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Out of Mind coa-2

Page 31

by Stella Cameron

  Pascal’s trainer trundled the cart over uneven ground. “This is going to shake up the bubbly,” he remarked.

  “Can we get a move on?” Ben whispered to Pascal. “I’ve got things to do.”

  “Not without the necessary formalities,” Pascal told him, but he stopped himself from grinning. “After all, this is a special day, regardless of anything that may have gone before.”

  Anthony poured champagne and began handing glasses around.

  “None for Marley,” Willow said. She turned very red and her freckles popped out even more.

  She had created a puddle of silence.

  Gray sat beside Marley and kissed her until cheers went up. “You keep quiet,” he told Willow. “Miss No Talent Who Knows Everything. Seems there’s going to be a little person running around here in a few months. But we don’t want to talk about it now. This day is for Ben and Willow.”

  Gray wasn’t successful in stopping the whoops, the hugs or the applause until Pascal used a fork on glass to control them all.

  “Let’s hear the words,” he said when he could hear himself again. “Ben and Willow, step up and do it right. Then we can party.”

  Ben took Willow’s hand and they stood in front of their family members. She wore a long, pale green linen shift and flat sandals. Her hair was still wet, and he had never seen anyone look more stunning. The stirring he felt was no surprise, nor was the current that fused their palms together and sent shocks through his body.

  “I know,” Willow whispered. “We need to go.”

  “Get on with it,” Pascal said, feigning resignation.

  Ben’s own nod to the day was a white linen shirt Willow had said she loved. He wore it with blue jeans and sandals.

  “Ben and Willow?” Pascal sounded exasperated.

  “Okay, okay,” Ben said under his breath. “Willow Millet, in keeping with the instructions from your Mentor, I am the best thing that ever happened to you.”

  Titters built until Pascal clanked the glass again. “That’s it,” he said. “This isn’t a joke.”

  “It sure isn’t,” Ben said, feeling a smidgen of remorse for being flip. “Willow and I have loved each other for a long time. We know we are Bonded. And now we want to tell all of you that we will be together forever.”

  He heard a snuffle and traced it to Marley.

  “Willow, will you join me forever?”

  “Yes,” she said. “I am yours and you are mine. We are Bonded.”

  “And may you enjoy a long, happy life of pain,” Sykes bellowed.

  Ignoring the remark, Anthony whipped the cover from a tray of hors d’oeuvres. The smells alone drew a gaggle with outstretched hands.

  “Nice how they’re congratulating us,” Willow said. She stared into his eyes as if she would never look away. “But all I need is you, Ben Fortune.”

  “Ditto,” he said, the color of his eyes growing darker. “Wrap your arms around me and hold on tight.”

  “Why…Ben, you’re up to something.”

  “You bet, love. Up, up and away.”


  With her arms still wrapped tightly around Ben, Willow opened her eyes.

  Coconut palms, hibiscus blossoms in burning scarlet, orange and gold, ironwood trees and creepers with bright leaves stretching over white sand had replaced the Court of Angels.

  Bleached driftwood dotted the shore and beyond that lay the ocean. At first glance she saw ribbons of surf, incandescent under a sun as bright as it had been in New Orleans, but cooled by trade winds here, and water so vivid it appeared pure turquoise, lit from beneath. As she stared, other colors appeared, sapphire, cyan, aquamarine and lapis.

  “We’re in Kauai, aren’t we?” she said. “We just traveled thousands of miles in less than a moment because you decided we would.”

  “Sort of.” He looked a bit sheepish. “I wasn’t sure I could take us this far. But we can both swim, so…”

  “Not funny, Ben.” She felt him watching her face. “You do know you could make a fortune with this trick, don’t you?” she said, keeping her eyes trained on his chest. Looking at Ben’s chest was no punishment.

  “Trick isn’t a word in my vocabulary,” he told her. “Unless you’ve got some different rules from mine, we don’t make money on our powers.”

  “This is your beach?”

