Daddy's Sweetheart Part 2

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Daddy's Sweetheart Part 2 Page 9

by Burns, Rachel

  He changed his stance as he climaxed, driving himself even further into me.

  I worried about getting pregnant. What if the baby was a girl? Would he hurt her too?

  He cleaned himself up and washed the conditioner out of my hair. I hoped I was composed now. He babbled on about my travel clothes. He said I would love them.

  Maybe he did realize what my mood was?

  Maybe he was trying to distract me?

  I was just so scared of him. All I wanted to do was fit myself into the smallest place I could find and cry.

  I wanted to feel safe, and I just couldn't.

  Every time I let my guard down, he hurt me.

  My fear of him was so real and I knew that he was capable of much more cruelness.

  I had to wonder about this trip. What was the point of it? The real point? What could be so important that he would risk letting me out of the house?

  He dried me off with one of my pink towels as always. He sat me on the chair, he had in here. There was no purpose for this chair to be in here other than for me to sit on it as I waited for him. It was a straight backed chair that was only slightly rounded. It had no arms.

  It was the perfect chair for a spanking. I hadn't landed over it yet.

  He preferred to spank me over his lap while he sat on the bed with his right foot on the step stool.

  He dried himself off and pulled me back into his bedroom. He went to his closet and got dressed. I stood on the rug naked, and waiting for him to tell me what to do. “Come here, sweetheart.”

  I had never been in his closet before. It was bigger than my room.

  He had a pile waiting for me in there. He was holding a pair of my plain white panties open and ready for me to step into in his hands. I did and he pulled then up. I looked down at them.

  “What's wrong?” he asked.


  “Tell me.” He had tilted his head to the side. He didn't look mad.

  “It's just that they are so plain.”

  “Do you mean your underwear?”

  I nodded. Why was I telling him this?

  “And what would you like?” He still wasn't mad. In fact, he was patronizing me.

  “Maybe if they had a bow like a couple of my undershirts do.” Was I serious, or was I sub-consciously testing him again. I didn't even know.

  “Amelia what does it matter what your underwear looks like? No one sees it but Nanny and I.” He was all strict again.

  “Well, I see it too,” I whispered to myself.

  He laughed. “I'll talk to Nanny about it. When you need new ones she will get you ones with white bows on them. Okay?”

  “Really, thank you Daddy.” I was really pleased too. I had always had very cheap and plain underwear. It was what I could afford back then.

  When I was little my father sent a servant to go shopping with me. He gave her a hundred dollars to buy everything I needed. Even at Kmart a hundred didn't go far. Not when shoes, socks, underwear, jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt was on the list. If money was left over I sometimes got a sweater.

  I had bought my first bra with my own money that I had earned at school working in the kitchens. It had been long overdue. It didn't have a bow. It had been plain and very ugly.

  “You know you can have anything you want from me. You've got me wrapped around your little finger.” He was smiling at me. He liked that I had asked him for something girly.

  “Thank you for taking such good care of me, Daddy.” I had sounded so serious.

  “Hey, I was only teasing you. I know you are a good girl, who doesn't try to trick her Daddy into buying you this and that. There is no place Daddy would rather be than wrapped around his little girl's finger.” He smiled at the end.

  He was putting my bra on now, but there was nothing sexual about it. Just a father helping his daughter dress. “Look your bra has a cute little white bow on it,” he pointed out. He picked up my undershirt. It didn't have a bow. “I'll be right back.”

  He came back with an undershirt with a bow on it. “Is this better?” He held it up and lifted it up so I could see the bow clearly.

  I smiled and nodded.

  He slipped it over my head and pulled it down so I was warm around the middle.

  Tummy free outfits was a subject you didn't want to get him started on. He couldn't count how many times he had to write out prescriptions because some young teenage girl had gotten a kidney or bladder infection, because of that silly trend.

  I certainly wasn't allowed to follow that trend, even if all the other girls were doing it.

  Next came white pantyhose. He had a time of it getting me into those. He was relieved when that task was over with. It would have been better if he had just let me do it myself, but I knew better than to offer.

  Besides I had liked watching him really work for it. It had also been a test. The easy way out would have been him giving up. But he hadn't, proving that he honestly thought that I couldn't do it myself.

  Next came a pretty white blouse. It looked more adult-like than what I usually wore. Over it came a french blue dress that had thick shoulder straps.

  Then a matching jacket. It looked like a business suit with the jacket and like a school uniform without the jacket. He got matching blue shoes out of a box and he had me put those on. They had a slight heel just like my wedding shoes did.

  I actually liked this outfit. I smiled at myself. This would have been something I would have picked out for myself, too.

  “Thank you, Daddy. I look very nice.”

  “What, even without a bow on your underwear?”

  “Daddy,” I answered embarrassed.

  He was laughing as he pulled me back into his bathroom. He brushed my hair back into a low ponytail. He liked to do this now that he had gotten the hang of it. He bound it with a plain brown ponytail holder.

