Book Read Free


Page 20

by Russell Fine

  “Yes, that’s a common practice on Earth,” Diane responded.

  “We do not do that on Torblit, or on any of the other planets I am familiar with. Anyway, we are not here to discuss social customs, we are here to discuss a trade agreement. We would like to purchase a minimum of one million power modules per year for at least the next ten years. Admiral Whitestone, are you in a position to negotiate a unit price based on that quantity?”

  Jeffery closed his eyes and thought for a few moments. “Yes, if Torblit will agree to a ten-year commitment to purchase one million power modules annually, the unit price for a standard power module would be .0007 hirodim.”

  “How reliable are they?”

  “They’re very reliable. There are no moving parts, so nothing can wear out. We’ve been using them in our vehicles for over one hundred years and I’m not aware of any failures unless the units were physically damaged.”

  “Do you use them on your starship?”

  “Yes, the Star Rover has more than two hundred standard power modules installed to provide electrical power to all areas of the ship. There are also twenty-four high power units that are used in the propulsion system.”

  “Does your price include delivery?”

  “No, at the present time the Earth has only one starship. We’re building more, but it will be at least two years before the first ship is ready. If Torblit isn’t able to pick them up, we can make arrangements with Coplent to deliver them to you. You would have to negotiate the delivery charges with the Coplent trade representative.”

  “I am certain that will not be necessary. Torblit has more than five hundred cargo ships. How soon would they be available?”

  “If you’re in a hurry to get them, I would suggest you draw up the specifications for the product you want and have them taken to Earth on one of your ships. It will take the Star Rover ninety days to return to Earth. I’m sure one of your ships could make the trip faster. Unless the specifications are very complex, they would probably begin manufacturing them in less than twenty days after receiving and reviewing the specifications. Once the manufacturing process begins, they can produce at least five thousand units per day. So, if your ship stayed at Earth for another thirty days it would be able to return with one hundred fifty thousand units.”

  “Those terms are acceptable. I will have a contract ready for you to sign tomorrow.”

  “I would also suggest you prepare the specifications for the power modules you need to purchase and allow my chief engineer to review them. He’s very familiar with power module designs and would be able to detect any potential problems.”

  “Can he read our language?”

  Before Jeffery could answer, Diane said, “Not currently, but I can. I’ll go over the specifications with him.”

  Malden said, “I believe we now have a plan for Torblit to obtain power modules. Thank you, Admiral Whitestone, for making this transaction very easy.”

  “You’re welcome. Earth has other products to sell besides power modules. Commander Blort has already expressed some interest in purchasing chocolate. In fact, there are three people from Torblit on the Star Rover now who are learning to prepare foods with chocolate. Are there any other Earth products Torblit is interested in?”

  “No, nothing that I am aware of. My primary concern is the purchase of power modules. The vehicles we use for transportation use alcohol for fuel. Alcohol is easy to produce, but as our transportation needs grow, the amount of farmland required to grow the plants we use to make alcohol is cutting into our ability to grow food crops. As a result, food prices are rising rapidly. Since there is no way to reduce transportation requirements, the best solution is to find a new source of energy, and the power modules will be that source.”

  “I understand. As I mentioned, we’ve been using them for more than one hundred years, which includes powering our transportation needs. If you’re interested, I’m sure we can provide technical assistance to help you with the necessary design modifications, please let me know.”

  “That might be very helpful. We have no experience using electric motors for vehicles, and some assistance would probably reduce the amount of time needed to start production. Do you think it would be possible for some of your engineers to return on the ship we will be sending to Earth to pick up the power modules?”

  “Yes, I’m certain that can be arranged. I’ll give you a letter to give to the Trade Council representative regarding your request.”

  “Thank you. I suspect that this topic will come up again at your meeting tomorrow. If it is possible, you should bring one of your engineers to the meeting in case there are any technical questions. Commander Blort will have the contract with him when he meets you tomorrow. It has been a pleasure meeting you, Admiral.”

  “Thank you for meeting with us. We’ll be here for a few more days before we return to Earth. If I can assist you in any way, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

  Everyone stood up. Jeffery and Malden smiled at each other. Commander Blort also thanked Malden for his time. The five guests left the conference room and walked back to the elevator. As they approached, the elevator door opened. They stepped inside and Commander Blort gave the elevator a verbal command that Jeffery didn’t understand. The door closed and the elevator took them quickly to the roof lobby. Once again, there was no sense of motion during the brief ride.

  They went back to the shuttle. When they were seated, Commander Blort said, “I thought the meeting went very well. Do you agree, Admiral Whitestone?”

  “Yes, I do. Malden’s request was very reasonable and I gave him an excellent price. I think the meeting was beneficial for everyone.”

  A few moments later the shuttle door closed and they began the journey back to the space station. When they arrived, Commander Blort said, “Thank you, Admiral. Please meet me at the same time tomorrow morning.”

  “You’re welcome. Tomorrow I’ll have my chief engineer with me.”

  The following morning, Dean took Jeffery, Debbie, Diane, and Toby to the station. Commander Blort was waiting for them again.