  “Mmm. Sometimes it feels as if it is. Hanalei Bay.”

  “Don’t you think we should let the others know where we are?” she said.

  He tipped up her chin. “Nope. I told Pascal we would be leaving. That was enough.”

  The trades blew his hair aside. His neck and jaw were strong and tanned, his eyes the blue of that lapis in the ocean.

  “Do you mind that there are…sensations with every touch we share, Ben?”

  “I’d mind if there weren’t now.”

  Willow began to unbutton his white shirt—until he stopped her. “I didn’t say this was entirely my beach,” he said. “We wouldn’t want to get carried away.”

  “Yes, I do.” She intended to look serious, but the sudden total absorption he turned on her sent shivers across her skin.

  He looked past her and frowned.

  “What?” Willow turned around. Behind her, just visible through a break in hibiscus hedges, she could see a green, single-story house with a lanai running along as much as was visible of the building. “That’s a pretty place. Is this yours?”

  “It’s ours,” he told her. “It’s very island because that’s what I like. But if you want something with a lot of glass and everything modern, that’s what we’ll have instead.”

  Willow continued to undo his buttons. “Whatever pleases you, pleases me.”

  “I’ll remind you of that. How about what I was looking at, and it wasn’t the house? You okay with that?”

  She spun around again.

  Ben pulled her back against him, and she shivered, closing her eyes to soak him in. “What do you see?”

  His chin came to rest on her shoulder. “Are you looking?”

  “Of course.” She snapped her eyes open to search around. “I don’t see anything that isn’t beautiful.”

  “You’ve always had bent opinions about some things. Staring at us from behind that green rock, the big one. What do you think?”

  It took a moment before she realized he was talking about Mario, whose black eyes managed to look as if he’d been beaten regularly and feared he was about to get another whipping.


  The dog raced across the sand and leaped into her arms.

  “How did you get here?” she said, rocking him.

  “Well, Sykes didn’t bring him this time.” Ben cleared his throat. “Could it be he made sure he was close enough to get caught up in the moment, shall we say?”

  She wrinkled her nose at Mario. “Maybe.”

  “Come on,” he said, lifting her and Mario into his arms. “I’ve waited long enough. We’ve got a Bonding to make official.”

  Willow laughed and kissed his neck again and again until he leaped about. “I think you’re electrocuting my throat,” he said. “You can put your mysterious little Brussels Griffon on the lanai and tell him to stay there. We have other things to concentrate on.”

  “My what?”

  “I researched him. He’s a Brussels Griffon. Purebred. They’re show dogs. Or a good specimen would be.”

  She poked his ribs. “That’s weird. Are you sure he’s one of those?”

  Ben walked with her between poinsettia and bird-of-paradise flowers. “Brussels, Belgium. Been around since the sixteenth century at least. I thought that was strange, too. Quite a coincidence.”

  He climbed wooden steps, and Willow saw the lanai went all around the house.

  “So I found a Brussels Griffon. Big deal.”

  “You found him?”

  “He found me. I want him inside. There’s got to be somewhere he can be comfortable—”

  “While we’re otherwise occupie
d? You bet.”

  He slid the screen aside with a finger and walked in through the open front door.

  He kissed her then, for so long Willow gulped for breath whenever she had the chance.

  “You can see the ocean from these front windows,” she gasped when he took a break. “Look at this place. Ben!”

  He set her down and she put Mario on the floor. The dog immediately scuttled away behind a couch. The furniture was either made of heavy bamboo and cane with cushions covered in leafy-green fabrics, or Asian, carved and lacquered. Here and there a shiny red piece stood out. And brass bowls, bone carvings and tapa hangings. Loose carpets in beautifully worn and muted colors were perfect on richly shining koa wood floors.

  Ben took her by the hand and led her into a bedroom much the same size as the living room. Again, the view through the windows was of the ocean and beach.

  “Come on,” he said, still moving. Another door opened onto a small sunken garden of lava rock and ferns. On one side there was a hot tub, steaming gently. And rattan screens covered with flowering vines created a private bower.

