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King of The Hood 2

Page 4

by Kendra Sumter

  Eyeing him, then Tyrone, whose as quiet as a church mouse.

  “We’ll talk later. Okay?” I answered.

  “Okay, one of our heart to hearts? I’m game. I won’t forget neither,” he conceded.

  “I gotcha” I agreed.

  “Whoa, that’s a huge truck!” He exclaimed, causing me to turn back to the loop.

  “Yeah, it is,” I mumbled, as Banks got out the driver’s side.

  “Aiight, Neesha, Big Man, Bitch boy,” he spat, glaring at Tyrone.

  “Banks,” I hissed.

  He cut his eyes to me, then sighed dramatically. As if I’m asking him to do something that is so hard before,

  “Aiight, my bad. Neesha, Big Man, pussified muthafucka, get gone. That’s better?” He stated, smartly.

  Rolling my eyes, I didn’t speak on that. He opened the back door, helped Seaqual in, then he opened the front, helping me in.

  “Thank you,” I accepted.

  “No problem,” he stated, closing the door.

  He walked round the front, then climbed in, pulling off since he left the truck running.

  “Seat belt, Seaqual, Banks,” I reminded.

  “I don’t do seat belts,” he stated, cutting his eyes at me.

  “You will while driving me and Seaqual around,” I fussed, eyeing him.

  “Damn, yo ass something serious, my damn skin burning,” he whined, fastening his seat belt.

  “Whatever. I need to hit the pharmacy, then Smokey’s for Seaqual’s food, thank you,” I requested.

  “I already ordered the bar-b-que,” he let me know.

  “Thank you,” was all I said, before looking out the window.

  All this feels normal, yet strange, at the same time. The silence stretched between us. I don’t know why, but I’m feeling a little bit intimidated by him. I don’t know how to take him. I think that’s what’s messing with me the most.

  “You wanna go through the drive-thru, or inside?” He questioned.

  “Um, inside, I need to pick up a few things,” I answered.

  “Bet. That gives us men time to bond,” he boasted, while parking.

  “Whatever, Seaqual, you need something?” I questioned.

  “No, ma’am, I’m good,” he answered, sweetly.

  Banks popped the locks, surprising me as he jumped out to open my door.

  “You must be trying to gain some major points. Thank you,” I teased, sliding down out my set.

  “Points? I don’t do points. That’s fa’ games and shit. I don’t play them bitches. I can be a gentleman to the right female,” he let me know.

  “Un huh,” I hummed out, trying to step around him.

  He reached out, grabbing me around my waist. Looking down at his hand as it rests just above my hip. He flexed his fingers as I waited for him to say something. But nothing came out. Slowly, he turned me loose, almost like he didn’t want to. His actions are further confusing me. Walking through the sliding glass door of Walgreen’s, I grabbed a buggy. Going down the aisle, I grabbed some cookies, juice, sodas, toilet tissue, paper towels, which are all on sale. Plus, I got coupons, and my Walgreen’s discount card. Moving back to the pharmacy window. I informed her of Seaqual’s name and date of birth when it became my turn.

  She gathered his prescriptions, along with a new breathing machine.

  “Um, excuse me, but I didn’t order that,” I let her know.

  I’d already figured I could come back by the end of the week to get it. She looked up at me then to the computer.

  “It’s paid for, along with the medication Medicaid didn’t pay for,” she stated, while reading the screen.

  “Are you sure? I mean, by whom?” I questioned.

  Preshus has done this before. She brought his other machine, along with a year supply of medicine. It can’t be her though, because she doesn’t know about him needing a new machine.

  “Ma’am, a Mr. DeaMonti Townsland paid for it,” she responded.

  Flabbergasted is what I am.

  “Thank you,” I mumbled, while loading everything thing in the buggy.

  She rung up my other items, she gave me the total. I handed her my coupons, along with my Walgreen’s card.

  “Five dollars and seventy-five cents,” she called out.

  Smiling brightly while handing her the exact amount, I’ve gotten damn good at couponing.

  “Have a wonderful rest of your day,” she spoke.

  “You too, and thank you,” I answered.

  Now, I gotta figure out how to say what I need to say once I get to Banks. I don’t want to come off as ungrateful, but I don’t want him to think what he did is okay. Well, I don’t need him thinking I can’t afford stuff, or that I owe him for what he has done.

