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Bought for Love

Page 4

by Michelle Hughes

She nodded in defeat, and I felt like crap. Joining her on the bed, I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. “I need you to be my sister and my best friend now.” I had to lighten up this conversation. “I saw the way Dante was looking at you. Why don’t you ask him out?”

  Kim flushed at my suggestion. “I haven’t dated anyone since Franky.”

  She’d given up so much for me. It was time that she lived for herself. “Well maybe it’s time you thought about it. He’s a real hotty.” Waggling my eyebrows, I hoped I could get her to smile again.

  “He is pretty damn fine.” She laughed softly and seemed to be considering my idea. “It would be nice to give my battery operated boyfriend a break, too.”

  “Kim!” I couldn’t believe she was talking about her vibrator with me.

  “What? You said you wanted a big sister and a best friend.” We were both laughing now and I was glad the tension was out of the room.

  “Yeah. Okay, but TMI, I definitely don’t want to hear about your sex toys.” I’d found it by accident once and teased her by running around the room shaking it. I was only sixteen at the time so it amused me to no end.

  “I bet lover boy has you wanting one of your own soon.” She was teasing then turned serious again. “You do realize a man his age is going to expect sex?”

  “I’ve only kissed the guy. I think getting to know him for a while might be smarter than thinking about doing the deed.” This had to be the most embarrassing conversation ever!

  “Still, I think if you’re sure you want to keep seeing him, considering some form of birth control is a smart idea.”

  Sex with Jack. Why did that thought turn me on? I bet he’d be a wonderful lover. Just looking at him made me ache for the first time in my adult life. “If I agree to get on the pill, will you stop nagging?” I was teasing her, but the idea of sleeping with him wasn’t that far-fetched.

  “I won’t agree to that, since it’s a part of my nature, but I would feel a little better.” She shrugged and I grinned.

  “That is true.” Laughing as she glared at me, she thought my joke was funny even if she did give me the stink eye. “You’re going with me to the family planning center, though.”

  “I’ll do that. Make the appointment now before you forget.”

  Rolling my eyes, I walked into the kitchen and got the number off the refrigerator. I made the call and set up an appointment for the following week. After that, I helped her pack until it was time for her to go to work.

  chapter five

  Dream Date

  Excitement doesn’t even cover how I felt when Jack picked me up for our date. He looked so sexy in a pair of khakis and a white polo shirt and I felt underdressed. I thought I hid my self-consciousness well, but the moment we got in the car he asked me why I looked like I’d lost my best friend.

  It was embarrassing to admit why I was upset, so I shrugged it off. “It’s nothing. How was the rest of your day?”

  “To be honest, it was very frustrating. I spent the entire time thinking about this beautiful young woman who agreed to have dinner with me.”

  I flushed at his compliment, lowering my head. “You could date anyone, Jack, I don’t know why you’re wasting your time with me.” As exciting as being with him was, I’d never felt more insecure in my life.

  “Don’t ever talk about yourself that way again, Emily,” he commanded.

  The harsh tone of his voice startled me, since it was one I hadn’t heard him use before. Instead of answering, I moved a little closer toward my window. Keeping my eyes on the scenery flying by, I wasn’t sure why, but the way he made that demand frightened me.

  “Forgive me? You’re such a beautiful woman. I won’t allow you to downgrade yourself. You have no idea how perfect you are. Do you?”

  His inflection turned back to the sweet man I thought he was, and I turned to him confused. “I don’t think you’re better than me, I just don’t know how to fit into your world.” He was different from anyone I’d ever met before.

  “Then, let me teach you. There’s so much I can give you, little one.”

  That smile of his. How could anyone in the world resist the charm of it? “All I really want is to get to know you better.” The thought of him teaching me sent a strange thrill through my body that I didn’t understand.

  “And you will. Tell me you’ll let me show you my world. I promise you won’t regret it.”

  His eyes met mine and the intensity in that dark blue stare, made me catch my breath. When his long finger reached up to caress my cheek, I was pretty sure I’d let him do whatever he wanted with me. I nodded.

