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Page 13

by Russell Fine

  “Do we know how they got there? I feel certain the crew from Dorest did not put them there.”

  “Not yet sir. We do know that the person who arranged their contract, Melban Walst, offered to overhaul their ships prior to the start of their mission. I suspect the devices were placed on the ships during this overhaul.”

  “Do we know where this Melban Walst is now?”

  “The crew said he lives on Torblit, but they do not know where he comes from. They have done work for him before, so they trusted him.”

  “The assistant to the Torblit trade representative is on the ship. Please let him know what we discovered. Do you think we should charge the men from Dorest with a crime?”

  “No sir, I do not. I think they were simply doing the job they were hired to do.”

  “You said you had seen these devices before. Do you know where they are made?”

  “Yes, they are made on Crosus. I think you suspected that.”

  “Oh yes, I was sure Crosus was involved. But now we need to know if it was a government sanctioned operation. I think that may be difficult to find out. Perhaps Melban Walst will be able to tell us.”

  “If he is still on Torblit. If he finds out the mission failed, he will probably leave Torblit in a hurry.”

  “I do not believe there is any way for him to find out. I think it will come as a complete surprise. Did you ask the crewmen from Dorest why their shuttles were so heavily armed?”

  “Yes commander, they said the armament was added during the overhaul. They were told there was a possibility they would have to defend themselves. But they were not told who the enemy was.”

  “I wonder if the weapons even worked. Did they test them, lieutenant?”

  “I do not know, sir. But I will ask.”

  “Good. Please keep me informed. I think you can let the prisoners out of the brig.”

  “Yes, sir. They do not appear to be dangerous.”

  Lieutenant Plart left Commander Streb’s cabin. Now that he was alone again, Commander Streb began to think there was a possibility of war. Crosus would not accept being rejected from the trade group lightly. If they found out their plans had been thwarted by people from Earth, Earth could be in danger. Earth was the most vulnerable planet in the trade group and it would be up to Coplent to protect them. He made the decision that after their return to Coplent, he would take his ship to Earth. He had heard Earth was a very nice place to visit and the food was exceptional.

  Twenty-nine days later, the warship arrived at the space station above Coplent. Commander Streb contacted the Trade Council representative and made him aware of the situation. He also said he was taking his ship to Earth in order to offer them protection from a possible attack by Crosus. The Trade Council representative agreed with his plan. He also said he wanted to speak personally with the crew from Dorest. Commander Streb said they would be at his office before the end of the day.

  Now that his plan had been approved by the Trade Council, he made an announcement to his crew. “As you all know, we have arrived back at Coplent. However, I believe there is a substantial possibility we will be at war with Crosus shortly. I know Coplent can defend itself if that happens, but the newest member of the trade group, Earth, cannot. Therefore, our stay here will be brief. We will be leaving for Earth in five days. I expect all of you back aboard one day before we depart.”

  After the announcement, he called Lieutenant Plart and told him to bring the men from Dorest to the Trade Council office as soon as possible, and then make arrangements for the crew from Dorest and their shuttles to be taken to whatever planet they wanted.

  Moments later, Commander Streb’s com unit beeped.

  “Commander, this is Garlut. Brealak and I were going to leave for Earth on a trade mission in two or three days. We will probably be there a few days before you arrive. Do you want me to make them aware of the situation with Crosus or would you prefer to do that yourself?”

  “Am I correct in assuming you already know the leaders on Earth?”

  “Yes, I have met them all.”

  “Then I think you should let them know we are coming and why. That way, they will not be concerned when they see my warship. Do you think this could make them withdraw from the trade group?”

  “I suppose that is possible, but the fact we are sending a ship to defend their planet should make them feel better about the situation.”

  “I will contact you as soon as we are within communication range.”

  “When you get there, I will buy you dinner. I guarantee it will be the best meal you have ever eaten.”

  “I am looking forward to it. Have a safe trip.”

  “Thank you. I will see you in thirty days.”

  Procolt 2

  May 2122

  Jeffery was sitting at the table in the kitchen of the shelter with Debbie. They had been on Procolt 2 for more than two months. He said, “The Star Rover should be here soon. I’ve been waiting for months to get a cup of coffee.”

  Debbie grinned. “Is that the only reason why you’re anxious for the Star Rover to get here?”

  “You know it isn’t. I’d like to get back to Earth too. We’ve been away for more than two years and I miss it.”

  “I do too, but I really like it here on Procolt 2. I think we should move here.”

  “I’ll only do that if we can bring a few years’ worth of coffee with us. Are you ready to retire already?”

  “No, but I think it would be a nice place to do that.”

  “You do realize we don’t yet know the effects of long-term exposure to the radiation here? I was also wondering what happens to us when we leave here. Do you remember the story of Shangri-La?”

  “I remember it. If you went there you stopped aging, but the years came back as soon as you left. Do you think that could happen here? It didn’t seem to have any negative effect on Cathy or Sheila.”

  “I know, but they weren’t here for very long. Anyway, it’s something to think about.”

  “What I was thinking was opening some kind of resort here, serving Earth food and telling everyone about the beneficial effects of the radiation.”

