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Bought for Love

Page 2

by Michelle Hughes

  “I don’t know. Well, I guess dinner would be okay?”

  Was she asking me? Dinner would be great, and after, well that would be something she could write in her diary. She looked like the type of girl who kept a diary. I would have to read that entry when she finally became mine.

  “Good. I’ll make a few calls and then we’ll leave.” I gave her the smile that helped me get other women in bed, so I know it would melt her little heart. Picking up the phone I informed my secretary that I’d be leaving early and to call ahead to Per Se, my favorite restaurant, and let them know I would arrive within the half hour. Normally there was a reservation list, but I had a personal table whenever I wanted one.

  I stood, thankfully in control of my body again, and watched as she made it to her feet. She had a natural grace about her, but her trembling hand gave away her nerves when she clutched her purse. She stiffened when I wrapped my arm around her, and I bit back a smile. Getting used to my touch would be something I’d enjoy teaching her. “Shall we?”

  With a small nod of assent, all I really needed, I escorted her out of the office. Stopping by my secretary’s desk, briefly I informed her that she could cancel all other interviews. Lorna seemed shocked at first, but quickly masked her emotions. She was nothing if not professional.

  I filled the ride to Per Se mostly with talking about myself, something I rather enjoyed. Most women chatted non-stop about inconsequential things, but Emily seemed much more reserved. Unless I directly asked her a question, she seemed fine letting me do all the talking. That would be something I’d work on, but not to the point that she chattered excessively.

  Judging from the way her eyes opened widely, she was impressed as we walked through the doors of the restaurant. I made a note to get her more acclimated to my standard of living. Lorna would be compiling a full background check on her while we were dining, but I knew just from her awe that she lived a much different lifestyle than I.

  We were seated immediately, and I again knew that she wasn’t accustomed to fine living when asked what she preferred to drink. The way she turned those hazel eyes to me in deferment was charming. “We’ll start with a bottle of Cros-Parantoux.” Waving away the waiter, I gave her an encouraging smile.

  “You’ve told me you live with your sister. What does she do?” I wanted to get her talking about her life so I could see if there were any skeletons in her closet, before making a final decision. In truth, it wouldn’t matter if there were. I only needed to know how to erase them from public knowledge.

  “She works for the homeless shelter.” Her face lit up when she discussed that, and for the first time tonight, she added more information to our conversation. “Kim loves helping the more unfortunate, and is usually griping about how more needs to be done.”

  “A worthy endeavor.” Personally I was of the mindset that fortune was won by hard work but human interest would look good in my campaign, so I could support her sister’s belief and make a few points with Emily’s favor at the same time. “Tell her to let me know what she needs, I’ll be glad to help with her funding.”

  “You would do that? She’ll be thrilled and maybe not think you’re a jerk.” She blushed at that and I knew there was a story.

  “A jerk?” Such sweet terminology, this little woman was so perfect for my needs. “I guess one could perceive me that way until they’d met me in real life.” Winking at her, I watched her blush deepen and knew that I was really pouring on the charm.

  “I think it’s because she felt you were trying to buy a woman?” She nibbled that plump little lip again, and I could see she wasn’t sure of my intentions herself.

  “I promise that was not my intention. Truly, my only interest was in meeting a woman that I could relate to. I admit the ad was probably distasteful.” Since it helped me acquire my bottom line it was obviously what I’d needed to do.

  “I find it hard to believe women aren’t throwing themselves at your feet.” Her eyes lowered to the napkin in her lap and I fought back a groan. I wanted to lift her chin and kiss those lips.

  “The women I normally meet are interested more in my bank account.” I wasn’t sure why I gave her that information. I had enough ego to know that I was an attractive man, but I could have been a troll and woman would still flock to my wealth.

  “I guess I’m a little guilty of that, too.” The way she looked guilty over that fact made me grin. “I only filled out the application because I wondered what it would be like to meet someone so rich.”

  She was honest to a fault. How could I be offended when I wrote that ad knowing women would be interested for that reason? “Well, I hope now that you have met me, you’ll get to know the real me, and not just my bank account.” Giving her one of my panty dropping smiles, our conversation halted as the waiter delivered our wine.

  I tested it and nodded. I ordered for us at her request and the waiter left us alone once more. She sipped at the wine and smiled. “This really is delicious.”

  “I’m glad you like it. I’d like to share much more with you, Emily.” She flushed so beautifully and gave me a small nod. I wondered if she would have agreed so easily if she had any idea of the things I planned to do to her.

  We enjoyed a quiet dinner and I watched the expressions on her face with humor as she tried the dishes. She had no problem telling me she’d never had Quail before, but would love to eat it again. I found her fascinating. She was like a blank slate that I could create anything upon, and I was aching to begin.

  We skipped dessert because she claimed she couldn’t touch another bite. I would have to work on her eating habits, and made that another mental note on my list. She’d eaten only a small amount of everything and I hoped she didn’t have an eating disorder. Not that I didn’t love her small stature, but being healthy meant she would give me perfect children.