  Walking through the double doors, he saw me, and quickly jumped out the truck as I approached.

  “I got cha,” he started, grabbing the buggy.

  “Wait, Banks,” I rushed out.

  He paused, looking down at me.

  “Um, thank you. You really didn’t have to do it. I know, well, figure, you did it being nice. But since I don’t really know you, I don’t know how to take your gestures of good will. I appreciate it, I just don’t want you looking at me as some needy female who can’t handle her business. I don’t do good being boxed in, and you’ve already done that once,” I tried to explain.

  “I hear you, Neesha. This ain’t no strings attached type of shit. You know I love the kids. You ain’t bad yo damn self. I fucked up judging yo cover without reading yo pages, that’s on me. I ain’t no dumb, close-minded nigga, you bout yo business. I can’t knock that, I won’t, aiight?” He let me know, staring in my eyes.

  His sincerity is shinning through his eyes. Nodding my acceptance, we moved to his truck. He clicked a button, opening the hatch. He loaded everything after helping me in the truck.

  “Neesha, how you think Mama gonna handle us moving?” Seaqual asked.

  The way it sounds, he’s been thinking about it.

  “Honestly, Seaqual, I don’t care how she acts. You being left alone with either her or Ocean, ain’t fu, safe. She’ll understand, and if she don’t, that’s on her. Don’t worry, I got you,” I answered, facing him.

  “I believe you. Will I still go to Southeast? I’mma be a top dawg next year. I gots to be in the place,” he asked.

  “Of course. The apartment isn’t far out the way from the school. I’ve timed it and everything, once before. It works out perfectly,” I let him know, truthfully.

  “You the best, Neesha,” he praised, causing me to giggle.

  “Aiight, y’all good?” Banks questioned, climbing into the truck.

  “Yep,” we responded in unison.

  He chuckled, while starting the truck. Without a word, he reached up pulling his seatbelt on. Without my permission, a smile broke out across my face.

  “Shut up,” he grumbled, causing me to holler.

  “She got chu’, Banks,” Seaqual added, laughing.

  They started joking back and forth, as I enjoyed their interaction. Banks does have a way with kids. Honestly, all three of them do. Looking at them, no one would believe it, but it’s the truth.

  “Aiight, I’ll be back,” he announced, pulling up in front of ‘Smokey’s Barbeque Shack.’

  Their food is the bomb, fa’real. He hesitated like he was waiting for me to say something. I’m deciding not to speak. He nodded his appreciation, then climbed out.

  Buzz, Buzz, Buzz.

  “Damn, I forgot I had my phone on me,” I mumbled, pulling it out.

  ~Ocean~ Where are you? I’m hungry. Ain’t no food here. You just forgot all about me.

  Smacking my teeth. I can’t believe her selfish ass.

  ~me~ You got a lot of fucking nerve. We are headed home. If yo ass was smart you wouldn’t even be there.

  I typed out hitting send.

  ~Ocean~ What the fuck ever. Fuck you and that punk ass lil’ nigga.

  Shaking my leg after reading
that shit. I wish I was close to her ass right now. I’ll beat the dog shit outta her stupid ass. I’m not responding to that shit.

  Buzz, Buzz, Buzz.

  Clucking my teeth as I looked at the message.

  ~P~ Are y’all okay?

  ~me~ Yes, we are picking up food now then heading home.

  I typed then hit send.

  ~P~ Good to know. I’ll see yah later.

  ~me~ okay

  Hitting send, I looked up just in time to see Banks walk out the restaurant with a box of food.

  “The hell did he order? Who’s ‘posed to eat all of that?” I questioned, hitting the button to unlock the door.

  “Neesha, you know I’m a growing boy. Plus, you need to eat a little more than you do,” Seaqual added.

  “I eat enough. You know I got to watch my weight,” I reminded.

  “Why?” Banks questioned, causing me to blink.

  He finished loading the food in the back and was climbing in the front.

  “Why what?” I screeched.

  “Why you watching yo weight? From what I can see, yo ass is nice real, fucking nice,” he clarified, giving me a once over.

  He makes me feel naked.

  “Banks,” Seaqual hissed, causing Banks to chuckle.

  “My bad, Big Man. Yo sister is stacked, fa’ real. Wha’chu want me to do?”

