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Broken Wings (Hidden Wings Series Book Two)

Page 5

by Cameo Renae

  “Kade,” I whispered. I was overcome with sadness. Tears filled my eyes knowing that he’d chosen me over his immortality.

  “Don’t cry, Emma,” he said shaking his head with a sad grin. He gently touched the side of my cheek, wiping away a tear. “I’m at peace with the decision I made, and I’ll still be able to protect you. I’ll always protect you.”

  I looked into his eyes, and they were filled with so much love.

  “Thank you,” I whispered. My heart wanted to burst.

  “Hey don’t get all teary eyed for me. I’ll be fine. Being mortal isn’t so bad. You’ve been one for the past, what… seventeen years? I think I can manage it,” he said with a crooked grin. I wanted to hug him. To kiss him, and tell him how much I loved him.

  Wow. Thinking about it made me realize something. I had fallen for him. I was in love with Kade. Maybe the bonding thing was real, and we were meant to be together forever. All I knew was that the feelings I was experiencing deep inside were true. I’d never felt so strong about wanting to be with him, and knowing that my life would never be the same if he ever left.

  He smiled at me and I melted.

  “So they can really do that? Change an immortal to a mortal?” I questioned.

  “Yes,” he answered.

  “Will they able to change you back when we’re done? You know, after we get back from our quest…they will be able to turn you back into an immortal, right?”

  He paused. His eyes stared blankly at his hands, and then he slowly shook his head.

  “No. Once you change from immortal to mortal, you can never change back.”

  My last breath caught in my throat, and my heart felt like it had been bashed in and broken. It began to ache with pain and sadness. I could only imagine what Kade was feeling. His whole life, like mine, had completely changed in an instant. He went from immortal to mortal, and it was because of me.

  My head began to flood with questions, and my heart began to swell with an unknown warmth and admiration for him. I reached over and took his hand in mine, lacing my fingers through his. He squeezed, and softly rubbed his thumb along mine.

  Yes, there was still a strong connection between us.

  “Kade, you didn’t have to do this for me. Samuel and Danyel could have taken care of me. They are my Guardians too.”

  “Yes,” he hesitated. I could see a faint glimmer in his eyes as he took in a deep breath and exhaled the truth. “But, I am your true Guardian, Emma. I was the one assigned to watch over and protect you, and I was the one given orders directly from above. They sent me to Alaine first, to wait until the time my mission started.

  “I guess they got wind of Lucian’s executions, and told me that I was to start protecting you right after your sixteenth birthday. My orders were very strict and specific. Someone in the upper hierarchy must really care about you, because I was to keep an extra close eye on you, and protect you at all costs. No other Nephilim has been assigned a Guardian, except for you and Alaine.”

  I felt my mouth gaping wide as my brain processed his words.

  Kade was mine. He was my Guardian, sent to protect me, and only me.

  “I didn’t know,” I breathed. Another thought crossed my mind. Something Courtney had mentioned earlier when she was giving me the tour of the house. She said Kade had been gone for a year, and went away for work. Well, she was right. I was his work.

  “That’s why I was the one that came to escort you from the hospital. Alaine sent Malachi to assist me. He’d met me the night before, and had also been given orders, along with the Watchers, to assure your utmost safety in reaching Alaine.

  “I’m still pissed that the damn Darkling touched you at the airport, and I’ll never forgive myself for letting him hurt you. Every time I picture that bastard on top of you, with his hand wrapped around your neck… It’ll haunt me for a long time,” he sighed. His beautiful hazel eyes swam with a mixture of sadness and relief. Relief, most likely, that he’d finally told me the truth. Now I understood why he made the decision to become mortal.

  “Kade, that wasn’t your fault. You told me not to go, but I had no idea that a Darkling would be waiting for me.”

  “Still. It was my job to protect you, and I failed. I’m sorry,” he breathed.