  He kissed me tenderly and the breath I’d been holding expelled on a sigh. “The things I will show you.” Jack pulled me into his lap and I was so startled that I froze. When he kissed me again, though, I couldn’t object.

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I surrendered to that kiss. The rest of the world faded to black and he opened my mind to passion. I didn’t want to let go and, apparently he didn’t, either, since his arms snaked around my waist holding me tightly.

  I felt the press of his erection against my bottom, and it terrified and excited me at the same time. After I stiffening in his hold, he released me. “You make me feel things I shouldn’t.” He lifted me off his lap and placed me carefully beside him in the seat.

  I didn’t know how to rationalize his words, because I was still dealing with the shock of knowing he wanted me that way. It was pretty heady. This gorgeous man being turned on by my kiss? I kept my eyes lowered and my cheeks burned.

  “So incredibly untainted.” His soft growl did something to my body that I couldn’t express. Jack reached out his hand to a button that lowered the partition window from the driver. “To the yacht, now.”

  The way he talked to Dante was so demeaning that I found it hard to match the demanding man with the one that had kissed me so tenderly. Jack Duncan was a very confusing man.

  The tick in his jaw showed that he was angry, and I wasn’t sure why. “Did I do something wrong?” The thought of disappointing him didn’t sit well with me, and I felt really insecure. Maybe he didn’t like the way I kissed?

  “Little one, the only thing wrong is I want to make love to you, and I don’t think you’re ready for me yet.” He chuckled and shook his head. “Forgive me?”

  He wanted me that way? Obviously, Kim had been right, and I was in over my head. My heart raced, and my eyes widened as I glanced up into his face. “Maybe you should take me home?” I wasn’t ready for this. Not that the curiosity wasn’t there or the strange feelings in my body that made me wonder if I didn’t want the same thing. Still we hardly knew each other.

  “I’ve frightened you.” Expelling a harsh sigh, he ran his long-fingered hand through his thick, dark hair. “Emily. I would never rush you. Just because I want you, doesn’t mean I can’t wait.”

  I was so confused. On the one hand, I knew I had no idea how to deal with a man like him. On the other, I didn’t want to leave. “Tell me what to do here.” Asking him for advice probably wasn’t smart, but I really had no idea what the right thing to do was.

  “Oh, baby, you have no idea how appealing that idea is. Just have dinner with me.” The soft warmth of his chuckle reverberated over my flesh leaving me with goose bumps. I nodded.

  Shaking his head, a wide smile broke over his handsome face and just like that I was breathless again. He lifted my hand into his lap and held it there. My heart was still racing and I couldn’t look away from his smile.

  “Trust me.” He kissed my cheek gently and I remembered to breathe. Something told me I was in serious trouble, knowing I wanted to follow wherever he led.

  We arrived at the docks and I felt like I was walking through a dream as he guided me up the ramp to his boat. A table was set up with flowers and candles, including two covered trays. An elderly woman dressed in a black skirt and white dress shirt stood beside it and smiled warmly.

  “I’ve prepared everything to your specifi
cations, Mr. Duncan.”

  “I’m sure we’ll enjoy it, Nadine. Dante is waiting for you at the car. You’re dismissed.”

  With a small nod, she scurried off and I noticed again how abrupt he was with the people that worked for him. “Did you hire her for the night?” I wanted to know everything about this man who had the ability to make me senseless.

  He held out a chair for me at the table and I sat before he answered. “Nadine is my personal chef. She’s been with my family all my life.” He stood and opened up a bottle of wine that was chilling in a silver bucket, serving us both a glass.

  I took the glass, watching as he lowered his gorgeous body into his chair with grace. Everything this man does is beautiful, I thought. “You didn’t seem very friendly toward her.”

  “She’s paid very well to see to my culinary needs.” Apparently, something I said amused him, since the corners of his full lips turned up in a cocky smirk.

