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King of The Hood 2

Page 13

by Kendra Sumter

  My heart was thumping so hard, I could feel it. I can’t believe this shit.

  “Aiight, um, thank you fa’ callin’ me. I’m, um, I’m coming,” I stammered out, moving up the stairs.

  “Bet,” was all he said, before hanging up.

  “Stallion, the fuck g-” he gritted out, but was stopped by the ringing of his phone.

  Hobbling to the ottoman where he dropped it.

  “Speak,” he gritted out.

  “Fuck, aiight. Yeah, man, we coming.” He stated.

  Hearing that, I know he’s talking to Racks.

  “Just what the fuck I said. I’m wit Stallion,” he barked.

  “Fuck you, bitch,” he gritted, hanging up.

  Shaking my head while moving to my bathroom. Turning the shower on, I didn’t even wait for it to warm up before stepping it. It doesn’t take long to heat up. My mind is on getting to Kimmy. I’m hating this shit.

  “I’m sorry, Stallion. I got you,” Stone acknowledged, while stepping in the shower behind me.

  I didn’t answer. My mind was racing. This is exactly what I’ve been afraid of for Kimmy. How the fuck Racks end up with her?

  “He was at ‘Creamy Pies’,” Stone let me know.

  “What?” I screeched.

  “Yo ass just said all that out loud. Racks was staking it out,” he repeated.

  “Why?” Was all I could come up with, as I washed my body.

  “I’ll tell yah ass later. Right now, we gotta get yo ass to yo girl,” he stated.

  I let it slide. He tells me, he tells me. He don’t, he fucking don’t. I thought, shrugging my shoulders.

  “I’mma tell yo ass. I’m tryin’ to be considerate to yo feelings and shit. Yo ass is losing it. Let’s go, yo ass clean,” he snapped.

  Recoiling slightly, while blinking fast. I rinsed off then stepped out. He bent over, turning the shower off after he rinsed off too. Grabbing a towel, I began patting myself dry. He followed suit, doing the same. Grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste, I loaded it up. Brushing my teeth quickly, but thoroughly.

  “Got one fa’ me?” He questioned.

  “Top drawer,” I mumbled, with a mouth full of toothpaste.

  “Much respect,” he grumbled, pulling the drawer open.

  This shit is domesticated as hell, but something’s missing… Trust.

  Twenty minutes later……

  “Give me yo key,” he demanded.

  “Why? Yo ass don’t drive,” I answered.

  “I’m driving us tonight. Yo unfocused ass ain’t killing me. Plus, you need to get yo mind right. Yah ass talking out the side of yo neck and shit,” he expressed.

  I just nodded, while pointing to the box located on the wall by my garage’s back door. It holds all my keys to all my vehicles.

  “Damn, what we taking?” He questioned, while staring at the keys.

  “My Lexus SUV,” I mumbled, walking out.

  I’m feeling real uneasy. Something in my gut is telling me all this shit is just the beginning of some real bullshit. Things been happening to my club. Now, Kimmy gets attacked leaving my damn club. Somebody knows too fucking much bout us.

  Without any further words, he followed, pulling the door shut. Clicking my alarm fob on my keychain, my alarm activated. Stone moved quickly to open the passenger door.

  “Thank you,” I mumbled, climbing in.

  He didn’t respond with words, he leaned forward, kissing me softly on the lips. Then closed my door before walking round to the driver’s side and climbing in.

  Looking out the window, my mind just won’t calm the hell down. Everything that has happened in the last thirty minutes is playing like a movie in my mind. I’m so thankful Racks was able to stop the assault on Kimmy. I hope this makes her realize some shit. Also, if Racks ass was at my fucking club, does that mean Stone wants my shit? I hope I ain’t gave my pussy to the muthafucka that’s trying to take my ass out. Naww, that ain’t his style. There’s something else going on wit that. Stone is too damn bold and cocky to be sneaky. Shit, that’s why his ass was there when he caught me outside. Fuck.

  While musing, something caught my eye in the side mirror, causing my thoughts to switch to survival mode. I reached under my dashboard, unlocking my gun.

  “Um, Stone, someone is following directly behind us. They’ve been there for the last few miles. Don’t turn off or stop.” I made him aware.

