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Prairie Devil: Cowboys of the Flint Hills

Page 1

by Tessa Layne



  (Book 6)


  Shady Layne Media

  Copyright © 2018 by Tessa Layne

  Kindle Edition

  Cover Art by Razzle Dazzle Design

  Published by Shady Layne Media

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, stored, or transmitted in any form or in any manner without written permission except in the case of brief quotations included in critical articles and reviews. For information, please contact the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of copious amounts of wine, long walks, and the author’s overactive imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Welcome to Prairie!

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33


  About A Hero’s Home

  Meet the Heroes of Resolution Ranch

  The Cowboys of the Flint Hills Series



  Where the cowboys are sexy as sin, the women are smart and sassy, and everyone gets their Happily Ever After!

  Prairie is a fictional small town in the heart of the Flint Hills, Kansas – the original Wild West. Here, you’ll meet the Sinclaire family, descended from French fur-trappers and residents of the area since the 1850s. You’ll also meet the Hansens and the Graces, who’ve been ranching in the Flint Hills since right before the Civil War.

  Sharing a property line with the Graces are the heroes of Resolution Ranch, the men and women who’ve put their bodies on the line serving our country at home and abroad.

  Prairie embodies the best of western small town life. It’s a community where family, kindness, and respect are treasured. Where people pull together in times of trial, and yes… where the Cowboy Code of Honor is alive and well.

  Every novel is a stand-alone book where the characters get their HEA, but you’ll get to know a cast of secondary characters along the way.

  Get on the waiting list for Prairie Fever and the rest of the Cowboys of the Flint Hills

  Additional books in the series:

  PRAIRIE HEAT – Blake Sinclaire & Maddie Hansen (on sale now!)

  PRAIRIE PASSION – Brodie Sinclaire & Jamey O’Neill (on sale now!)

  PRAIRIE DESIRE – Ben Sinclaire & Hope Hansen (on sale now!)

  PRAIRIE STORM – Axel Hansen & Haley Cooper (on sale now!)

  PRAIRIE FIRE – Parker Hansen & Cassidy Grace (on sale now!)

  PRAIRIE DEVIL – Colton Kincaid & Lydia Grace (on sale now!)

  PRAIRIE FEVER – Gunnar Hansen & Suzannah Winslow (coming in 2018)

  PRAIRIE BLISS – Jarrod O’Neill & Lexi Grace

  PRAIRIE REDEMPTION – Cody Hansen & Carolina Grace

  PRAIRIE FEVER (Book 7 in the Cowboys of the Flint Hills Series)

  Playing doctor has never been so sexy.

  Confirmed bachelor Gunnar Hansen, has successfully resisted the matchmaking efforts of Dottie Grace and her posse of granny wannabe’s. There’s no room in his life for love, or for starting a family of his own. Not when his hands are full running Hansen Stables and heading up the board of Prairie’s new medical clinic. But everything turns upside down when the socialite who ditched him at the altar years ago turns out to be Prairie’s new doctor.

  Four years ago, fresh out of medical school, Suzannah Winslow took a gamble on a sweet-talking cowboy who left her high and dry… and pregnant. With her residency behind her, and an offer to become Prairie’s first and only physician, she can finally provide her daughter with stability she’s longed for. She has no interest in taking a second chance on a silver-tongued cowboy full of empty promises. Even if his smile still melts her panties.

  But Gunnar has other ideas, and when he mounts a full-scale campaign to win back the woman he lost, will little Lula Beth become his unlikely ally or the wedge that drives them apart for good?

  Do you like a dose of military with your cowboys?

  Meet the Heroes of Resolution Ranch

  Inspired by the real work of Heroes & Horses… Chances are, someone you know, someone you love has served in the military. And chances are, they’ve struggled with re-entry into civilian life. The folks of Prairie are no different. With the biggest Army base in the country, Fort Riley, located in the heart of the Flint Hills, the war has come home to Prairie.

