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King of The Hood 2

Page 6

by Kendra Sumter

  Leaving his pussy ass with my parting words. Wherever his bitch ass was heading, he gotta take a damn detour. Bitch pissed his self.

  “You good, Lil’ D?” I questioned.

  “Yess, sir, my food is fresh,” he boasted, while chewing.

  Chuckling at his lil’ ass I pulled off. Getting my food straight while aiming my truck towards the highway. Our asses ain’t gonna make it to Augusta today. We’ll have to stay on Groove. Shit, each place I own, his room is duplicated.

  “Unknown calling.” “Unknown calling.”

  “Who the fuck?” I whispered before,

  “Who dis?” I growled, after clicking the answer button.

  “Banks, it’s Seaqual. I got yo number outta Neesha’s phone. This my number. We, um, we at the MediCare. Ocean sliced Neesha’s arm open. I ain’t posed to be calling you. I am tho, cuz if you see Ocean, or put the word out on her, don’t kill her. She needs a taste of her own evil doings,” he spoke in one breath.

  My head began to spin at his words. I just left they asses. Shit was copasetic.

  “Man, the fuck happen? Which one y’all at?” I question.

  “On Ferry. Ocean came home ranting and raving, wishing death on me. She was high on mo’ than loud. She was all out of character, but her words were her truth. She charged me. Neesha tackled her, they fought. I messed up by speaking. She gave me her attention, which Ocean took advantage of, by slicing her arm open. Blood leaked out quick, while we were tryin’ to stop it, Ocean ran out the apartment wit a duffle bag. Neesha got her strength up, then drove us to MediCare,” he explained, in one breath.

  Despite the fact he’s tryin’ to hide it, I can hear how scared and pissed he really is.

  “Fuck. She in the back?” I questioned.

  I’m fuckin’ heated. Ocean takin’ my ass fa’ a damn game. She don’t know I’m the fuckin’ master. This one game her dumb ass gonna lose.

  “Yeah, they just took her back,” he answered, quietly.

  I took noticed of his breathing.

  “Calm down, Seaqual. You got yo inhaler? Just breath deep, I’m coming,” I coached, calmly.

  My ass done been reading up on his damn conditions and shit. I found a new level of respect after realizing how much Neesha had to learn with dealing with him. Her ass ain’t never gave up. That says a lot about her character alone. Focusing on his breathing.

  “Okay, I’m good. I’m just upset. Neesha don’t deserve none of this. All she’s ever done was love us, while bustin’ her ass to take care of us,” he stated.

  I’mma act like he didn’t just cuss.

  “Understandable, give me twenty, I’ll be there,” I let him know.

  “Thanks,” was all he said, before hanging up.

  “Daddy, what’s wrong? You okay?”

  “Ain’t nuttin, big man. You want to meet some of my friends?” I questioned, looking at him threw the rearview mirror.

  “Is one a girl?” He smirked.


  “I don’t know if I’m dressed right. I’m handsome, but my clothes gots to be fresh too,” he answered, like I should know better, causing me to chuckle.

  “Aiight, man. You good to go,” I assured him.

  “Mos’ def,” he hit me with a head nod, then relaxed back in his seat as my music began to play.

  Getting off the interstate to bust a U-turn. She’s gotten to my ass. Ain’t no need to lie or deny the shit. Something else Racks said that got to my ass. While I was tryin’ to convince myself that she wasn’t good enough fa’ me, cause her cover was like so many. When in truth, I’m afraid I’m not good enough fa’ her. My cover speaks on things, but my pages holds stories most won’t deal wit. Now, it’s time that I have to show and prove my worth. The shit she may get with reading my pages, am I ready?


  ‘Fourth of July’

  Preshus residence in Augusta seven o’clock in the morning.

  “Let me pray. This heffa might shoot my ass,” I spoke out loud, while placing my key in her lock.

  Unlocking the door, pushing it open as the alarm went off.

  “Shit,” I hissed, dropping my bags, while closing the door.

  “What’s the code? What’s the code?” I mumbled, frantically.

  “Seven, seven, seven, ninety-three, eleven,” her gravely voice came from upstairs.

  Punching it in while shaking my head. No wonder I couldn’t remember the damn thing.

