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Daddy's Sweetheart Part 2

Page 2

by Burns, Rachel

  After an hour or so I had to go to the bathroom. I had gotten my period. Should I tell Nanny, or wait and tell Daddy. What was expected of me?

  I was in the bathroom for a bit before I came back out. Nanny was eyeing me.

  “Are you all cleaned out now?” she asked.

  “Yes, I was right away this morning, but I just got my period.” I blushed red as I confessed this.

  She had kept such close tabs on it last time that I thought that maybe it was better I just told her. Maybe she would tell Daddy for me so I wouldn't have to.

  “Are you feeling alright? Do you want to lie down for a bit?” She laid her arm around my shoulders, like I was a little girl who had stubbed her toe.

  “I'm fine Nanny. We can continue.”

  “If you want to take a break you can. Just let me know.”

  I nodded and sat down at my desk. I had a learning corner in my bedroom. With and old fashion desk and bookshelves full of schoolbooks and other learning material.

  Nanny was a governess, as well as a nanny. She taught me this and that. She let me study on my own a lot, because she said I was very concentrated. She had me write essays and do math things all by myself.

  Both she and Daddy took this very seriously. I figured they just didn't want me to think about the fact that I was locked in.

  I thought about that a lot.

  We studied this and that and I tried to concentrate, but I was worried about what would happen. Would Daddy be mad? A little girl didn't get a period. How would he react to that?

  “Amelia!” Nanny clapped her hands in my face. I had been daydreaming. She caught me.

  “I'm sorry, Nanny.”

  “Yes, I believe you. Get the stick.”

  I nodded red faced and stood to get it for her. I picked it up and stepped down to her. I handed it to her.

  “Thank you, Amelia. Lean over your desk.”

  The desk was technically too high for me to lean over, but I knew that she would grab my ear and pull until I was over it, if I didn't manage it myself. I got on my tippy toes and bent over the desk.

  Nanny flipped the back of my skirt over my back.

  She hit me. I hadn't expected it yet. I cried out in my surprise. Normally, she would have pulled my underwear down, too.

  The next blow came. I grabbed onto the top of my desk and swore to myself that I would never daydream again.

  The next blow followed quickly after. My knuckles turned white and I grabbed onto the desk for more support. The tears were already flowing freely from my eyes. My breaths were coming in in short jerks. I was starved for a decent breath of air.

  The next blow came and my shoulders raised up like they wanted to swallow my head. I wanted to hide away like a turtle, but my bottom was up high for her, an easy target. Another blow and I was crying aloud. I always tried not to, but I never managed it. The next blow had me promising her that I would never day dream like that again. It wouldn't take much and I would be promising my soul away.

  I was concentrated now, I told her. I just wanted her to stop.

  The next blow was harder than the rest. Was that a sign that it was over?

  “Amelia, stand up and right yourself again.”

  I dropped back down to the floor slowly lowering my feet until they were completely on the floor. My dress slid back down covering my abused bottom. I pet my skirt down with my hands. I was shaking so terribly.

  I took a deep breath before I turned to Nanny, to take the yardstick from her.

  She nodded in approval.

  I leaned it against the bookshelf and sat back down at my desk. I felt so dazed and out of it, but the reason for the lesson was to get more concentrated.

  I took a tissue from under my desk and wipe my eyes as my chest quivered, taking in little tiny sips of breath. I wipe my nose clean and then looked up at Nanny.

  She continued teaching as of nothing had happened.

  With time I relaxed a bit. I was prepared when she gave me a quiz about what she had just taught. It involved lots of writing.

  Nanny didn't stay in the room with me when I took a test.

  When I was finished I checked my answers and flipped the test over, placing it on the upper right hand corner of my desk.

  I got out a learning toy and worked quietly until Nanny came to collect my test. She looked at what I was doing and quietly left, taking my test with her.

  I quickly got bored with math and cleaned up. After that I got the basket out with my needlework and continued where I'd left off. Nanny had me embroidering handkerchiefs. I enjoyed sitting on the soft cushions in my window seat.

  I reflected on my day. Nanny had helped me and then I pushed her into giving me a spanking by not paying attention. I hoped my test would be perfect and that she wouldn't be mad at me anymore.

  She never talked to me after a spanking in school. If she spanked me with her paddle then she had me sit on her lap, and cuddled me after my spanking. She told me she loved me after those. She didn't in the classroom.

  I felt so unsure. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

  I needed her to like me and to love me. Nanny and Daddy were the only people in my life. I needed to feel wanted by them. I had never had that feeling before and now that I had gotten a taste of it I didn't want to let it go.

  I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Nanny looking at me, strangely.

  “I'm so sorry Nanny. It will never happen again. I'll pay attention from now on.” I threw my arms around her neck and sobbed on her shoulder.

  “There, there, darling, Don't cry. Nanny loves you so much. Don't cry.” She pet my hair as I sobbed on her shoulder.

  “Amelia, your Daddy will soon be home. I want you to go to the bathroom and clean yourself up for Daddy. Go on. He will be home soon.” She was smiling at me so kindly, as she pushed me away from her and held my head in her hands.