  His comment confused me. “I’m sure she is, but maybe you could be a little nicer?” He said she’d been with his family since birth. I didn’t understand how he could order her around without compassion.

  “Instructing me now, little one?” His smile said he found it humorous, but I was somewhat embarrassed.

  Taking a sip of the delicious wine, I flushed. “Well, no. I’m just trying to understand you.”

  “I’ll take your advice under consideration.” His expression told me he wouldn’t, but it really wasn’t my place to tell him how to react to his staff. “If you want to know something about me, just ask.” Raising one of his perfect eyebrows, he seemed to be encouraging my questions.

  “I know you’ve got four older siblings from your article. Are they sisters or brothers?”

  “Three sisters and one brother. Amber, Julie, Kayla, and Jacob. My mother enjoyed simple names.” Jack’s smile was indulgent and I decided he didn’t mind talking about his family.

  “Tell me about them.”

  He sat back in his chair, seeming to contemplate for several seconds before answering. “Kayla and Julie are both married. Kayla has two children and Julie is pregnant now. Jacob lives at our parent’s estate and has chosen to stay there to take care of Amber.” His expression turned wistful at the mention of his sister and I was curious.

  “What’s wrong with her?” I hoped it wasn’t rude that I asked.

  “She had an aneurysm as a teenager, which caused multiple strokes, so she’s paralyzed from the waist down and has very little cognitive awareness.” He had a haunted expression in his eyes and I felt horrible for bringing it up.

  “I’m so sorry.” Reaching across the table, I grasped the hand not holding his wine glass.

  He turned his palm over and lightly grazed the top of my hand with his thumb. “You, my little one, are entirely too sweet. Don’t apologize. Amber has the best care available and outside of my brother, a full staff is there to assist with whatever they need.”

  “Still, it must be difficult.” My words faltered as he continued the caress over my skin. How could such a simple touch overwhelm my senses and make me forget everything but the man before me?

  “Eat your dinner, Emily. Before I forget that I’m trying to give you time to grow accustomed to me.” He looked angry again as he removed his hand to lift the covering on first my tray, then his own.

  I glanced down on the amazing feast that covered my plate, feeling more than a little nervous as that stern tone entered his voice again. I wasn’t sure I could eat now. “It looks wonderful.” Whispering the words, I tried to reign in the strange emotions he made me feel. He was a contradiction. My appetite was completely gone even though the mouth-watering aroma filled my nostrils.

  “Then why aren’t you eating?” His tone was still firm and it forced my eyes to his face. Sure enough, that tick was in his strong jaw again.

  Pushing my chair back from the table I stood up. “Because you’re making me so nervous that I can’t.”

  He stood, walked around the table and pulled me into his arms. “It seems all I can do tonight is apologize. Perhaps, this was a bad idea.”

  He regretted asking me out. My heart was broken at that discovery. “Then, you should take me home.” I couldn’t look at him again without my devastation showing on my face, so I walked back toward the departure deck.

  “Emily, stop.” The anger in his voice didn’t make me want to, so I continued walking. I’d reached the small plank that led to the dock and was about to climb it, when he grasped my wrist with his hand.

  Without force, he pulled me back to him and wrapped me in an embrace. I didn’t really want to leave in the first place, but his mood swings were so confusing. “I don’t understand you.”

  “I rarely understand myself.” His large hand cradled my head against his chest, the other around my waist pressed our bodies together.

  We stood there that way, not speaking, for long minutes. My hands reached around his muscular frame, lightly caressing his back. The powerful strength of him was not lost on me, and I shivered at the discovery.

  “Whatever will I do with you?” He rested his hands on my cheeks, and he tilted my head back to gaze into my eyes before lowering his lips to mine.

  I kissed him like the world would end if he ever stopped, and in my mind, it very may well have. Our tongues dueled in a passionate battle until I ached with a need I couldn’t comprehend. Whimpering I pulled back, my lips feeling bruised at the way he devoured me. “What are you doing to me, Jack?”

  “Making you mine.” I had no time to question his words as I was swept up into his arms and watching the ship move in a blur as he walked quickly inside.