  “You mentioned in your application that your ideal date would be enjoying dinner on a yacht.” We’d slipped back into the car and my driver was informed to take us around the block. “Since we’ve already eaten, perhaps you’d settle for a small ride, instead?”

  “That would be incredible!” Her enthusiasm made me smile. Actually, everything about her left me very happy with this meeting.

  Lowering the partition, I informed the driver of our destination. My vessel was something I was very proud of, and I looked forward to showing off my skills as a captain, as well as spending some time alone with her. Her infectious grin brightened as we approached the harbor, and remained splayed over her beautiful face as we walked down the docks to where my yacht was secured.

  “This is your boat?” The awe in her voice made me feel like I ruled the world as I led her onboard.

  “Yes. I don’t get to take her out as often as I like, but maybe with your encouragement, she’ll see the water more often.” Giving an indulgent smile to Emily, we walked toward the helm.

  I navigated us out, enjoying the excitement in her stance as she watched the dock fade into the background. It was a quiet night during the week and thankfully I could easily anchor off, leaving us in relative isolation. “Can I kiss you, Emily?”

  I’d wanted to do that all night and felt that I’d been as proper of a date as I could be up until now. She didn’t speak instead she lifted hesitant hazel eyes to mine and gave a small almost unperceivable nod of her head. Reminding myself that she wasn’t like the women I normally dated, I lowered my lips slowly to hers, and kissed her gently.

  The soft whimper that escaped her lips broke my restraint and my tongue delved inside the warmth of her mouth. I meant to be in control, but the willingness as I plundered the sweetness that was all Emily broke my good intentions. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I pressed my body against hers and kissed her until she broke away, panting.

  Her eyes were wide as she looked up at me nervously. “I should probably be getting back home.”

  That was the last thing I wanted, but I forced myself to nod. My cock strained against my pants, and I didn’t
want to make her uncomfortable. “Emily? Forgive me if I startled you.” But be glad I didn’t toss you down on the floor and give in to what I really wanted to do. She was definitely not ready for me.

  “You didn’t.” Her voice was breathless as she answered and I found her even more adorable. “I’ve just never been kissed like that.”

  The embarrassed smile on her face told me that she enjoyed it, but also that I needed to take my time seducing her. The things I planned to do with that mouth… Being a businessman, I knew when to press forward and when to hold back. This was one of those times to retreat. Winning her trust would be worth the wait, and there was always someone I could call to fulfill my needs until she was ready.

  “I hope you’ll allow me to do it again someday.” At her answering smile, I pulled her closer and kissed her forehead gently. She was definitely going to be worth the wait.

  With ease, I turned the vessel back toward the dock and enjoyed the compatible silence as I steered. Watching the enjoyment in her eyes during our journey was oddly fulfilling. She deserved to be seduced, and I planned on making sure she was. Helping her off the boat, we walked hand in hand back to the waiting car. I hadn’t ever held hands with a woman. Even in high school, the girls had known what I was about, so this was a different experience for me.

  We rode to her house and pulled up in front of a dilapidated building. I couldn’t imagine my future wife living in a place like this, not to mention the dangers in the neighborhood. Something would have to be done about it, and soon. My reasoning told me she wouldn’t be pleased if I spoke about her living conditions, so I quickly tried to come up with a logical way of changing her address.

  “You mentioned that your sister worked at the homeless shelter.” She’d pointed out the location as we drove by and I was appalled. “Would the two of you be interested in helping me open a new center?” The perfect property came to mind and this seemed like the opportunity to put it to use.

  “What kind of new center?” Her face lit up with that enchanting smile again and I tried to think quickly.

  “I’ve been considering a back to work program for those down on their luck. Unfortunately, I don’t have experience in running a business based on social programs.” In truth, my brother had brought the idea up during a family gathering. He was a bleeding heart liberal while I considered myself a Republican. For once, his charitable mindset would work toward my advantage.

  “I know Kim would be ecstatic, and I’d help as much as I could.” Obviously, the idea had merit to her. The building really was of no use to me, and a non-profit would be a huge building block in my future campaign.

  “Why don’t you speak with her and let me know when a good time to meet would be?” She had no idea how quickly I was working my way into her life, but if her sister accepted, and she’d be a fool not to, I was doing just that. The center would come with the requirement that they occupied the top floor as a residence. Yes, I was a genius.

  “I will, Jack. Thank you so much for an incredible night.” I walked her up to the front door of her building, trying not to make a face. My driver was armed and I knew he could take care of any problems that arose, but she would be here alone. I wasn’t liking that at all.

  She stopped at the door, obviously not sure if I planned on walking her upstairs. In time she would learn. Smiling, I held it open for her and motioned with my hand for her to lead the way. We entered an elevator in sad need of repairs. I never considered myself a squeamish person, but I had big worries that the thing would break down any moment. “The landlord really needs to service this.” We stepped off and I followed her down a dimly lit hall.

  Definitely not where I’d allow her to live. She opened up her front door, and I noted the lack of security. I wanted to lift her into my arms and take her away from this place. How she hadn’t been robbed, or worse raped, by now was a damn miracle. I bit my tongue as she turned to face me.

