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The Beta's Mate

Page 16

by Tanya Gilford

  “Sophie and you have first watch tonight at seven.” Steve reminded me.

  “I remember. Sophie and I at seven, you and Justin at ten, Paul and Robby at midnight, you and me at two, Robby and Justin at four thirty then you and Paul at seven in the morning.” I recalled.

  We headed into the house where we found the girls working hard on making dinner. I walked over, wrapped my arms around Anna’s waist, kissing her neck. When she’s ready, I am going to mark her as mine. She leaned into my kiss, lacing her fingers through my hair. “I’m trying to cook here, mister.” She cooed.

  “It smells good, but you know I can’t resist you.” I mumbled into her neck causing her to wiggle and giggle like I tickled her.

  “I’m planning to have a girl’s night tonight with Sophie.” Anna informed me. “We need to catch up.”

  “After we do our perimeter check tonight at seven, right Sophie?” I reminded Sophie.

  “I forgot about that. Yes, from eight to ten I’m stealing your mate.” Sophie boosted.

  “I’ll have to think about that. I haven’t had any time to spend with her all day and you both have school in the morning.” I pouted.

  “Are you going to cry because I made plans with Anna?” Sophie scoffed at me.

  “You have the whole drive to and from school in the morning to catch-up.” I argued with her. “Can I please have a little bit of time with a conscious mate?”

  Sophie rolled her eyes at me, then looked at Anna. Anna just shrugged in response. “Fine, you can have your damn mate for tonight.” Sophie huffed. I smiled at Sophie and kissed Anna’s neck again before walking away.

  I went into the living room to watch television with the other guys. I never realized how much time I haven’t spent with my friends since I started working for Bo. They were watching a game show, some were yelling at the contestant while the rest of us just shook our heads. Once the show was over, Sophie came in to tell us dinner was ready, while Anna went to notify Carol. As we moved towards the dining room, I noticed Sophie and Robby exchange a look. I bit back a smile at the thought of what they were saying to each other.

  At the table, we all sat down to eat. Robby cleared his throat, and as we all looked up in his direction, Sophie was the one to speak… “Umm. Robby and I have something to tell all of you.” She sounded super nervous. Shit I was going to lose this bet.

  “We just recently realized that we… you see…” Robby was struggling for words as he met Steve’s eyes.

  “We’re mates.” Sophie finished his sentence. “We’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you, but well…”

  “I know she’s your little sister, and you're super protective of her.” Robby tried to speak again. Oh, this is fun watching both of them squirm.

  “Steve, at least he’s a trusted member of this pack. You were always worried I’d find a mate in another pack, but Robby is in our pack and only a couple years older than me.” Sophie looked like she was about to cry and that pulled on my heart. I thought of Sophie as my own little sister, and Robby was a good guy and the fact that he had balls to announce this in front of the whole pack, I have a newfound respect for the young wolf.

  “Damn it! Steve, if they both cracked at the same time, who wins the bet?” I blurted out with a laugh.

  “Yeah… Oh, wait, I lost anyway.” Paul interrupted.

  Everyone looked at Paul and I who were rolling in laughter, then back to Steve. By the time I finished laughing, I saw Steve crack a smile. “I guess they win the bet.” He replied with a chuckle. “But you and I split the $10.” Steve added. He slid a $20 across the table to Sophie. I followed suit with another $20, and Paul gave them the $20, and $5 to Steve and I. “I’m the damn Alpha little sister, I noticed a month ago.” Steve smiled. “Robby, don’t ever try to keep shit like that from me again.” They both stared around the table blinking.

  “I noticed on Friday. Steve’s the one that initiated the bet.” I assured them with a shrug. “I thought for sure Robby was going to tell Steve first, Steve had money on Sophie. In the end, Paul said that Robby would say something next weekend, I said within 3 days.”

  “I can’t believe you three made them feel so nervous about telling you. That’s mean.” Anna protested with a cute pout. “She was so worried Steve would be angry.”

