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The Beta's Mate

Page 29

by Tanya Gilford

  “Yes, really. You said as long as I don’t take six years. I figured we can be engaged for a year, then begin planning the wedding. Maybe set the date for a year or so after?” She shrugged.

  “I like that plan. Give us some time to just be together, before we begin stressing over a wedding.” I replied. “I love you so much Anna.”

  “Thank you for doing this with me tonight. I know it seems silly to ask to just sit under the stars together, but to me it feels intimate.” She commented.

  I kissed the top of her head. “We don’t spend enough time together and we need to make more time. If this is what my woman wants, then it’s what I will do. I am yours Anna, and I cherish every single moment we spend together making memories.”

  Chapter 33


  The summer arrived before we were ready for it. I graduated high school with high honors, and the walls to our house were up. Charlie is back working on the farm, leaving me home with most of the pack. The only good news is that Debbie is flying out today to spend a month with me, ‘to look for a place before school.’ I feel bad lying to her parents, but they are so overprotective of her. I drove to the airport to meet my friend.

  I stood in the waiting room of the airport anxiously waiting for her to arrive. “Anne!” She called as she pushed through the sea of people. When she finally got to me, we embraced in a tight hug. “Oh my God, it has been too long. You look radiant.” She cooed.

  “Speak for yourself.” I scoffed. Her dark brown hair always made me envious with the way it shimmered in the light.

  “So, do I get to see this house you’re building?” She asked.

  “We could stop by, they have the walls up and are working on the plumbing and electrical work this week.” I replied. “Charlie’s working at the farm again today, so he won’t be home until after supper.”

  “How’s that working for the two of you?”

  “What do you mean? He’s working and comes home. There’s worse things he could be doing for a job.” I stated as we got in the car.

  “True, but he works at your mom’s.”

  “He works for her husband. He likes his job, what was I supposed to say?”

  “It’s not awkward for you?”

  “Can we just not talk about my mother or Charlie’s job? How about we talk about the fact that come next spring I’ll be planning my wedding.”

  “When the hell did you get engaged? Even Steve hasn’t mentioned it.”

  “We’ve been engaged for a few months now. Just shows how much the pack really pays attention to me. I’ve tried to get Sophie to go out, and she always has some excuse not to hang out. She doesn’t even do a movie night. I can’t continue to complain to Charlie, so I just sit outside on the back deck or in our room reading. Debbie, I feel so isolated there even with Charlie there.” I confessed.

  “I’m sure you’re just imagining that. You know how your mind can be sometimes girl. You’ll see with me there you’ll feel more like yourself again.” Debbie assured me with a smile.

  As we drove, I pulled into what will be my driveway and stopped by the house. Debbie and I got out of the car and walked in. It was a construction zone, but the walls were standing just right to show the basic layout of the house. I walked through each section explaining what each room will be when it is complete. When we were finished with the tour we got back into the car and drove to the pack house. Debbie got out and walked into the pack house, only to be whisked away by Steve.

  I found myself out on the back deck reading again until Charlie came home. “Hey sexy.” He called from the kitchen door.

  I looked up to see him holding some flowers. “Hey.” I smiled at him.

  “Why are you out here when everyone else is watching a movie?”

  “I wasn’t invited to join.” I admitted. “Last I knew Debbie and Steve were busy in his room. I’m all alone here. I thought having Debbie here would make it better, but clearly she’s changed too.” I began to sob. “I haven’t said anything to you because I don’t want to sound like I’m a whiny child. I’m so alone and I hate it Charlie. I hate who I’m turning into.”

  “Come to work with me tomorrow. You can tend to the horses and enjoy your time with Buttercup.” He offered. “I don’t like what’s happening to you. I’m not sure what it is, but I don’t like it. You're sad all the time again.”

  “Maybe it will be good to go to the farm. I just hope I can handle seeing my mother again without losing my shit.” I muttered.