  “Thank you again, Jack.” She looked so nervous that I didn’t invite myself in.

  “No, Emily, thank you. When can I take you out again?” Better yet, when can I make you forget this horrible lifestyle you’re living? This really was unacceptable.

  “I only work a few days a week, so I guess whenever you’d like?” That precious flush spread over her cheeks, and she had no idea how it affected me.

  “Tomorrow night, then. Say, seven? We’ll do that dinner on the yacht you wanted.” Knowing I wouldn’t be happy until she was away from this place I would take her out every damn night until she moved.

  “Okay.” She tilted her head back, waiting for me to kiss her and I had to grin. For now, I’d give in to her subtle demands, but soon she’d learn who was really in control. I lightly kissed her lips, knowing to do anything else would end in a place she wasn’t ready for.

  Fishing a business card out of my wallet, I wrote down my personal cell number on the back. “You call me if you need anything. And, Emily? I mean anything, okay?”

  She took the card from my hand and nodded. “Goodnight, Jack.” With a soft smile, she closed the door behind her. I stood there for a moment not really wanting to leave her in this place. Knowing for now, I had no choice, I made my way back downstairs.

  “Where to, sir?” My driver had been with me for the last nine years, and while I didn’t consider him a friend, he was very proficient.

  “Does that friend you mentioned last week, still need a job?” Dante had asked if there were any open positions for security officers, and there hadn’t been at the time.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Tell him I have a job for him, but he needs to start immediately.” At least I could afford Emily some safety until she was moved in with me. “Take me by Ms. Julia’s.”

  He began driving and I called Julia. She was one of my submissives and knew to be on call if I needed her services. Tonight I really needed them. We’d only been playing together for a year, but she was a true masochist. She played with others on occasion, but per her words, I was her favorite. When I explained I wanted to play, she eagerly invited me over for the night.

  chapter three


  “What the hell were you thinking, Emily? The man has no sense of decency and could have raped you before you had time to call for help. I taught you better than this!”

  Kim was ready to kill me. I knew she would be until I explained, but a cup of coffee before she started in would have been nice. I had a fitful night of dreams about Jack and was more than a little frustrated. I don’t know what I was thinking telling her I’d met someone before fixing a cup.

  “Jack’s not like that. He was a perfect gentleman the entire time.” Unless you counted that kiss on the boat. She didn’t need to know about that, though.

  “The guy was advertising for a high-priced whore, Emily Katherine Yates!”

  Kim using my full name signaled serious trouble.

  “I know you’re young, but stupidity like that will get you killed!”

  That really hurt my feelings. “I can’t believe you said that!” Walking over to the coffee pot, I started brewing a pot, keeping my back to her. Kim could be very hard-nosed at times, but she’d never called me stupid before. My eyes moistened and swiped at them angrily.

  “Damn it, Emily, I didn’t say you were stupid, baby.” She wrapped her arms around my waist and put her chin on my shoulder. “I just worry about you. You’re all I have left and if something happened to you, I’d never forgive myself.”

  “Nothing happened.” Well, that wasn’t exactly true. “He did ask if you and I would be interested in opening up a back to work center. Honestly, he’s a nice guy. He told me he put that ad out because he couldn’t find a woman who was interested in anything other than his money.”

  “We’ll get back to the center in a minute.” I could tell that really caught her attention, but she wasn’t done grilling me yet. “If he was looking for a nice woman, he wouldn’t have added all that crap in about how rich he was. Men like that
aren’t interested in relationships, Emily.”

  “Can you please stop mothering me? I think I’m old enough to know when a guy is interested in just, well you know, S –E –X.”

  “You can’t even say the word, Emily. How could you possibly know what the man is interested in?”

  “Maybe if you’d let me live a little I would!” We didn’t normally fight, but she was really wrong about Jack.

  “What do you want me to say here, baby? I’m not happy that you went out with this guy on a whim, and I damn sure don’t think his intentions are good!”

  “He’s taking me out again tonight, and what I want you to say is you trust me to make the right choices.” There. I’d told her we were going out again, and not her, or the freaking National Guard was going to stop that from happening!

  Rolling her eyes, she sat down at the kitchen table and threw her arms in the air. “Tell me about this damn center.” I hardly ever went against her decisions because I knew she only loved and wanted the best for me. But I was twenty years old and needed to have some freedom.

  Glad that she wasn’t telling me not to go, I quickly filled her in on what little Jack had said about the job opportunity. “He told me he doesn’t have a background in this so he’s looking for some help in the startup.”

  “Give me his number.” Kim looked at me like she was frustrated beyond belief.

  “Fine. Just promise me you’ll talk to him about the job and keep my personal business out of it.” I wasn’t going to give her his number until she made that promise. I could handle that side of my life on my own, thank you very much!

  “You have my word, even though I think you’re going to regret it. Don’t come crying to me when he breaks your heart.” To say Kim had a low opinion of men would be an understatement.

  Knowing I wouldn’t get a better response than that, I walked back to my room and snatched his business card off the bedside table. Carrying it back into the kitchen, I handed it over and poured myself that much needed cup of coffee.


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