  “Kimmy, I don’t even want to know why yo ass is here at butt thirty in the damn morning. Whatever the fuck it is, hold that shit in until ten. You better pray I can fall back to sleep,” she fussed, causing me to look up just in time to see her retreating back.

  Two minutes later her, bedroom door slammed causing me to jump. Grabbing my bags, I marched my discombobulated ass up the stairs to the spare, well, my bedroom, I always stay in. I had to get away. I haven’t been right since Saturday. Everything and everybody is up in arms.

  Shit, I’m beginning to believe it’s me. But that can’t be. Could it? I’m not having this argument with myself again. Pushing my room door open, I deposited my bags, along with myself on the bed. Pulling out my iPhone along wit my iPad. Placing them both on the charging pad on the bedside table.

  My phone instantly lit up.

  “I’m not doing this,” I mumbled, while picking my phone back up.

  Eyeing it, texts from Jameson, Todd, and Tony, flashed across the screen.

  “Uugghhh!” I growled, placing my phone back on the pad.

  Flopping back on the bed balling up in a fetal position, I closed my eyes. This is the most serene I’ve felt in three damn days. I may as well enjoy it. Ain’t no telling what I’mma face later on.

  Three Hours Later….

  “Get ya ass up. You got some explaining to do. Do not play wit my ass, Kimmy,” Preshus’ voice roused me from my peaceful sleep.

  “Damn, her mouth big. Sounds like she’s in here with my ass,” I mumbled, without opening my eyes.

  “You damn skippy I’m up in this bitch. Fuck yo ass thought? Get the hell up,” she sassed, causing me to jolt upright as my eyes protruded from their sockets.

  “Un huh, do wha’ yo ass needs to do while I cook breakfast. Forty minutes, Kimmy. Let me have to walk my ass back up here to get yah ass, I can promise you gonna hate me,” she let me know, walking out the room, not even pausing to wait on a response.

  Rolling over on my stomach.

  “Urrrggghhh!” I yelled into the comforter while kicking my legs.

  It didn’t help shit. Sighing while pushing myself up. Going into the bathroom checking my face after peeing while washing my hands. Grabbing my toothpaste and toothbrush. Brushing my teeth while staring at my reflection. I look tired.

  “Lawd, Kimmy, you gotta get ya’self together,” I spoke out loud.

  Finishing up my teeth, rinsing my mouth then washing my face. Applying my moisturizer along with some eye drops. I looked a smidgen better than a few minutes ago. Straightening my crop top and shorts, I slipped my feet back into my flip flops before heading down the steps. Soon as my feet hit the second landing, my stomach growled at the delicious smells floating from the kitchen.

  I absolutely love Preshus’ house. It’s too big for just her, but it’s beautiful. I never question why she has so much damn house. I learned a long time ago Preshus does whatever her mind tells her to do. Continuing my trek to the kitchen, I marveled at the grand scheme of her furnishings, along with the openness of her living room, and how it floats into her gallery style kitchen.

  “Well, it’s about time. Pull up a bar chair. You want apple juice, orange juice, or strawberry Kool-Aid?”

  I fought not to frown over the Kool-Aid statement. I couldn’t stand the shit growing up. Kenya told me drinking it tells how I grew up poor and country.

  “Orange juice,” I answered, simply.

  “Suit ya’self. You know I’m drowning a huge glass of strawberry Kool-Aid, that’s my joint. How many Be
lgium waffles you want?” She questioned.

  “Two, and bacon, thank you,” I responded.

  I’m famished, for real. She raised an eyebrow at my request.

  “Yeah, I know. I’m too hungry,” I answered her unasked question.

  Preshus’ Belgium waffles are huge. I typically can only eat one.

  “Here you go, love. You’re looking refreshed. So, to what do I owe this unexpected visit to? I didn’t think I would see you until Wednesday, with the way you sounded Monday,” she inquired.

  Listening to her words while watching her as she moved like a mama bear. Plating food, placing plates before me, and an empty spot that will soon be taken up by her. Then fixing drinks, all while not losing her focus on me.

