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The Beta's Mate

Page 21

by Tanya Gilford

  “I got powers now, don’t tease me or I may turn them onto you.” I warned as he stood up and slipped out of his pants. He laughed as he moved back over me.

  “Did you just threaten to use your fairy powers on me if I teased you?”

  “I did. You’ve teased me enough already.” I replied with a smile. He gave me another passionate kiss as he pushed into me. “Ahh.” I moaned as I adjusted to him. He began to move his hips as I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him deeper into me.

  His lips kissed my neck and as I held onto his shoulders moving my hips with him. He felt so good in me. “I love you Anna.” He whispered as he continued to slide in and out of me. “Baby you feel so good, I’ve missed you so much.” He kept growling over and over to me as he trailed kisses down my neck and along my collar bone.

  My moans and whimpers began to get louder as I felt my climax mounting. He picked up his pace as he approached his own climax. “Oh, Charlie!” I cried out as I came around him. His own release took over him as he called my name over and over again like it was a song. He moved his hips a few more times in me before collapsing on the bed beside me. “I love you so much Charlie.” I whispered as I curled up against him.

  Chapter 21


  My birthday is exactly 12 days away, and I’ve never dreaded the day this much in the past. I’ve been back at Charlie’s for almost a week now, but I still long to just go home. Steve seems to be avoiding me which is fine by me. I’m not a wolf, I don’t have to report to him. I woke up to an empty bed and groaned. Where has that man gone now?

  I climbed out of bed and padded down the stairs in search of Charlie and some food. I found an empty house for the first time ever, which is very odd. I made my way into the kitchen resisting the urge to call Charlie in case he’s doing some pack business. I found some eggs and bacon to cook. I was just about finished when my Aunt Carol came out of her room. “Good morning Annie.”

  “Good morning. You look like you're ready to head out.” I commented.

  “I am heading out. I’m going to your mothers to discuss some things with her before I fly home after your birthday. I’ve been gone for almost two months now and need to return to work.” She stated.

  “I see, well tell her I said hello.” I muttered sitting down at the table to eat.

  “I’m sure you have more to say to her than just hello.” Carol chuckled. “But that is something you need to come to terms with on your own.”

  “I’ll get right on it with everything else. I’ll be 18 in two weeks and all I want is to go home and be Anastasia Keller again. A normal human girl with a loving father and aunt.” I grumbled. “I love Charlie, but all this supernatural stuff is getting too much for me.”

  “I know this is a lot to take in, but I promise it just becomes a part of your life.” My aunt sighed, taking a seat at the table next to me. “What happened with Sal is not normal, but it does happen to fairies. Many times, a fairy is captured and forced to make a choice, either use their powers for their capture or die refusing.”

  “But why me? Why target a fairy who had no clue what she was? Why target a fairy who hasn’t developed her powers yet or know how to use them?”

  “Your bloodline is a strong line of fairies they know you’d have something strong.”

  “Was it your father who Henry killed?”

  “I think it may have been your mom’s. I never heard of my father dying of old age not at the hands of a wolf. In fact, I don’t remember my father ever crossing paths with a wolf.”

  “She wouldn’t tell me the truth even if I asked. All I know is Henry is still out there looking for me and if I stay here, he’s bound to find me again.”

  “Charlie will protect you if you let him.” Carol assured me as I got up from the table. “I want to help you with your powers before I leave.”

  “I don’t want them.” I muttered and walked back up to my room. I really don’t want my powers. No one seems to understand that I just want to go back in time to when my life was normal. I curled back up in bed looking at my phone. Debbie stopped calling me after I reamed her out, and I missed being able to confide in her. May now that she knows I know she’s an elf, then maybe she can be someone to talk to still about all this.

  I sent her a message. ‘Hey girl. I’m really sorry I yelled at you last week, I’ve been dealing with a lot. I really need my bestie to talk to, I’m struggling with my identity as a damn fairy. Yes, I know you’re an elf and I’m a fairy. I need to talk to someone who knows me most. Please don’t hate me too much.’