  “Go on.” She gave me a push in the right direction.

  I hurried because I really didn't want him to see me this way.

  Nanny hooked her arm in mine and brought me downstairs to eat. I knew out of experience that she would head Daddy off and tell him about my turbulent day and misdeeds.

  We sat down and waited. Daddy came in seconds later and Nanny stood to greet him and to (let's call a spade a spade) and to tattle. They always went into his office for this.

  Nanny and Daddy came in and sat down. Daddy leaned over and smiled at me, like I was his favorite niece. “Which hand?”

  I pointed at his left shoulder. He grinned even more and shook his head. I pointed to his right shoulder. He brought his hand forward and I saw the ribbon wrapped around his finger.

  “Wow, thank you Daddy.” It was white with a pink stripe in the middle. I picked up the end of the ribbon and pulled it up and away from his finger. It curled away in giant loops. “This is the prettiest one yet.”

  Once I had it completely off his finger he got up and came around to stand behind me. He removed the ribbon in my hair and tied the new one in my hair.

  No one had ever given me anything before him, so I truly appreciated the things he did give me. I looked back at him and smiled.

  “We should watch another movie this evening.” He looked very happy.

  I nodded immediately. We had done that once before we had gotten married. I loved it.

  “That's settled then, sweetheart.” He sat down and the servants brought in our food. Daddy told me about the movie he wanted to watch, a love story about vampires. If I liked it he would get me the books and we could watch the other movies.

  I knew what he was talking about then. The books had been frowned upon at school. So the girls had read them over summer and winter vacations.

  I had been so curious about the books, too. This would be my chance to see the movie and then read the books. I was really excited.

  It made me feel normal.

  Daddy was right I was fascinated. We talked about the movie after it was finished. Daddy held me on his lap while we

  I begged to watch the next movie right away but Daddy's 'no' was firm.

  I pouted.

  He got really serious and threatened to give me a spanking.

  I stopped right away.

  Daddy brought me down to bed. He tucked me in after looking at the spanking Nanny had given me. As always, he was interested in her handy work.

  He laid in bed next to me and we slept.

  It was the same way the next evening. We ate together and watched our movie and went to sleep. He was even being especially nice to me. Nanny let me read the books by day after doing an hour of penmanship practice. My life was looking up.

  Next day the same thing, I had a very relaxing day.

  Nanny felt that reading was also learning. Plus this gave her more time to read her dyslexia books. She wanted to be the best nanny she could be.

  I couldn't complain about that.

  Chapter 2 My Favorite Colors

  Brian looked around unsure. They just had so much stuff here. This toy store was the best and he always got all the toys that he had in his waiting room here.

  He often saw patients in here with their families.

  The families would be arguing until they saw him. Then the parents would lay there arms around their children and pretend that everything was rosy. He understood that kids could get greedy in a toy store.

  Brian looked up at shelves of games. He knew that Amelia would still have her period. He had worked out the math. She should still have it if she was regular. He wanted to show her that he was there for her. That it didn't matter.

  Would she be disappointed in time when she never got pregnant. Would she point fingers at him? He would have to admit the truth if she came to him. This was probably something that he should have told her before they had gotten married. Would she leave him when she found out?

  “Brian, is that you? Hey man, it's good to see you.”

  Brian turned around. Travis, a friend from university, was standing there.

  “Hey, I haven't seen you since graduation.” Brian stepped forward and hugged his friend. “How have you been?”

  First then did Brian notice the woman holding Travis' hand. She didn't let go, not even when they hugged each other. She was rolling her eyes

  “I'm doing great. How about you? Are you buying toys for sick children?” Travis joked.

  “No, I wanted to get something for my wife.”

  Travis looked so surprised. “Your wife?” He looked over at his girlfriend and then back to Brian. “When did you get married?”

  “A couple of weeks ago. It was a small wedding.”

  “You're already married. Wow. Congratulations. That's fantastic.”

  Brian was hard put to keep his eyes on Travis, because his girlfriend had taken hold of his arm with both of her hands and she was yanking on it.

  Brian could see that Travis was used to this. He wasn't even glancing at her.

  She was acting so childish that Brian was shocked with her behavior. His Amelia would never embarrass him like that.

  That's when it hit him. Travis and his girlfriend had a similar relationship as he and Amelia did.

  “Knock it off, brat. Give me a moment to talk to my grown up friend. Go and look at that computer thing you wanted. But stay where I can see you,” he called after her.

  Both men watched her stomp off.

  “Sorry, my girlfriend has a bit of a temper,” Travis explained.

  “That's okay. Say, why don't the two of you come over to the house on Sunday. We can throw some meat on the grill. That way you could meet my Amelia. She is so amazingly beautiful.”

  “Wow, you're still a happy groom. Sure we will be glad to come. I just hope that the brat doesn't get any fancy ideas about marriage. She is a handful.”

  Brian was surprised that Travis would talk that way about a woman willing to play along with his needs. He would never bad talk Amelia behind her back.