  “Bullshit that happened Saturday night, Sunday morning, led to what you heard on Monday. I didn’t want to have an over the phone conversation. Plus, I needed to just get away. I know y’all ain’t having a bash at the club, but I know it’ll still be bumping. I figured I could hang out wit my best girl, while getting my mind right,” I explained, as she took a seat on a kitchen stool.

  “Well, first, and foremost, let’s say grace,” she began.

  We did with a simultaneous Amen to close it out.

  “Second, I won’t be able to attend the club wit cha. I’m heading back to Columbia fa’ mama’s Fourth of July cookout. Her and Wilbur pose to announce their engagement. She threaten me to be there and help out. Plus, I need to check on Neesha and Seaqual,” she explained, while adding butter and syrup to her waffles.

  Following suit, I loaded mine how I enjoy them. I’ll have to bust the gym down afterwards, but I know it will be worth it. Plus, Preshus has a gym right here in her house.

  “Seaqual okay? He didn’t relapse, did he?” I questioned, with concern.

  His lil’ self does have a place in my heart. Despite the fact that I’m not one of Neesha’s favorite people, I do applaud her. She has gone above and beyond her sisterly duties.

  Shaking her head while chewing, swallowing, she wiped her mouth.

  “No, he’s fine. Ocean sliced Neesha’s arm open. Seaqual made me promise I wouldn’t come up there before he told me anything. I know that was Neesha’s doing. She knows me hearing she got damn near a hundred stiches in her damn arm would’ve had me up there ready to wreck shop. Plus, Banks was there with them,” she ended, eating more of her food.

  I groaned unintentionally.

  “Nun uh, what’s up with that? Talk, Kimmy,” she ordered, pointing her fork at me.

  If I wasn’t afraid, she’d end my life, I’d slap her fork on the floor. I hate when she does that shit. That’s worse than her pointing her finger at me. Eating a few more bites of my food stalling. Taking a large swig of my orange juice to wash it down. Wiping my mouth her eyes are on me the entire time.

  “Hearing Banks name just brought me to my disastrous Saturday night with Jameson. We went to Percy’s, as scheduled. Walking in the place I reacted like I had never been there before. When in truth, I’ve been there numerous times. My reaction caused Jameson to smile big.”

  “You so damn fake,” she giggled out.

  “Any who, as we walked through the place, I felt eyes on me. My first thought was some man had been put in a trance by my beauty.”

  “Conceited ass,” she mumbled.

  “Damn it, Preshus, can I tell my damn story?” I snapped, fed up at her commentary.

  “Do you, boo. Watch yo tone tho,” she conceded, with undertone warning while cutting her eyes at me.

  Sighing. “Well, the owner of the stare down was revealed. My steps halted to the point Jameson had to actually keep me from falling. I was slightly embarrassed but played it off.”

  Pausing to eat some more of my food in an attempt to get my thoughts together.

  “Blueish green eyes held me captive as I righted myself. Racks, Racks was sitting at a table by himself, looking like his ass just stepped off a photoshoot for the sexiest man alive. I didn’t know he could clean up so damn well. We were seated at a table adjacent to his. I was grateful and pissed at the same time.

  The entire time he was eating, I stared, trying to see if he was alone. Once I realized that he was, I was able to focus on Jameson. The knowledge of knowing he was alone piqued my interests more than it should have. I wanted to know why he was alone and was it something that he did a lot of. That way of thinking caused me to continue to stare at him.

  Jameson was being so sweet and understanding. He kept asking me if the atmosphere was too much. I told him no, while throwing out some lie about anticipating the concert. I watched and noticed everything about Racks. The way he talks, commands respect, his attention to detail, his pronunciation of the food he ordered. The fact that he ordered a glass of wine that is only sold by the bottle. By the twenty thousand dollar bottle, spoke volumes.” Stopping in my story to gather myself. Everything about that night just flashed through my damn mind.

  “Damn, he surprised the fuck outta yah bougie ass, didn’t he? I done told yo ass bout being so damn judgmental. What else happened? What you’ve said so far doesn’t constitute nothing but yah face being cracked,” she noted, eyeing me.

  Her insightful ass gets on my damn nerves.