  When Jeffery saw him, he said, “Good morning Commander. I’d like you to meet Lieutenant Toby Grayson. He’s the chief engineer on the Star Rover.”

  Smiling, Commander Blort said, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Lieutenant Grayson.” Then he turned toward Jeffery and said, “Your chef is an excellent teacher. This morning I had a delicious chocolate cake for breakfast. Actually, the cook called it a coffee cake. I do not really know what that is, but it was excellent.”

  “I’m glad you liked it. Are you going to order some chocolate?”

  “Yes, but I am not sure how much to order. I think I might order a few hundred boxes and then resell it here. I am sure it will be very profitable.”

  “The sample box I gave you was baking chocolate. It’s designed for cooking. You can also buy ready-to eat-bars of chocolate. I’ll have some brought over to the station when my shuttle comes to pick me up later.”

  “Thank you, Admiral. I am looking forward to that.” Commander Blort handed Jeffery a large envelope. “This contains the contract for the power modules and the specifications we discussed.”

  Jeffery took the envelope and said, “Thank you.” He opened his com unit, contacted Mike, and asked him to have a box of chocolate candy bars on the shuttle when it returns to the station.

  The meeting lasted most of the day. A lot of it was technical and Jeffery was glad he brought Toby with him. They also went on a tour of the manufacturing facility. Vehicle manufacturing on Torblit was not even remotely similar to Earth. There was only one company that manufactured vehicles for Torblit. The vehicles had not changed in twenty years. The people usually drove a vehicle until it was no longer cost effective to repair it and then they bought a new one that was almost identical to the vehicle they had before. There were only four types of vehicles available, and the factory they were visiting made all of them.

  One of the vehicles was very smal
l and had three wheels. The engine was mounted in the back and supplied power to the two rear wheels. The single wheel in front was only for steering. There were seats for two people and a small area behind the front seats for packages. This was their bestselling vehicle.

  They also made a larger vehicle that could seat four people, with a large trunk in the back. In that vehicle the engine was mounted in the front and supplied power to the front wheels.

  The other two vehicles were commercial trucks that were designed for carrying cargo. All of the vehicles were going to be redesigned to use electric motors.

  To keep costs down, they decided to use the same power module design for all of the vehicles. Toby and Diane spent an hour looking at the specifications and Toby said the design would not present any manufacturing problems.

  When the meeting ended, everyone who attended was satisfied with the results. Commander Blort contacted Malden to tell him the results of the meeting and that he should send a ship to Earth as soon as possible. Malden said the ship would leave as soon as he had the signed contract from Jeffery and the letter concerning the requested engineering assistance.

  When the four members of the Star Rover crew were aboard the station, Jeffery called the Star Rover and told them to send the shuttle to retrieve them. He also reminded them there should be a box of candy bars on the shuttle.

  After the shuttle landed in the shuttle bay, Mike walked out with the box of candy bars, handed the box to Commander Blort, and walked back to the shuttle.

  Jeffery told Commander Blort he would have the signed contract and the letter the following morning. Jeffery, Debbie, and Toby spent the evening going over the contract and writing the letter requesting engineering assistance.

  The following morning, Jeffery went to the station with Debbie. Commander Blort was not there but was expected within the hour, so Jeffery left the materials with the station master and returned to the Star Rover.

  Commander Blort contacted Jeffery two hours later to let him know he had the contract and the letter. He was going to deliver them to Malden later in the day and the ship for Earth would leave in the morning. Jeffery said that since his business on Torblit had concluded, he would like to leave for Earth as soon as possible. Commander Blort didn’t see any reason for Jeffery to delay his departure. Jeffery thanked Commander Blort for his assistance.

  The next morning as the Star Rover was preparing to leave Torblit, Mike noticed something he didn’t expect. He was setting up the plot through space at the navigation station of the bridge when he noticed they would be within a half light year from the Procolt System. Mike debated about mentioning it to Jeffery, but only for a moment.

  “Admiral, I thought you should know, during our return to Earth we’ll be very close to the Procolt System.”

  “How close?”

  “About a half light year, sir. It would probably add sixty hours to the trip, plus the time we spend there.”

  “Captain, what do you think about stopping at Procolt 2 on the way home?”

  “I think it’s a good idea, sir. By now Brealak and Marcet have been there for a while. I’d like to know if they have any new information regarding the radiation. It would also be nice to see how the squirrels are doing.”

  “I agree. Mike, set a course for Procolt 2.”

  “Yes sir,” Mike said with a big smile on his face.

  “Why are you smiling, Mike?” Jeffery asked.

  “Because I like Procolt 2, and I really want to get off the ship for a while in a place where I can breathe fresh air and walk in a big field with grass and trees.”

  “Okay, that’s reasonable. When we get there, we’ll stay for ten days and everyone will have at least two days on the surface for some much-needed Rand R.”

  “Thank you, sir. I’m sure all the crew members will appreciate some time off.”

  “How long will it take to get there?”

  “Thirty-four days.”