  Join me as we finally discover Travis Kincaid’s story and learn how he copes in the aftermath of a mission gone wrong. Meet Sterling, who never expected to return to Prairie after he left for West Point. Fall in love with Cash as he learns to trust himself again. Laugh with Jason and Braden as they meet and fall in love with the sassy ladies of Prairie. Same Flint Hills setting, same cast of friendly, funny, and heartwarming characters, same twists and surprises that will keep you up all night turning the pages.

  A HERO’S HONOR – Travis Kincaid & Elaine Ryder (On Sale Now)

  A HERO’S HEART – Sterling Walker & Emma Sinclaire (On Sale Now)

  A HERO’S HAVEN – Cash Aiken & Kaycee Starr (On Sale Now)

  A HERO’S HOME – Jason Case & Millie Prescott (Coming June 2018)

  A HERO’S HOPE – Braden McCall & Luci Cruz (Coming 2018)

  Help a Hero – Read a Cowboy

  KISS ME COWBOY – A Box Set for Veterans

  Six Western Romance authors have joined up to support their favorite charity – Heroes & Horses – and offer you this sexy box set with Six Full Length Cowboy Novels, filled with steamy kisses and HEA’s. Grab your copy and help an American Hero today!

  **All proceeds go to Heroes & Horses**

  Visit for more titles & release info

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  Nervous energy thrummed through Colton Kincaid’s hands as he turned his pickup onto the long driveway leading up to his family’s farmhouse on the outskirts of Prairie, Kansas. Ten years. Ten years since his big brother Travis had turned him out on his ass without so much as an “I’m sorry.” Ten years since his next-door neighbor and the closest thing he’d had to a mother, Dottie Grace, had driven him to the Greyhound station in Manhattan, bought him a one-way ticket to a ranch in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, and given him a hundred bucks with the admonishment to spend it wisely.

  The contents of his stomach churned, threatening to empty all over the inside of the cab. He should have known better than to mix truck stop coffee, beef jerky, and nacho cheese chips,
but hell if he hadn’t been nervous making the ten-hour drive over from Steamboat. Colton Kincaid, rodeo star. Scrapper and hell-raiser. Nervous?

  It shamed him to admit it, the power his brother still held after ten years of not speaking, of not calling even once to check up on him. So who was the fool? In about three minute’s time, he’d finally have the answer. Colton’s breath hitched just beneath his sternum as the truck crested the rise, a flood of memories hitting him as the old farmhouse came into sight. Someone had repainted the barn. The farmhouse looked ten years older, the paint faded and cracked. Some things never changed. The yard was packed with trucks and SUVs, maybe thirty in all. So he hadn’t missed the wedding. At least he didn’t think so. Travis’s messages had said three, and it was three-oh-five. Not that he’d been to many weddings, but they never started on time, did they?

  Colton slid the truck in at the end of a long line and cut the ignition. A northerly breeze carrying the scent of withered prairie grass and fried turkey hit his nose as he hopped down. North wind in the Flint Hills always brought cooler weather, but for now, it looked like the perfect afternoon for a wedding. He jammed on his Stetson and wove through the vehicles, heart thundering more erratically with every step closer to the front porch. A vivid memory arose, of Travis standing backlit by the solitary porch light, arms folded, expression cold and unfeeling. Colton’s mouth went dry and a shiver ran up the back of his arms. It had been an early frost that night ten years ago, and Travis had turned him out with only a frayed jean jacket for warmth. The words they’d exchanged had been just as cold, but Colton had been too far gone to notice either until Lydia Grace had shaken him awake from where he’d let sleep obliviate him on her front porch. Ten years, and he could recall the burning look in her eyes like it had been yesterday. Would she be here? Surely her parents Dottie and Teddy would be.

  He paused, boot on the top step. Maybe now wasn’t the time. Maybe he should turn tail and slink back to Colorado. To the life he’d built without Prairie, without family. Ten years was a long time for apologies to stack up. Travis’s last voice message jangled in his head. “I know it’s a long shot. But I promise you’re welcome here. No judgment.”