  I squeezed his hand tighter around mine. “You didn’t fail. I’m still here, and that Darkling is dead. I’d say mission accomplished,” I smiled, trying to make light of the situation.

  He smiled, but only slightly.

  “So, if you were sent to watch over me after I turned sixteen, then why haven’t we met before?”

  “Guardians aren’t supposed to be seen. We’re supposed to be invisible to those we protect. During the day I wasn’t too worried about you being attacked, because the Fallen and Darkling do most of their evil affairs under the cover of the night. But once night came, I would keep an extra, watchful eye over you.”

  Yeah, that info was kind of overwhelming. Knowing that he was watching over me for a whole year and I had no clue.

  Kade chuckled, probably reading my expression.

  “Don’t worry. I’m not a creeper or a stalker. I was just doing my job and fulfilling my orders. And, just so you know…I never entered your home or your room. I always watched from a distance, and never interfered with your privacy.”

  I felt embarrassed and heat instantly flushed through my face, probably turning a dark shade of pink. I don’t think I would have minded if Kade had stalked me. He’d be the kind of guy any girl would want stalking her, and I already knew he definitely wasn’t a creeper. He’d proven himself to be a loyal protector.

  “So where’d you hang out, you know, while you were guarding me?” Yes, I was going to pick his brain. He was invisible for a whole year, and probably knew everything there was to know about me, and yet, I practically knew nothing about him.

  “Well,” he dragged. I wasn’t going to let him pass on this question. I stared intently at him, putting on the pressure. “I mostly hung out on the rooftop of the three story house across the street. The Taylor’s house. It gave me a good view of all areas surrounding your house, and was the perfect spot, to see any intruders. I was either there, or in a car down the street, but never too far.”

  The Taylor’s? They were a quiet family who traveled a lot, but they were friends with my parents. The thought of them sent a pang of sadness through me.

  But wait!!!

  If Kade was guarding me since I was sixteen, and watching me extra close during the night, then did he see the accident? Was he there the night my parents were killed? Maybe he held the answers to the questions that I had been longing to be answered. What truly happened that night?

  My heart began to race as I thought about asking him. How would I approach him? I didn’t want him to feel bad from keeping it from me, and knew that if he was, it was only to protect me. Maybe he didn’t know the answer. I’d never know if I didn’t ask.

  “Can I ask you a serious question?” I asked. My voice was shaky. I could see a look of bewilderment enter his eyes, but he nodded.


  “Were you there… the night of the accident? The night my parents died?”

  He was silent. His brows furrowed deeply and then he closed his eyes. I waited patiently for his answer.

  He knew.

  He knew something.

  “You were there. Weren’t you?” I finally breathed.

  He nodded.

  “Yes, I was there. I was following your car from a distance, and remember how dark it was. The road you were traveling on didn’t have much light, and there was hardly any traffic. I had a gut feeling that something might happen, and sped up a bit to get closer.

  “You had just turned seventeen, and it seemed like the perfect time for the Fallen to strike. My instincts were right. One of the Fallen dropped out of the sky and landed directly in front of your car. The sound of brakes screeching echoed through the cold air, and smoke bellowed from the tires as your father hi
t the brakes. He must have panicked, and swerved out of the way. It all happened so fast. Too fast. The car veered over the embankment and headed straight for a bunch of trees alongside the road.

  “Before the crash, I managed to jump through the back window, and kept the impact from crushing and killing you. You were screaming and panicking, and were in shock and so much pain, so I did the only thing I could think of. I put the sleeper on you, and fled as help arrived.” His voice was weak, and sadness swam in his eyes. “Emma, I wish I could have saved your parents, but I only had time to save one. You were the one I was sent to protect. I’m so sorry.” He couldn’t look at me any longer, and I noticed a tear escape his eye and trail down his cheek. He turned away from me and tried to release his fingers from mine, but I held on tight. I didn’t want him to leave.