  “I think we’ll be okay. I hate to suggest it, but she has episodes like what you're dealing with, maybe she has some motherly advice for you.” He suggested. “I can ask Bo what he does to help Pam, so maybe I can help you more.”

  “Do you think these are the same issues as my mother has?”

  “Yes, I do. From what Bo says they have progressively gotten worse over the years for her. I know you're not her, but she did give birth to you and this thing could be hereditary.”

  “Okay, I’ll talk to her tomorrow.” I agreed. “In the meantime, can we just go up to bed? I want you to hold me.”

  “Anything for you Anna, you know that.” Charlie murmured. We went up to our bedroom and curled up together in the bed. “I love you with all my heart. You know that don’t you?”

  “I do know that, and I love you.” I replied nuzzling my cheek on his bare chest. I lay there listening to his heart beat, slowly dozing off.

  Our bedroom door burst open and Steve was in the doorway. “Rogues have entered the territory and are attacking.” He growled then dashed out of the room and down the stairs. Charlie gave me a quick kiss and took off after his alpha.

  I scrambled out of bed and ran out of the room, smacking into Debbie. We looked at each other and took off down the stairs and out the kitchen door. I unfolded my wings, grabbed Debbie, and flew us over to the battle. I dropped her and began throwing my powers around. I focused on only using my wind power, because I haven’t used my other power lately. I blew the rogues into nearby trees while Debbie hit them with everything she has.

  As we fought with the wolves, I noticed that our pack was wounded again. I focused on helping Charlie as Debbie narrowed in on the rogues attacking Steve. We helped our pack fight off the attackers until only our pack stood. They all shifted back and fell to the ground as their wounds healed. I dropped down to the ground and rushed to Charlie’s side. He smiled as he breathed heavily. “There’s my fairy. I knew you wouldn’t stay away.”

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “Everything is beginning to heal. I’ll be on my feet in a few minutes, my love.” He assured me. I kneeled at his side until he was well enough to stand and walk. “I told you, I’ll be good as new. Even more so that I have my mate by my side.” He pulled me to him for a kiss.

  “Don’t scare me like that ever again.” I scolded. “The way you fell to the ground when you shifted. I thought you were hurt.”

  “I was, but I healed. I’m a wolf Anna, we heal pretty quickly, but we’re not invincible.” He reminded me. “We bleed like everyone else.”

  “I love you Charlie.”

  “I love you Anastasia. Now, how about we go home and go back to bed?”

  “Agreed. You need your rest as much as I do.”

  As we entered the house, everyone was talking about the battle and how helpful Debbie was. They seriously act like I’m not even there or that I didn’t help either. I felt my rage boiling in me, and needed to think of something else before I blew up.

  “Come here baby.” Charlie smiled pulling me up the stairs. “You’re my fairy hero. I know why them wolves couldn’t stand back up. She can’t control the wind like you can, and I felt the wind blow the wolves back as we attacked.”

  “Whatever. Let’s just go to bed.” I grumbled.


  The next day, Charlie woke me up to go to work with him. We drove over to the farm and entered the house just as my mom was
setting plates of food on the table. “Good morning.” Bo greeted us as we took a seat.

  “Morning.” Charlie mumbled as he took a sip of his coffee. My mom set a cup of tea in front of me without a word and sat down herself.

  “I’m glad you chose to come help us out here today Anna.” Bo said between bites. “I really need Charlie’s help in the fields today if you don’t mind tending the animals.”

  “I’m here to help Bo. I like working with the animals sometimes.” I replied. I turned my attention to my mom. “I have a few questions about our family medical history if you have time to talk.”

  “What about?” She asked.

  “The overwhelming feeling of despair and sadness. When did it start for you? Did your parents have it?” I asked.

  “My mom struggled with it and eventually took her own life. I started experiencing mild sessions when I was pregnant with you. Mind you I was only 20 years old when I had you, so it could have begun with my age. Annie, are you experiencing this?” She explained.

