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The Beta's Mate

Page 23

by Tanya Gilford

  “Billy’s going to want to join.” I pointed out.

  “Can you imagine his overly dramatic response to all these secrets?” She whispered.

  “What secrets? I know I’m extra sometimes, but what secrets?” Billy asked. “There seems to be a lot of secret’s going on here.”

  “Umm. Your right Billy, there are a lot of secrets going on here.” I sighed. “It’s not fair to you. So, I’m going to let you in on one of them.” Everyone stopped talking and were looking at me. “Last month, Sal came and kidnapped me. He really thought I would go back to him and run away with him. Unfortunately for him, Debbie and I took a self-defense class last summer so I was able to kick his ass as escape and get help.”

  “I knew he was no good. Thank God you're safe and sound. Did he hurt you?” Billy gasped. I shook my head as Billy wrapped his arms around me in a hug. “No, wonder everyone is on edge around here. Do you think Sal will come back?”

  “I doubt it. Charlie caught up to him and kicked his ass.” I fibbed. Charlie did more than kicked his ass, but Billy doesn’t need to be burdened with the information that my werewolf killed my ex werewolf.

  “I knew I liked you.” Billy nodded to Charlie. “I’m so relieved to finally be in one this news. I can’t imagine what you were going through.”

  “That’s why Charlie brought you both here. I was home sick, then the situation with Sal happened and I went to a dark place in my head. Seeing both my best friends here to celebrate my 18th birthday with my love and all my new friends, just reminds me how loved I am.” I sighed. “Seriously, thank you all for doing this.”

  “I thought you were going to tell him something else.” Charlie mind linked with me.

  “He heard Debbie and I talking about secrets he doesn’t know. I figured telling him some of the truth will also make me feel less terrible. I really want to tell him I’m a fairy and see how he takes it, but not in front of everyone.” I replied back through our link. Why is it that hearing his voice in my head randomly still makes me jump?

  “Do you think that’s wise?” He asked, meeting my eyes from across the room.

  “I trust Billy. We’ve been best friends since 7th grade. I think he should know, but I also know how dangerous it is to tell anyone that I’m a fairy. He’s a human and may slip up, which is why I’m only thinking about telling him.” I answered his question honestly. He nodded and turned back to his conversation with Justin and Paul.

  I found myself a seat on one of the chairs and let out a sigh. What is going on with me that I’m having some PTSD or something, because I feel like I want to climb the walls. I’m surrounded by my friends and I feel like I’m back in the basement at Henry’s. Will I ever get over this? Everyone went silent when we heard glass shatter upstairs.

  Chapter 25


  We all heard it, and looked at each other. Steve nodded as Justin and Paul went up the stairs, followed by Robbie and myself then Steve. I knew Carol, Anna, and Debbie were close too. As we entered the hallway, my entire pack caught a scent of another wolf in the kitchen. As we slowly approached the kitchen, I noticed that the sliding glass door had been shattered. The spots of blood on the floor told me that it shattered because someone or something went through it.

  “It’s an intruder. An unknown wolf. Stay put please.” I told Anna through our mind link.

  “I bet it’s Henry, and I’m not letting anyone fight my battle with him.” “She snapped back at me.

  “Anna, please don’t argue. I can’t be worried about you getting hurt while we fight. Try to keep Billy downstairs, we’re all going to shift up here.” I pleaded with my mate. I love her but she’s so damn stubborn and hot headed sometimes.

  The entire pack shifted as we searched the house. An ear-splitting howl from the backyard told us the wolf was trying to get our attention. Well, he got it now. As we filed out onto the back deck, we saw him. A huge, muscular older wolf with greying fur and green eyes. We all stared at him waiting to see his next move, but all he did was howl again.

  When Carol, and Debbie joined us, I sighed with relief that Anna listened to me. That relief was short lived when her voice cut across the lawn as she came around the house from the front. “Hey asshole, I was wondering when you’d show. Sal paid for your sins, now it’s time for your sorry ass to go to hell.” She shouted, throwing her energy at him.