  Ben shut the door to the bedroom. She had no more time for questions before he pulled her dress over her head and tossed it aside. His shirt and pants followed and he kicked off his shoes.

  Excitement curled in Willow’s belly. “Ben—”

  “Shh.” He touched her mouth. “There are things I want. Not just the things you think. More. I want what Marley and Gray have—a marriage like—”

  “Shh.” It was her turn to break in. “Then we will. I’d like that, too, but I didn’t have to have it if you didn’t.”

  He picked up his pants and took a little bag from a pocket. Inside were two simple gold bands. Ben gave the bigger one to her and raised an eyebrow as he held out the small one. Willow gave him her hand, and he slipped on the ring before she put the other band on his finger.

  “Tomorrow we’ll do the rest of it,” he said. “On the beach, maybe. When the light gets mauve?”

  Willow thought of the mauve light she had seen in the Court of Angels.

  “Sweetheart,” Ben said. “Take it from me, the light here gets mauve at certain times of day. And it sparkles. And if we’re lucky it’ll rain just before we go out there and we’ll have rainbows.”

  She couldn’t be nonchalant about the naked man who had just put a ring on her finger. She couldn’t look away from his body, tall, straight, powerful and potent.

  Her bra and panties made her feel awkward.

  “Now,” he said, and before she could take another breath he swept her into the hot tub. Immediately, he gripped her waist and raised her partway out of the water. “Your underwear should always be wet and sticking to your skin. Oh, yeah.”

  Wriggling did her no good. He whipped off the bra then dipped under the warm water to slide her panties down and over her feet. Then he came up sputtering.

  “Have you ever made love in a hot tub?” he asked.

  “No. Have you?”

  He tilted his head as if in deep thought. “Actually, no. I was waiting for you.”

  “I’m burning up, Ben, and it isn’t the water.”

  Ben tipped her on her back and floated her around the small pool. When she automatically put her hands over her breasts, he moved them away and kissed her in every place that ached for his touch. But when he shifted his mouth to fresh territory, he only left a deeper ache behind. Willow moaned and tried to grab him.

  He raised her hips to make a straight path for his tongue, straight to delve into the folds between her legs.

  “Stop it!” She writhed.

  “You don’t mean that,” he said and carried on until waves of sweet agony broke over her.

  Willow panted and scrambled to get her arms around his neck. “Your turn.” But she got nowhere with her attempt to get his feet off the bottom, other than to make him shout with laughter and subdue her as if she were a doll.

  “I’ll make a deal,” he said. “Let me have my way first, then you can see if you can do better.”

  “Who’s the judge of better?” she said, sliding her fingers over his hips, across his belly and grabbing him before he could stop her again. Not that he tried very hard.

  But he was ahead of her. In one swift motion, he gathered her legs and wrapped them around his waist. “Well,” he said through his teeth. “What are you waiting for?”

  Staring into his eyes, Willow put him where they both wanted him to be, and they moved together, first slowly, eyes closed, heads falling on each other’s shoulders. Then ever faster, and their cries kept pace with the searing reactions that would always be part of them—their own electrical currents.

  The release came, long, raw, filling them up but not enough.

  For minutes they hung together. “Don’t let me go,” Willow whispered. “I’ll drown.”

  He ducked and sipped at her breasts, stood with her legs over his shoulders and made wicked arches of his eyebrows. His mouth closed on that vulnerable place, but first he said, “I love you, Willow. You are mine, so make the best of it.” And he carried on to his target.

  Willow tossed. “I’m yours, I’m yours,” she cried. “I give in. And you’re mine. But if we’re going to do this forever, you’d better save something for next time.”

  Ben saved nothing, not then, or the next time. And Willow was his match.

  Much later, when the sun set behind the folded, lush green mountains around Hanalei Bay, red, lemon-yellow and purple streaked the sky. They watched rosy chips sparkle along a gold path on the water. But not for long.

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