  No judgment. But could Travis account for the thirty or forty-some pairs of eyes on the other side of the door? Travis might not judge him, but what about the rest of the town? Colton’s stomach churned perilously. Shaking his head, he reached into an inside pocket for a shot of liquid courage. He might not booze it up the way he had, once-upon-a-time, but if ever there was a time…

  He twisted the cap off the flask and took a long draw of the rye whiskey he’d brought with him, wiped his mouth, and squared his shoulders. He could be a pussy about this or he could man up and face his past. If it all went to shit, he could turn around and drive straight back to Steamboat. But if it didn’t? Wasn’t it worth taking a shot? Travis was the only family he had left. Steeling himself, he rapped hard on the door.

  On the other side, a chair scraped, a muffled voice spoke low, but Colton could barely hear it over the pounding of his blood. After what felt like eons, the door creaked open and dozens of pairs of eyes turned on him, some with surprise, some narrowed. He searched for Travis and found him, gripping the elbow of a pretty young thing with big blue eyes in a simple white dress. This must be Elaine. And the boy next to her must be her son Travis had mentioned, Dax. Colton gulped and removed his hat, all the speeches he’d prepared vanishing into the ether. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

  The startled silence unnerved him. Colton’s chest burned. He never should have come. But fuck it, he was here now, and he wouldn’t back down, not until this played out until the bitter end. He flashed a grin to the faces in the room, and his eyes collided with a blue-green pair in the back of the room. He’d know those eyes anywhere. But it had been so long, he couldn’t tell. And instead of long hair wrapped in a ponytail, it was sleek and short, swinging against her jawline. Lydia? Or her twin, Lexi? Back in the day, it had been easy to tell them apart. Lexi’d always been wrapped up saving animals, the environment, or some other crusade of the week, and hadn’t ever paid him much attention. Lydia had been the more buttoned-up of the pair, and had tried to save him. Sweet, good Lydia. He owed her an apology too. Judging from the way his pulse quickened, it had to be Lydia. But the look in her eye didn’t say buttoned-up. Not by a long shot.

  Travis stepped forward, eyes guarded. “Colton.”

  “Travis.” The tension wound around them, pulsing between them like a living, angry dragon. Someone coughed. A chair squeaked. The buzzing in his ears grew louder, drowning out the sound of his breathing.

  And then – Travis stepped forward and pulled him into a bear hug, pounding him on the back. “You’re just in time.” He spoke hoarsely, like a sweetgum burr had lodged itself in his throat. “Just in time.”

  A rush of hot emotions surged through Colton, taking his voice. Relief, primary amongst them. He returned the hug, awkwardly giving his brother a pat. They were the same size now, both men. Each hardened through the pressures of life. Colton cleared his throat. “I’ll just stand in the back.”

  “Wait.” Travis laid a hand on his arm. “Stand with me?”

  Had he lost his mind? Ten years gone, and the first thing he asked was this? Shit. Travis really did mean to bury that hatchet. Colton nodded once, keeping his face neutral. No need to let everything hang out in front of the assembled group. There’d be plenty of time down the line to hash things out. The room let out a collective sigh as he took his place next to his brother. Throughout the brief ceremony, Colton kept his eyes trained on a spot between Travis’s shoulder blades, hearing but not registering any of the words until the little boy next to him shouted. “Now I have a dad and an uncle.”

  Laughter and applause erupted around him. This was too much. Travis turned back to him, his arm around his bride, and flashed him a happy smile. Colton’s throat grew prickly. He’d never seen Travis like this. Happy. It threw him off-balance. This was anything but the reunion he’d imagined. Chaos reigned as attendees spilled out onto the porch, and others began shifting chairs in preparation for the Thanksgiving feast to follow.