  “Respect her,” was all he said.

  Banks fell quiet, as Seaqual’s words lingered.

  “I have to watch what I eat. I normally work out, but lately, I haven’t been able to. I’ll always be…. Thick. Due to genetics. I mean, you’ve seen Preshus-”

  “Who?” He interrupted.

  Smacking my teeth.

  “Stallion,” I gritted out.

  He nodded in understanding.

  “Um, Banks, word of advice. Learn Preshus’ name. You cool and everything, I would hate to have to play the drums at cho’ funeral,” Seaqual advised.

  “Good looking out. Finish, Neesha,” he accepted.

  “Oh, well, you seen Preshus. Her mother is thick like her. Her mother and my mother are sisters. I don’t mind my size, I love myself. I just also know that if I don’t watch what I eat, I’ll become out of shape. I have too much to do to be out of shape,” I finished.

  “Much respect,” was all he said.

  Facing the windshield, we’re pulling up in LSC. It seemed like the entire projects is out.

  “Lordt, I know we dun been the center of conversation. Now, Banks dropping us off. Yep, I’m glad we moving. These hood buggers gonna come fa’ you, Neesha, and you gonna answer,” Seaqual blurted out.

  I agreed with him, I just didn’t speak it out loud.

  “Don’t worry bout that shit. They know better,” Banks stated.

  “Shidd, I ain’t,” I added, with a shrug.

  He chuckled slightly, eyeing me. Pulling in front of our apartment, my mouth dropped as I noticed the black Bentley sitting in my parking spot.

  “Are you serious?” I questioned.

  “As fuck,” was all he said, throwing the truck in gear, while shutting it off.

  Without another word, we climbed out. He told me to go on in the house, he’d get everything. As we were doing just that, someone asked did he need help. He hissed a “fuck no,” and keep it moving. Walking through the apartment, I sucked my teeth. The shit looks like they had a damn party in here.

  “What the fuck?” I hissed out, through gritted teeth.

  “I’ll help you clean up, Neesha,” Seaqual stated.

  “No, you won’t. Sit and rest,” I let him know.

  He stared at me for a few beats, before doing just that. Continuing my trek to the back of the apartment. Checking Seaqual’s room, everything looks like it’s still there. Moving to my room, opening the door, the same result. I’m not even bothering to check Ocean’s nor Sprinkle’s rooms.

  Moving back to the living room, Banks had brought everything in and was unloading the box of food.

  “Thanks, Banks, fa’ everything. I appreciate it. Seriously, it means a lot to me.”

  “No doubt. Where’s yo phone?”

  Moving to my bag, I grabbed it, handing it to him.

  Taking it, he eyed it, then me. I know what he’s thinking. My phone is old. I don’t care about materialistic stuff, it doesn’t excite me. As long as those I deem important can reach me, that’s all that matters.

  “Anything goes down, you need me, call or text me. The number I gave you, only five people got it, you make the sixth. I’m bout to check on some shit, then get my son. I may stop back through. If I don’t, have a good one. Yo ass too, Big Man. Come eat, take care of yo sis,” he ran down.

  “Mos’ def,” Seaqual called out.

  “Okay, thank you again. Um, be careful,” I rushed out.

  “Always,” was all he said, before placing a kiss on my cheek, then walking out the door.

  I’m tempted to stare after him, but that’s outta my character. Everything about today has taken me completely off my square. He showed me something that I have never seen before. I still don’t know how to take him. My Aunt Pearl, Preshus’ mama, always says ‘Actions speaks louder than words. Put your faith in actions, never words. A person can always say what they will and won’t do. But their actions will show what they do and don’t do.’

  No truer words have ever been spoken. Now, I gotta see if I want to even attempt to put anything into him.


  ‘LSC Courtyard’

  “Damn, the fuck yo sis doing? She got Banks bringing her stuck up ass home and shit. Bad enough the muthafucka dropped her ass off a damn ride she could never afford. Now, he’s playing Mr. Fucking Belvedere.”

  Smacking my teeth at Shanny’s words. These bitches fuckin’ wit my damn high. They know too damn much. Bad enough my base head ass mama called herself fighting my ass in front of every damn body. Now, my bum ass sister got Banks’ fine ass doing the damn most. What the hell is really going on? Neesha’s ass is a hypocritical ass bitch.

