so I’ll chalk it up to success. Are we taking a ride today?” I responded hopefully.

  “I thought you’d like to.”

  “I would.” I took Buttercup out of the stable as Charlie led Cinnamon out. We mounted our horses simultaneously. I was relieved to be going on a horse ride with Charlie, instead of hanging around the house. I am in no mood to deal with my mom or Bo for that matter. When would they understand that I’m not a little girl anymore? If they knew half the stuff I’ve dealt with in the past, they wouldn’t give me too much shit.

  As we guided our horses through a trail path, Charlie seemed to have something on his mind. “Anna, I don’t want to tell you how to go about dealing with your relationship with your mom, but Bo has asked me to help play mediator between the two of you.” He said after clearing his throat. “I agreed under the condition that you give me permission. I’m not going to stick my neck out to have you get angry with me. I want to be there for you, and after this morning I need to be there for you. I saw why you’re constantly saying they treat you like a child, and to be honest I called Bo out on it. I found it annoying to hear him talk about you like your 12, so I can only imagine what it is like to be in your shoes.”

  “Why are they asking you to be involved? Are they that scared of me, or are they trying to show you that I am a child? This is pissing me off more than anything. You’re my boyfriend, not my babysitter. If they can’t handle things with me without your interference, then they have a harsh reality coming in January. My dad told me to give this place a month before I can complain, and well today is my month mark. Only problem is I can’t complain to him before I go to them, so they don’t have their buffer. They are looking at you to be their new buffer, which is just going to set me off more.” I snapped. “I’m not angry with you, I’m pissed off at their ideas to involve you so much in our family business.”

  “If you don’t want me to sit in that conversation, just tell me. I know you’re not angry, you're upset with everything and you're hitting your boiling point.”

  “Exactly, about time someone understands me. This is more reason to keep you out of this for now. Don’t get me wrong, I want you to stay, but not to play mediator slash referee in this pending show down. I need to clear the air, and I know for a fact that no one is going to like what comes out, but it’s coming. I know you told me to not be so mean to my mom, but the only way for me to get over it and move on is to put it out there on the table. My dad and I always took one day a month to decompress all our tension and annoyances, ‘just put it all on the table and we’ll discuss it as it comes. Then we can fix it together.’ He would always tell me.” I made sure to do an impersonation of my dad. “If I didn’t things got ugly. I was a teen being told to be a teen. When I still chose to be more of an adult than a teen, because honestly, I find teens annoying as fuck, we set boundaries and ground rules.”

  Charlie chuckled a little. “Somehow I can see that. I want to stay too, but I will respect your decision to not keep me as the mediator for this. It is a family business, so I’ll try to head out before they start. Otherwise, I’m keeping quiet. I kind of want to take you back home with me tonight.”

  I looked over my shoulder at him. “Oh, really now? Didn’t you get enough of me this morning?”

bsp; “Never.” He exhaled. “I told you Anastasia Keller, I am in love with you. Which means I will never get enough of you, ever. I want you morning, noon, and night. I want to feel your touch and warmth all day long every day.”

  “You really know how to make a girl blush.” I cooed at him. “This school year is dragging by so much this year.” I complained a bit as we guided the horse through the woods to the other side of the trail. “Or maybe it’s just me feeling like time is moving slower than molasses.”

  “A little bit of both.” Charlie replied. “It’ll get better after the holidays.”

  “I hope so. The only good thing about this year so far is you. I honestly don’t know what I would do without you Charlie. You have been so great to me, even when I wasn’t taking ‘no’ for an answer from you.”

  “I really wasn’t saying no. I was just trying to bide myself some time.” He confessed.

  As we approached the horse barn again, we dismounted from the horses, and led them into their stalls. He removed their saddles, and we brushed them down giving each horse a treat. He took my hand when we were finished and heading onto the house for dinner. I was completely dreading dinner with Charlie, all day since this morning’s conversation took place.

  We sat down at dinner, which turned out to be mom’s tuna casserole. Everyone was quiet the entire meal. Charlie kept his left hand on my thigh for comfort and support. Mom never looked up from her plate, and Bo seemed preoccupied in his thoughts. You could cut the damn tension in this room with a knife. It was so thick. I shifted in my chair uneasily trying to figure out what I should do. Honestly, the more we put this issue off the heavy it’s going to sit. I let out a loud sigh before opening my mouth. “Enough of this shit!” I shouted, pulling everyone’s eyes to me. Charlie squeezed my thigh with his hand. “I can’t take this anymore. Bo, you’re not my fucking father! Stop trying to be like him, you’ll never be able to replace him in my eyes. You may have been able to replace him for my mother, but I’m not her. I’m stronger than I look. As for you mom.” I turned my attention to her. “Get over it! I lost my father, the one person who raised me since you abandoned me to deal with your own shit. I was fucking eight when you left me, and now you want to act like the mother of the year because I finally had enough and asked you your reason? Honestly, it’s a lame ass excuse, but who am I to judge. Ray isn’t here to talk sense into me, so now you’re going to get the real Anastasia. I’m not a fucking child anymore. Am an adult, and I demand you both start treating me as one!” I took a few breaths before continuing. “I am capable of making my own choices and decisions. I chose to be with Charlie. Hell, I practically threw myself at him for weeks before he took the bait. Get over it, Charlie isn’t my first and you’re not going to say anything about our relationship from this point on. It’s none of your damn business. I know what I want and who I want, and I am more than capable of getting it. Back the fuck off, and stop trying to put him in the middle of our fucked-up family drama.”


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