  A hand tapped his shoulder. “Colton Kincaid, I never thought I’d see the likes of you again,” Dottie Grace gushed, eyes sparkling with pride.

  The years had been good to her. She still oozed vitality. Her hair was streaked with gray. There were more wrinkles around her eyes and stress lines around her mouth. But still the same old force of nature. “Look at you. All grown up and devilishly handsome.” She shook her head, smiling. “I know it means so much to Travis that you’re here.” She wrapped her arms around him in a vice-like grip.

  Colton’s voice grew thick as he tried to explain himself. “I always meant to contact you.” But he’d been too ashamed. And by the time he’d earned a little success, too many years had passed.

  “Hush, now. We’re glad you’re home.”

  Home? Maybe to them. Not to him. But no use in contradicting Dottie, especially on Thanksgiving at a wedding celebration. He scanned the room again, looking for the sassy pair of blue-green eyes. “Did I see Lydia?”

  “You did. Home for the holidays.” Dottie’s tone of voice shut down further conversation. As if to say, I’m glad you’re home, but stay away from my daughter.

  Huh. He guessed some things would never change. Him not being good enough for the likes of the amazing Grace sisters, at least one of them. Flashing Dottie the smile that always earned him a slice of pie from the diner counter, he spoke sincerely. “It’s good to see you, Dottie. And… thank you for everything you did for me… back then. I didn’t deserve half of it.”

  Compassion filled the woman’s eyes and she cupped his cheek. “You didn’t deserve half of what was heaped on you either. I’d have done it for anyone. I’m glad you’ve made something of yourself. Made us all proud. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a feast to help set out.”

  Someone handed Colton a beer, and he ling
ered by the mantel, feeling more like a stranger than a man in his childhood home. His phone vibrated in his pocket. Who in the hell would be contacting him on Thanksgiving? Of course… he didn’t even have to check his phone to know who it would be. The only question was which Carter would be interrupting him? When the phone buzzed again, he risked a look. A picture of him with some lady he vaguely remembered flashed across the screen along with a text from thorn-in-his-side, Samantha Jo Carter.

  Really? Taking up with *married* women now? wtf?!?

  Colton bit back a curse. Leave it to Sammy Jo to assume the worst just because some drunken wife had to hashtag the shit out of a photo and slap it up all over Instagram. How many times had he reminded his sponsors they wanted him to accept photo-ops from the ladies? Until it came back to bite them in the ass. Colton struggled to remember that night, but came up short. He studied the face in the picture again. Wife of a competing sponsor? Maybe from Frontier Days? How in the hell was he supposed to keep track of every lady who bought him a drink or asked to dance? He couldn’t fucking win. And he wasn’t dignifying any text from Sammy Jo with a response. Plenty of time to deal with her and her dad and uncle at the NFR’s. He’d be at their beck and call for most of that run anyway. No need to let them ruin his first trip back to Prairie.

  But all thoughts of issues with his sponsors vanished as soon as he laid eyes on Lydia in line by the makeshift bar. She wore some kind of a clingy sweater dress that skimmed her knees and left everything to the imagination. Lydia Grace had always been cute. But cute wasn’t standing in front of him. Oh no, she’d matured into a luscious, curve-laden woman from the slender column of her neck, to her shapely hips, all the way down to her pretty ankles obscured by girly boots. As if feeling his gaze on her, she turned, and for the second time, their gazes collided with the force of a bull hitting a barrel-man.


  Colton was staring at her again. She could feel his eyes boring into her backside. Seeing straight through her dress to the red lace thong she’d chosen on a whim. If she couldn’t embrace her wild-side at a wedding, she should just give up. Find a nice accountant and settle down. No more flamboyant, temperamental designers who stole her ideas. Or opera singers. Or cowboys. No more projects. No one who needed fixing and the love of a solid, steady woman. Problem was, every time she went on a date with a nice young financial advisor, or someone who hailed from the Upper East Side, it was boring. B-O-R-I-N-G.


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