  “They said it was a complete miracle that I was alive. That the impact should have killed me, but the tiny area right around me wasn’t crushed, when it should’ve been. Now I know the reason why. It was because of you. You saved me,” I said, breathless. “Kade, it wasn’t your fault. My parents would be grateful that you saved my life. I’m grateful. I just wish you could have met them. They would have loved you…as I do,” I cried.

  His eyes snapped up to me, and in an instant, I closed the distance between us, burying my face in the warmth and security of his chest. I sobbed, and he wrapped his arms around me. I melted into him, and wanted him to hold onto me forever.

  He was my hero, my protector, my Guardian. Even though I didn’t get the overwhelming rush of euphoria I did when he first touched me, the connection we had was still very, very strong. Just knowing he was my Guardian, and had saved my life, made my heart grow that much more for him.

  “I’m sorry you gave up your immortality for me,” I breathed.

  “I’m not,” he returned. I felt the warmth of his breath as he kissed the top of my head. He raised my chin with his fingers, so that my eyes met his, and then softly wiped the tears from my eyes.

  Time froze, and he had become my world.

  “I wish I could kiss you right now,” he whispered.

  “Are they watching us?” I asked.

  He looked over my shoulder.

  “Yep,” he nodded and smiled.

  “All of them?”

  “Mmm-hmm,” he hummed. “All of them.”

  “Okay, then. I’ll settle for another hug.” He laughed and I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed, and he hugged me back.

  “Get some rest, okay? We’ll be going through Hell tomorrow.” I caught his pun and laughed. He stood from the couch, gave me a wink, and then headed off into the kitchen with the others.

  Chapter 4

  The day flew by and before I knew it, night had arrived. If not for the clock on the wall, none of us would have even known the time. Being underground sucked, and I tried hard not to think about it. Whenever I did, I started to feel a bit claustrophobic.

  Everyone gathered around the table and discussed the plans for the morning’s quest. I stayed out of it and volunteered to tend to the weak and drugged Caleb. This time I didn’t want to worry about the details. I’d leave those to the others I’d be traveling with.

  After a few boring hours of listening to Caleb snore, I ended up back on the couch. My mind was way too wound up, and insomnia would be my enemy. How was I supposed to function, let alone run and dodge demons, when I was exhausted?

  Constant thoughts of the crash, the death of my parents, my new life, the Darkling, Lucian, Lucifer, Samuel, Alaine, and Kade swirled through my mind like a tornado.

  I tried to shut it all out and think of happier, simpler times, but the darkness was much too overpowering.

  “Can’t sleep?” A loud whisper called from across the room. My eyes strained into the kitchen area, focusing on a large figure heading towards me.


  He ambled to the couch and tapped my feet to get me to make room for him, so I pulled my legs up so he could sit.

  “No. Too many things wrapped around this sad mind,” I replied, tapping my brain.

  “I hear you,” he responded. “Well, I just wanted to tell you, in case we don’t ever meet up again, that you’re a pretty cool chick. Very pretty and very cool,” he reiterated.

  “Thanks. And you’re pretty cool yourself. But not pretty. Well, maybe pretty in a guy kinda way,” I giggled.

  Dominic was very pretty. He had a Greek god like appearance that would make any girl swoon. He was tall, muscular, had beautiful piercing green eyes, and a way about him that was completely fun, witty, and sarcastic. His happiness was contagious. Without him this whole death adventure definitely wouldn’t be as bearable.

  “I guess I could take that as a compliment,” he smiled widely, “but just don’t tell the others you think I’m pretty. That we should keep just between us, because I wouldn’t want them to start getting all jealous. But, you’re free to throw around the words handsome or gorgeous as much as you’d like whenever you’re referring to me,” he said wiggling his eyebrows.

  “Okay. I’ll be sure to remember that,” I laughed.

  He then cleared his throat and shifted to face me.

  “By the way, I’ve been noticing the way that you and Kade look at each other. You have that look.”

  “Oh? And what look would that be?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.

