Daddy's Sweetheart Part 2

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Daddy's Sweetheart Part 2 Page 10

by Burns, Rachel

  The next morning he also woke me in the usual way. I was panting for air before I had even opened my eyes.

  I reached out to him and laid my hands on his shoulders as he thrust himself into me. I gasped and arched my back.

  He took a breast in his mouth, accepting my silent offer.

  I moved my hands into his hair. “Oh, Daddy,” I called out. That word always had a way of helping him to his climax.

  He took me hard then, riding me as if he were a wild beast. It hurt and it felt good all at once.

  I came before he did. I clung to him as he continued thrusting. I screamed his name and he climaxed then. He laid down on top of me heaving for decent breath.

  “Amelia, sweetheart. I will never get enough of you. You may never leave me.”

  “Okay, Daddy,” I panted, still trying to get a gulp of air.

  Daddy had appointments every morning. They lasted all day. He presented me with the fourth book in the series I had been reading. I had to wait out in the waiting room. He was clear the first morning that he would punish me, severely, if I pulled anything.

  I sat and read spellbound. I tried to read as slowly as I could.

  In the evening he took me for a walk before he took me out to eat and then home to bed.

  This went on for four days. I never complained and I tried to be happy when he showed up taking my book away.

  I was rereading it on the fourth day when he came out and declared that he was finished. He wanted to go shopping to celebrate.

  He found a dress shop and told the saleslady, that I could have whatever I wanted and as much as I wanted.

  She got big round eyes, and started in showing me things. I used this chance to practice German and she smiled all the more.

  She sold us over twenty dresses.

  Daddy was pleased as punch. All the dresses were adorable and most could be used in summer or winter by just changing the blouse underneath. I got a couple of matching sweaters to keep me warm in winter too.

  Daddy had them deliver my things to our hotel room.

  Tomorrow we would go sightseeing, like real tourists, he promised. We went to eat and then back to our room. My things had arrived.

  Daddy told me to pick out a dress and to change into it.

  I did, with his help, of course.

  He took me by my hand and twirled me around. “You look just adorable, sweetheart.” He pulled me close and kissed me. “You deserve these beautiful things. You were so well behaved sweetheart. Daddy was able to get all of his work done and bring in very good conditions for us.”

  He turned me away from him and lifted my skirt. He pulled down my underwear and got me ready for him. I reached out and held onto the bedpost. He entered from behind again.

  He whispered in my ear that he like the noises that I made for him. He repeated how pleased he was with me.

  He made love with me throughout the night and we slept in the next morning.

  When we were both dressed and ready he signed us up for a bus tour of the city. We went to look at the palace and the cathedral. We watched horses dance.

  That evening he packed for us again. He very lovingly packed all of my new dresses.

  The next day we went to Salzburg and again we played tourists. We talked about the sound of music as we walked through the tiny cobbled stoned streets.

  The next day we went to Germany. He rented a car and drove himself. It was a very long drive.

  We stayed in a small local hotel. It was so different from everything else. I was tired from so much travel, but because he didn't speak German and I did, I got to order for him.

  He was still in a very good mood. I figured that he had made lots of money the last couple of days.

  We went to an amusement park the next day. It had the theme Legos. We went on rides and ate cotton candy. We looked at sharks and seahorses. It was like nothing I had ever seen before.

  I was having so much fun with him. He was acting so normal, and he wore shorts and a t-shirt like everyone else.

  We just had fun even if we were doing little kid stuff. We even watched a show, acrobats from China were there. Odd but I felt like a normal couple that day. They even had fireworks in the evening.

  We walked through the park hand and hand.

  Daddy and I were both too tired to do anything but sleep when we got back to our room.

  The next morning we slept in.

  I wondered if we would go back the amusement park. We didn't check out of our room so I knew we would be sleeping here again tonight.

  Daddy had dressed me in a nicer dress. He was driving off somewhere new. He was using a navigation system. I was surprised when he pulled into a parking lot and put away the computer less than half an hour later.

  “This is where we are going today,” he announced.

  “What is here?”

  “You'll see.” He looked really pleased with himself.

  I got out of the car and went to his hand. We went around a corner. There was a big round building and a statue craved into a wall. It was a teddy bear in a circle and an elephant on top of the wall.

  Daddy bought tickets and we went into a small room and looked at room with an old fashioned sewing machine in it.

  A movie started, telling us about a woman who made children's clothes to make ends meet. Then she invented the first teddy bear. The program continued as we walked through the museum. There was a true story about a sunken ship bound for America filled with 3000 teddy bears. That made me feel really sad. Daddy pulled me closer.

  His eyes were dancing with delight as he watched me looking at all the stuffed animals they had. At the end of the tour we were free to walk around and then we watched a couple of women making teddy bears.

  I was fascinated and Daddy was thrilled that he had found something childish that I liked.

  When we were finished we walked down a set of stairs. Daddy stopped me before he opened the door to go out.

  I expected he would warn me to behave.