  ‘I could never hate you, Anne. I’ll talk to you a bit later. I’m currently driving and it’s snowing here.’ She messaged back immediately. ‘But I’m here for you always.’

  I sighed. Debbie can’t chat, Carol left, Sophie and Charlie are missing. I feel so alone right now. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom to take a bath. I don’t even feel like I know my own body right now. I have wings and an energy humming under my skin begging to be released again. I still don’t understand what energy is, all I know is when I concentrate on it, the energy somehow releases me from the chain.

  I climbed into the tub and sank down into the warm water. I felt my muscles relax a little as the warm bath water lapped at my skin. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back breathing in and out.

  The bathroom door burst open and made me jump as Charlie breezed in. “There you are. Are you okay?” He asked.

  “I’m fine. I was just trying to relax a bit.”

  “Well, get dressed I have a surprise for you downstairs.” He beamed as he held a towel open for me.

  “A surprise?” I cautioned as I flipped the switch to drain the tub. I stepped out of the tub and allowed him to wrap me in the towel and his arms. “I was looking for you when I woke up.” I told him as I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him in for a kiss.

  “You should have called me. I thought I’d be back before you woke up, but I was a bit delayed.” He replied kissing me again. “Now get dressed so we can go downstairs.”

  “What do I need to wear?”

  “Just clothes. Even your pajamas will work.” He chuckled.

  I quickly dried my body off and pulled a pair of pink pajama pants and a white t-shirt on. I let Charlie lead me downstairs and into the living room. “Surprise!” Debbie and Billy called as I entered the room.

  I screeched and ran to my friends. We did a large hug like always. “Oh, my god what are you doing here?” I asked.

  “Charlie and Billy planned this whole thing out.” Debbie smiled. “You are so lucky girl, Charlie sent us the tickets and all we had to do is convince our parents that this is what you needed.”

  “My parents send their condolences and birthday wishes.” Billy input.

  “When did you two have time to talk?” I asked.

  “When you were sick with the heat stroke. Then when you caught me trying to look at your phone, I was trying to get Billy’s number to talk details. Instead you and I had a fight.” Charlie replied. “I didn’t want to ruin the surprise, so I let you think I was trying to just go through your phone.”

  I turned and moved over to him. “You truly are an amazing boyfriend Charlie. I love you.” I whispered as I wrapped my arms around him.

  “You’re a girl worth being amazing for my love.” He smiled at me and kissed my lips. “I love you Anastasia. I would do anything to make you happy.”

  “You found something to brighten my week.” I responded.

  “We’re here until after your birthday.” Billy informed me. “Charlie, where will we be sleeping?”

  “When everyone comes home, I’ll show you around.” Charlie answered.

  “And, you two are flying back to New England with us.” Debbie whispered. “Let’s slip away for a moment and chat.” I nodded.

  “I’m going to step out on the back porch with Debbie. I really need to just chat with her about everything, but Billy is human and I don’t know how he�
��ll take information if he hears it.” I mind linked with Charlie who nodded in understanding.

  “Billy, why don’t I show you to your room for the week.” Charlie suggested.

  As soon as Billy followed Charlie out of the living room, I walked into the hall and pulled on my coat. Debbie did the same then followed me out to the back porch. I sat down on the patio armchair and Debbie sat in the one on the other side of the small round table.

  “I’m so sorry I couldn’t tell you about being an Elf. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through right now. Charlie and I talked and he told me everything. I just want you to know that I am here for you.” Debbie blurted out. “Talk to me, how are you really doing?”

  “Where to begin? My family has lied to me about my true identity my whole life until I sprouted wings. Unwittingly moved into a werewolf pack house, where the damn Alpha keeps acting like I need to follow his orders. Sal, who was a werewolf, kidnapped me and brought me to a deranged older wolf. During my capture I learned that you’re an elf. Saving myself from my imprisonment because I got some random powers. Hearing that Charlie and Paul killed Sal, who was only following orders. Then hearing them continue to talk about me and make decisions for me. I lost my identity and now all I want is to find it again.” I felt my tears begin to spill out of my eyes as I continued to confide in my friend. “I want to go home and erase this entire year. Charlie is amazing, and I am completely in love with him, but I feel like I have lost myself with all of this.”