  “Well, I better not be pregnant considering we’re being careful. But yes, I’m beginning to feel lonely and sad all the time when Charlie is not home. Mind you we live in a house full of people.” I explained.

  “But those people are Charlie’s friends, not truly yours.” My mom commented.

  “Debbie arrived yesterday.” I protested.

  “And yet you’re here today. Is she mated too?” My mom asked out loud. I shot a look from my mom to Bo and back. “I had to tell him after our last encounter.” She sighed.

  “Yes. She’s mated to the Alpha.” I grumbled.

  “And everyone including her seems to forget you exist. Us fairies are quieter, and we try to keep to ourselves. Unless you're vocal and demand attention like your aunt Carol, they will forget your there. It’s unfortunate, but it’s true.” My mom stated. “Just because you're mated to a pack member, does not make you part of their pack. I tried to explain that to you last time. As for your emotions, stress like this can cause you to feel like you are. My suggestion for your own mental health, you get out as much as possible and enjoy the little things.”

  “So, Charlie and I building our house is a good thing?” I offered. “We’ll be living together and not around the pack so I won’t constantly feel left out or forgotten by anyone?”

  “Yes, but it could also be why the pack is shunning you. You're taking away their Beta and their resentfulness. Being a Beta carries weight itself.” My mom pointed out.

  “I know for a fact that Charlie has been looking for his own place since last summer. Before he was with Annie. Part of him working here was to save up to build a house of his own.” Bo interrupted. “Unless that was just a line.”

  “It was the truth. I’ve talked to Steve many times over the past four years about wanting to build my own house. We bought land close to the pack house and have been monitoring the progress of the building over the past month.” Charlie injected. “Looks like I’m going to have to call a pack meeting to put a stop to this.”

  “No, just let it be Charlie.” I replied.

  “Anna, I’m not going to let them shun you. You are my mate, and you will be my wife, they should not be treating you like this.” Charlie stressed. “I told you last night. I hate seeing you like this, it’s scaring me to come home every night and see you withdrawn and holding back tears.”

  “It’ll get better. I’ll take my mom’s advice. I’ll go buy myself a new car and then find things to do to occupy my time. Maybe I’ll go furniture shopping or something.” I smiled at him. “It’ll get me out of the house, and not feel so isolated.”

  “Maybe we could meet for lunch on that day.” My mom offered. “I know I haven’t been the best mother to you, and you have proved that to me multiple times over the past year. I’d like to make it up to you somehow.”

  “I’ll think about it.” I replied as I finished my breakfast. I stood up and took my plate and Charlie’s empty plate to the sink to wash them. When I sat back down and noticed Bo was watching me. “What?”

  “When did you two get engaged?” Bo asked bluntly. “I thought it was odd that Charlie stated you're going to be his wife, but now I see that ring on your hand and understand.” I instinctively touched my ring.

  “A few months ago.” I answered looking at Charlie, who just gave me a loving smile.

  “May I see it?” Bo asked, holding out his hand. I held my hand above his so he could see the ring without me taking it off. I’m terrified that I’m going to lose it if I take it off. “Very nice. Why the sapphire with diamonds?”

  “Her wings are blue, and she can throw blue lightning from her fingers.” Charlie shrugged. “When I saw it, I just felt like I needed to buy it for her.”

  “Interesting.” Bo murmured. “I’m still getting used to the idea that my stepdaughter is a fairy who can throw lightning from her hands.”

  “I’m getting used to being a fairy with wings and magical abilities, so join the club.” I laughed. “Charlie is more at ease with this development of my identity then I am. Maybe because I wasn’t raised knowing about the supernatural world. I was raised human; I was human up until last October when everything began to change.”

  “I can only imagine the shock and identity crisis you’ve been going through over these past months. Your mother and I have spoken at length about the situation, and I must admit, I find myself siding with you on this one dear.” Bo continued. “Your parents should have told you more about your heritage and who you truly are, long before now.”