  “She told you?” I turned to look at Anna. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because my friend asked to keep it between us until her and Robby figured things out. You and I kind of did the same thing for a month before my mother found out.” Anna had a good point there. “Anyways, I think they make a wonderful couple.” I shook my head with a smile, then wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She leaned into my touch as I kissed the top of her head.

  How is it that as much as I enjoy fucking her, tonight all I want to do is chat and cuddle with my mate? After dinner was done, Anna did the dishes while Sophie and I went out to do our perimeter check. I hope this change in perimeter check schedule keeps that wolf away indefinitely. We found an old scent belonging to the mystery wolf, but nothing fresh. It was a relief to me. To think that since my shades were closed, we really haven’t found a scent since Saturday morning when we changed the schedule. We finished the perimeter check with the satisfaction that the wolf is nowhere to be found, and headed inside.

  I found Anna in the bedroom climbing into bed. She patted the bed next to her when I entered. She didn’t need to ask me twice, I pulled off my jeans and crawled into bed next to her. “I know I began telling you about the letter my dad wrote me, but I wasn’t sure what to tell you until now. Since you know I’m a fairy, I think it would be easier if you just read the letter yourself.” She explained holding up an envelope.

  I took it from her and carefully pulled the letter out. I unfolded the letter and began to read it. When I was finished, I understood more about her, and her family. She has suffered so much pain from such a young age, and yet she still has room to love others. I carefully folded the letter back up, slipped it into its envelope and handed it back to her. She set it aside, then snuggled in close to me. I lazily wrapped an arm around her shoulders to hold her. “Your dad really had a way with words.”

  “Sometimes. I think he just knew how to explain things to me. He never talked down to me or made me feel like I didn’t know anything, like Bo and my mom tend to.” She sighed leaning her head on my shoulder. “I’m just glad I don’t have to keep it from you any longer. I hope we figure out what my abilities are sooner rather than later. I don’t want to accidentally hurt someone with my powers.”

  “Carol is going to help you with them. She’s going to take some time, but I wouldn’t worry too much about it. You're surrounded by wolves who heal quickly. If you accidentally use your powers on one of us, we’ll survive and understand.” I assured her. “You’re a member of this pack now. We all have got your back babe.”

  “But I’m not a wolf.”

  “You are mated to the packs Beta. You’re a member, let someone try to say otherwise.” I smiled. “Now, any chance I can get a nap in before my next shift for perimeter check?”

  “I want nothing more than to lay in your arms Charlie.” She whispered, giving me a kiss on my cheek. I slid down under the covers, and she followed suit, curling up against me as I wrapped my arm around her. “You know I realized something today.” She began.

  “What’s that? How much do you love me?” I teased.

  “I already knew that I love you.” She said rolling her eyes. I chuckled, because I could tell she was a bit annoyed at my corny joke. “No, I realized I have no clue what any of your wolves look like or your howls. If I have to help you guys in a fight, I wouldn’t know which one is you or Sophie, or Steve, and so on.”

  “You won’t need to fight. We’re strong enough, we can protect you from having to worry or be put in harm’s way.”

  “It still would be good to know in the future.” She huffed. I sighed, pulled her closer to me. I kissed the top of her head, as I began
to rub her back like usual. At some point I was drifting off to sleep.

  Chapter 15


  I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Ugh, five thirty in the morning is too early to need to get ready for school. Thanksgiving break is soon approaching and apparently we're off for a week, and then back to school for a week, only to be off again for two more weeks until the new year. This is weird, but whatever. I plan to look into that program where I can advance track my diploma and be done with school early. I’m tired of this already, but I’ve worked too hard not to get that damn diploma.

  I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom. I took a quick shower to help me wake up a bit more. As I stepped back out of the shower, I was feeling slightly better, but still sluggish. I sighed as I looked at the tops I could wear today. I settled for a black quarter sleeve sweater, and a pair of jeans. I wanted to be warm and comfy today at school.