  “Anne, notify the station we’re leaving. Mike, as soon as we receive clearance let’s get going.”

  A few minutes later, they were on their way to Procolt 2. During the trip they continued the cross-training. Jeffery decided that Frank and his nurse, Linda, should give every crew member advanced triage training and, for those who needed a refresher course, he taught them how to use the automatic defibrillators that were scattered around the ship. Jeffery hoped it would never be needed, but he thought it was a good idea to be prepared.

  Procolt 2

  March 2123

  They arrived at Procolt2 on schedule and Anne contacted Cathy to let her know they were making a surprise visit. Cathy was very happy the ship had returned so soon because a lot had happened since they left.

  Jeffery, Debbie, and Frank went down on the shuttle as soon as the Star Rover was in a stable orbit.

  When they exited the shuttle, they found Cathy, Sheila, Brealak, and S1 waiting for them.

  “I’m very happy to see you guys! In fact, I’m sure we’re all happy you’re here,” Cathy said.

  “Glad to be back,” Jeffery responded.

  “Let’s sit in the dining room and I’ll tell you what’s happened since you left.”

  They all walked to the dining room. Everyone sat down on a chair, even S1, who started the conversation.

  “As you know, Cathy gave us several textbooks. We read through them with some help from Marcet. When we finished those books, we found the maintenance manuals for the Star Rover. The manuals not only discussed how to diagnose problems and maintain the propulsion system, but gave a lot of information on the design of the system. We spent several days studying the design. We’re positive we can make improvements that would enable the Star Rover to travel at a velocity of ten thousand times light speed.”

  Jeffery wanted to ask, ‘But you’re only a squirrel, how could you possibly know how to do that?’ However, he said nothing for several seconds and then he said, “It took our best engineers over twenty years to design the system and make it operational. Now, after studying it for only a few days, you can increase the ship’s velocity more than fifty times!”

  “It’s only theoretical at this point, but we’re certain the theory is sound. Actually, it will increase the Star Rover’s speed almost seventy-five times. However, it’s not really the propulsion system that will be modified. It’s the wormhole generator that will be changed. If it’s possible, we would like to discuss this with one of the design engineers from Earth.”

  “Can you write a description of the wormhole generator modifications so we can show it to the engineers at NASA when we get back to Earth?”

  “Of course. We’ll have that for you tomorrow. There’s something else you should know regarding these changes to the wormhole generator. If they work the way we think they will, it would also be possible to create an interstellar communications system that would allow messages to travel at the same speed.”

  Jeffery was speechless for a moment, he just stared at S1 as his mind raced. He knew the squirrels were intelligent, but hadn’t expected them to be knowledgeable about starship propulsion and interstellar communication systems. Finally, he said haltingly, “I have no idea how you became so knowledgeable so fast. However, if your theories are correct, you’ll be responsible for improvements in space travel and communications we never thought were possible. Every planet in the trade group will be in your debt.”

  “I’m not sure how we became so knowledgeable either. It seems the more we learned the more we wanted to learn. When Brealak and Marcet arrived, we set up a class for adults who wanted to continue their education. Seven of us, including me, decided to let Brealak and Marcet teach us mathematics and physics. In about twenty days, we’d completed the basic math and physics lessons, so we began learning more advanced mathematics and physics. One of the students, S12, decided to read ahead of the rest of the class. We’d already learned trigonometry and geometry, so she learned calculus and differential equations. Once she felt she understood the mathematics
involved, she began studying the advanced physics textbooks. When she finished the physics books, we decided that S12 would be our instructor since her knowledge was superior to any of the humanoids on Procolt 2.”

  Jeffery was still trying to comprehend everything that S1 said. He almost stuttered when he replied, “Your ability to learn is truly amazing. In ninety days, you’ve learned more than I did in my last two years of college. If it’s okay with you, I’d like you to speak with Toby. He’s our chief engineer. Perhaps you could explain to him how the new propulsion system would work.”

  “We would be happy to speak with Toby. Please have him come to our class tomorrow morning.”

  “Thank you. He’ll be there.”

  S1 walked back into the shelter. The others just stood staring at each other. Then Brealak said, “I watched them go through the textbooks in a way we never did in school. They read every word, discussed every idea, and every one of them seemed to absorb the material. I am inclined to believe what he says about increases in speed and communications capability. I watched S12 teach the classes, and although my education was excellent, I was not able to grasp the concepts they were talking about as quickly as they did. What really impressed me was when they asked questions about the material, S12 was able to answer the questions and explain the concepts even though her only information regarding the material was from reading the same book.”

  “Toby is probably the best person on the Star Rover to discuss these concepts with them.

  He has doctorates in physics and electrical engineering. It’ll be interesting to get his response to S1’s proposals.”

  Frank decided to stay on the planet, but Jeffery and Debbie went back to the Star Rover. They returned in time for dinner. While they were eating, Toby walked into the dining room. Jeffery called him over. After he took a seat with them, Jeffery said, “Toby, I have a task for you to do tomorrow. Please come to my cabin tonight at around 8:00, so we can discuss it.”


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