  He looked from me, to the road, to the vehicle following us. Reaching behind his back, he pulled his gun. I knew he had it.

  “Slow up,” I ordered.

  “Hol’ the fuck up, Stallion. We need to switch places, so I can take these fuckers out. That ain’t yo job,” he spat.

  “Our asses ain’t gonna be shit you keep underestimating me. Slow the fuck up,” I spat, while pushing my seat back.

  Hitting the button, the sunroof opened. Making it to my knees, then to a squatting position.

  “Damn, Stallion, yo ass bout to blind my ass. You just took out the whole windshield,” he blurted out.

  “Focus, it’s two SUV’s. One is pulling up on yo side. We ambushing they asses. Ain’t no way they know how many people are in here. My tints too fuckin’ dark,” I rushed out, just in time for,


  “Fuck! Go, Stallion,” Stone barked.

  Pushing myself through the sunroof, I let my baby talk.


  Screams from the passengers could be heard as my bullet pierced the driver’s forehead. The SUV swerved, before crashing into the guardrail, then going over the embankment, flipping into the Savannah River.


  Stone fired off, while spinning the truck to block the remaining SUV in. Firing, I took the two back passengers out. Stone took out the front passengers, while wounding the driver.

  “Stallion bring yo ass quick,” he ordered, opening the door.

  Slipping back through the sunroof, I situated myself to climb out the passenger seat. Moving quickly, I checked the truck, all three were dead, but the driver.

  “Who the fuck sent yo bitch ass?” Stone barked.

  “Fuck you,” the driver grumbled out.

  “Fuck me? Naww, muthafucka, fuck you,” Stone sneered, before knocking his ass out.

  Pulling his cell out, he hit a number.

  “Dawg, where yo ass at?”

  “Bet, grab Demon, Loco, and Young. Clean up on 285, one kicking, take his ass to the cave. He’s to be kept comfortable. Bet,” he ordered, ending the call.

  Looking at me then my truck.

  “Bulletproof,” was all I said, climbing back in.

  He followed suit. Throwing it in gear, pulling off, heading to our previous destination.

  “What’s the cave, and where is it located at?” I questioned, after bout ten minutes.

  “Don’t even fuckin’ worry bout it. I’ll handle that shit,” he answered, pissing me off.

  Turning my body in my seat, I eyed his ass.

  “The fuck you mean? They tried killing my ass too. Yo ass gonna torture his bitch ass, I wanna be there. Fuck that,” I spat, dead ass serious.

  He cut his eyes at me as I stared upside his head.

  “Calm yo ass the fuck down. You ain’t being a part of shit. As my woman, yo ass won’t be in this shit. I’ll keep yo ass safe. I’ll never put yo ass in fucking danger. Get that shit out cho head,” he gritted out.

  Smacking my teeth, while folding my arms cross my chest in an attempt to keep myself from slapping fire outta his ass.

  “As yo woman? I ain’t yo fuckin’ woman. How the fuck yo ass know they ain’t after me?” I barked, livid.

  “I ain’t arguing wit yo ass. The fuck yo ass is my woman, that’s my last time speakin’ on that shit. What the fuck would somebody be after yo ass foe? They overpaid fa a lap dance, or you cheated them on a vehicle? Get the fuck outta here,” he spat smugly.


  “The fuck?” He yelled, gripping the side of his he


  “Stallion, the fuck wrong wit yo ass?” He yelled, trying to keep his head right, and the truck in the road.


  “Oooaww! Fuck! I hit yo ass back, don’t say shit,” he growled, trying to block my hands.

  “Fuck you, Stone! Stupid summabitch! Yo ignorant ass don’t know shit. After tonight, forget yo ass ever met me. I already foe’ got bout yo ass. Oh yeah, thanks fa’ the dick, bitch,” I went off, pissed and hurt.

  My words were met by silence. I don’t know what that means. Honestly, I really don’t give a damn. Pulling up to the hospital, he drove round ‘til he found a spot. Parking without saying a word. He turned the truck off, handing me my keys, while climbing out. He opened my door without a word. He didn’t speak, nor did I. He didn’t walk off until I did.