  “Racks paid his tab while leaving a hefty tip. I eyed him discreetly as he walked through the restaurant. The heads of many women turned and followed his exit. A twinge of jealousy, or heartburn, hit me. Instead of walking through the front door, he detoured to the restrooms. I gave Jameson an excuse about the wine running through me. I didn’t even hear his response as I dashed off.

  Soon as I made it to the hall and the men restroom door. Racks was exiting and he grabbed me. Molding me into his body, while cuffing my ass in his large hands. Inhaling his scent was like an aphrodisiac. My nipples hardened, as my thong became destroyed with my juices. Realizing what I was doing, I aggressively stepped out of his embrace. Then, without thought, I spewed the most ignorant, conceited, crazy shit, I could,” I stopped, finishing off my food.

  It’s a distraction, I don’t think I’m strong enough to repeat that shit. I know I will have to though. Preshus won’t let me not tell her. She finished her food too. Standing from her seat, she placed her plate in the dishwasher. She doubled back to do the same with my plate. Grabbing my glass of juice along with two strips of bacon, I retreated to the living room. Sitting my glass on the little small table, I flopped into the oversize beanbag adult pillow shit she got. I love this thing so much I brought one for myself.

  “Comfy?” She questioned, as she entered into the living room.

  “Un huh,” I hummed out, smacking on my bacon.

  “Good, finish,” she urged, taking a seat on her oversized sectional.

  Sighing, I told her what I said to Racks, verbatim.

  “The hell, Kimmy?” She screamed.

  A deep belly laugh exploded from her silly ass.

  “Shut up. That ain’t even the worst part. By the time I picked my face up, Racks was standing at the entrance of the corridor. He was having an intense stare down with Jameson. Once he realized I was standing beside him, he grabbed his dick, hit Jameson with a smirk, before biting his lips, then he threw his ass a wink before swaggering out the damn restaurant. It didn’t help that my skin was flushed from the contact I had with him seconds before. Jameson didn’t say two words to me all the way to the concert, nor during.”

  She hollered, interrupting me. Smacking my teeth as I peered through my cocoon.

  “Really?” I whined.

  “Hell yeah!” She laughed out.

  Sulking as she laughed like her ass was watching Comic View. I have no choice but to wait her ass out.

  “Something is telling me that it’s more. Am I correct? Continue please,” she stated, with laughter still obvious in her voice.

  “Racks was just the tip of the iceberg. At the concert, we were seated by Tony and his wife. Talk about somebody who could have fucking died. At first, I didn’t know, because when we were
ushered to our seats the others were vacant. As it got closer to the start time for the concert, the seats filled up. I felt someone nudge my elbow, thinking it was an accident, I didn’t pay it any attention until the person beside that person spoke.

  It was Tony’s ass. He realized who was sitting beside his wife, and almost swallowed his tongue. I was cool. Shit, it was his ass that had some shit to keep under lock. Well, his ass was bolder than I’d thought. Once the concert started getting hyped, we started two stepping and such, he switched places with his wife.

  This dumb muthafucka had the nerve to ask me what I was doing there with another man? I did what came natural, which was to ignore his ass. He didn’t take to kindly to it, but he played it off. Until his wife excused herself to go to the restroom during intermission. Well, the change of entertainers. Jazmin tore it up, now Fantasia was about to take the stage.

  His wife looked at him strangely when he didn’t escort her out. Once she was out of sight, he leaned into me whispering,

  “Why the fuck are you here with another man? Who the hell is he to you?”

  I leaned back like he had slapped me. His question put my attitude on one. I leaned into him.

  “It isn’t none of your business. You are here with your wife. A wife you failed to fucking mention. You better back up off me, enjoy the damn show, and leave me the fuck alone.”

  My words didn’t have the desired effect. It was like my words caused him to snap. He grabbed my arm with so much force, he almost pulled me out my seat. His actions caused Jameson to take notice.”

  “Oh shit,” she blurted out, with her eyes wide.

  “Oh, shit is an understatement. Without a word, he pulled me, placing me behind him. The move caused Tony’s hand to fall from my arm. He got directly in Tony’s face. I’ve told you the difference in their body types. Well, standing face to face, Jameson’s six-five, two hundred and sixty pound muscular frame, made Tony’s six-two, one hundred and ninety-five pound frame look like an undeveloped little boy. Staring down at him, Jameson snarled.


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