  “Don’t you think it’s a little premature to tell people about the benefits? I agree it seems to be good for squirrels and humans, but we have no idea how it will affect other species, let alone us in the long-term.”

  “I know. It was just wishful thinking.”

  “Well, if you’re up for it . . . it’s time for our daily test. The spear awaits.”


  They walked to the area where they tested their spear throwing ability. In the two months that elapsed since they came to Procolt 2, both were able to double their distance.

  Jeffery picked up the spear, cocked his arm, and threw it at least ten feet farther than he had yesterday. He threw the spear two more times, but the distance did not change substantially.

  Now it was Debbie’s turn. She got into position and threw the spear. It went about twelve feet past her best effort the day before. Her other two throws were the same.

  “Obviously the effect of the radiation is increasing. I think we should both have complete physicals when the Star Rover gets here,” Debbie said.

  “I agree. I also think we should test Cathy and Sheila on their spear-throwing ability.”

  Neither had mentioned to Cathy or Sheila that they were testing their strength by throwing a spear every day, so at dinner they brought up the subject.

  Jeffery started. “I thought you two should know that Debbie and I have been testing our strength improvement by throwing a spear. We do it every day. On the first day, I was able to throw it about thirty feet. Yesterday, I was able to throw it about sixty feet. Today, I was able to throw it at least ten feet farther. So, the effect is obviously increasing. Debbie’s results were similar. Tomorrow I’d like to test the two of you.”

  “Yes, I think that would be interesting. Did you notice any obvious changes in your physical appearance since yo
u got here?”

  “No, my muscles appear the same. So do Debbie’s. Have you seen any changes in yourselves?”

  “Not really. I think I may have lost a little weight, but that’s all,” Cathy said.

  “I haven’t noticed anything either. I’d think since we’re getting stronger, our muscle mass would increase.”

  “I want Frank to check us out thoroughly when he gets here. That should be in a day or two.”

  The following morning after the rain, all of them, and several of the squirrels, walked over to the spear-throwing area. Jeffery and Debbie went first. Their results were about the same as the day before. Cathy threw the spear at least twenty-five feet farther than Jeffery.

  Chuckling, Jeffery said, “Debbie, I think you and I should be nice to Cathy, and probably Sheila too, since they can probably beat the crap out of us.”

  “Colorfully said, but very likely true,” Debbie responded.

  Sheila threw the spear a few feet farther than Cathy and said with a grin, “I guess I’m the spear-throwing champion.”

  The squirrels watched the contest. After it was over, S1 asked, “Since Sheila is now the strongest, is she the boss?”

  “No,” Jeffery responded, “it doesn’t work that way. I’m in charge because of my experience and education. Strength has nothing to do with our rank on the ship.”

  S1 appeared to be thinking about what Jeffery said. “Okay, I think we still have a lot to learn about human society.”

  Next morning, the shuttle from the Star Rover landed close to the shelter. Most of the squirrels, and all of the humans, watched it land. A few moments later, Mike and Frank got off the shuttle and walked over to where everyone was standing.

  Jeffery said, “Hi guys. Did you have a nice trip from Coplent?”

  “It was completely uneventful, I’m happy to report,” Mike replied. “How are you guys doing?”

  “Other than a desperate need for coffee, we’re all fine.”

  “Before we left, some people from Coplent came aboard and replaced the bed in your cabin. I hope you don’t mind, but I had to try it. It’s fantastic. Frank tried it too, but not at the same time.”

  “I hope not,” Jeffery said with a laugh. “No, I don’t mind at all. Let’s go inside before it starts to rain and I’ll fill you in on what’s happened here.”

  Frank was looking at the squirrels and said, “Hi, how are you guys today?”

  S1 responded, “We’re doing very well, Dr. Weber. Thank you for asking. My name is S1.”

  Frank could not believe how much the squirrel’s ability to speak had improved. He said, “Your English is excellent. Have you been working with Cathy and Sheila?”

  “Yes, we have. Not only has our ability to speak improved, but we can also read simple books. We like to learn new things.”

  “That’s incredible. What would you like to learn?”

  “I think we need to learn more about human civilization. Sometimes humans do things we don’t understand.”

  “Don’t feel bad about that. Some humans do things I don’t understand either.”

  Once they got inside, the humans sat down at the table in the kitchen. Jeffery filled them in on everything that had happened. After he had brought them up to date, he told Frank about the effects from exposure to the radiation.

  Frank said he would give them all examinations tomorrow aboard the Star Rover.

  By the time they were finished getting updated, it was around lunchtime and Mike suggested they have lunch on the ship. The habitat dwellers quickly agreed. Then S1 asked, “May I go with you? I would like to see the Star Rover.”

  Jeffery replied, “I think that would be okay. We could probably take four or five of you. You can join us for lunch. We have lots of fresh vegetables on the ship.”

  S1 said, “I remember the day we met. You offered us carrots. Do you have any of those on the ship?”

  “I think it’s amazing you remember that. Mike, do we have any carrots aboard?”

  “Yes sir, we have lots of carrots.”

  “Good, we really like carrots. They don’t grow here. Perhaps somebody from your ship could show us how to grow carrots. Then we could have them all the time,” S1 said.