  As I pulled on my boots, Charlie stirred in the bed. I glanced over my shoulder at him with a smile. “Hey, you.” He croaked out groggily. “Where are you off to looking so good?” He leaned over, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me across the bed to him. He held me on his lap, kissing my lips.

  “I need to go have breakfast before Sophie and I need to head to school.” I reminded him. “Or did you forget that I’m still in High School?”

  “I didn’t forget babe. I’m just in love with you.” He murmured against my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, lacing my hands through his hair, deepening our kiss.

  After a few minutes, I wiggled out of his grip and moved towards the door. He climbed out of bed and began pulling on his pants as I exited the room. If I stayed in there any longer, we were going to end up having sex again, and I needed to get to school. I already missed two days last week. I let out a yawn with a stretch as I walked down the stairs.

  After sleeping for almost four days, you would like I would feel more refreshed then I do. Instead, I still feel groggy and sleepy. In the kitchen, Sophie was already up pouring us some coffee. I happily took a cup, sipping it I let out a sigh. The warm rich liquid slid down my throat, warming me up. By the time I found the bottom of the cup, the caffeine was beginning to kick in. I poured myself a bowl of cereal with milk, and sat down at the kitchen table to eat my breakfast.

  Charlie came into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee. “For someone who was up doing a run between two and three, you’re up early.” Sophie commented looking up at Charlie. He grunted, then sat down. I didn’t realize he had even left the bed last night; did that make me a terrible mate?

  “I find it hard to sleep in an empty bed, now.” He commented, still clearly tired. “I’ll try to take a nap later.”

  “You better, your extra cranky when you’re tired.” Sophie shot. “No one wants to deal with an overtired Beta.”

  “Shut up. You’re so annoying.” He growled at her. “It’s too early to deal with you.”

  Did he find me annoying too? I mean, Sophie and I are the same age, and pretty similar in personality traits. I pursed my lips into a tight thin line as I pondered what he really thinks about having a girl who is five years younger than him as his mate. I shook my head, stood up and brought my empty bowl to the sink to wash. When I was done, I dried my hands on a towel and went into the hall to grab my backpack.

  Charlie followed me out the door. “Are you following me?” I asked him.

  “I like to think of it as walking you out to the car.” He replied with a smile. He pulled the car door open, then grabbed me by the hips before I could get in. He kissed me passionately. “I want us to discuss marking you.” I looked at him confused. “Not now obviously. When you get home, we should at least discuss it.” He said rolling his eyes before kissing me some more.

  “Okay, we’ll talk later.” I responded. I really wanted to ask him what the hell was he talking about? Mark me like a dog marks his territory? I hate when I have a bunch of unanswered questions to think about all day long. I got in the car as Sophie started the engine. Charlie gently closed my door with a smile and a wave.

  Sophie didn’t waste any time putting the car in reverse and backing down the driveway to the turn around. As soon as we hit the road, I felt like we were being followed. I checked the side mirror out my window, but didn’t see any other cars on the road. I sighed, and tried to relax. It’s just my anxiety from missing so much school last week.

  “Hey Soph. How do wolves mark people?”

  Sophie chuckled a little. “Only mates mark each other. It’s a mark that tells everyone that you are taken already.” She kindly explained.

  “Oh. Well, how do mates mark each other?”

  “Shouldn’t you ask Charlie these questions?”

  “Hey, he brought it up and then sent me to school. We have a forty-minute drive to school, so I’m trying to understand instead of stressing about it. I’m good with another possible panic attack caused by anxiety and stress.” I replied. “Please, just tell me.”

  She sighed a little. “We bite each other’s neck during sex. Right here at the base of the neck.” She said pointing to her own neck.

  “Does it hurt?”

  “It’s not supposed to, but I don’t know about anyone who isn’t a wolf.” She shrugged. “If the mark takes place during sex, it becomes more pleasurable. If someone marks another by force or not during sex, then it could be painful and bruise. Wolf saliva stops bleeding, and helps wounds heal faster on anyone who is not a wolf. So, if Charlie did mark you, he would do everything he could to ensure it won’t hurt you.”