  “You know. That certain look you get when you’ve found that special someone. Your perfect match.”

  “Really? You actually see that in us?”

  “Yes, and I just wanted you to know that I like Kade. He’s a good guy, and one of my best friends. In all the years I’ve known him I haven’t seen him happier, or smile as much as he has since he met you. And let me tell you…it’s been a long time.”

  “So I’ve heard,” I breathed, knowing he was referring to immortal years. “So what would you know about finding a perfect match?”

  He sighed and nodded with a slight smile. A sad sort of smile, and then his eyes went blank, like he was reliving a moment in time.

  I cleared my throat, breaking him from his momentary trance.

  “I’m sorry, Emma,” he whispered. “I was just remembering someone. A very special someone in my past. It seems like an eternity ago.”

  My heart sunk when I suddenly began to understand.

  “Was she your perfect match?”

  His green eyes steeled on mine. They almost looked like they were glowing neon.

  “Yes,” he answered, and then his eyes went distant again. “She was my perfect match, and she was beautiful. I remember the first time I saw her. My emotions went crazy when she came near me. I’d never seen or met her before, and whatever I felt was completely new to me. It felt like my body was being pulled to her, like my heart was being tugged, and I had a knowing that she was to be mine for all eternity. I’d never felt that way with any other, and have never since.

  “To this day when I close my eyes I can see her face; her long, golden hair which sparkled like the sun, and her deep sapphire eyes that reminded me of the ocean. Every molecule of my being screamed to be near her. When she’d walk by, it felt as if I had been struck by lightning. Her presence weakened and yet strengthened me.” He shook his head, as if shaking the memory free.

  “What happened to her?” I asked, overwhelmed by his story. I wanted to know more.

  He exhaled and closed his eyes.

  “She was murdered.” His voice was weak and shaky and I suddenly felt horrible. I didn’t want to ask him any more questions, but he started speaking before I could tell him it was okay. “She was a Guardian, and a damn good one. One of the very few female Guardians ever sent out on missions. One night, while on her watch, she was attacked by the Darkling. She was alone, but fought them as best she could. She managed to take out two, but the third overpowered her. It beat her until she was unconscious, and then the bastard sliced her throat, barely leaving her alive.”

  “When the news hit me I rushed to h
er side, but I couldn’t feel her life force. I held her in my arms until she took her last breath,” his voice cracked on the last words.

  “What was her name?”

  “Khelsey,” he whispered, and then quickly looked away from me. He wiped his face, and then rubbed his arms. The strong, happy Dominic was broken, and it made my heart ache. I was still trying to cope with my own recent losses.

  “I’m so sorry,” were the only words I could find.

  “Oh, it’s alright. I’m fine,” he said, sucking in a deep breath. He turned and painted his happier face on, but I could still see the pain behind his eyes. “Well, just keep an extra eye on my buddy for me. Now that he’s mortal, things will be a lot harder for him. He can probably kick a little ass, but I won’t be there to cover his back. Just promise me you’ll take good care of him.”

  “I will,” I promised.

  “Now, the real reason why I came over here is because I have something for you.” He reached over to his other side. “This is a dagger, given and entrusted to me by Michael the Archangel. He told me that one day I would find the person who was meant to have it, and I think I’ve finally found her. I seriously didn’t think it was going to a girl. No offense, Emma, but it’s now yours.

  “This dagger has brought me amazingly good luck, and every demon I’ve fought with this has fallen and died. It’s magical,” he said, handing me a medium sized dagger in a sheath. “Here. Take it.”

  I was speechless, but took it. I carefully unsheathed it and held it in my hands. It was very old and very beautiful. I suddenly started to feel a tingling in my hand, and then the dagger started to glow. I gasped and looked to Dominic for an explanation.

  “See, Emma. I knew this dagger was meant for you. I started to feel it as soon as we met. It’s almost like it’s been calling for you. I know it sounds strange, but this dagger is much more than it seems. Like I said…it’s magic.”


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