  I know he’s running my final words through his head. He’s probably taking them as something shouted out in the heat of the moment. But they weren’t. He’s not the man for me. He shows me that every time he opens his fucking mouth. He’s determined to hold me as some stripping hoe. The call from Racks stopped me from telling his ass my truths.

  I’m glad I didn’t. Knowing his ass, he wouldn’t believe me, which would’ve made me grab one of my many guns and shoot his ass. There’s one thing I can’t stand, and that’s being called a liar.

  Entering the hospital in silence, the same as the elevator. I can feel Stone’s eyes on me, but he’s fighting against it. I honestly no longer care. His a bonified asshole, and I’m through.


  Stepping off the elevator, we headed down the hall to Kimmy’s room. Some nurses passed us, eyeing Stone, he’s acting as if he’s blind to the shit. Before reaching Kimmy’s door, we heard voices. Putting a little more pep in my step. I reached her door pushing it open. I got what has got to be the shock of my damn life.

  How the fuck she gonna get out of this is beyond me. I want to see her try though.


  ‘Augusta Medical Hospital Room’

  Of all the nights I decide to play savior. I save the woman who I can’t seem to stop thinking about. It’s true, I know her game. I wanna break her, while showing her the real. It’s just ain’t falling like that. I’m beginning to think she got too much baggage.

  I mean, I can easily get rid of that baggage. I just don’t know if she’s truly worth it. My job tonight was to get some intel on the goings on in ‘Creamy Pies.’ Like always, Stone’s ass was on point with what the hell he was feeling about the place. We had ‘Dem Boyz’ to take over Turtle’s operation in the Burg. He didn’t come out of hiding, which told us it’s his ass that’s trying to infiltrate ‘Creamy Pies.’

  Stone wants the shit for his self, but it’ll be pointless if the girls are strung out, or the shit is shut down before he can get in there with the owner. Who must be a fuckin’ ghost?

  I was there at nine tonight, along with Dawg, Demon, and Young. We were spaced out. From my vintage point, I could see the entire club. I got my damn elite on. I can’t lie, the shit is on point, and loaded with the baddest, thickest, sexiest dancers, I’ve ever laid eyes on. They got some of everything, no matter yo taste or flavor, yo needs will be met.

  I got a lap dance from Heavy C. Mannn, she got mo’ titties than I’ve ever had in my face. I damn neared suffocated when she buried my face in’em to get the cherry she dropped in there. I usually ain’t fa’ the freaky shit, but she was sexy as fuck, while smelling like cotton candy. Seductive and tantalizing ain’t strong enough words to describe the women in there.

  Heavy C had my dick on brick with the fuck shit her ass did. I tipped her three C-notes I ain’t shame bout it. She left me I was able to sit back and take in the scenery. I wanted to fuck after all that ass had been grinding on me. The air of the club changed at about ten, ten-thirty. That’s when my eyes fell on Kimmy.

  She was bad as fuck, looking like walking nuts, mixed with strong back shots. She posted up at the bar, before she could order, she was approached by a dude. I saw her eyes as they glance him from head to toe. He obviously met her approval. She gave him a lil’ convo, while allowing him to buy her a drink. Once she was bored with his ass, she sent his ass on his way, with a sweet smile, while taking his number. I watched as she did the same thing with bout five other men.

  Then, one who should’ve been ashamed of his self, approached her. Reading her body language, coupled with her facial expressions, I knew she saw him as a clown. A few minutes after their initial interaction, he was stalking away from her, grumbling under his breath. I could just image all the bitches, hoes, and sluts, he called her ass. If I was close to his ass, I would’ve made his bitch ass swallow each damn word.

  Between me eyeing her, and the employees of the place, I got a feel of how shit was getting in. Along with who was playing a part in the trafficking. It was a hunch, but my hunches are never wrong. As I watched the people, I tracked Kimmy, something, or someone, had her on edge. I scoped the area beneath me, but no one stood out looking suspect. She stopped twice, peering at the crowd of people.

  After she made it back to the bar. I left out the elite exit. I didn’t need to be seen. Making it to my black on black Bentley, with heavy tinted windows, I sat there. My view gave me a great look of the valet stand. I knew from Dawg the valet is only there on holidays, special events, Fridays, and Saturdays.