  He shifted a bit into his human form like her powers caused him to shift, but once he regained control his wolf lunged at her. I leapt over the banister, landing between Anna and this wolf. The rest of my pack lunged at the wolf, while Carol unfolded her wings and darted at the wolf, kicking him in the snout. That only pissed him off. Behind me I heard the sound of fluttering wings, telling me Anna unfolded her as was flying towards him.

  Debbie tossed lightening charms at the wolf at the same time as Anna threw more energy at him. The force of the combined powers sent him spiraling into a tree. He was back on his feet unfazed. What the fuck? How does nothing faze him?

  Justin, Paul, and Robbie all moved towards him only for him to side step them. I lunged at the wolf, catching him off guard and pinning him to the ground. I snapped at his throat, as his claws dug into my sides trying to throw me off of him. His hind legs pushed me off with a thud. As soon as I was clear, Anna and Debbie hit him again. Debbie was 10 feet away on the ground and Anna was right above him just out of reach.

  Steve attacked next, knocking him down again. When the wolf tried to dig his claws into Steve, Sophie was there to bite his paw. I jumped back in the fight along with Paul and Justin. Robbie moved to Sophie’s side to protect her when the wolf managed to shake himself free of our entire pack. Anna threw more power at him as did Debbie, but he was shaking their electricity off too.

  Carol let out a loud scream as she flew directly at the wolf, stretching her arms out in front of her. The setting sun reflected off the object in her hand, causing me to do a double take. Carol was holding a silver knife out in front of her with both hands as she hurled herself at the wolf. She connected, causing him to stumble. She pulled the knife out and was about to stab him a second time, when his powerful paw knocked her into a tree to our left. Shit, I hope she’ll be all right.

  I don’t have time to check on her since Steve and I are barreling towards this wolf. The silver wound has him ooze blood as the silver poisoning spreads through his veins, weakening him. Or at least it should be. We are giving this man our everything, but still not doing any real damage to him.

  “Everyone Stop!” Anna shouted. “Henry, enough! Don’t hurt them and I will go with you.” I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Henry shifted and moved towards Anna. I growled and crept closer to him. In his human form, I can out strength him. “Charlie no!” Anne called. “This is the only way, I’m sorry.”

  What the fuck?!” I snapped at her through our mind link.

  “Trust me, okay. I know what I need to do.” Anna insisted.

  I looked around and saw Carol standing but leaning against the tree breathing hard. She was watching Anna carefully as Henry moved closer.



  “Well, it's about time you came to your senses, child.” Henry snarled at me. I could feel everyone staring at me as I stood still letting Henry get close enough that I could smell his breath. It smelt vial; I almost threw up. God, has he never heard of a toothbrush or at least a breath mint? “I see you got your powers too, and here I was thinking Sal went soft and let you go. You won’t escape so easily this time.” He seethed.

  “I won’t try to escape. Though I do have one condition.” I explained. “I want a real bed with no chains.”

  “I think we can arrange that, since Sal is no longer using his bed.” Henry replied.

  “Great, then let’s get going.” I smiled.

  “Eager, are you?”

  “Boring, aren’t you? I will go with you as long as you don’t hurt my friends anymore.” I remi
nded him. I heard Charlie whine behind me, but I didn’t look at him. I had a plan and I needed to stay on task.

  “Very well. No one better follow, or I’ll snap your neck like a twig.” Henry warned looking around at the wolf pack who all bared their teeth and growled at him.

  “Fair enough. They won’t follow, they’ll respect my wishes.” I explained, stressing each word to the pack. “Where is your car?”

  “I didn’t bring one.” Henry replied coldly. “You have wings, you can fly.”

  “No, I have a car we can take.” I replied. “It’s out front.”

  “Very well. Lead the way little girl.” He snarled at me again. His voice made my blood boil. I moved towards the front of the house, and pretended to stumble. He growled, as he picked me up off the ground. “Flying around too much made your legs weak?” He scolded. He tossed me over his shoulder as he continued to walk to the cars out front.