  “Anne, I’m so sorry you're going through this. Charlie is very worried about you, so worried he called me and told me everything and asked me for help. He truly loves you. His Alpha has told him he can’t leave, but for you Charlie is going to defy his Alpha and go rogue just to make you happy.” Debbie explained.

  “He can’t do that. He’s the beta, this pack needs him.”

  “But you need your mate more, and he needs his. He was in hell trying to find you when Sal took you. You’ll feel more like yourself by your birthday, and on Christmas, you’ll wake up in your mate’s arms in New England. We’ll plan a big New Year celebration and start the new year off right.”

  “Your right, I’ve just been so overwhelmed since my dad died.”

  “I know.” Debbie replied, pulling me into a hug.

  Chapter 22


  As Billy and I returned from the guest room he’ll be staying in for the next week or so, Anna and Debbie were coming in through the kitchen. Anna seemed in better spirits just having her friends here like I hoped. Debbie and Billy insisted that today just be a vegetable day, meaning they were going to sit on the couch and watch T.V. all day. I was okay with that, because they know Anna enough to help make her happy again.

  I stepped out of the house getting ready to go for a run and meet up with the rest of the pack. They we’re looking into more information about this Henry guy. I hope we found something more than what he told Anna, because from what we can gather talking to Carol he was spouting nothing but lies trying to convince her to join his fight. Carol was going over to Pam’s today to ask her to come speak with Anna. I’ve tried to call and ask, but Pam just gave me lame ass excuses not to see her daughter.

  I’ve called Bo, who said Pam doesn’t want to talk to Anna. Apparently, the woman is mentally ill again. Great, maybe that’s what’s happening to Anna. Maybe Anna is suffering from the same mental illness her mother is. Is it depression? Or do fairies suffer from different illnesses than humans? With the help of her friends, I’m determined to help Anna out of this funk. Part of me wonders if Anna’s restlessness and sadness has to do with the fact that Henry is still out there.

  I stepped into the woods, out of sight of the house and removed my clothes. I added them to the pile of clothes the rest of the pack made and shifted. I began moving through the woods towards my pack to see what the report is. The wind blowing the cold air through my fur felt pretty nice, and I could see my breath. I won’t be surprised if it starts snowing soon. We won’t get as much snow as Billy said they got in New England last week, but we’ll get enough.

  When I reached my pack, they were in the middle of talking with a nearby pack. We have sent out a request for all nearby packs to see if we can learn more about this asshole. “I think it’s safer and more effective if we call a council meeting for all packs.” The Alpha from Meadowbrook, Ross, was telling Steve. “If someone is threatening a mate of your beta, we need to get to the bottom of this. What are you keeping out of this information? Is she human or something else?”

  “That is need to know information.” Steve retorted. “She’s a member of my pack and I need to keep her safe. We killed his helper, now we need to find him and take out this threat. I need to know if you're going to hold up your end of the alliance with this pack?”

  “An attack on the Evergreen pack is an attack on the Meadowbrook pack. We will monitor the surrounding territory for any possible intrusion. How much do you know about this threat? Do you have a description?” Ross asked. Steve looked back at me. Shit, I didn’t think to press Anna for a description of him. She’s been too distraught.

  “Anna baby, I know you're busy, but I need to ask you to tell me what Henry looks like. In order to track him down and find him we need to provide other packs with his description. I know it’s unsettling for you, but I can’t keep you safe if we don’t know who we’re looking for.” I asked her through our mind link.

  “Umm. He had salt and pepper colored hair with fierce green eyes that looked like he was deadly. He was tall, about Steve’s height, maybe a little taller. He was thin compared to you, but he was strong.” She replied back through our link. I shifted to my human form to relay the information.