  “Amelia, time to eat,” Nanny called to me.

  I immediately placed a bookmark in my spot and thought to myself how effective spankings were. I never read any longer than allowed. I stood up and stretched. My muscles were all cramped up after reading all day today.

  It was Friday. That meant that I was in Daddy's care now. Nanny always had the weekends off. Daddy said that he would sometimes have business to take care of on weekends, but it hadn't happened yet.

  I went to the bathroom before we went down to eat.

  Daddy was already waiting in the entryway for me. He had a present held behind his back. It was too big to hide. He was grinning again. “Which hand?” he asked.

  “Both,” I laughed.

  He pulled it out from behind his back and gave it to me.

  I took it to the steps and sat down. I arranged my dress so I looked proper. Nanny often praised me, saying that I always sat like a little lady.

  I laid the long and thin box on my lap and carefully opened the ribbon around it. Then I turned it over, carefully opening the paper up from where it was taped.

  “You can rip it if you want,” Daddy laughed.

  “I've never opened a present before. I want to take my time.” I smiled back at him.

  Both Nanny's and his face dropped. They weren't smiling any more.

  I stopped unwrapping and started crying. I had said something wrong. I hung my head and sobbed.

  Having my period was making me cry all the time. I cried while reading my book, while Nanny waxed all the hair away from my body. She left the hair on my head of course, but nowhere else. And now I was crying because somebody had finally thought enough to give me a gift to unwrap. “I'm sorry.”

  Daddy sat down next to me and lifted me with his strong hands onto his lap. I laid my head on his chest.

  “Sweetheart, open your gift. The first of many.”

  I wiped my tears away and obeyed him. It was monopoly. “Thank you, Daddy.” I smiled at the game. We had games in the lounges at school. I liked them. I was even good at Monopoly.

  “I thought we could play tonight.” He continued, uncertain, “Have you ever played before?”

  “Yes, at school.” I gave him another smile.

  He looked relieved as he set me on my feet and stood up himself. He laid his arm around my shoulders and rubbed my arm as he led me into the dining room.

  The servants brought us our food and Nanny spoke to Daddy about my penmanship, always an interesting topic for both of them. I sat up perfectly straight and thought about something else.

  I was keeping tabs on what they were saying, but my thoughts were by my book. I could hardly wait until Monday to read them again.

  “We will be having visitors on Sunday. A friend of mine from university will be visiting us with his little girl. She isn't as fortunate as you are. She doesn't have her own Nanny.”

  “What does she do during the day when he is at work?” I asked. She could get away, so easily.

  I was surprised that that was my first thought. I only wanted to run when I was getting a spanking. If they were being good to me, I was pretty happy. After being an ignored and even hated child I relished the love and attention that they gave me.

  I had once ran away as a child and didn't come home for a couple of days. I slept outside in the garden, it had been summer. When I came back, no one batted an eye.

  If I was gone here, it would be noticed within five minutes. This was better.

  “He is a stay-at-home daddy,” my Daddy answered me.

  “Oh.” I drew my head back a little. It must have been obvious from my body language that I didn't approve.

  Nanny, who had an eye on me, nodded. “Will this young lady be appropriate for our Amelia?” She looked skeptical.

  “Her Daddy is a good friend of mine, so I want our guests treated decently. Have I made myself clear?” Daddy looked from me to Nanny.

  “Yes, Daddy,” I nodded eagerly. Who cared if she had a nanny or not, this would be a change of pace. Perhaps,
a chance to make a friend.

  He looked at Nanny and waited.

  I could see the wheels turning in her head. There was something about this that she really didn't like.

  “Of course, sir. If you wish I can offer my presents here on Sunday, in case the girls need anything. That way you can have a chance to catch up with your friend in peace, and without little girls disturbing you.”

  “That's a good idea, Nanny. I kindly accept the offer. You will, of course, be financially rewarded for working on the weekend, and because you will have two to care for, and not just one.”

  Daddy was more interested in his friend, than in his friend's little girl. I seemed to be the only little girl that he cared about. That comforted me a lot.

  We had been to visit the school that I would be going to attend in Fall. There were lots of little girls there (young wives, of rich men, dressed up as little girls in school uniforms). Daddy didn't give any of them a second glance.

  That had helped me with my worry that he may have ever hurt a child. As a pediatrician, he came into contact with lots of children every day.

  It was my worry that he could live out the fantasy, that seemed to mean so much to him, with someone besides me. I was pretty sure that he didn't.

  It gave me the feeling that my being here served the purpose to protect others, who were even younger than me.

  If he had me then he could leave other people's beloved children alone. I was keeping them safe.

  After Nanny left we played our game and ate unhealthy snacks.

  “You win again, sweetheart. How are you doing that? I mean, what's your secret?” Daddy was smiling as I cleaned up all of my money and put it back in the box.

  “You mean because you do this in real life?” I snickered back.

  At first I had thought that he was letting me win, but I noticed that he was really trying. “If I tell you, do you promise not to laugh?”

  His eyes twinkled. “I promise.” He pressed his lips together, so he wouldn't laugh.


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