  As soon as he picked me up, my plan was in motion. I quickly pulled my aunt’s silver knife out of the top of my pants and drove it into the back of his neck. He let out a growl and tossed me to the ground. He was struggling to reach the knife when Debbie and I tossed our powers at him again, knocking him forward. He was trying to shift, but the knife stuck in his spinal cord keeping him from shifting. “You little bitch.” He snarled as I hit him with another blast of my energy.

  Charlie lunged over me and onto Henry, knocking the old man onto his back, and driving the knife deeper into his neck. Charlie growled, baring his teeth as Henry’s eyes went wide with fear. The realization that he messed with the wrong fairy was sinking in at the same moment as Charlie’s teeth sank into his skin and tore out his throat. Charlie spit the chunk of skin onto the ground then shifted and ran to me.

  I met him halfway, holding him tightly. “Baby, I thought you were really going to leave me. Don’t ever do that again.” Charlie scolded as he kissed the top of my head.

  “I had to make it believable, and if I told you the truth, your reaction would have been different. As my mate you should know I’m never going to leave you.” I tilted my head up and stood on my tippy toes. Charlie smiled and met my lips with his.

  “I love you Anastasia Keller.” He sighed.

  “I love you Charlie Moon.” I whispered.

  Justin and Paul set to work to dispose of Henry’s corpse as Charlie led me back to the backyard where everyone was waiting. The pack had shifted back, and Carol was stretching her wings to ensure they weren’t damaged, which reminded me I need to fold my own wings back up. “What the hell Anne! Why did you lock me in that closet in the basem…” Billy began yelling as he stepped out onto the back deck. “Why is everyone naked, and oh my god are those wings?” Billy gasped looking at me. “And why is Charlie covered in blood? Oh, I need to sit down.” Billy fainted, and I flew over to catch him before he fell down the stairs head first.

  Chapter 26


  The wolves all went inside to get dressed while Debbie and I sat around Billy, who was still unconscious. Debbie gently slapped his face trying to wake him up. When that didn’t work, she went inside and returned with a glass of water, which she promptly dumped over his head. He sat up spitting water and wiping his face. “What the hell?” He snapped as he looked between us. “What happened? Did I have a bad dream? Did I sleepwalk? Why am I outside without a jacket on?”

  I let out a loud sigh. “I wish you were dreaming. How much do you remember before you fainted?” I asked.

  Charlie and all his friends were butt naked out here. Charlie was covered in what looked like blood. And…And you had wings.” Billy recalled. “Have you always had wings?”

  “No, I sprouted then about a month or so ago. Turns out my family are fairies.” I stated. “It was a lot for me when I learned about it. Though it is extremely important that you don’t tell a soul.”

  “Apparently, I’m the only one who didn’t know. Who else am I going to tell?” Billy replied. “Wait, if Debbie knew does that mean you’re a fairy too?”

  Debbie shook her head. “I’m an elf.”

  “Don’t feel bad I didn’t know that about her either, until Sal kidnapped me. Sal was a werewolf and worked for an older werewolf who wanted me to use my powers for evil. I locked you in the closet to keep you safe. That older werewolf attacked again, but we all took care of him.” I explained.

  “So, Charlie and his friend? What are they?” Billy wondered.

  “Steve and Charlie are coming out now to talk to you.” Debbie replied.

  “Can I see your wings?” Billy asked hopefully. I nodded and unfolded my wings. “Oh, those are pretty and awesome. Can you fly?” I nodded and lifted off the deck. “Debbie if you’re an elf, where are your pointy ears?”

  “Common misconception, we do not have pointy ears. We have powers and abilities similar to fairies, but more than just one.” Debbie huffed.

  “Abilities?” Billy questioned as he scrunched up his face.

  Debbie sighed, pushed herself out of her seat, hopped down the stairs and stood in front of a tree. One minute she was there, the next minute she was gone. Then she moved away from the tree. “I can become one with my surroundings, great for hiding.” Debbie smiled. Billy and I were both flabbergasted.

  “Interesting.” I breathed out.

  “That’s part of why elves freak me out.” Steve announced as he and Charlie stepped out onto the back deck. “If I can’t see them, it’s hard to fight.”