  Clinging to him, not sure if I was afraid or excited, my racing heart was ready to explode from my chest. Did I want to be his? There was no doubt in my mind at that moment I did. Was it wrong? Some small part of me knew it was. We barely knew each other.

  He lowered me to my feet and pushed open a door leading to a bedroom, and I nearly fainted. Glancing around at the elegant furnishings, my eyes fell on the bed. Raising my eyes to his in panic, I knew this was all moving too fast. “Jack?”

  “I must have you.” Closing the door behind him, he stalked toward me with a predatory gleam in his smoldering blue eyes. I took a few steps back, afraid to take a breath but mesmerized at the same time by his beautiful frame moving closer.

  He continued forward until the bed met the back of my legs and I fell backwards onto the softness. Following me down, he kissed me again until I wasn’t sure why I was against this in the first place. His fingers moved to the buttons on my shirt, never breaking the kiss, and before I knew it, he’d slid it off my shoulders, leaving me shivering at the cold air drifting over my flesh.

  Giving me no time to protest, his hand covered my breast, caressing before pinching my nipple through the thin silk of my bra. The feeling was unbelievable and I cried against his mouth as a pang of desire shot from breast to core.

  Pushing the cup down, he exposed my breast and lifted his head. “So fucking beautiful.” My face flushed at having my body bared for the first time, but when his mouth covered that nipple, suckling it deeply, all I could do was moan.

  I clenched the fluffy duvet beneath me as he continued his gentle assault and my back arched of its own accord to offer him better access. Pushing down the other cup, he tongue laved over my other breast, leaving me gasping in newfound pleasure. A new sensation filled my core, leaving an ache that was almost unbearable. “Jack, please.”

  Lifting my hips was almost impossible with him covering my body with his own, but the simple attempt of trying alleviated some of the disturbing need that I didn’t fully understand. He seemed to know what my body needed more than I did because he moved off me, pushing my skirt to my waist before moving between my legs. The feel of his hardness through his pants rubbing against my most intimate parts was incredible. I wrapped one leg around his waist and increased the pressure.

  “My sweet little vixen. I’m so hard that I ache
for you.” Taking away the pleasure, he turned on his side, reached for my hand and pressed it against his erection. “Feel how much you turn me on.” As he rubbed my hand over his length, I felt him growing. He used his hand to show me how to pleasure him and I was amazed when he groaned out in pleasure from this simple act. Then suddenly, he pulled my hand away.

  I looked up at him, startled at the abrupt movement and he gave what seemed almost a pain filled grin. “On your back, my little temptress.” All I could do was look at him in confusion. Why did he want me on my back? Apparently he was dying to show me, because he turned me over and had my hands in one large hand and over my head before I could ask the question.

  I felt his fingers graze against my sex, and instantly closed my legs, trapping his hand as they clenched. “What are you doing?” No one had ever touched me that way in my life and instinctively fear took over.

  “Open for me, little one.” I shook my head and looked up at him apprehensively. We shouldn’t be doing this, and my cored flooded with wetness that embarrassed me to no end.

  “I need to use the restroom.” I turned my head, not wanting to meet his eyes, his hand still trapped between my legs. His fingers pressed against that small nub and I grew even wetter. “Please, Jack, I think I’ve wet myself.” If there was a hole I could climb into, I would have chosen it at the moment.

  “Baby, have you never pleasured yourself before?” His eyes widened as he looked down at me in utter disbelief.

  “Of course not.” I was completely humiliated now and my eyes filled with tears. Why would he ask such a question when I’d lost control of my bodily functions?

  “What the fuck am I doing?” The shake of his head signaled that he had to be as disgusted with me as I was with myself. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before. Tears slid down my cheeks as I attempted to push him off.

  “Stop, sweetheart.” He pushed me back down on the bed and pried my thighs open. His fingers slid over my wet folds through the thin material of my panties, and I felt the moisture seeping. “It feels good, doesn’t it?”


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