  I watched him surprised. My hair was his pride and joy. It was just so plain at the moment. I had even had it nicer on the first day we met.

  “What's wrong?” His eyes were dancing in delight again.

  “Nothing, Daddy.” I watched him closely in the mirror.

  He opened a drawer and pulled out a matching blue ribbon to my outfit.

  I looked down and laughed. Of course he had thought of everything.

  He tied it in my hair. “Is that better, sweetheart?” He laid his hands on my shoulders and smiled at me through the mirror.

  “Yes, Daddy. I look perfect now.” I turned and pecked him on the cheek. He seemed to blush as I did that.

  He looked at his watch. “Right on schedule. Let's go down to breakfast. Now, I'm warning you. Don't get anything on your new outfit. A water drop would ruin the silk.” He raised his finger and shook it at me while his eyebrows went up.

  “I'll be careful. I promise.”

  “Good, because I'll be watching. I don't want to have to change you before we go.”

  We went downstairs. Our luggage was all lined up in the hall. Mine was the same color as my outfit. I hadn't realized that when the servants were packing my things.

  This was costing him a lot of money. Maybe he was doing it for the sake of a honeymoon. He had spared no expense on the wedding either.

  He pulled out my chair for me as he talked to his butler, giving him last minute instructions. Another servant brought in our breakfast. Oatmeal for me and pouched eggs and ham for Daddy.

  I had been getting a lot of oatmeal since my constipation problem. I didn't mind. I liked it.

  Daddy praised me for eating like a good girl.

  When I was finished Daddy sent me up to go to the bathroom again. I hurried up the stairs. I had no idea when we were leaving, or arriving, or anything for that matter. Daddy had taken care of everything.

  I was just the child tagging along.

  I went in through his room. I could hear a couple of maids talking in my room.

  “If you ask me it's just not right. I would never let a man do that with me. I mean really, look, a
school corner, and a nanny. They both hit her. I've heard her cry myself.”

  I felt like someone kicked me in my stomach. Water had filled my eyes. I was careful not to blink, or the tears would roll out and and the evidence would be on my silk suit.

  “That one is smarter than you think. She is a lot younger than he is. He will get older and weaker and she will still be strong. She's looking ahead, that one. She sees the big picture. He will die and she will get everything. She just has to hold on. And even if it gets to be too much for her to take. After a couple of years, she could divorce him and get half of everything. I'd raise my backside in the air and take a couple of blows for those millions too.”

  I turned and left. I didn't have to go that bad.

  “That was fast. Are you alright, sweetheart?”

  “They were cleaning our rooms,” I whispered.

  “Oh, you can go down here.” He grabbed my hand and led me to a bathroom downstairs. I hurried in and went as fast as I could. I was very careful not to get any water on my suit.

  I went back out to Daddy.

  He was standing at the door with a huge smile on his face, and his arm stretched out to me.

  I went to him forcing a smile.

  “Is my little girl nervous?” He thought I was being ridiculous about flying for the first time in my life.

  I nodded a little.

  He walked me out the door to the waiting limousine. Our bags were being packed into the truck by the butler and the driver. The butler was warning the driver not to scratch anything.

  Daddy opened the door for me and I sat down, then I lifted my feet in, like Nanny had taught me. He climbed in behind me. “It will take a bit to get to the airport. I got you a present to keep you busy when we are in the air, but you can't read in the car. It could make you sick. So what Daddy wants you to do is to look out of the window for now. I have to do a lot of reading before we touch down in Vienna. Be a good girl, so Daddy can get his work done.”

  I nodded and scooted closer to the window. It was hard to believe that we had made love four times in the last twelve hours. He certainly wasn't talking to me like I was a woman.

  I thought about the women had said about me. They had me pegged all wrong. But they had been discussing me.

  The whole town probably knew. I felt so ashamed of myself. I had never been particularly fond of myself before, but now I was filled with self loathing.

  Why couldn't I get him to love me for me? Was I only likable when he played games, pretending I was someone else?

  I let everything, that had happened, run through my mind.

  I comforted myself that I had never really had a chance.

  I also told myself that if I had lived a hundred years ago, all of this would be normal. Husbands hit their wives at will and they always wore dresses and ribbons in their hair. They married young, too.

  The idea about not needing a husband and going to college was a modern notion.

  I shouldn't let those servants worry me. I had made my bed and now it was time to sleep in it. This was just the way things were for me.

  After an hour the driver pulled up to the airport. The driver took care of our luggage. Everyone was staring at us. Most were trying to figure out who we were. With a limo and driver we had to be someone pretty important.

  He set our things down by the first class check-in, and nodded at Daddy before he left.

  Daddy had grabbed on to my hand as soon as I got out of the limousine and he still hadn't let go. He was worried that I would start screaming for help. But he had taken precautions this morning. I knew enough to behave.

  He gave our passports and tickets to the lady. We didn't have to wait at all. Daddy took care of everything and then he gave me my carry-on and pulled me towards a special security. We went through that quickly too. I had a feeling that Daddy was bribing people to move things along.