  “Yo ass really need to shut the fuck up. I’m gone,” I spat, leaning up off her stoop.

  I’m only now moving; cause Banks’ ass is leaving.

  “Tell Neesha I say hey. Oh, ask her what her secret is,” Shanny yelled out, tryin’ to be funny.

  Ignoring her stupid ass, I continued walking. Coming up on our apartment. I’m so tempted to do something to that damn Bentley, but I ain’t stupid. Shit, I’m high, not that damn high though.

  “I wonder how she likes how I left the apartment looking,” I mumbled, before giggling.

  I had a damn good time fucking the apartment up. Fucked a little, had a few people over, and didn’t clean shit. Pulling my key out, I paused, tryin’ the knob first. It’s locked.

  “Scary hoe,” I grumbled, using my key.

  Pushing the door open, I’m surprised to see the living room is exactly how I left it. I just knew it would fuck with Neesha’s OCD having ass. She can’t stand to see stuff outta place. That’s why our place stayed so clean yo ass could eat off the floor.

  Seaqual’s lil’ punk ass is saying something I can’t make out.

  “Lil punk bitch,” I grumbled to myself before,

  “Well, well, well, you are finally home. How you feeling, Seaqual? Happy to still be alive? How does a brush with death feel? Huh? Did you see the light?” I sassed, walking around the corner to the kitchen.

  They were grubbing without a damn care. My words didn’t earn a reaction from either of them. Something I don’t appreciate.

  “So, are y’all not speaking to me? That’s fine. Did you at least fuck Banks good enough so there’s enough food fa’ my ass too? Damn, big sis, yo ass has shown me something new. I need yo handbook.”

  Seaqual paused in eating at the sound of my words, cutting his eyes at me. Something I’ve never seen before. Umph, I struck a damn nerve.

  “You so stupid. Had I died, you’d be in jail. I can’t wait to get from round yo hoe ass,” he spat, eyeing m
e hard.

  I recoiled as if he slapped my ass. Nigga ain’t never cussed me. Neesha ain’t saying shit. If I ain’t mistaken, she looked… Proud. Recovering quickly, while eyeing his funny looking ass back.

  “Since when yo lil’ brown nosing ass start cussin’? What, that brush wit death gave yo ass some balls? Watch yo damn self, I’ll take yo lil’ ass out. Yo ass think you going to leave this bitch? Yo ass is dumb as fuck. Where yah sickly ass really think yah going? Neesha ain’t yo mama. She take yo ass, that’s kidnapping, stupid,” I snapped.

  Despite the fact that I’m lying, his ass don’t know that. Albeit the way he’s looking at me, I’m second guessing my previous statement.

  “Ocean, please, either fix you something to eat, or don’t. Whatever you decide to do, do it quickly. Yo ass is giving me a headache wit yo gibberish,” Neesha spoke calmly.

  Moving further into the kitchen. Her whole disposition is pissing me off.

  “Fuck yo ass, Neesha! Bitch, yo ass ain’t shit. Stupid hoe! Yo ass think you something cuz you got Banks sniffin’ round yo ugly ass. Yo ass ain’t doing shit but getting’ played. I’m so sick of watching yo fake ass walk round here like yo ass is something better. Yo ugly ass came out the same rotten pussy that I did. Bitch!” I thundered, eyeing her ass.

  She stood quick from her seat. I know I struck a nerve. I also know what the fuck I’m doing. She’s just feeding into it. One day, she’ll learn not to always jump like she’s a bad bitch.

  “I’m not arguing wit yo high ass. Go bout yah business, Ocean, before you piss me off,” she warned.

  Chuckling a little at her scary ass. That lil’ speech ain’t do shit but show her fuckin’ hand.

  “There yah ass go again. Yah ass don’t scare me. You ain’t my fuckin’ mama. Yah ass gonna leave me here and take Seaqual? You love him mo’ than you ever loved me. Ever since his ass been on Earth, you put me on the back burner. Now, yah ass doing it again. Ain’t shit special bout his sickly, retarded ass. Fuck y’all!” I belted, pissed.

  It wasn’t my intent to say all that, but when I’m pissed, shit just tends to fly the hell out. I been feeling it, and she knows it’s true. A sheen of sweat done broke out on my skin. Licking my lips, my hands were clammy, while shaking slightly.


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