  “That’s something to help. Too bad we don’t have a scent.” Ross muttered. “Charlie you’re a strong and loyal Beta to the Evergreen pack, Meadowbrook has your back. We will keep our eyes peeled for this older wolf who is threatening your mate.”

  I nodded and stepped back. Steve and Ross discussed logistics for a few more minutes. When Steve shifted, I did too and we headed back to the house. Before we entered the backyard. We all shifted back to our human forms and pulled our clothes back on. Then we all entered the backyard as one. Anna was sitting on the back deck with Billy and Debbie chatting and laughing.

  “Oh, my.” Billy commented when he spotted us all. He pretended to fan himself with his hand, even though it was in the 20s out here. I guess Anna wasn’t joking when she said Billy is a bit over dramatic and a bit much to handle sometimes.

  “Glad to see everyone is back from the 10k run.” Anna smiled. “Billy and Debbie, I’d like you both to meet Charlie’s friends. Steve and his little sister, Sophie. Sophie’s boyfriend, Robby. Paul and Justin. As I was saying my aunt Carol will be back soon too.”

  The entire pack nodded hellos and disbursed everywhere. Sophie and Robby stopped in the kitchen, clearly to start cooking dinner for everyone. I took a seat next to Anna, while Paul grabbed a chair across from us, and Steve took Justin down by the woods again to gather firewood so we can do a fire on the new patio tonight.

  “Steve is just dying to use that thing since we finished building it last month.” Paul chuckled. “You don’t have to join him at the fire, but he likes to offer.”

  “I wouldn’t mind joining him.” Billy purred. Oh, my God could he just stop.

  “Babe, is there a way to get Billy to not be so over the top on his first minute meeting the pack?” I asked Anna through our link. She snorted with a wink.

  “Billy, you're going to scare everyone off with talk like that. Cool it.” Anna said.

  “No kidding, it’s like you just went extra girly on us. I’m not even drooling over these men.” Debbie added.

  “Bull. I saw you check all the men out.” Billy snapped back. “But for you Anne, I will contain my enthusiasm.”

  “Thank you.” Anna relaxed in her chair pulling me next to her. “So, Charlie. You brought my best friends here for 1
0 days, what’s your plan?”

  “Well, Billy and Debbie had a plan. Sophie asked if she can join you three.” I replied.

  “Of course, she can join. The more the merrier.” Debbie replied.

  “Anyone want to fill me in on the plans?” Anna asked.

  I shrugged not wanting to give anything away. “Anna, it’s supposed to be a surprise. Just chill out.” Paul said with a chuckle. “They will tell you as things come up.”

  “Thank you.” Debbie smiled.

  “Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I think it’s a bit chilly out here.” Billy commented. We all nodded and headed inside. “This house is huge. No wonder so many of you live here. I can only imagine what the mortgage is.”

  “Steve and Sophie’s left it to them in their will. It’s completely paid for.” I explained. It wasn’t a lie. Steve’s father used to be Alpha and owned this house when he died.

  “The rest of us just found ourselves here when we needed it.” Paul added.

  “So, how did you all meet?” Debbie wondered.

  “Steve, Charlie, and I are best friends. When Steve’s dad passed, he asked us to help him raise Sophie so she could stay. We moved in, and now it’s just like home.” Paul explained.

  “Robbie was like a little brother to me, so when he was tossed out by his folks, Steve agreed to let him move in. Justin is Robbie’s best friend, so he eventually came here as well.” I input. “Then I met Anna, and when Bo told her to leave his house, I took her here.”

  “We’re just like family, and Anna fit in well.” Paul shrugged. “We all help out with various skills.”

  “That’s awesome!” Billy awed. “I always wanted a big family, and you guys are inspiring. Only two are truly related yet you all make it work. Any chance you have an opening?”

  “I don’t think Steve is looking for any extra people to live here, but you could ask.” I smirked. If only Billy had an idea of what we really are, I bet he’d think twice.


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