  We went into a VIP lounge. A woman was serving drinks. She came right over and asked what we wanted. Daddy wanted something I had never had heard of before. He ordered water for me.

  The woman didn't question that he was ordering for me. I looked around the room. There was a man who looked like a sheikh his wife was covered from head to toe. Only her eyes could be seen. I could somehow picture her getting hit by her husband, too.

  We probably weren't so different. Perhaps I even had it a lot better than she did.

  Daddy was working on his laptop. I sat quietly trying not to disturb him. We had a two hour wait. Daddy worked the whole time. He only talked to me for about five minutes before we boarded when he told me to go to the bathroom before we left.

  Again we didn't have to wait to board the plane. We got to go right in. Daddy told me to take the window seat and he sat in the aisle. He went right back to work.

  “Why don't you play with the headphones? You can listen to music, or watch films. Whatever you want, sweetheart.”

  I got out a card to look at the movies that were being offered.

  Daddy got interested in what I was doing for a second, telling me which movies weren't for my age. Then he went back to work.

  I was very quiet. I sat as still as I could. Sitting on a freshly spanked bottom was something that was very painful, but you learn to mask the pain of it.

  I watched a movie and then listened to some music. I was bored so I watched another movie.

  Daddy only talked to me when we ate.

  Again I felt he didn't know what to say to me without Nanny here.

  He ordered for me and only let me drink water. I was careful not to spill.

  I fell asleep against the window.

  Chapter 9 Teddy Bears

  Brian looked over at Amelia sleeping. She was still young and needed to sleep a lot. That was just how it was with little girls. She was once again being a perfect angel.

  They had so many activities for the young to do onboard the plane, that he didn't have to pull out the book, that he was saving for today. She could read it when he was at his meetings.

  That would be another place where she could take off. He couldn't take her into the meetings with him. Brian didn't want his little girl to see him as a hard businessman, anyway.

  His main business was taking care of her, but his brother, Martin, was depending on him to close this deal.

  They had talked for a long time yesterday. Brian had a feeling that Martin was withholding something from him.

  Had he somehow found out that he was locking Amelia in?

  The conversation had been a bit weird. Martin had asked about Amelia, but he didn't sound like he believed Brian when he said that she was just fine. They used to be able to tell each other everything, but would that be something that could ruin their relationship.

  They were closer than most brothers. Martin was five years older than Brian but they had always been really close.

  Martin had been the one to show Brian the fastest way off of the property, so he could go and play with the other boys. His parents had worried about something happening to him, but around town Brian had been able to become just one of the boys, thanks to his brother, who stood up for him.

  Later at school he had been there for him when Brian realized that the other children's parents insisted that they be friends with him. Brian was never sure if someone liked him for himself or not.

  Travis had been one of the few who had picked on him. No one else dared. But one day, when Brian couldn't ignore the teasing anymore, he punched Travis in the nose, breaking it.

  They had been inseparable after that. They had gone on to college together, too.

  When Travis informed his family that he wanted to become a professor and not join the family business they had flipped out. Brian had needed the same help when he told his parents that he wanted to become a pediatrician.

  Brian's parents had twisted things around in public. They bragged that he was giving back to the community but behind closed doors they insisted on a double major, Pre-med as well as Business with a minor
in law.

  The only funny thing was that Travis had quit. Brian had asked him about that when the two of them had a quiet moment alone. Travis told him he had done it for the brat. He was working for his family again. They did something with coffee in South America.

  Brian forced his eyes away from his Amelia. She was sleeping in a way that made her breasts stick out. He thought that she was very sexy.

  He quickly covered her up before anyone else could see her.

  He wasn't the type to share anything that was important to him.


  Daddy woke me in Vienna. “Were landing, sweetheart. Time to wake up.” He was happy again and full of energy.

  I woke up and looked around.

  The airplane was just touching down. “My ears hurt, Daddy.”

  He gave me a piece of gum. “Just this once. Otherwise, I never want to see you chewing it.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  It was time to get up and exit the aircraft. Again we didn't have to wait in the long lines like the others.

  We showed our passports and got stamps in them. Daddy had his arm around me the whole time or he held my hand.

  At baggage claim he got all of our bags and put them on a trolley. He pushed our things out of the door and then he called for a taxi. The taxi driver jumped out and helped him with our bags. Daddy sat me down in the back of the taxi before he helped out with the luggage.

  He got in and closed the door. The driver did the same and off we went.

  We checked into a fancy hotel. Daddy checked us in the hotel in English.

  I stood off to the side and said nothing. The way Daddy liked it.

  He took my hand and we followed the bellboy, who was an older man, up to our room. It was all very fancy and nice, but we had that at home too.

  As soon as we were alone Daddy started undressing me. He praised me for being so careful with my clothes, and for being so good for him.

  I loved it when praised me. I felt like I really did have a little light in me. It shinned when he did that.

  We made love here as we always did. Just the country was new.


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