  “Get used to it mister. You stuck with me, unless you reject me.” Debbie scolded. She climbed back up the stairs and wrapped her arms around Steve, before kissing him sweetly on the mouth.

  “Wait… What?” Billy was confused.

  “Billy, we’re werewolves. Wolves have this thing called mates. When mates meet their souls combine as one. Anastasia is my mate, and it turns out that Debbie is Steve’s mate.” Charlie explained lightly.

  “But werewolves aren’t real.” Billy replied.

  “Charlie, maybe you should show him.” I suggested. Charlie nodded, gave me a quick kiss and headed down the stairs. “And Billy, no checking out my man or I’ll have to hurt you.” I warned.

  “Why would I… Oh my God, why is he taking his clothes off?” Billy inquired.

  “So, he doesn’t rip another outfit. When we shift, our clothes tear into pieces.” Steve grumbled.

  Next thing we knew, the bones began cracking into place. “Does that hurt him?” Billy gasped. Before we could answer Charlie was in full wolf form. His sandy colored fur always looks so inviting to touch. I moved down the stairs and knelt in front of Charlie, wrapping my arms around his neck and nuzzling my face against his snout. “Anne, that’s a wolf he could hurt you.” Billy called me. Charlie scoffed.

  “It’s Charlie, he’s not going to hurt me.” I mumbled. Charlie shifted back to his human form and quickly pulled his pants back on. He then pulled me in close for a deep kiss.

  “Wow, that’s awesome. So, when do I get special abilities?” Billy asked.

  “It doesn’t work like that. I was born an elf. Anne was born a fairy but didn’t know it. Steve, Charlie and the rest of their pack were born a werewolf.” Debbie explained.

  “Not true. Justin was turned by a wolf. Robbie found him and brought him back here.” Steve replied.

  “So, you’ll turn me?” Billy sounded hopeful.

  “We’ll see about that.” Steve commented. “I need to know I can trust you.”

  “Well, if both my besties are moving here to live with all of you, I’d like to too. Otherwise I’m going to go crazy worrying about them.” Billy protested.

  “Debbie and you both need to finish High School before you can come back here. Of course, holiday vacations we’ll send for you both. If you live here, you will attend college one way or another. Sophie has too as well. Robbie and Justin are currently enrolled. Paul, Charlie and I have degrees in various fields.” Steve explained. “If you prove yourself worthy, I will consider letting you live here wi
th the pack. Turning you into a wolf will need to be discussed with the entire pack at great lengths.”

  “Deal.” Billy clapped excitedly. “My parents would love to know I’m going to college away from home.”

  “I wish I could say the same.” Debbie murmured.

  “At least your parents care. I used my powers on my own mother for trash talking Charlie and the pack.” I recalled. “I went there expecting her to ask if I’m okay or how I’m doing, but instead she looked at me almost bored and said ‘well, I guess that cat’s out of the bag.’”

  “So, we all hate your mom still. Glad that hasn’t changed.” Debbie smiled and Billy laughed. “Are you going back to High School?”

  “Now that Sal and Henry are dead, the threat is gone.” I shrugged. “Sophie and I have been doing online High School and will actually be finished in April.”

  “That’s so cool.” Debbie and Billy said as one.

  “How about we all go inside and hang out down in the game room?” Steve suggested. “We still have to sing ‘Happy Birthday.’”

  Back down in the finished basement, I was more relaxed. I guess having the memory of Henry be replaced with the thought that he is dead, was a relief to my psyche. I enjoyed myself more, even when they all sang ‘Happy birthday’ to me, I felt happy. I realize now that this is my home, and these people all looking at me are my family. A family I chose and love with all my heart.



  Seeing a genuine smile on Anna’s face made me feel happy. She seemed more like herself again, like the first day I met her. I moved through the crowd of our friends playing various games, and took a seat on the couch next to her. She curled up and nuzzled her face on my shoulder. “Thank you, Charlie. This truly is more than I could have hoped for since my dad passed.” She whispered.

  I turned my head to kiss her forehead. “I’m just glad you're no longer in danger and you're happy again. I still promise I’ll bring you home for the holidays” I told her.


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