  “I see.” I said looking out the window. “What’s it like to know Robby is your mate?”

  “Don’t you know? You and Charlie are mates.”

  “Listen, I’ve thought two different wolves were my mates at this point. I know what I have with Charlie feels different than the first, but I’m still new to all of this, and now I just learned that I’m a….” I stopped myself and shook my head. “That I’m not human, and it’s possible my ex is stalking me for my non-existent, but potential abilities. I’m asking as a friend, not from someone who knows Charlie.” I felt tears prick to my eyes. “I love Charlie, but I want to know what it’s like to find you mate, to be sure that I’m not wrong.”

  “I understand. I’m sorry, I forgot how your ex tricked you.” Sophie said gently. “Well, for Robby and I it happened suddenly and out of the blue. One day I came home and made eye contact with Robby and it was like the whole world melted away. I needed to get closer to him, closer than I have ever been to anyone. When we finally kissed, it was like fireworks in my brain. His every touch leaves a fire under my skin, and being away from him at school feels like I’m missing part of myself. It’s hard to concentrate in school because I feel so empty and my body and wolf know what is missing, Robby. He’s my other half. I look at him, and barely notice anyone else around.”

  “Wow. So, have you two mind-linked yet?”

  “Yes. Robby tried it the day we noticed, to make sure we truly were mates.”

  “Only mates can do it?”

  “Outside of wolf form yes. In wolf form, Steve can communicate with all of us since he’s our Alpha.” She stated. Charlie told me the same thing but I wanted to be sure.

  “Thanks for explaining.”

  “Did it help?”

  “More than you know.” I smiled at her. Everything she described about her feelings for Robby were almost identical to mine towards Charlie. Plus, we can mind link, but am I ready for him to bite me and mark me as his? I know he said we’d discuss it later, but why would he think now is the best time to bring it up? I just learned that I’m a fairy, my whole family are fairies, and my mother practically killed my father. Oh, yeah, and I’m mated to a wolf, who fairies are supposed to hate. This was going to be a long day.


  When the final bell rang, I pushed my way through the halls. I’ve had enough of this place for one day. Th
e only class I enjoyed was history, everything else is boring, since I learned it all last year. I made my way outside toward Sophie’s car where we always meet. As I leaned against the side of Sophie’s car, I noticed a rental car parked a few rows back.

  I held my breath as Sal stepped out with a grin on his face. Shit, I hope Sophie is on her way out. Sal walked over to me with a smug look while I glared at him. “Anne, why the long face. I thought you’d be happy to see me again.” He said as he stepped closer to me.

  “I told you to leave and go home.” I reminded him. “But I hear you’ve gone to my mom’s and you're checking up on my attendance here at school.”

  “I’m worried that those wolves are keeping you hostage, so I went to visit your mom.”

  I snorted at him. “Why keep lying to me Salvador? We both know you have an agenda or some twisted end game. You're jealous that I really am mated to a wolf, and he is NOT you.” I watched as his expression changed a few times from angry to calm, to pissed off back to content.

  “You and I both know, you’re my mate. I’m not leaving this place until your back with me where you belong.” He snarled. Just then Sophie unlocked her car from across the parking lot. Thank god she’s finally here.

  “Hey Anna, sorry I got hung up talking to my chemistry teacher about a homework assignment… Who’s this?” Sophie asked as she approached the car.

  “He’s no one important.” I replied pulling open the door, but before I climbed in, I narrowed my eyes at him. “Fuck off Sal. Leave and stop stalking me. I’m not your mate or your damn prey.” I got in the car, slamming the door shut as Sophie quickly put the car in gear. She was looking at me a bit concerned as she drove.

  “So, that was Sal?” She asked. “He looks a bit scary.”

  “He can be intimidating, but when you grow up with my aunt Carol as a role model, bad boys like him appeal to your wild side. Honestly, I have no other explanation for what I ever saw in him.”

  “Charlie or Steve are not going to like the idea of him being at our school. Where did he come from?”


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