  “Amelia, we are going into the shop now. I really don't want you to be shy. You can have anything and everything you want. Please, don't make me sad by just picking out one thing. This is my chance to make up for what I did to you with the doll. Please, I need this to feel better about that.” He looked at me for a while.

  I didn't react at all, not knowing how to react.

  He opened the door and we stepped out into the salesroom.

  “Wow.” I took a step back.

  Daddy was reaching for a shopping bag to put the things you wanted in. He stood waiting.

  “Really, anything I want?” This was too good to be true. There in front of my eyes was an entire zoo of things I wanted.

  “And everything. You don't even need to look at the price tags.”

  “Daddy, they have clothes too.” I stepped forward. T-shirts with little teddy bear faces on the sleeves and dresses with teddy bear faces on the left arm. Just like the polo t-shirts have but so much cuter.

  “Shame they are just for children.” I hang a tiny pink checkered dress back on the rack. I still stared at it. It had roses on it made out of pale pink ribbons with light green ribbons for the leaves. It was just adorable.

  “I wish I could shrink and fit into it.”

  “You know we can buy this dress and take it home with us and I can go to a seamstress and she can make you one in your size.”

  My jaw dropped as I looked at Daddy. I shook my head. “Tempting, but the style isn't right either. I have – you know.” I looked down at my breasts and turned red.

  “The seamstress would take that into account.”

  “Are you serious? That's possible?” I was really thinking about it. I was in love with not only this dress but several others I saw hanging around and the little blouses and pajamas.

  “I'm dead serious.” He was waiting for me to say yes.

  He was saying yes to this. Of course, he was they were little girl's clothes but they were the cutest little girl c
lothes in the whole wide world.

  I mean, if you are going to pretend to be a little girl then you should at least have the cutest things possible. I was picturing myself twirling again.

  I remembered what I told myself about women a hundred years ago. They got to wear things like this.

  I eyed Daddy again. “If you are really serious then you are going to have to set a limit because I pretty much want everything I can see.”

  He laughed then. “Should I go look for an assistant?”

  “Yes, and we need a couple more of those bags.” I had already started in laying dresses that I liked over my arms.

  Daddy came back a bit later alone. They just have one girl at the cash register. They will be sending somebody. Give me that pile. I'll take it.”

  “If this is too much just say so. I'll understand. I even have pajamas. They could go back. I have pretty much taken one of everything.”

  Daddy was already gone with my pile. I found towels and blankets with teddy bear faces on them. My arms were full again.

  “Excuse me, miss, I was called to help you.”

  “That's Mrs. - ” and then Daddy said our last name. The man was impressed. His eyes lit up. “We want to really surprise my niece with a new wardrobe,” Daddy told him.

  “I think I have one of everything already.” Daddy was taking the blankets and towels from me. “It isn't too much is it?”

  “Think about Christmas. We won't have to go shopping later.”

  “True.” I did see his reasoning. It was better when I picked out my stuff myself. What we really didn't need, was a repeat of the doll present.

  “What I can offer you, is a peek in our winter catalogue. You could tell me what you need and I'll have it sent to America.”

  “Can we?” I looked at Daddy.

  “That's a great idea.” Daddy looked about as happy as I had ever seen him.

  The man bowed to us and Daddy took the things in his arm off to the cash register.

  Being finished with clothes, I now turned to the teddy bears. I hugged one here and one there. I wanted a soft one. They had the original hard ones but I wanted a friend to cuddle with. I had it down to two by the time Daddy came back from the cash register.

  “That's it? No more arms full?” he laughed at me.

  “I just want a friend, not a zoo.”

  “You can have as many as you want, sweetheart.” He looked so serious. “Don't think that because you got clothes that you need to save on toys.”

  “Toys? A teddy bear isn't a toy. He is a friend.” I was a little upset that I had to explain that to Mr. Doll Collector.

  “I was just thinking that they would look great in your room up on your bookshelves.”

  “You mean I don't get to play with them?” Tears were honestly building in my eyes.

  “No, of course not. I meant for when you weren't playing with them. I was thinking one on your bed. One on the window seat and six by your shelves. Something like that.”

  “That's eight of them. Could I give them all enough love?” I bit my lip wondering. I had imagined that he would get me a teddy bear for Christmas and that I would love it, but eight was really a lot.

  Okay, now I was officially crazy. Now I believed that the stuff animals would feel lonely, if I didn't give them enough attention.

  “Think about Christopher Robin, he had more than one, and the others were okay that he loved Pooh the most.”

  I nodded at his reasoning. “True, but Daddy this is costing you and arm and a leg.”

  “No, it isn't. We're rich this isn't even costing me my little finger. Also keep in mind that this is our honeymoon. We won't be taking a trip like this again for years and years. You have to make the most of it now.”

  “True, we probably aren't ever going to come here again.”

  Daddy opened the bag he was carrying.

  “I still need a lot of time. They have to have just the right faces.” I wasn't going to admit that I believed that I needed to find the animals that wanted me too. I was acting crazy enough already but I guessed I had the right husband for that.