  There’s never the same valet parking cars, but there’s only one who is the head man. Every time a worker drove off with a car, on their way back to the valet station, they hand off a small black bag, that I’m sure contains baggies. The head dude calls on his ear piece, a bottle girl comes out on the pretense that they are answering a question, but they are receiving the baggies. Sitting watching for close to an hour. I picked up the pattern, along with the two bottle girls being used.

  Just as I was bout to call Dawg’nem out, I saw Kimmy come out. A valet led her to her car, she got in with a thank you, then pulled off. I eyed the direction she went before going back to my previous plan. I texted Dawg before climbing out my car. Straightening my clothes, I swaggered to the valet stand.

  They tensed at my approach. The head dude turned facing me at first, he just eyed me funny, until I smiled then,

  “What can I do for you, sir? Do you have your stub?”

  He tried to sound professional but didn’t. I’m wondering who the fuck hired his ass. It can’t be the owner. By my calculations on everyone else who works at ‘Creamy Pies,’ there’s expectations to what the owner has in place. And this fuck boy ain’t it.

  Shaking my head at his question, I casually placed my hands in my pockets, to look less threatening. I mean, the long sleeved, silk, Valentino black shirt, along with the blood red Prada slacks, and Black Diamond loafers got my ass looking like a million bucks. Anyone looking hard enough will see the real though. Still smiling, I watched his frame relax then,

  “No, no stub, I already have my automobile. I was just wondering do you know where I could get some”-I paused leaning into him- “blow?” I asked lowly, in my upper crest professional voice.

  He leaned up, eyeing me suspiciously.

  “I’m not a cop. This isn’t a sting. I’m just in need. My old dealer has talked on letting the shit go because of some competition from some Turtle fellow. I didn’t believe he would be afraid of an animal, but hey, who knows, right?” I added, while watching the cocky smirk form on his lips, before he could hide it.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know of him, he’s a bad muthafucka smart too. He got this shit on lock. He’s the owner. Whatever you need, I got you. Nothing but premium,” he boasted.

  Biting back my frown, I stayed in character, pulling a C-note out my pocket. I flipped two fingers while handing it to him. He went below the podium, flipped the lil’ desk shit, reached in, grabbing two baggies, handing them to me. Taking it, I just nodded, while walking off. I could feel his eyes on me. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t trying to commit my very being to mem
ory. Stupid muthafucka, I thought, climbing back into my Bentley.

  Opening the center console, I clicked the imaginary latch that no one knows is there unless I show them. Dropping the bags in, they fell into a compartment that can only be retrieved when the car is on a lift.

  Pulling out the lot, I made sure to black out my license tag. Driving in the same direction Kimmy went, not on some stalker shit. My main house is out past Augusta. Driving along the quiet highway while bumping the soulful sounds of Anthony Hamilton. Two running vehicles on the side of the road caught my attention. If it wasn’t for recognizing Kimmy’s car I would’ve driven passed. Along with the truck being on the trunk of the car clearly showing it hit the car in the back trying to send it off the road.

  Screeching my car to a halt, I jumped out, walking to the accident with measured steps, that’s when it became clear the fucker had beaten her, and was trying to rape her.

  “Muthafucka,” growled from me, was his only warning, before I tried sending his ass to the seven gates of Hell.

  Kimmy mumbled something about the police, before no other sound came from her. Those words changed my original plan, which was to beat his ass half to death, before snapping his neck. He grumbled something like, “I paid for the pussy, she owe me. Hoe took my money.”

  I stopped hitting his ass at that realization. The police and ambulance came. The police questioned me, while the paramedics worked on Kimmy. Another one was called fa’ ole’ boy, who was barely clinging to life. My story was believable enough for the police. They let me follow Kimmy to the hospital, but not before giving them my contact information.

  Now, I’m standing staring at a carbon copy of Kimmy, and the lumberjack looking nigga I seen her wit at Percy’s. I stepped out to call Stallion, I mean, Preshus, then Stone, to let’em both in on different shit, but the same shit. Re-entering Kimmy’s room, she’s awake, but in pain. She’s trying to explain to her so-called carbon copy what happened, while the lumberjack is eyeing me with a mug on his face.


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