  “It is what it is.” I mumbled as I stood back up from the table followed by Charlie. We stepped outside and headed towards the horse stables. “Are you following me?” I asked seductively as I possibly could.

  “I am. I want to make sure you're okay. You haven’t been telling me everything that has been going on at the pack house and it upsets me. You and I have always been open with each other no matter what.” He explained.

  “I’m just tired of sounding like a whiny and needy child. I’ve always been confident and independent. But lately I don’t feel like it. It scares me to think that I’m changing from the girl you fell in love with.” I confessed.

  “You still are the same woman I fell in love with. We belong together Anna, and I promise you that I am going to do my best to make things better for you.” He gave me a gentle kiss before heading out to the fields with Bo. I turned my headphones on and began mucking out the horse stalls.

  By the end of the day, I felt almost normal again. I think I understand why Charlie agreed to come back to work. It’s a distraction from everything that is happening at the pack house. We had dinner with my mom and Bo then headed home ourselves. I asked Charlie if we could stop at our house to see how much they have left to do. “We can stop, but after tomorrow they will be ready for the painters inside and the cement to the pool is going to be poured tomorrow. Can I suggest you go to the paint store tomorrow and select the colors for the rooms, and the floors and tiles?” Charlie replied.

  I smiled and reached into my purse. “I already have color swatches. I’d like us both to decide on the color.” I announced pulling out the panels of colors.

  “I love how organized you are.” He chuckled. “The outside of the house looks good. Any idea what color you’re thinking?”

  “I was thinking a light grey like this one.” I said pointing out the color swatch. “With dark green shutters and doors.” I added pulling out another color swatch. “See how they catch your eye?”

  “I like it.” He smiled.

  “I’ll get sample pots to ensure we really like the blend before we tell the painters.” I replied. We opened the front door, and I paused looking at it. “Is it too late to change the front door? I think a door with an oval of tempered glass would look nice.” I quickly pulled out my phone and searched an image of what I was thinking and showed it to Charlie. “I think it looks more inviting than a plain wooden door.”

  Charlie studied the pictu
re then looked up at the front door we just opened. “I kind of agree with you. It’ll make the front entrance nicer. I’ll let Hank know in the morning.” Charlie finally replied. I remember that Hank is the name of the construction foreman.

  We got straight to the kitchen first. “I was thinking like a blue-ish grey in here.” I commented plucking out the paint swatch. “White cabinets, and light grey granite tops. We have to go to the tile store this weekend to choose our backsplash and floor tiles. Maybe even go to the cabinet store to find and order what we are looking for.”

  “We can do that. Now you're seeing it come together and are getting excited.” He pointed out. “You said you wanted an island here, so we should look into those. Then as you can see, we have the dinning room to the left and the living room to the right. Which makes the kitchen the center of the house?”

  “Just like I wanted.” I smiled. “For the dining room I was thinking of a dark grey to compliment the light fixture I would like to get in here. And do like a pastel blue in the living room to compliment the natural light coming in from the sliding door. Maybe just a large sectional for seating in there. A light grey or off-white sectional.”

  “Okay, what about the hallway?”

  “Just eggshell white to compliment the light maple wooden stairs. For the down stairs half bath maybe a mint green? Or we can figure out the shower and floor tiles before choosing a color. Plus, we need a vanity to go in here.” I commented.

  “I think this is a good start, since Hank said they were finished on the first floor. Upstairs still needs to have sheetrock hung.” Charlie reminded me as he grabbed my waist.

  “Tomorrow I will go to the paint store to get samples, and the tile store to get splotches there so we can see it here tomorrow or Saturday. Then we can go order everything and look for cabinets and vanities”

  “You’ll have to bring me to work in the morning, but you can use my truck tomorrow. On Saturday we’ll also make some time to go car shopping for you. Your over due to have a car of your own here.”


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