  He truly did understand that, in every woman there was a little girl inside. He just had problems understanding that a woman was also in us.

  The man came back with his catalogue. I wasn't finished yet. I was torn.

  Daddy's eyes were twinkling. He took the catalogue and followed me around as I met the animals. The man was following Daddy. “Amelia, this would be perfect for Christmas.” He pointed to a blue velvet dress.

  “I love that.” Daddy showed me this and that and in the end we picked out almost everything again. The dresses were just so precious.

  I had picked out my stuffed animals. I was now the proud owner of two teddy bears, a dog and crocodile, a cat, a turtle, a bunny and a mole named Diggy, who was just too cute to leave there.

  I carried the bag with my babies in it and Daddy had to walk to the car twice to get everything else in. I sat in the car and talked to my stuff animals.

  Daddy drove us to a restaurant.

  I hated leaving my stuffed animals in the car all alone. I ate quickly.

  Daddy looked a little upset with me.

  “Do you think that they are getting enough air?” I asked when he wanted to order a dessert and drink coffee.

  “As a doctor I can reassure you that they will be just fine.” He nodded at me. He couldn't hide his smile.

  “I suppose you're right.” I laid my hands on the table and quietly waited for Daddy to finish his coffee.

  After he was finished we went back to our room. Daddy packed the clothes that we bought and I played with my animals. Daddy was very pleased with me and I was having a ball, playing with my first friends ever.

  I pretended the Mr. Crocodile was biting the toes of the others. They all giggled. Daddy was beaming with pride, too.

  I thanked him a thousand and one times for them. Daddy had never been happier. He told me to bring them to bed so we could take a walk. I laid them on the chair we had in our room. I hummed as I cuddled them all together.

  I went to Daddy and we walked hand in hand for a couple of hours. We talked a little about what we were seeing. Nothing deeper than that, but we were happy. This is what my life was like now.

  He wanted me to be happy with him.

  My father hadn't cared about my happiness. This was really a lot better than that.

  Daddy was maybe strict but he cared a lot too.

  I laid my head on his shoulder as we walked.

  Chapter 10 Daddy's Birthday

  Brian smiled over at Amelia. She looked especially beautiful with this old city as her background.

  Amelia looked like a woman should. She was wearing a short beige-colored dress with matching shoes. It was a dress like lots of women wore but on her it looked sweet.

  He was pleased with her long hair. It was really her crowning glory. He had brushed it for her and then braided the upper half into a simple french braid. He was getting really good with it.

  The matching ribbon in her hair didn't make anyone give her weird glances. The women here accepted that women wanted to look pretty and feminine. Amelia fit right in.

  He was certain that she had had fun the last couple days, especially today. The way she had looked at all the toys and the dresses.

  She hadn't been playing a game with him. She really wanted those things.

  They were on the same wave length he just had to do some fine tuning so they matched up perfectly.

  He had been naïve to think that everything would fall into place right after the wedding. They both needed time to adjust to each other. This was all working out, just perfect.

  He thought back to how lovely she had played with the stuffed animals in his practice. She had been so adorable and he had it on tape.

  He watched it sometimes after she had fallen asleep, when it was just too early for him to fall asleep. She was just so precious.

  He had been feeling so guilty about pu
nishing her for being afraid of the doll. He should have dug deeper, asking her why she had done what she had.

  Why did he assume that their was something wrong with her?

  He knew the answer.

  It was so easy to assume that there was something wrong with her because there was something wrong with him.

  Why did he need her to be this way?

  There had to be something off balance with him. A normal man would look at Playboys, but Brian didn't think that those women were sexy. Brian liked a woman in a pretty dress with puffed sleeves, lace and ribbon.

  Old fashioned dresses were just so feminine. He liked women who were still women and needed a strong man. He wanted to be that strong man for Amelia.

  He didn't think their was anything sexy about children, or even his older patients, who were already teenagers.

  They weren't like his Amelia. She was needy and he needed to be needed. Perhaps, that was the attraction.

  Whatever it was, he was hooked.

  If she ever left him – He doubted that he would find anyone else. This was a once in a lifetime chance.

  He looked over at her again. She was being so quiet. She didn't know what to say to him.

  Brian racked his own brain, trying to think of something that he could say. He was hard put. He would think of a topic but then dismiss it.

  He was asking himself about what opinion she would have about this and that.

  But if he talked to her like that, she may think that he was giving up on their lifestyle. He had to be satisfied with just holding her hand and walking with her.

  Of course, she was smart. She would have something intelligent to say about most topics. It wasn't fair of him to push her down, to keep her in her place. But it wouldn't be fair to expect her to talk like an adult in one moment and then expect her to be a child in the next, either. He would end up having to punish her for that.

  That wouldn't be at all fair.

  Brian looked over at her again. She smiled at him and said nothing. She went back to looking at the old buildings which were lit up so the beauty of the city could be appreciated at nighttime, too.


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