  “We have a gardener named Carol aboard. I’ll ask her to help you set up a garden where you can grow carrots.”

  “Thank you. That would be wonderful.”

  S1 picked four other squirrels to go with him to the Star Rover. The six humans and the five squirrels boarded the shuttle for the trip to the Star Rover.

  Everyone was aboard the shuttle when Jeffery realized there was a problem. Once the shuttle was in space, there would be no gravity except the gravity occasionally caused by using the thrusters to align the shuttle with the bay on the Star Rover. It wasn’t a problem for the humans because they were in seats with seatbelts. But the seats were obviously not designed for big squirrels.

  Jeffery said, “S1, I’m not sure you’ll understand what I’m about to tell you. When the shuttle leaves the planet, we’ll be in an area where there’s no gravity. There will be no up or down and you’ll be weightless. The seats on the shuttle are designed for humans. We have to find a way to prevent you from getting hurt during the flight. Does anybody have any ideas?”

  Frank said, “We could attach them to the seats with some non-adhesive stretch tape I have in the medical supply kit. It would be a little uncomfortable, but it would only be for a short time.”

  “Would that be okay with you?” Jeffery asked.

  “I’m not sure. Attach me to the seat and I’ll let you know,” S1 replied.

  Frank pointed to one of the seats and said, “Hop up here.”

  S1 jumped onto the seat and sat with his back against the seatback. Frank got a roll of the tape and wrapped it around S1 three times. Then Frank asked, “Can you get off the seat?”

  S1 squirmed and tried, unsuccessfully, to get off the seat.

  Frank asked, “Would you be okay like that for twenty minutes?”

  “I don’t know. How long is twenty minutes?”

  Frank thought for a moment and asked, “Can you can count to sixty?”

  “Yes, I can count to sixty.”

  “After the engine starts, count slowly to sixty like this.” Frank looked at the second hand on his watch and counted slowly to ten. “If you count to sixty at the same speed I counted, it will take one minute.”

  “I have to count to sixty twenty times and that will be twenty minutes.”

  “Right, very good. So, do you think you can stay like that for twenty minutes?”

  “Yes, I can and the others will be able to also.”

  Frank spent the next few minutes attaching the squirrels to the seats. When they were all attached, everyone sat down and buckled themselves in. The ship took off and the squirrels were transfixed by the view out the windows. When the shuttle reached the correct altitude, Mike aimed the shuttle at the Star Rover fifty units away and shut off the engine. As soon as the engine stopped, gravity disappeared.

  “That feels very strange. I don’t like it,” S1 said.

  Jeffery said, “It will only be for three or four minutes.”

  “But I still don’t like it.”

  “I understand. I didn’t like it either the first time, but now I’m used to it and it doesn’t bother me.”

  When the shuttle had drifted to within a unit of the Star Rover, Mike used the thrusters to orient it correctly. As soon as the thrusters were turned on, S1 said, “That feels much better.”

  Mike decided to use the thrusters all the way back to the ship. In less than two minutes, they were safely inside the shuttle bay. As soon as Jeffery got off the shuttle, he walked over to a com unit mounted on the wall and said, “Hobbes.” A moment later Carol answered and Jeffery said, “Hi Carol. This is Jeffery. We’re back aboard and have some guests with us. Please come to the shuttle bay. I want you to show them around the ship and then take them to hydroponics and show them how we grow carro
ts. When we go back down, you’ll accompany us to help set up a garden.”

  “Yes, Admiral. I didn’t think there were any people on Procolt 2. If I may ask, who are they?”

  “You’ll see when you get here.”

  “I’ll be there in two minutes, sir.”

  S1 said, “This ship is much bigger than Brealak’s ship.”

  “Yes, this ship can hold over one hundred people, but there are only fifty aboard,” Jeffery said.

  “Eight of our guests decided to remain on Coplent. Twelve more decided to go back to Earth on a Coplent trading ship. We only have thirty aboard,” Mike said.

  A few moments later, Carol walked into the shuttle bay. She looked around, then she spotted the squirrels and said, “Sir, are these the guests you want me to teach how to create a garden?”

  Jeffery smiled and said, “S1, I’d like you to meet Carol Hobbes. She’s our hydroponics, e-r-r-r, gardener,” Jeffery said catching himself.

  S1 said, “It’s very nice to meet you, Carol. We like carrots and Jeffery said you could teach us how to grow them.”

  Carol’s jaw dropped in awe as S1 spoke to her. “I-I would be h-happy to do that for you,” she stammered then turned to Jeffery. “I didn’t expect them to speak perfect English.”

  “They not only speak perfect English, but they can do simple calculations, and read.”

  Carol just stared at the squirrels for a few moments longer before gathering herself and saying, “Please follow me.” She left the shuttle bay with all five squirrels following.

  Debbie laughed and said, “I think you should have warned her, but that was funny.”

  “Perhaps we should take them to Earth?”

  Frank shook his head. “I don’t think that would be a good idea. The people on Earth are already somewhat distressed by the presence of aliens. Talking, sentient squirrels might be too much for some of them to comprehend.”


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